46 Year Old
From California·
Joined on April 14, 2018
Born on May 2nd
46 Year Old
From California·
Joined on April 14, 2018
Born on May 2nd
Latest Status
PicasaXOXO I am so fekkin' confused by this program. It keeps telling me that people own me. Well ok then, when are ya'll gonna start paying my bills?! Someone really should start paying those.
PicasaXOXO I have a job and you clearly have no sense of humor. Does getting all vicious and angry at strangers make you feel better about yourself? Just curious...
293035 Yeah like yourself? No ones gonna pay them for you...unless you like to slut around for cash...but this is the net...so good luck finding some chump to pay your bills..GO GET A JOB!