Click to see my nude photos here.About me:Well...ive been me for about 23 years...Who I'd like to meet:Nerds, Football players, Wrestlers, Drummers in pretentious bands, and finally guys that aren't ***holes that are employed.. I take 10 minutes to get ready, i like to bullsh*tto bullshit, into long conversations on the phone (not too long),if theres a bet with money involved i got five on it,a reality tv freak, beer pong/ flip cup queen,Musical tastes range from Led Zeppelin to John Coltrane to Common, love pulling pranks,telling jokes, I qoute the Big Lewboski, Coming to America, Old School and Clueless at leats 3 times a month! I ocassionally will do the chick flick thing but thats only 4-5 days in a month,last but not least i love the B movies example; my all-time favorite Showgirls!!
Welcome to Fubar!Thought i drop by and say Hi! rated you a 10 too! If you could return the favor that would be GREAT!To rate you just click the cherries under the main pic(preferably 10 :)) and the friend and fan is just a line or two below that! Either way,hope 2008 is the best year yet!if you get a chance please check out my best friend too! shes a sweetheart!★ANGEL~BABY★®™(♡FU BAD B*TCH♡) ஐPLZ RATE MY PAGE..TYஐ @ fubar*smooches*~Temptress~ Get More at
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