41 Year Old
From Chicago, IL·
Joined on September 3, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 24th
·21 referrals joined!
7 different people have a crush on me!
41 Year Old
From Chicago, IL·
Joined on September 3, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 24th
·21 referrals joined!
7 different people have a crush on me!
Please Fan Me Before You Add Me... If You Don't I Know You Didn't Read This! I'm The Gay Girl Your Straight Friends Warned You About
I'm making changes in my life if you leave me a message and I don't anwser, that change is possibly you...
Pronunciation: 'fi(-&)r
Meaning to set on fire : KINDLE; also : IGNITE {fire a rocket engine} ... : to give life or spirit to : INSPIRE{the descriptionfired his imagination}... : to fill with passion or enthusiasm -- often used with up{fired up}...: to light up as if by fire... : to cause to start operating -- usually used with up {fired up the engine}
This is me: Phyre ::Chicago Born And Bred ::Loves the smell of ground coffee ::Hates the smell of goldfish crackers ::Loves the smell of gasoline ::Hates waiting in line ::Loves being held ::Hates being smothered ::Loves to make people laugh ::Very passionate ::Adores any shade of PURPLE ::Loves her kids ::Can't stand babysitting ::Likes cleaning ::Hates cooking...but very good at it ::Loves to be a leader ::Hates Being called a FEMME ::Loves Being a Woman ::Hates being imitated ::Craves indivisuality ::Hates the smell of lunch meat ::Loves Alternative, Rock, and R&B ::Hates listening to rap all damn day ::23 years old, Christmas Eve Baby...December 24, 1983 ::5'7...taller than the average woman ::175 lbs...thicker than her too! ::Light complexion ::Have TWO Tats my children on my wrist ::Mommy...2 kids who are 5 and 2 :: Daughter...Mom and Dad are still alive and kicking my ass ::LoveHER...I am in love with the female anatomy, the female psyche, and a Real womans soul ::Been in love ::Been hurt ::Soft as a blanket ::Hard as a FUCKIN' rock ::Loves self more than everyone else ::Loves everyone else more than self
41 Year Old
From Chicago, IL·
Joined on September 3, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 24th
·21 referrals joined!
7 different people have a crush on me!
This is the profile of my cousins they are married what you see now is part 1 of the young gunz... they hustle for pool so watch out you may get your money taken Young Gunz-OWNER of CLUB 420 - Smoke One @ fubar