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41 Year Old · Male · From Cape Coral, FL · Joined on November 29, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 7th
41 Year Old · Male · From Cape Coral, FL · Joined on November 29, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 7th

Okay, so here I am. I'm a 25 year old asshole. I'm losing patience at an exponential rate. I'm an atheist, and always have been. I'm a typical American. That song by Denis Leary? That's my theme song. I take what I can, when I can. I like eating steak, the redder the better; nice and bloody. I'm not a fucking rabbit, save the leaves for somebody with PETA. "If an animal had the chance, it would eat you up!" "It's survival of the fittest, and we're winning!" That's me.

I smoke like a chimney, I flick my butts out the car window. If you don't like smoking: FUCK YOU! I waste gas. I drive to work when it's only a block or two away. I throw away everything. Fuck recycling: I'm with George Carlin on this one. The earth has been around for billions of years, what makes us think that little old homo sapien can destroy it? It'll get rid of us when the time comes. I'm all about me, just like everyone else. Only I admit it. I have a lead foot. I've paid for numerous roads to be paved with all my speeding tickets. I almost set the record for fastest speeding ticket in the local Polizei station, I came in second. I learned my lesson: now I know where the light/camera is. Fuck the environment. And fuck pedestrians (when I'm not one). I speed whenever I can; I pass on both sides; I tailgate; when I'm stuck behind somebody at night I scoot over to the left so my headlights aim right into the driver's mirror. I speed through construction zones.

I'm a strong believer in NOTHING. I hate that an archaic idea such as GOD or GODS still exists in an age where technology can do just about anything. God is dead. You know what I used to do as a kid? If there was something I didn't understand, I made up my own explanation. That's what a bunch of cavemen did when they first started thinking about things. They had nothing to go off of, so they came up with the idea that gods were behind everything. People grow up hearing other peoples' ideas and they usually just go along with them. God is just an adult version of Santa, only difference is adults have a harder time growing out of it. I'm in the army, but I refuse to vote. I never pay attention to elections. It's just a popularity contest. The candidates aren't going to do what they say they'll do anyway. Besides, I don't worry about people I don't know. I don't give a damn if some guy gets a blowjob at work. I don't care if some jackass knocked up a 13 year old across the country. I don't care if there's a horrible earthquake or typhoon on the other side of the planet. If I don't know you, I'm not going to care. I've got enough to deal with in my day-to-day life.

I don't care what you say, I like using stereotypes. They exist for a reason! If you're an exception to one, FINE! I'm still using it on the next person I see. And I'm not a racist, but I hate people that rag on racists. If you hate racists, you're just as bad! At least racists hate people for something tangible. If you hate racists, you hate them because of who they hate and why. Didn't your parents teach you as a kid not to worry about what other people think? What happened to that?! I'm not like that. I don't give a damn who you hate or on what grounds. I probably hate you anyway. Most people are stupid. And school grades don't mean shit, by the way. It's a mark on paper! I aced all my tests in every one of my classes, but I managed to fail! Grades only reflect the work you put into the class and how much you care. You can be stupid as shit and do all your work, and you'll get a good grade. Who cares? I sure don't. I don't care about what anybody thinks of me, either, but: I DON'T WANT TO HEAR WHAT YOU THINK, EITHER. Bother somebody else with your opinions, I've already got my own.

41 Year Old · Male · From Cape Coral, FL · Joined on November 29, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on October 7th

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