Joined on November 29, 2007
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on January 1st
I dont block people I cant stand matter of fact I welcome you to say what you have to say! Call me a bitch! I know that already so tell me something I dont know! My parents are my pictures arent they so cute together. Well they have been married for 18 years and my whole reason for coming on this site was too tell this lady SUPERSWEETHUNNY who keeps screwin my dad knowing he is married to my mom to get her own man! Ive done just that and now she blocked me and called me a bitch! Well, yes I am a bitch, and proud of it but your a skank who is guilty and by the way I never called your home! So the next time you make accusations they better be correct!
Joined on November 29, 2007
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on January 1st
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes