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Well life's been crazy and I haven't been writing enough, but that doesn't mean I haven't been drinking a host of excellent specialty beers, and the occasional regrettable excursion trying to find a real treasure. A recent jaunt to my metaphysical brother from another mother's house led to these 3 finds:
Wild Dog Weizenbock Ale - Special Release By Flying Dog Breweries - Denver, Colorado US Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
8.6% Alcohol by Volume, this Wild Dog Has a bite Now....I had my doubts when the special edition bottling card suggested that the beer had a hint of banana in a Wheat Bock, and a dash of clove. I was intrigued, but apprehensive, not being a real fan of anything flavored banana, other than a banana itself (not to mention that I'm one of those nutters that likes my monkey fruit to be golden yellow with little brown spots all over it and almost smooshy). So needless to say my dark brother smelled the bottle after opening and said, "I'm not smelling any banana....." Pours rich red/brown into the glass with little head, which disipates quickly. Strong yet sweet smell of clove once it breathes in the glass, a subtle hint of the banana if you're looking. Taste is a bit malty, with a rich yeasty under flow, yet darkly fruit on the top of the tongue. Front taste buds definitely pick out the banana once this beer warms. While it didn't hurt the beer terribly, I preferred it very chilled and smooth. Good thing is that it's complex character and blend of flavors does really good at hiding the high alcohol content. Overall this was a tasty choice, definitely not for everyone, but a great wandering selection. Next up: La Seigneuriale - Ale on Lees By Unibroue - Quebec Canada Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
7.5% alcohol by volume, Belgium Strong Pale Ale Style Generally I'm a fan of the Unibroue selection, never tried this one in the past and figured, what the heck... Pouts out of the glass a peachy/apricot amber with a quickly rising white head, rather obvious from the pic eh? Head breaks down slow, and yet a steady stream of carbonation can still be seen lifting from the bottom of the glass. Rich sweet fruity taste of apples and apricots, perhaps a hint of molasses or caramel. Heady to say the least rather enjoyed it, but my drinking mate did not find this one to his palates liking a bit too malty for his taste. Not my favorite from the Quebequa, but a good beer none the less.... Lastly for this blog, we tried a Belgian: Affligem-Tripel by Brouwerij De Smedt in Belgium Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
8.5% Alcohol by Volume, A classic Tripel style Belgium This one pours golden with a decent head of tight white bubbles which actually hold there shape for a bit before breaking to a thin film around the edges. Smell is light almost citric, with a good dose of clove. Crisp and sweet, does a decent job of covering over the high alcohol content, but definitely need to be more of a post meal finisher as this was a good Tripel, but not worthy of standing on its own. More blogs to follow later as I catch up on some oldies but goodies, and a batch of new ones yet to try this week. Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think, or if you've had any of these and what you've thought! Cheers! (B)
Well appears that as far as my writing is concerned, the most interest is drawn from the beer posts, so without further ado....here's an installment of several combined weeks of beer exploration with a few rare treasures, and a few pittraps of dewm, Doom Dooom I tell you....(ah Zim I love him so...) This past month while going quite insane with work, I've been visited by Cuthulu Jr, a minute version of the old dark god of chaos and madness....seems he likes the suds too.... He brought the first round, which I was concerned being labeled: La Terrible by Unibroue Cuthulu chilling with a cold one
but in fact this one was a damnably fine beverage, pours rich dark black out of the bottle, little head, which falls flat quickly, strong earthy richness of sweet yet sour cherries and figs....excellent experience if you like the darks as I do myself prefer. Also 10.5% alchohol and you can't tell :) I never pictured it, but it appears Cuthulu likes Big Dicks Thats right suck that down...
Arcadia's Big Dick's Olde Ale that is...wouldn't want to offend the godling of madness now....might stick his tentacles all over my brain again....the colors, ooh wait back on track...Big Dicks, well why Terrible was not terrible, big dicks, sucked....yes bad joke, but still, who could resist, not I, obviously. Nothing very big about this one, even feels odd thinking about ordering one at the pub...."hi, can I have a tall big dick? thanks :)" Note said geektastic programs glass from my birthday basket of booze from Pegleg and hubby :) Being small of stature, poor Thulu missed the next shot, but lucky for him he missed the beverage as well... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
With the name one has to go, hmmm do I really want to drink something that is called a hairy eyeball, that usually relates to something bad....and guess what, it applies here as well....Dark red brown ale, pores with a small head, but strong wafting odor of malt and hops, not to my liking, taste is better than the smell, but not enough to make me want to put my nose back in the glass....if you like hoppy red beers this is probably up your alley... More to follow up, once I find the camera card with the pics :) Cheers until then!
