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LCs Phoenix's Status
Who would have thunk I would have found my wife on this funny lil' sight??
Jul 17, 2012comment
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Jun 12, 2011comment
I can honestly say...I am the only person I know who has been barfed on by a white tiger.
Jun 4, 2011comment
Ephesians 2:10...For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. -- Let us not forget all the good works our service men and woman have done! And may I fulfill all the works prepared for m
May 30, 2011comment
Hooray!..I say Hooray for Fukking Fridays!!
May 26, 2011comment
You can pick your friend & pick your nose..but you cant pick your friends nose - at least not with out permission...
May 18, 2011comment
Is debating if I should put cloths on or not...
May 16, 2011comment
Of all the Bars in all the world, I managed to wander soberly into this one and find my fiance...:)
May 7, 2011comment
I may not hardly ever be on the FU anymore...but it is still my favourite silly lil' website - for One reason....
Apr 21, 2011comment
...missing ~Her~ terribly...
Dec 27, 2010comment
Tomorrow is going to be one of thee very best days of my life...~She~ will finally be wrapped up in my lovin arms! :D God...You are awesome!
Dec 12, 2010comment
Another day that God has made..to be rejoiced joyfully in....
Oct 8, 2010comment
Life is Goooood.
Sep 12, 2010comment
Is enjoying my nakedity...are ~You~?
Aug 31, 2010comment
Alone yet not alone...ever does that most beauteous rose blossom deeply in my heart.
Aug 27, 2010comment
Sometimes ya do...sometimes ya don't...
Aug 24, 2010comment
Had a most AWESOME weekend..but I gotta admit it rilly nice to finally have a lil' nekked time..:P
Aug 22, 2010comment
Missing and Loving ~Her~...
Aug 20, 2010comment
Hopes ~She~ knows how humbly grateful I am for her love and presence in my life...
Aug 14, 2010comment
So much for The Blues Brothers...nothing like getting there just in time to stake out a good spot only to get soaked clean through me boxers...c'est la vie, at least I can watch it on DVD [still would love ~Her~ to be watching it with me]
Aug 13, 2010comment
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