I WANTI want to possess you forever ‘till the endbut I know you can never possess the blowing windI want to hold you and always be your manbut that would be like trying to hold the ever shifting sandI want to keep you always by my sidebut that would be like trying to hold on to the flowing tideI know these thing I want can never beso I will just stand by the open seaenjoy the wind as it blowsfeel the sand between my toesand I’ll be there for the ridejust to see the flowing tideSTANLEY HENDRIX(I'm just sharing my poems) I have more poems in my Blog and I just posted a new one. (Please Fan Me)
"MEN have 2 heads and WOMEN have 4 lips The American DentalAssociation says semen cuts plaque and tartar by 77%. Suck adick and save a smile... If u have sex 365 times a yr and u melteddown all da condoms 2 make a tire what would u call it? a fuckingoodyear! Sex is like playing spades. If u don't have a goodpartner, u better have a good hand. Big Bad Wolf told lil redriding hood lift ur top so i can suck ur tits. no, she said whilelifting her skirt, eat me like the fuckin book says! A rooster and acat were playing by the pool. the cat fell in and the roosterlaughed. The cat said, a wet pussy always makes a cock happy!Girls have unique magic tricks, they get wet without water, bleedwithout injury, and make boneless things hard. Send to 10 freaksin 30 mins. or u will have bad sex. You're it! This is the sexy train,if u receive this it means ur fucking sexy if u get it back you'reeven sexier. Send 2
Hey girl ... My name is Bad Boy stoppin by to give you some LOVE and some naughty thoughts and dreams ... *wink* ... stop by anytime , my door is always open and so is my lap as well BUT i have to warn YOU ...*wink* ... you are in wild night so better be ready ... *wink* ....