51 Year Old
From Cabot, AR·
Invited by: 1274753·
Joined on November 23, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 30th
·3 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
51 Year Old
From Cabot, AR·
Invited by: 1274753·
Joined on November 23, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 30th
·3 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
Music is what makes life bearable. For everything that happens in my life, there is a song that emerges that explains how I feel. It never fails, whether I've listened to the song a million times or just heard it for the first time, when I need the message to speak to me... it does.
Other than that, I'm a guy... like sports, movies, etc. Pretty easy going.
You can see videos of me and my acoustic playing a couple of songs, as well as me and my band (I'm the singa) located in my stash. Please go watch/rate/comment. Any constructive feedback is welcomed. :)
Thanks for the time and Fu-love. Devin
51 Year Old
From Cabot, AR·
Invited by: 1274753·
Joined on November 23, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 30th
·3 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
I stopped by to re-rate your awesome profile.. If you could take a sec and re-rate mine back, great. Have a nice week! Hugs and kisses. Princess Leia luvs Bling-Laurie
Roses are wetviolets are korny,when I think of youOhh baby I get horny,Eat me,Beat me,Bite me,Blow me,Suck me,Fuck me,Very Slowly,if you kiss me,don't be sassy,Use your tongue and make it nasty!!!Pass this on to atleast 8 people... If you get it back at least 5 times, you know your a SEXY beastPASS IT ON TO ANYONE YOU THINK IS FUCKING SEX
You're special to me and you've made a difference in my life. I respect you, cherish you, honor our friendship, and hold you close to my heart. Send this to all your friends including me no matter how often you talk or how close you are. Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them. If you get 3 back, you're a friend worth keeping
Today is PINCH BUTT day and baby you know you sexy if you get pinched! GO ahead & start PINCHING send this 2 all ur sexy friends (even me) if you get 1-2u ugly, 3-4 ok, 5-6 damn, 7-8 wow, 9+ HOT AS HELL!!
Princess Leia luvs Bling