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WarBeast's Status
Watching gory Korean zombie flicks with my son....I'm such a kick-ass father. :)
Jul 30, 2020comment
My Status family status Watching gory Korean zombie flicks with my son....I'm such a kick-ass father. :)
Jul 30, 2020comment
Like a fractured knee, That's forced to kneel, A sundered mind, Shall never heal. A heart that aches, A soul that screams Like shattered glass, These broken dreams.
Jul 19, 2020comment
Ahhh the satisfaction of showing my ex-wife a pic of me from 8 years ago and a pic from May of this year and her yelling in anguish "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KEEP GETTING YOUNGER?!! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!" LOL :D
Jul 11, 2020comment
Death was so common back in them ol' days.. Didn't matter if the chemicals in the house strychnine members of my family dead.. I'd just cyanide go on about with my chores asbestos I could.
Jul 7, 2020comment
"I feel it in me.. So overwhelmed.. Oh, this pressured center rising.. My life overturned.. Unfair the despair.. All these scars keep ripping open.."
Jul 6, 2020comment
Sometimes, I'll notice some people in my life only speak to me when they're responding to me. I have to start the interaction.. I used just keep on with it like that and drive myself crazy wondering if I was just being tolerated, but now I've found the best way to handle it. I take a break from initiating communication and it's pretty easy to tell if my presence was wanted or just endured. If it is the latter, they never have to worry about me plaguing their lives again. My time is much to precious to have to worry about that sort of nonsense.. so I don't.
Jun 15, 2020comment
It all reminds me of that time when I figured out that it wasn't a toothpaste dispenser I'd been using for about a week... It was actually my neighbor's pet jumbo smuttle-slug, Hoppin' Spatz Velour. Mmmm.. so full of muccusy delicousness, but it did fuck-all for whitening my chompers. I was so disappointed when I learned the truth that I shot my neighbor... fucking dead... murdered him in cold blood.. that fucking commie...
May 20, 2020comment
Holy SHIT! Time to go! I gotta get my ass on over to Wooly's Whisker Biscuit, that labialicious new gynecological all-u-can-eat vag-buffet that opened for business a couple weeks ago on FingerBeaver Lane in Mufferton! Goddamn I love their yeast rolls and endless knicker-crab feast, all drippin' with their special diabolical durian duck-butter dip... Aw Hell Yeah! That's one hell of an aggressive aroma.. I can't decide if I wanna eat it or fuck it.
May 18, 2020comment
One time I was feeling a bit stressed, so I decided to let Calgon take me away, but I slipped on some suds and hit my dork on the soap-dish.. CALGON SUCKS, MAN!!! :D
Apr 30, 2020comment
WarBeast Radio is Cranking Out the Madness of Beasty Macabre Musical Mischief and Mayhem in Dark Asylum. Come on in and let me shove phalluses of audio insanity deep in your virgin ears until you scream my name to the fuckin' GODS! :D
Jan 25, 2020comment
How tall am I? I tower above thee, whilst you are down on your knees spit-shining my armored boots in a mental-state of unrelenting awe in the presence of my divine beastly glory!!!
Jan 24, 2020comment
Green n' Red, I feel like dyin'.. In my head, There's no denyin' .. I'd rather have mace, sprayed right in my face, than be walkin in winter hell again.. In all the stores, frenzied shoppin'.. On my forehead, veins are poppin.. If I go to the mall, I'll throat-punch them all.. walkin' in this winter hell again.
Dec 19, 2019comment
"If you play, you're bound to lose. Don't roll the dice, Don't turn the screws. Just listen to the priest.. It's the Nature of the Beast."
Dec 18, 2019comment
Not that anyone gives a fart in a windstorm, but I would like to go on record as stating, When your profile automatically starts playing music, that irritates the ever-living shit out of me! Thank you for your time. Good day.
Dec 6, 2019comment
Bloodshot eyes - metal skin Serpents tounge - dagger claws Dragon wings - crooked horns K.I.N.G
Dec 2, 2019comment
"This is what I am called. I am called Glad-of-War, Grim, Raider, and Third. I am One-Eyed. I am also called Highest, and True-Guesser. I am Grimnir, and the Hooded One. I am All-Father, Gondlir, Wand-Bearer. I have as many names as there are winds, as many titles as there are ways to die. My ravens are Huginn and Muninn, Thought and Memory; my wolves are Freki and Geri; my horse is the gallows. I AM ODIN!!!"
Oct 24, 2019comment
She will get used.. The insidious thing wants loose.. Round two.. all her innocence will refuse.. The devil will still have his fun.. 'Cause they are not done.. The Beast is yet to cum!!!
Sep 24, 2019comment
I wanna new Pug.. One that don't beg.. One that won't steal my food.. One that don't hump my leg.. I wanna new Pug.. One that don't bite.. One that won't take a shit in my floor.. One that don't snore all night. One that won't make me nauseous.. Fartin' all the time.. One who'll bark at burglars and thus help prevent a crime.. So I can call the cops in time.. Cops in time.. yeah yeah...
Sep 17, 2019comment
Place the shroud upon my face.. Speak no words, I've left this place.. Turn away and close the door.. Forget my name.. I am no more...
Aug 22, 2019comment
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