So where to begin, been outta the writing mood with all the working, but felt I had a few hits and misses post holiday season beverages and I'd recap granted the pics are definitely past season :) 1st up Le Chouffe or the Magic Gnome as we like to call him... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I've become quite the fan of Belgian Ales lately and this one is not as excellent as my favorite ie: Corsendonk, but lighter and perhaps a bit reminiscent of fall, my Nutcracker decided to have a sip of this tasty beverage so see if his gnomish kindred had it going on... Not to be outdone by some silly nutcracker, the Rat King decided he'd be all daring and try something out there... Crappucino Stout Needless to say I love coffee and I love a fine crafted beer, but its just plain wrong to mix the two. It's rare for me to not finish a beer, this one, I couldn't finish more than two sips. Bad bad bad rat, no more picks for you! So my last friend from the Suite, Drossemier thought well enough with this beer I am more refined and shall have some wine perhaps.... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Honey Run Elderberry Wine that was, aged for the past 5 solstices and oh so sweet, not to my liking, as I prefer the bitter pungent reds myself, but Lizzylocks loved it, finishing the whole bottle, much to my pleasure [heh heh heh...] But another friend off the tree decided one pic this year was not enough and drop down the chute for another vidie: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Patrick and I our definite fans of Wychwood Breweries and BahHumbug is one fine Winter Ale, thanks Ebeneezer! You might remember if you've read my blogs that Wychwood also brought us the most spledid fall Hobgoblin Ale: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Granted Lizzy found me a mug that's she's very proud of, cuz she knows she's one of the great girls :) Props to my sweetie.... Tomorrow I'm off in the afternoon to hang out with my hooligan metaphysical brother and we're gonna sample a batch of new bevi's and I'll be sure to take pics and rate those too....
This installments of fine ales and beers has been brought to you by the number 3... Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
The Cherry-Licious 3 philosophers by Ommegang Brewery, Belgium This odd little number is a blend of rich malty ale brewed with cherry lambic liquor, making it sweet and palatable, but perhaps a bit much for someone not looking to have dessert with their beverage....reminded me of a cherry cordial This ale is refered to as a Quadrupel which signifies something extraordinary, even by Belgian brewing standards. They are usually strong, malty, and, like a fine wine, pack in flavors so dense and complex that they mature with cellar aging. Definitely needs to be shared almost like an after dinner drink I believe....still tasty: I'd give it a 3.5 outta 5 worth a try for something new... Next up on our triad Trois Pistoles Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting This strong dark ale is brewed refermented in the bottle. Taste was awesome, sweet fruity almost a port, but crisp however needs to be chilled and poured in a wide mouth glass which I did not have for this pic regretably. Head is tall by loose, not creamy like a guiness but still a fine treat. At 9% alchohol and a shelf life of 8 years, this may be one worth tucking afew away in the larder. I'd rate it a 4.5 outta 5 worth a definite purchase. The last leg of this triangle is from the Victory Brewing Company: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Damn fine Belgian style golden ale mixed with spices and pungent fruit essense, this beer pours golden, but is near impossible to see through. Great taste suprised me, as I was uncertain of its murky texture, but a fine brew. Might be hard to find, but worth the adventure... I'd rate it a : 4 outta 5 definitely worth hitting one up :) Well as the holiday rolls near....A few more brews approach as well and this time I'll take a journey with two gnomes and have a little bah humbug spirits :) Cheers and have a great holiday season!
Okay, so where were we, that's right, just had a nice burnt sack ....of christmas presents, poor Santa *snicker*, but alas Santa's in for more WTF goodness as we peruse further into the wares of Ridgeway Brewing..... As I said....It involved one very naughty naughty little helper of Mr. Kringles: Clanging cup on the bars, give me me damned mead you fatso
The Criminally Bad Elf
