37 Year Old
Joined on February 21, 2006
Born on March 24th
-i love theatre - acting, singing, dancing, u name it.- My school sucks, but i try to be involved as much as possible- i also devote a lot of my time to outside friends and partying lol (gotta love parties!!) -i am loyal to my boyfriend Dagan, and i have no interest in leaving him.-I am bisexual and i don't care if u don't like it.-I have piercings tht rock.-My life is mostly revolved around music.-My favorite colors are deep colors like maroon, navy, and forrest green - also the absence of color, black.-I love taking pictures of people and things.-I play the clarinet, bass guitar, and keyboards.-i enjoy writing a lot of things - poetry, essays, and shit like tht but mostly just my thoughts.-I love getting compliments, but i'll never show it. -I hate President Bush for more reasons than what could fit on this page lol.-I very rarely agree with wearing clothing.-i am a smoker and just about every one of my friends smoke as well.-I also love to drink lol as any young american nowadays.-I love my friends more than anything else in this world and i give them props for dealing with me every day lol-I am a professional dancer but only in my bathroom.
37 Year Old
Joined on February 21, 2006
Born on March 24th
Bloodhound Gang LyricsBloodhound Gang Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by VideoCure.com
Anything i can enjoy and make fun of with my friends i.e. When a stranger calls
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