40 Year Old
From Cheyenne, WY·
Joined on December 18, 2016
Relationship status: Widowed
Born on December 21st
·1 referrals joined!
I'm a 100% medically discharged Army/Iraq combat injured veteran(all fingers and toes intact, no scarring) I'm VERY genuinely a nice guy. I smoke a lot of pot it is my medicine cuz after Iraq I cannot use pain, stress releivers(such as anti depressants) or sleep aids ALL of which I need VERY badly so cannabis is my much NEEDED and deserved medicine. I get to go on many disabled veterans clinics my favorite are the skiing clinics
40 Year Old
From Cheyenne, WY·
Joined on December 18, 2016
Relationship status: Widowed
Born on December 21st
·1 referrals joined!
sex, cannabis, military veterans(as I am an Army/Iraq combat vet. Movies, adult cartoons(such as family Guy and such) the Walking Dead(my absolute favorite tv series. I like to go skiing and music very eclectic in my music interests but my favorite is country and sub category is hick-hop(nice blend of country and rap) I REALLY like to make woman cum HARD
I like country and sub category is hick-hop. I used to listen to purely heavy metal but after Iraq I cannot listen to it without it causing me personal issues. Yes I have PTSD from Iraq but I handle it REALLY good. I no longer play video games but I don't mind playing or that you do as long as all the playing sticks to the gaming
My favorite movie is a little known movie: Pink Floyd the wall the movie BAD ASS movie its a mind fuck of a movie.
I have NO idols I don't believe in having them all though if you do that's fine just not for me no idols here.
Video Games
I used to LOVE war games but I cannot play them anymore without having issues with my PTSD