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62 Year Old · Male · From Broken Arrow, OK · Joined on November 1, 2015 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 30th
62 Year Old · Male · From Broken Arrow, OK · Joined on November 1, 2015 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 30th

A walking contradiction,Seeker of the real truth not the spoon fed B.S. that's shoved down our throats from birth.Belief is the enemy of the intellect as well as the soul! To believe in something is to close all doors to what the actual truth may be.There has to be something fundamentally wrong with something that is forced upon an individual or group.Question authority seek your truth not someone else's, remember no two people share the same reality.

62 Year Old · Male · From Broken Arrow, OK · Joined on November 1, 2015 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 30th
Give me music with emotion,lyrics that make you think and beats that make you feel whether is Bach, Chopin,Hayden or Mozart or Tool,Slayer,Joe Satriani or Minor Threat. Reader of the occult(hidden) knowledge,Magick exist.Travel when I can,like to explore places and things the planet has to offer.Wish we could open the planet without borders and controlling governments and have a true society where the people as a whole decide on our fate instead of the World Banks. We could end homelessness,hunger and finally explore the reaches of the Galaxy.Like to ride my dirt bike and get out into the mountains and deserts.And I think woman are the most incredible and delicious beings there are not to mention bat shit crazy.And I think comics like Bill Hicks(RIP),Joe Rogan are the shit!
Tool,A Perfect Circle.Slayer.Godsmack,George Winston,Chopin,The Who,Joe Satriani,Steve Vai,Fear,Beatles, Primus,Type O Negative,Megadeth
Video Games
Like to play Fallout 4,Need for Speed, Assassin and such on ps4

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  • Heretic999 They say if you take a shower with your clothes on it shows you're crazy but, I'm telling if you take a shower with your clothes off it shows your nuts!

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