Well, you really are special aren't you? I can't believe that you would want to insult one of the kindest, sweetest, sexiest people on this site. Go crawl back under your stone and try to learn how to treat people with respect. Loser!!!
Its funny Morons like you still exist.. Also kinda funny that nobody can see your stupid ass.. Why don't you find something to do.. umm maybe go play in the road?? hahah You think Insulting Beautifull women make you feel good?? Your probably some fkn fat lonely cow who has nothing to do but put people down to make yourself feel good.. get ya friends to gang up.. Your nothing but a low life POS.. And really nobody gives a fuk what you say!! So go about your business and like I said go play in the road!!People are here to have fun not play with Fkn Idiots Like you!!
Does it make you feel good about your self to come on fubar and and spam profiles with lies and insults maybe you need to look at your own issues we are here have fun and meet people this isnt high school but i guess you were one of the guys who girlygirl wouldnt talk to cuz you were a looser and still are ! spammers are losers you cant even show a picture of your face how are you 12 if your not then dont act it we are adults now act it fuck this nice guy shit you are a asshole loser and need to get a life bitch loser