57 Year Old
Joined on February 22, 2006
Born on January 1st
What's to say? Love my family, love my motorcycle, love to travel whenever I can, LOVE good food and good music of any kind, love my dog, and drive like a demon most times. Someday I WILL: go skydiving, visit Europe & Asia, visit the other 49 states (preferably on my bike), go scuba diving off the coast of Austrailia, win the lottery for a truckload of money & have the people I don't like sent far, far away, own a Jaguar, a Harley & a house in the mountains, and make love to Shania Twain.
57 Year Old
Joined on February 22, 2006
Born on January 1st
Kenny Wayne Shepherd LyricsKenny Wayne Shepherd Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by VideoCure.com
All the Alien & Predator films
All the Star Wars films
Anything by Monty Python
All of Mel Brooks flicks
The Usual Suspects
The Mask
Shawshank Redemption
Lusty Legs
The Russian Institute vol. 1
Most any anime/hentai flick
Ray Charles
Andrew Carnegie
Frank Sinatra
Al Capone
Eric Clapton