My true and only interests are A) Pussy B) Rock and Roll classics C) saving the planet from future destruction and D) helping others to see and feel what they are missing by having their heads up their butts all the time..see, Ive lived on the streets for yrs and I saw, heard and learned a hell of a lot more then you could EVER get from any damn book..and with age, comes knowledge and THAT you cant be taught...karmas a bitch n gut feelings should NOT be ignored cuz it COULD save your has mine at LEAST 4 listen to your gut n go with your first feelings..yoy will be glad you did!!!!
Heavy Metal, Fritz the Cat, Armeggedon, The Tourist, Riddick, Wonder Woman, Civil War, Assassins Creed, Guardians of the Galaxy 1n2, Suicide Squad, Antman, Eyes Wide Shut, Transcedance, Lucy, Kingdom of Heaven, Day After Tomorrow, Civil War, Batman v Superman, Evil Dead (both new and old vers), Get Him to the Greek, Die Hard movies, Blade Runner, Seventh Son, Darkest Hour, Warm Bodies, X-Men, Logan, Skyline old n new one, Dark Tower, It, Zombielans, Fury..and those are just a few of the ones I 350 blu rays n 150
ME!!..oh n Jesus..THEE first hippy on Earth lol