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38 Year Old · Male · From Louisville, KY · Invited by: 1078672 · Joined on August 11, 2007 · Born on July 13th
38 Year Old · Male · From Louisville, KY · Invited by: 1078672 · Joined on August 11, 2007 · Born on July 13th

So you want to know about me? Well, I've been decribed as "the nicest guy ever" and "the biggest butthole ever". I suppose it depends on when you speak to me, what about, and who you are as a person. I have no respect for anyone who does drugs...Period. Smokers...I could careless. I won't think better or worse about you. Drinkers...Well. I partake myself, so I'm not exactly impartial.

I see myself as a nice guy, a chivalrous guy. I'm big on respecting women and family ties...for the most part. I can be very opinionated on some things, and completely open minded on others. Really, it is hard to describe me as a whole. I suppose people really have to get to know me to judge me. However, I am an excellent cook, incredibily intelligent, and I'm fairly nice. The rest that I consider pertinent is described in these other sections. Be glad I was bored enough to fill them out, ;)

38 Year Old · Male · From Louisville, KY · Invited by: 1078672 · Joined on August 11, 2007 · Born on July 13th
Interests huh? I have so many I've had to cut some out of my life. Even without work I would have no time to fit them all in, period. I'm a huge sports fan. I will watch everything (whether hardcore or casually) from Gold to College Baseball to Pro Football. I'm a huge fan of the Louisville Cardinals. I was born into a family that all are fans of them.

I'm also very partial to video games...as if the whole ranting section I gave about that wasn't proof enough. They are my life, quite literally, as I'm an up and coming Video Game Journalist. I work for GamePartisan.com, an up and coming website. Right now it is down (just a collage with a small quote to show it's in the works), but when it is up in its new look I will post that here and urge everyone to give it a look...gamer or not. We discuss everything from video games (the obvious) to politics (...not so obvious).

Other than those, I'm big on reading. I also spend a lot of time surfing the web. I generally hang out with friends at least once a week and throw back...any liquor. I've only met 2 that I will not touch: Heaven Hill Whiskey (Puke Syrup as I call it) and Hot Damn. I'm quite partial to beer (nearly any kind), Sailor Jerry's Spiced Rum, and Bulleit Whiskey. I also used to play a lot of D&D back in the day, but that's one of those hobbies that had to get cut. I guess I'm done here...
Ah, music, definitely not my muse. The majority of people I know are big into music, but I see it as a mere distraction. Rap? Only for losers, posers, and children who don't know any better. When I do listen to music, it is mainly oldies. 50's - 80's. I will, however, listen to punk or rock...and to music that definitely shows my geek side: Anime and Video Game tunes. Oh yes, I'm not ashamed.
Video Games
I find it rather amusing the popularity of video games in this day and age. When I started at the age of 3, my mother saw it as a fad. By the age of 8 it was the "geek" thing to do. Of course, I had an abundance of friends and didn't care what the fuck anyone else thought...So I still played my games.

Now, at the age of 21 with 18 years under my belt...and knowledge from either knowing or having played every game in the past 10 - 15 years, it has become the cool thing. Casual Gamers clogging up the sales by buying games that should never have even gone gold. If you don't know what "gone gold" means, you are not a gamer and do not even attempt to guess at the phrase, as you will draw only resentment from me, myself, and I.

Unless you are an intelligent female or a male with intimate knowledge of video games, you have no chance of connecting with me on the video game level. I just want to make that clear, whether I visit this website one time or one thousand times that will not change. Now, enough of beating a dead horse. In the video game department I am partial to RPG's, PC FPS's and RTS's, and certain Action or Beat'em Up Games.

I consider Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (PC), Chrono Trigger (SNES), Final Fantasy IX (PS1), The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (PC), and Final Fantasy VII (PS1) as the 5 greatest games of all time, hands down. That's all I've got to say in this little box.

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