44 Year Old
From Henderson, KY·
Joined on October 18, 2007
Born on May 23rd
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
I am 27 years old 5'5 and live in Henerson. I work at McDonalds, and I moving up to a manager in training. I have 2 kids (a boy and girl), and one on the way! I am engaged to a gorgeous, sweet, big hearted blonde who cares about me and is there by my side at all times. We are happy together and have plans to get married one day, but we haven't picked out a date yet! I like driving down the road with the winows down listening to music, I like big trucks, Spending time with all my friends and family! When I am not working I usually stay at home spending time with my fiance'. I like fishing, muddin', mud bogs, demolition durby, pool, swimming, boat racing, watching wrestling!!!!
44 Year Old
From Henderson, KY·
Joined on October 18, 2007
Born on May 23rd
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Riing around in my car listening to the radio, watching movies, playing with my kids, surfing the internet.
Video Games
I enjoy playing fighting games on the nintendo and mario.
Latest Status
countryboy27 1. kiss 2. lick 3. makeout 4. hug 5. oral 6. fuck 7. hug 8. bite 9. all of above. I dare you to copy this and see what you get
Roses are redviolets are korny,when i think of youohh baby i get horny,Eat me,Beat me,Bite me,Blow me,Suck me,Fuck me,Very Slowly,if you kiss me,dont be sassy,use your tongue and make it nasty!!!pass this on to at least 8 people..... ifyou get it back at least 5 times, you knowyour a SEXY beast