Peace to the sky..
sky to the earth..
earth beneath sky..
strength in everyone..
a cup very full..
a fullness of honey..
honour enough..
summer in winter..
spear supported by shield..
shields supported by forts..
forts fierce eager for battle..
sod from shop..
woods grown with antler-tips..
forever destructions have departed..
mast on trees..
a branch drooping-down..
drooping from growth..
wealth for a son..
a son very learned..
neck of bull..
a bull from a song..
knots in woods..
wood for a fire..
fire as wanted..
palisades new and bright..
salmon their victory..
the Boyne their hostel..
hostel with an excellence of length..
blue growth after spring..
autumn horses increase..
the land held secure..
land recounted with excellence of word..
Be might to the eternal much excellent woods..
peace to sky..
be nine times eternal........