53 Year Old
From Kingman, AZ·
Joined on August 9, 2007
Born on November 8th
I have a crush on someone!
Well, I guess it's time I updated this thing. My name is JOhn, and I'm 37, and a musician. I had a quadruple bypass a couple of years ago, and am about to go back for surgery to have my chest put back together as it never healed. Once that is done, I can finish my album that I've been working on for about two and a half years. It's hard to play guitar and sing with a broken chest, let me tell you. I'd love to chat on here, but no one ever seems to want to, so... (Shrugs) If anyone would like to get an idea of my music, there are some rough cuts on Myspace.com/violatore1
If anyone wants to talk, I'd love to. Just send me a personal message. I don't talk dirty or anything like that, so I'm not that much of a perv. ;-) Anyway. That's about it. Have a great time!
53 Year Old
From Kingman, AZ·
Joined on August 9, 2007
Born on November 8th
I have a crush on someone!
Video Games
I like Diablo II, Pogo.com, Trivia Machine, Never Winter Nights, Prince of Persia, Classic Games like Eye of the Beholder. I also like Spyro the Dragon. I would love to join the 21 Century and get a newer Playstation, but so far it ain't happening. If I could only quit buying musical instruments.... Hmmmm... That might work!
I love anything that's good. End of story.
Latest Status
violatore2007 Been in the hospital for the past few day!!! Show me some love if you got it to spare!!! Hope you all have a great Sunday!!!! JOhn