Well...hell I've only had a FUBAR page for going on about 4 hours and already i've got ugly, fat, nasty broads wanting to hate on me and start some shit! Are you kidding me!?! Does it really make you all "mushy" inside to be an internet bully...or a hater?
You're probably sitting in your double wide, in front of your computer eating your cheetos, with your hair in curlers saying "why doesnt my husband want to touch me!?!" Well maybe it's because you sit in front of a computer 24/7 and worry about silly internet bullshit. Believe me honey, your pet goat, Billie, is looking like a better option to your husband than your ass!
I think this pretty much hits the nail on the head! Keep your internet drama away from me!
Ok now take a look at my comments section...yet another woman that probably fits the description from above, is puting an internet voodoo curse on my page!!! UH OH!!!
Grow up idiots!!!!
You all are like 50 years old and you're fighting with someone who is the same age if not younger than your children!
Do you realize how unbelievably moronic you really are!?!