Well there's actually I believe a trio of these buggers One's just bad the others one's very bad, and this guy here is so bad he's not really sure if he's a wine, a mead or an ale..... CBE for short is a Barleywine - Style Ale, now what's that hmmm....I'll go do more research to explain better later, but needless to say, it means it's got an alchohol content of 10.5% and goes straight to your head.... Definitely not for everyone, sweet to the point of uncertainty, yet still an ale, so your tongue is left wondering what happened as your mind swoons over the bubbly fermented barley.... I'd give it a 3 outta 5 Mainly because even though it's a good knock you on your keester ale, I'd hate to get too rowdy and have to have this one return....not to put to fine a point on it...as it were...and because it's going to be hard to find a bunch of mates that are all yeah man hit me up with some barleywine dude :P So when an Elf goes bad, bad enough to be thrown in jail, how does it involve that Lump of Coal and Santa's Butt?? We'll come on now, I'm pretty clean, snarky yes, but clean....so of course, Lump of Coal (LOC) is yet another of the brew's out of the same UK house :) If I gotta be bad to get more of this damn who's first??
Well All I have to say is I'm a Guinness Man and will always be.... But do have to say for a lite weight brother, The LOC is one damnably fine stout in my book, thinner, less head (not a good thing, especially with stouts, among other things :P) Good dark rich flavorful and smooth, this one is so very drinkable, but still not fully satisfying, lacks the creamy multilayered texturing of a guiness, and definitely goes down better cold. I'd give it a 4.75 out 5 So Bad elf, leads to Lump of coal, so it does not mean it's up Santa's butt....nope Just another Holiday brew from Oxfordshire England.... Santas butt is a little smutty, use the kids wipes sir
Well I give it a thumbs up for the great name, label and have to fault it for not being what I was hoping for.....but it was still a good beer....a dark ale, but wouldn't classify it as a stout, decent head height wise, but bubbles are loose and break quickly.....I didn't mind it, but my fellow guinea pig nipping on some Santa Butt....well he didn't finish it, granted he's more of a golden pilsner type I guess....so my bad for bringing this one.... I'd still give it a 3 outta 5 and think I just need to retry this one at a different time.... So that's a review of one batch from two separate evenings this week, still have a few more to go, but that will have to continue in the next course of What a Week of Brews, catch next time where 3 is the lucky number: Three philosopher's with Treis Pistoles meet the Golden Monkey Tripel....shoot me now :)
Let's just say that I love the holidays, and love sharing new handcrafted beers, ales and other ilk with my band of hooligans, scalliwags, and occasionally with my rapscallion of a metaphysical brother.... SO in no particular order here's a smattering of what I had the joy of quafting this past week. Not for everyone, but a wonderous mix of bevi's: The first 4 are from an Enlish Brewer, Ridgeway Brewing in Oxfordshire, UK (of course :P) and imported by the Shelton Brothers our of Belchertown MA Pun intented we'll start with the Warm Welcome: Whoah thats a warm welcome for sure
Now talk about Chesnuts roasting on an open fire (bad I know could not resist...the pants command me!) The bottle labels it as "A Perfect Holiday Toast!" and I could not agree more. Probably the best Nut Brown Ale I've had all season, not to mention the great artwork and 6% alchohol...Ale is smooth, nutty, sweet and good cold to cool, didn't last until warm, but had great nuances as it cooled, just was too tasty to hold back....Will definitely repurchase. I give it : 5 out of 5 Definitely Worth A Pint More to come in the next installment of "What a week of Brews...." Involving: the Criminally Bad Elf, A Lump of Coal, and Santa's Butt!! Woah....
Friday started at 9am, freshly showered, shaven and smoked....enroute to my metaphysical brother's house to chill for an awesome day off. Planning to start the day off right and having 3 hours to kill before the G/F woke up, I decided that I should skip breakfast and start my day on a liquid basis....so me and Richie Rich have a little beer sampling mornin:
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Being Two bad bois we decided we'd start with the "Lump of Coal" an English Stout....
While not as rich and layered as a Guiness and definitely less creamy, this English Stout is still very drinkable, not enough subtlety for my preference but an easy smooth drinker, just be sure to drink cold...as unlike the guiness further, this beer did not age well with temperature..... Next we decided to venture into something we thought was a little bit lighter.....
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Golden Monkey Triple
So this unfiltered and year old bottle was gingerly donated by Tanya a friend of my lovely girlfriend Lizzylocks. Granted her instructions were to have me imbide so Lizzie could have her way with me, but figured I had never tried and wanted to share a new experience with my water brother.... This spiced ale/beer not sure what to classify it as. But regardless what you want to call it, it was awesome. Great compliment to the first beer, heady and flavorful, but very smooth, crisp and golden, foamy thick head as well.... But 2 beers by 10am is never enough, so onwards with more variety and back to the dark side:
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Treis Pistoles :)
This stout/port was another aged bottle fermented brew, granted this one was 2 years old, but so smooth like a nice ripe port, very front of the mouth, great mix after the monkey....left you feeling like this was a very good place to be on a Friday off....3 fine brews gone and herbal refreshments to compliment inbetween libations :)


