54 Year Old
From Hoboken, GA·
Joined on March 26, 2015
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 7th
3 different people have a crush on me!
54 Year Old
From Hoboken, GA·
Joined on March 26, 2015
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 7th
3 different people have a crush on me!
imikimi - sharing creativity DON"T WANT TO HERE YOUR SICK IDEAS... DON"T SEND ANY MESSAGES OF THEM EITHER.... YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!!!!!!!!!! Most likely if you send me friends request with no message with it I WILL NOT ACCEPT!!!!!!! I have a lot of family things going on right now My family comes first!!!! If you see I am online sometimes I am not always sitting in front of my computer it It is on most of the time.... I was raised in Ga on a small farm... My mom and dad raised me to have respect for others... I do until they prove they don't deserve my respect...
People come and go in our life we never meet anyone with out a reason...we might not know why at the time but it will come to us..
Time decides who we meet in life, Your heart decides who you want in your life and.... Behavior decides who stays in your life....
Don't ever judge a book by it's cover because you just might miss out...
We all have day to day struggles, You never know what it takes for someone to get out of bed and deal with life... They hide a thousand feelings behind the happiest smile... Those have the most scares are the most dangerous Because they know how to survive.. Every great dream begins with a dreamer Always remember, You have the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars and change the world....
So with that begin said... Some of you may never take the chance to really get to know me that is your lose not mine.... I have met some really great people here and a few have taken the time to get to know me and I have done the same... I have some friends that have a place in my heart.... They know who they are....
I am not here to sell my pictures to lvl up not me... Don't ask and if you do you will be blocked.. I don't mind helping someone when I can to lvl if I send you bling that does not mean that I am doing it to get you to send me one back...
I am who I am.....Like me, Love me, Take me,Leave me... know that I am a true friend to the end and ask for Nothing in return expect two things... DON"T HURT or USE ME!!!!! If you have got this far I would like to say WELCOME TO MY PAGE......
54 Year Old
From Hoboken, GA·
Joined on March 26, 2015
Relationship status: Single
Born on May 7th
3 different people have a crush on me!
Love to laugh Love to cuddle... Love life.... Love bonfires... Love my friends.... love my family... They keep me going Love country music....
Latest Status
Angel Kisses I have been away for awhile dealing with my real life demons..... I will try my best to stop in from time to time at least to say hello...... Don't doubt for one minute that PTSD is a crazy world to live in ....