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cgcorpman's MUMMs (13)   

Post your own MUMM!

Father's day dilemmaexpired122
Yay 100.0% (2 votes)
Nay 0% (0 votes)
Where to go where to goexpired028189
Houston 58.7% (111 votes)
Mardi Gras Baby!!! 41.3% (78 votes)
Decisions decisions .........woman or moneyexpired024
Follow the cash stupid 75.0% (3 votes)
Stay 25.0% (1 votes)
Ladies here is a chance to explain yourselves.expired0144273
Yay 63.0% (172 votes)
Nay 37.0% (101 votes)
Any ladies up for a night out ?expired044
Nay 50.0% (2 votes)
Yay 50.0% (2 votes)
Would any of you ladies help me?expired044
Yay 75.0% (3 votes)
Nay 25.0% (1 votes)
Men In Uniformexpired012
Whats in the wrapper 100.0% (2 votes)
Uniform 0% (0 votes)
What would you give to have me?expired004
Nope 50.0% (2 votes)
Bid 50.0% (2 votes)
Hallmark Holliday Time Againexpired003
Jack never lets you down 100.0% (3 votes)
Romantic sickness 0% (0 votes)
What and where should I get inked?expired044
WTC 50.0% (2 votes)
Heavy Rescue Bull 50.0% (2 votes)
Travel Lite or Take It Allexpired124
Lite 75.0% (3 votes)
Load It Up 25.0% (1 votes)
Fight or Flightexpired026
Fight 100.0% (6 votes)
Watch from the seats 0% (0 votes)
What is going on in Texas?expired005
Military playing around 60.0% (3 votes)
Take Me to Your Leader 40.0% (2 votes)
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