Mama Zuma's Revenge
Now if you like seriously hot food, I'd recommend trying some of these fiery Habanero kettle chips.....oh so crispity and crunchy, and flaming lips hot......I find them truly addictive....

Any bag of chips that has a warning :

"These chips are made with some of the hottest peppers on the planet"

...warrants at least a try.....Just don't claim that I didn't warn you...

Thanks Route 11 Potato Chips!

Hobgoblin English Ale

Got to get my ogrish mitts on some of this damn ale

Ah Samhein approaches....

It's that time of year again, and I can't wait to get my Ogrish Cravings filled with a good tasty and fresh Hobgoblin Ale.....

Do not let the awesome geektastic name and the slick packaging fool you, this one actually hits the mark on all points:

 solid flavorful Ale, awesome crisp finish, great fall drinking...

Desparately looking for Some if anyone knows of a place that serves it fresh on tap, I'd love to try it.....

But she still ain't no nectar of the gods....

Sorry Kevin I could not resist any longer

So left to my own devices again this Eve, I have decided I can no

longer wait idly by while a tasty beverage purcolates in my refrigerator.

Having just had the delight of this Belgium Brown Ale while

playing a lil old school D&D with friends a weekend or two ago,

but still had one left over 750ml bottle tucked in the fridge

left in my care by Kevin....sorry pal, she didn't make it....

I could not resist the allure of her bubbly fermented goodness

and I had just the right glass to let it build to a nice head.....ahhh head...

Mayhaps not to everyone's liking, still found it a nice fall dark leaving

little room for even food after finishing two of these heady bevies....

