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zinsbev's Status
People enter our lives for a reason. Only God knows the reason he sent them. Some come and break your heart and then leave. While others stay and bring lots of smiles and happyness. And these are the people that I want to thank God that he sent.
Feb 26, 2015comment
Happy New Year everyone here.
Dec 31, 2014comment
Merry Christmas to all here on Fubar!!! Hope you all have a wonderful one.
Dec 25, 2014comment
Its now two weeks into the new shift and someone got fired a week ago and now working 12 plus hours a day m-f. Thank goodness for the weekends.
Dec 14, 2014comment
I start a new shift today! 5 am to 1:3.9 pm. Hope i make it through today with only 3 1/2 hrs sleep since 4:30 yesterday morning. Will be so glad when 130 gets here
Dec 1, 2014comment
There comes a time when enough is enough. Family and close friends gotta come first. But when your family is far away and close friends are nonexistent, where do you turn?
Jul 30, 2014comment
To lose something so precious to your heart that it tears it out and crushes it hurts so much. The worst is that you know that there is never a chance you will get them back.
Jul 28, 2014comment
Been a tough day. I need to relax and that is impossible even on my day off. Any suggestions other than fishing?
Jul 28, 2014comment
Been away far too long. Been away far too long. Hope to be on here more often. Have a great weekend everyone.
Jul 25, 2014comment
We are afraid to care to much for fear that the other does not care at all. Eleanor Roosevelt
Sep 20, 2013comment
Confucius say, "Man who scratch ass, must not bite fingernails." Got such a laugh over this at work when told to lone man in the middle of 9 women. Lol
Sep 19, 2013comment
Gone for a whole day from here and lose 20,000+ in rank. WOW. Just crazy how quickly you are forgotten.
Sep 14, 2013comment
I lost all my pokes. Please don't think that I am ignoring yours. Poke me again and will do my best to poke you back.
Sep 12, 2013comment
Well I have to go back to work today. Wish I could have just a couple more days but oh well. Be on later today when the work is done. Lots of love to all here. Hit my buttons and will return all later today.
Sep 7, 2013comment
My relaxing today just went to the can. Boss lady needs me to come in till about 3. Guess I'm a sucker for punishment.
Sep 4, 2013comment
Good morning. No real luck fishing yesterday. Had a great nap out on the boat though. Gonna be in and out on here today. R/l/f/f at will. Love all my full land family and friends. (h).
Sep 4, 2013comment
Gone fishing. Catch up more when I get where I'm going. Hope everyone has a great day. Lots of love to all my family and friends. R/l/f/f at will while I'm away.
Sep 3, 2013comment
Well now, it seems that I have not 1, not 2, but 3 and possibly even 4th day off this week. All starting today. What to do? Thsome fishing is in order and maybe might actually hit the river for some tubing without all the tourists. Woohoo gonna be a mi
Sep 3, 2013comment
OK fu land its time to pass out. Ranking be DAMNED tonight. Will try to hit as many like buttons when I wake in about 4 hours.
Sep 1, 2013comment
Was told today that I'm not gonna have a day off till after Labor Day. Dang. Really gonna be tired by then. Please come by and l/r/f/f at will while I work. Will return as much as I can before I pass out. Lol
Aug 21, 2013comment
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