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SeXyKaT's Status
Headed for South Carolina tomorrow, visiting family and taking down bottled water, sure hope Irma decides not to wreck havoc on us... I really do not want to experience a hurricane
Sep 8, 2017comment
Hello friends, I am still around in case anyone wondered or cared, just have not been on for a while. Shout out to me and I will shout right back at ya!
Jun 20, 2017comment
OMG life has been so complicated and stressful... Since I last posted here on fubar, I had a major water break at my house... Not being there living with and taking care of my mom, the water break ran for a couple weeks... needless to say there was major damage... my kitchen and laundry room have been completely gutted to to bottom, my dining room has partial wall removal and a little wall removal in the living room, the floors all need replaced, my couch and end tables and coffee tables have been sent away as trash as did many iteme=s in my basement, thousands of dollars worth of items... very stress out at the moment, my house if halfway destroyed, walls, ceilings and floors have been removed, and still in the demolition process! life sometimes just kicks you until you are totally down!
Mar 19, 2016comment
Sorry everyone, I have not been on much at all. Between working and taking care of mom I have been very busy... Mom was in the hospital and came home very weak, I could not leave her alone, was housebound myself with her... now it is almost Christmas and we have practically nothing done, lots of shopping to do, decorating to do, cookies to back, worked afternoon shift last week so nothing got done, this week we both have doctor appointments Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and I also work christmas eve and Christmas Day, full week of work next week... I guess we wont be ready for Christmas until Christmas is over! oh well, we will try! Hope to be back on a bit more, a very sweet friend has returned so I will be looking forward to chatting with him again soon!
Dec 19, 2015comment
WOW I cannot believe it is October already, this summer went by way too fast... looking forward to the pretty fall trees and hopefully a campfire or two in my future, but then comes winter and I hate the cold nasty snowy icy winter month, hope fall lasts a long time and spring comes quick!
Oct 1, 2015comment
Well yesterday was a birthday that I will put in the past as it was just another day, with moms memory loss I really had no birthday except the fact I turned older. I remember a few years ago getting to meet a special fubar friend for my birthday and it was awesome, she was such a great friend but in the recent past I guess I have pissed her off and she no longer considers me her friend, really sad.... but life goes on with or without friends so I am here, just moving along.... hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
Sep 26, 2015comment
Today is just another day to me, no one who wants to celebrate with me, kinda sad but it is what it is.... I will be chilling at home probably trying to find a good movie on netflix but I will have either a good bottle of wine or some new craft beer to try... my own little celebration with me and my furbabies!
Sep 24, 2015comment
Back home in West by God Virginia, good to be home in my own bed but miss being with my family, had a fantastic time at the beach!
Sep 23, 2015comment
Partying at Myrtle Beach, Coast Of Carolina Parrot Head Party, Best time ever!!! And some really cute sexy single men! Rawrrrr
Sep 18, 2015comment
Beach bound next weekend, I cannot wait, my body is craving that warm salt water splashing against my skin! I was born a beach girl, just a shame I live so far away! Will be in my element next week!
Sep 12, 2015comment
Just want to say, anyone friend requesting me, if you dont have a picture of yourself or a name, I will not accept friend requests. I do not judge by looks or name I just prefer to at least see who I am accepting as a friend and would like to know your fubar name.... My name is Kat, my real name, so I would like to know who I am friending, no picture, no name, I will not accept a freind request... Sorry!
Sep 8, 2015comment
finally the weekend is here and my afternoon shift is over... {{{ dancing }}} happy Kat!
Aug 22, 2015comment
Another night I have not slept and am still awake... thank God I am on afternoon turn this week... Just cant seem to clear my head and fall asleep. Too many thoughts that follow me to bed at night... My damn mind will just not shut down. I need a downtime button! Shut off my brain so I can relax and fall asleep! Oh and to all those people out there who are tired of me complaining about not being able to sleep! I AM NOT COMPLAINING, WHINING OR BITCHING..... JUST STATING A FACT! So if you don't like what I am saying just don't read my posts.... I honestly feel and pity anyone with insomnia or any trouble sleeping, it is a horrible feeling and one you cannot control... I cannot control it with multiple medications and a double strength sleeping pill. It is just part of who I am and what I am going through I guess. Hopefully some day when my life calms down and I am in my happy place I will have no problems sleeping... trying very very hard to be in that happy place now... just hard to find with so much res
Aug 18, 2015comment
finally a weekend off and nothing to do :(
Aug 14, 2015comment
Well I have pissed off a friend because of my recent posts... I guess I am not allowed to express my feelings or thoughts without coming across as bitchy, whiny, complaining, etc.... I guess I wont be updating my status unless I have something exciting to post... otherwise some people get offended! So for now, all I can say is I am feeling good about myself and finding out who my real friends really are! Not here very much, so if you are leaving me messages I am only popping in periodically and I leave pretty quickly, sorry, I dont mean to ignore anyone, just have a lot going on and get on here late at night before bed... So for all my fubar friends, have a great night!
Aug 11, 2015comment
I found out tonight that my sister-in-law has been saying not so nice thinga about me to another man, totally turned him off of me,... WOW ! such a shame that a family member would do that to you! I was shocked! well unfortunately tonight I lost a sister in law, very ssd really!
Aug 2, 2015comment
went to jamboree in the hills today, hot as hell but had a great time! Tomorrow will be even hotter, I am going to melt!
Jul 17, 2015comment
well hello all my fubar friends, I have been away pretty much for a few weeks... may not be on much in the upcoming weeks either... I have been working in moms yard to make a nice garden and doing some landscaping... dont know what the hell I am doing but it looks pretty nice! I will check in at least late at night before I go to be but other than that not sure you will see much of me... I will be back when bad weather hits! I will be back sooner if I have a sexy man wanting to flirt with me.... hint hint ! lol
Jun 26, 2015comment
A week away from the internet and I didn't have withdrawals! lol, guess this is just a pasttime for me now, I don't take a lot of it seriously, just trying to have some fun and talk to some nice people, who knows what may happen in the future, I never like to say never and I always try to be optomistic!
Jun 16, 2015comment
I I have been away I have been away on vacation for the past week, visiting family. Heading home I have been away on vacation for the past week. Heading home tomorrow. Hate leaving but gotta work on Monday! Buh humbug!
Jun 13, 2015comment
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