Joined on July 10, 2015
Relationship status: Single
Born on November 30th
Joined on July 10, 2015
Relationship status: Single
Born on November 30th
Latest Status
Anthony Brown Right now my birthday has pasted on 3/11/16 and I am 33 years old now. I have been in this apartment for 1year now so that's good that I have recreation and shelter too. The thing is I don't have that many friends only on Facebook and I want to have friend's on this site too. I'm trying to look for a job and have been filling out job applications but still haven't been able to work because the company found other people for the position. I am going to college for health care and hoping to find a job after I finish the program. I need a girlfriend too but out of all the females I've talked to only one is trying to proof that she wants to be with me. I don't like the fact that I'm been held by C4 being my payee again and cannot be able to pay the rent and the bills on time due to their judgment on me. I know how to manage my money because I have done this before and this year too. I want to move somewhere else where there is no drama and the building smells clean. That way I can live better without any issues t
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