Independence Day train spotting good old Forrest Gump and of course the documentary the matrix
Silence of the lambs Minehunter red Dragon
Pulp Fiction fight club Jackie Chan is unleashed
That's two seconds thought would you like me to put the rest in order released by category ?
I am looking forward to Tom Cruise and his apparent definitive portrayal of the mummy- I don't think it will be as good as Dwayne Johnson the mummy returns -The fighter of the furious furious seven ... and as a young lad from the 90s TV by Watch how's the rain going to do in Baywatch
From Top Gun to Jack Reacher to Mission Impossible rogue nation& ghost protocol Oblivion , edge of tomorrow
Minority report eyes wide shut interview with the vampire yeah I'm a Tom Cruise fan you could say
Video Games
I've been PlayStation the last 12 years but the new Mario on the new portable Nintendo looks awesome Mario kart best entertainment racing game ever Mario 64 for the M64 Rules in the same way the best ever first person shooter multiplayer was James Bond Golden gun