Tomorrow I'm off to a local pub, Eli Cannon's for a taste of

oh-so-many pints


ACE California Cider

Allagash Brewing  

Allagash Brewing Double 


Ayinger Oktoberfest Marzen

Ayinger Unweisse

Ayinger Dunkel

Ayinger Oktoberfest

Ballard Bitter IPA

Bar Harbor Blueberry Ale

Bass Ale

Becks Quality Pilsmer

Becks Oktoberfest

Belhaven Scottish Ale

Beamish Irish Stout

Blind Faith

Blue Heron Pale Ale

Bluebird Bitter

Bluefin Stout


Bluemoon Pumpkin

Boddingtons Pub Ale

Breckenridge Brewery - Avalanche 

Brooklyn Broooklyner Weisse

Brooklyn Lager

Brooklyn Brown

Brooklyn Porter

Brooklyn East IPA

Brooklyn Monster Barleywine

Brooklyn Oktoberfest

Brooklyn Pennant Pale Ale

Buzzard Bay Lager

Buzzard Bay Pale Ale

Caledonian Brewery 80


Cider Jack Raspberry Hard Cider

Cooperstown Old Slugger

Cooperstown IPA

Cooperstown Porter

Corsendonk Abbey Pale Ale

Corsendonk Monk's Brown Ale

Cottrell Old Yankee Ale

Curim Wheat

De Groen's marzen

Delirium tremens

Delirium nocturne


space.gif --> PAGE COPY RIGHT -->

Liquid Assets:  Drafts · Bottled · Wines · Liquors · Tequilas


Dogfish 60 Minute IPA

Dogfish Apriltop

Dogfish 90 Minute IPA

Dogfish Chickory Stout

Dogfish India Brown

Double Diamond

Dog Toberfest

Eli's Apache Attack Ale

Eli's BugSpray

Eli's Pumpkin Patch

Erdinger Hefeweizen Dark

Eye of the Hawk Ale

Flying Dog IPA

Flying Dog In Heat Wheat

Flying Dog K9

Flying Dog Old Scratch

Farmington River Mahogany

Farmington River Blonde Ale

Franziskaner Weissbier

Guiness Irish Stout

Harpoon Munich Dark

Harpoon Octoberfest

Harpoon Pilsner

Harpoon IPA

Harpoon 100 BBL Series

Harpoon UFO

Highland Tartan Ale Piper</P>

Hoegaarden Beligan White Ale

Hooker Octoberfest Lager

Imperial Stout

Ipswich Original Ale]

Ipswich Porter

Ipswich Rootbeer

John Courage Amber Lager

LongTrail Hibernator

LongTrail Indian Pale Ale

LongTrail Ale

Longtrail Harvest Ale

Lowenbrau Pilsner


Magic Hat Blind Faith

Magic Hat Hocus Pocus

Magic Hat Humble Patience

Magic Hat Miss Bliss

Magic Hat Rave II


Mocha Porter Roque

Murphys Insh Stout

New England Atlantic Amber

Newport Storm

Newport Storm Oktoberfest

Ommegang Witte

Old Engine Oil

Old Speckled Hen

Olde Burnside Ten Penny Ale

Otter Creek A Winter's Ale

Ottercreek Copper Ale

Ottercreek Mud Rock Spring Ale

Ottercreek Oktoberfest

Pabst Blue Ribbon

Past Road Pumpkin Ale

Pilsner Urquell 

Post Road Ale 

Red Hook Hoptoberfest Draft Ale

Red Hook Sun Rye

Red Hook Winterhook

Red Hook IPA

Red Hook Brown

Red Hook ESB

Rogue Brutal Bitter

Rogue Imperial Stout 

Rogue n Berry Ale

Rogue Saint Red

Roque Brutal bitter

Sam Adams - Oktoberfest

Sam Adams Boston Ale

Sam Adams Boston Lager

Sam Adams Cherry Wheat


All Rights Reserved © 2004 Eli Cannons


Salson DuPont

Saranac Black Forest

Saranac Chocolate Amber

Saranac Lager

Sea dog Blueberry Wheat Ale

Shipyard Export Ale

Shipyard Fuggles IPA

Shipyard Light Ale

Shipyard Longfellow IPA

Shipyard LongFellow Winter Ale

Shipyard Old Thumper 

Shipyard Winter Brew 

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

Sierra Nevada Porter

Smuttynose IPA

Spaten Mai Bock

Spaten Munich

Spaten Munich Optimator

Stella Artois

Strongbow Hard Cider

Thomas Hooker Golden Lager

Thomas Hooker Munich Style Golden Lager

Tremont Pale Ale

Tremont IPA

Troubadour Blond

Tucher Weizen

Unibrüe Ephemere

Vanberg and Dewulf Rodenback

Van Dive

Victory Hop Devil IPA

Victory Storm King Stout


Weish Ale


Widmer Brothers Hefeweizen

Wolaver's Brown Ale

Wolaver's Pale Ale

Woodchuck Hard Cider

Yellow Snow Ale

Youngs Winter Warmer

Youngs Oatmealt Stout

Youngs Ram Rod

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