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Points: 159

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41 Year Old · Male · From Austin, TX · Joined on February 16, 2006 · Born on August 8th
41 Year Old · Male · From Austin, TX · Joined on February 16, 2006 · Born on August 8th

Im Robert, 22yrs, and have lived here in Austin Tx all my life. Right now I work a crap job but the people I work with are cool, so I guess that makes up for it. I enjoy playing the guitar and am waiting to start up a band, hope to have something going the middle of this year. I jam to mostly Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, but I also listen to some classic stuff like Jim Croce and The Eagles. I also like to skateboard but I dont get out to much any more.

41 Year Old · Male · From Austin, TX · Joined on February 16, 2006 · Born on August 8th
My biggest interests are playing the Guitar and Chillin with my friends. I have three guitars but not enough wattage to jam them as loud as I would like to. I have Two Ibanezs and a piece of crap warlock. I had a Gibson acoustic but sold it, damn i regret that. Some other interests are hanging out at Slick Willies shooting pool with my buds or going bowling at Highland or AMF.
Disturbed LyricsDisturbed Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by VideoCure.com
I enjoy watching Comedys and Action flicks. But my all time favorite movie is Happy Gilmore. I have to stop myself from reciting the movie as it plays because people just want to hit me. Eight Legged Freaks would be my second favorite.
Theres a shitload of Idols out there but I would have to put Metallica as my number one.

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  • gretchenBob
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    17 years ago · Reply
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