30 Year Old
Joined on August 20, 2015
Born on October 30th
Building an empire.I don't have time to help those who won't even try to help themselves;and I definitely won't have anything to do with you if you have no positive affect/effect on me.
30 Year Old
Joined on August 20, 2015
Born on October 30th
Do as I please(I have no I'll intentions) and to assist others of importance to me ,to do as they please too.Make money(unfortunately currently money is what can ultimately enable me to rise to a position where help me have full access to building my empire)All great men of now are wealthy.
I listen to all kinds.I have found the way I like to express my views in a musical way is through rap/hiphop.
No time
Me.Why??? I decide what I deem important and true, all else are seen as lies until I find the truth for my self; knowledge of what others have found and proven "true" is useless until you have done it for yourself.Know all that I can and share my opinion, challenge others to do the same.
Video Games
Don't play any.As a man I know I can find something more productive to do with my mind.