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GoCubz51's MUMMs (46)   

Post your own MUMM!

It's a WOnderful Life?? Overated?expired0154
Great 50.0% (2 votes)
Overrated 50.0% (2 votes)
Never seen it 0% (0 votes)
better christmas movie?expired056
Christmas Story 83.3% (5 votes)
Christmas Vacation 16.7% (1 votes)
Bad Santa :) 0% (0 votes)
Dinner tonight?expired159
go out 66.7% (6 votes)
stay in 33.3% (3 votes)
iPad 3 or Surfaceexpired021
iPad 100.0% (1 votes)
Surface 0% (0 votes)
Android tablet? 0% (0 votes)
to drink or not to drinkexpired0106
yes 33.3% (3 votes)
no 33.3% (3 votes)
get hammered 33.3% (3 votes)
What age to stop playing football?expired060
Play till your body won't let you 100.0% (6 votes)
Yes 0% (0 votes)
Not till you hit 40 0% (0 votes)
Whats for lunch today?expired043
Chipotle 66.7% (2 votes)
Portillos 33.3% (1 votes)
Apple Pickingexpired0229
Go pick apples 88.9% (8 votes)
Buy from store 11.1% (1 votes)
Is cabin in the woods any good?expired095
Bad 60.0% (3 votes)
Good 40.0% (2 votes)
Angel Family addsexpired0184
other 50.0% (4 votes)
beg and plead 37.5% (3 votes)
buy friends 12.5% (1 votes)
UVerse vs Xfinityexpired033
Comcast 40.0% (2 votes)
other 40.0% (2 votes)
Uverse 20.0% (1 votes)
Daughter's work schedule?!?!expired02111
allow it 75.0% (9 votes)
forbid late shifts 16.7% (2 votes)
who sleeps anymore?!? 8.3% (1 votes)
Sweet sixteen party ideas?expired075
Do something special 100.0% (5 votes)
family party is fine 0% (0 votes)
new computer?expired057
Windows 85.7% (6 votes)
Mac 14.3% (1 votes)
Superbowl Halftime show?expired0309
it sucked 45.5% (5 votes)
it was good 36.4% (4 votes)
you actually watched it? 18.2% (2 votes)
Best exercise for weight loss?expired0134
Elliptical 42.9% (3 votes)
Swimming 28.6% (2 votes)
Treadmill 14.3% (1 votes)
spin class 14.3% (1 votes)
waste of money 100.0% (5 votes)
worth it? 0% (0 votes)
Mayhem festival?expired01215
do it 75.0% (12 votes)
not worth it 18.8% (3 votes)
666 6.2% (1 votes)
Mexican or Italian for lunchexpired0515
Italian 66.7% (10 votes)
Mexican 33.3% (5 votes)
To Nickelback or not?expired01815
Go 86.7% (13 votes)
No Way 13.3% (2 votes)
Abandon diet for a night or no?expired1113
Don't do it!! 66.7% (2 votes)
Splurge 33.3% (1 votes)
Need to make dessert for christmas partyexpired0103
Brownies 60.0% (3 votes)
Cookies 40.0% (2 votes)
Rum Balls 0% (0 votes)
To Book or not to Book.....expired0106
Book it now 66.7% (4 votes)
Wait for bands 33.3% (2 votes)
WHat to do about daughterexpired01817
restrict contact w/ mom 88.2% (15 votes)
get new friends 11.8% (2 votes)
iPad or Android based Tablet?expired082
Android 66.7% (2 votes)
Kindle Fire 33.3% (1 votes)
iPad 2 0% (0 votes)
Need a name for my new puppyexpired0227
go with Heidi 75.0% (6 votes)
keep jasmine 12.5% (1 votes)
other 12.5% (1 votes)
Breaking off FU-engagementexpired04716
That's fubar 93.8% (15 votes)
That's crazy 6.2% (1 votes)
Allowance for kids?expired0124
allowance 60.0% (3 votes)
no allowance 20.0% (1 votes)
cut them off 20.0% (1 votes)
self bought bling?expired0613
no 92.3% (12 votes)
yes 7.7% (1 votes)
To SKin or not to skin.......expired0199
Leave it 55.6% (5 votes)
Skin it 44.4% (4 votes)
BSD dying....should I care?expired0169
Totally understandable 100.0% (9 votes)
you're a jerk!!! 0% (0 votes)
Continue to help friend or notexpired079
put your foot down 88.9% (8 votes)
keep helping 11.1% (1 votes)
iBooks or Kindle?expired069
Kindle 55.6% (5 votes)
iBooks 44.4% (4 votes)
I want to raise funds for a gode mode.....expired091
steal little kids lunch money 80.0% (4 votes)
offer nsfw pics 20.0% (1 votes)
sell fam spots 0% (0 votes)
sell pimp outs? 0% (0 votes)
too hot or too cold?expired0268
too hot 38.5% (5 votes)
gimme san diego 38.5% (5 votes)
too cold 23.1% (3 votes)
New car?expired192
Mustang 40.0% (2 votes)
Charger 20.0% (1 votes)
Challenger 20.0% (1 votes)
Camero 20.0% (1 votes)
Motorcycle 0% (0 votes)
4th of July celebrationexpired086
roll my own 50.0% (3 votes)
see others 50.0% (3 votes)
Which movie?expired0118
X-Men 41.7% (5 votes)
Green Lantern 25.0% (3 votes)
Mr. Poppers Penguins 25.0% (3 votes)
Neither 8.3% (1 votes)
White Coffee?expired0307
STick with starbucks 33.3% (4 votes)
run on dunkin 33.3% (4 votes)
WHite Coffee Rocks 25.0% (3 votes)
drink a monster 8.3% (1 votes)
AT&T vs Comcastexpired11810
Comcast 50.0% (8 votes)
Other 31.2% (5 votes)
UVerse 12.5% (2 votes)
Get a life 6.2% (1 votes)
Game of Thronesexpired071
WTF?!?! 87.5% (7 votes)
Loved it 12.5% (1 votes)
Hated it 0% (0 votes)
Need help.........expired078
Live Band 72.7% (8 votes)
ditch the kids 18.2% (2 votes)
Stay home 9.1% (1 votes)
Green Lantern 0% (0 votes)
MUMM's gone wild?expired0668
It could be worse 41.2% (7 votes)
I enjoy reading MUMMs 29.4% (5 votes)
getting ridiculous!! 17.6% (3 votes)
another F'ing MUMM?!?!? 11.8% (2 votes)
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