88 Year Old
From Seattle, WA·
Joined on July 24, 2016
Born on August 13th
I have a crush on someone!
I love The Seahawks....Can't Wait for the NFL Season to Start
I'm Not really in Seattle, Blitz Is...
Blitz Is Just For Fun During the football Season, and He'll use his Ability Points on ya to help ya Move Up.
All Seahawks Fans Go In his Family .....or until it's full. Then We'll start Boot'n the non fans out!!! LOL. To be Family you have to have a picture with some sort of Seahawk's Gear on, Shirt, Hat, Jacket, ect...
88 Year Old
From Seattle, WA·
Joined on July 24, 2016
Born on August 13th
I have a crush on someone!
I love all kinds Of music, except That Country_rap Crap....LOL
We are Marshall, Remember the Titans, Invincible, When the Game Stands Tall, Friday Night Lights, Varsity Blues, Draft Day
Russell Wilson
Richard Sherman
# 3 Most Popular Mascot, The Racing Sausages...
# 2 Most Popular Mascot, The Philly Phanatic...
# 1 Most Popular Mascot, The San Diego Chicken...
Latest Status
SeaHawkNation Say it ain't So, Marshawn's going to Oakland ??? Ah. think we are better off with out him any way,
Hey my good Sea Hawks loving friend. Remember you were kind of doubtful they'd pullnit off? Well I'm a former Hockey player and my son is a pro football player, so I've noticed many improvements that say"BIG CHANGE." Also they havnt beaten those guys since the 80's but they kicked butt today
Hey man was up? That was one hell ofva game today. From what I can see, Russell is likely not going to be up to snuff? But in still cross my fingers. I do think their back field offense has improved. But let's see what happens.