54 Year Old
Joined on December 12, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 30th
54 Year Old
Joined on December 12, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 30th
Video Games
The fantasy that we create in a game is a reflection on our hopes and dreams. With this in mind I wanna be space faring business man. I play Eve-Online. Im good at it too.
Alot of people ask me this and think my answer is a copout. But the truth is I like everything. Every song and every chord is a method of reaching te creative soul of the artist. And every now and then the chord or the song will reach deep wihin us and touch us. This is the main reason I like to DJ on fubar. My favorite songs exist in every venue that you can imagine. But ultimately my soul is drawn to EBM.