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Master23's Status
looking for all my friends that remember me.... any out there?
Aug 9, 2011comment
Damn Its been awhile since I have been on here lol
Aug 9, 2011comment
If your irish and you know it drink a beer!
Aug 25, 2010comment
Wo is the guilty party? A man anwoman was slping in a bed, en the woman woke up and said "QUICK!MY HUSBAND IS HOME!" The man jumps out of bed, and jumps out he window, and realizes he is the husband!
Aug 16, 2010comment
few are as fun as me, but noare as rndom as me!
Aug 16, 2010comment
when hell freazes over I will be the one with a flame thrower to get it fired back up again >:) it wont stay out of buisness for long!
Aug 3, 2010comment
yay though I walk threw the vally of the shadow of deth I am this evil, and I shall fear no good!
Jul 30, 2010comment
How much is your life worth to you? Tell me. I really want to know.
Feb 9, 2010comment
we all go theough life thinking that every one is out to get us, but what we dont realize is that the ones that really need help get hurt by our suspissions! so think about that when you get some one who asks you for help, and you so no.
Feb 6, 2010comment
*sigh*..... I am so mad at the world.... why? i have no idea... does that make me a bad person?
Dec 30, 2009comment
....stupit people! Stop talking about how bad thing are and stand up and do something about it.... every time I inter a conversation like that they shut up what a bunch of no nuts retards... just grow a pair and stop talking.... thats all anyone does aroun
Dec 29, 2009comment
I am on my way to the army and when I get out there is a lot of people who better look out for me.....now watch te diffrence in my look when I get out.... just wait and watch
Dec 28, 2009comment
The evil running through my mind is great.... and unstable should any one learn what I know then they will go insaine, or rich and greaty... like a bitch....they would try and fail!
Dec 23, 2009comment
Stupit people are everywhere I mean how smart do you have to be to think "Hay that bitch is about to take advantage of me"? I know I know "but I didnt see it coming" Fuck you you did youwere just stupit! I now see another bitch who thinks t
Dec 21, 2009comment
This is the start of a new world the old is on the edge of distruction those of you who wish to be a part of my orginization tell me, ask me, or just say so! but I must say use coution when you join..... we are not the flowergirls here....
Dec 21, 2009comment
the things I think about are EVIL in the eyes of a rich man, and a cop, and all those fat fagot judges! So word of coution if you ask dont expect rainbows, and butterflys....I would tell the truth and It is not what you would expect
Dec 21, 2009comment
And one more thing.... why is it I cant say whats on my mind without someone hating on me?... FUCK them little quiet bithes! they wounder through life all limp dicked and all Thay dont have the ballz to stand up iand say something!
Dec 21, 2009comment
I like being a big guy cause no one fucks with me....not even the cops... but when they do they already have there guns drawn....I hat a pussy with a gun...pisses me off
Dec 21, 2009comment
its funny how a woman can be horny yet not put out....thats fucked up
Dec 19, 2009comment
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