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Female · From Anaheim, CA · Owned by RL and is worth 10,000 fuBucks. · Joined on July 18, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 8th · 57 referrals joined! · 11 different people have a crush on me!
Female · From Anaheim, CA · Owned by RL and is worth 10,000 fuBucks. · Joined on July 18, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 8th · 57 referrals joined! · 11 different people have a crush on me!


Ut sit magna, tamen certe lenta ira deorum est


Grew up in America's Finest City...San Diego, California and now reside in Anaheim, California - 90 miles north. Was born in Texas, but moved to California when I was 3 1/2. Both parents are from the South. I work at Disneyland in security emergency services. After living in my hometown for so long, it was time for a change and a move to work in a place I've always loved since I was a little girl was the way to go!

I have been married twice, no children; found out the hard way that I could not bear any. So....I make up for it spoiling others' kids :) My body type is voluptuous and full of curves, no skinny California beach bunny here...

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I am fiercely loyal to my friends and do what it takes for them when they are in trouble. Have a habit of spoiling friends, I like to see them smile and know they are being thought of. Remember, a good friend helps you hide the bodies.

...center>Call myself a Pagan, and have been a sole practioner for a few years now. Have never been one for organized religion. What a person feels is in inside and for them to feel, show, and live on their own. Studying the Tarot now and find it fascinating.


Lots of fun hobbies to keep me busy and out of trouble. Big fan of reading, writing, movies, play some tennis, going to museums and window shopping. I am a huge antique buff! Love weekend getaways with friends to relax and to laugh. Dave & Busters is a great place to play. I enjoy making clothing of eras past, and going to Dickens faires, Renaissance faires, even go to some SCA events. I also love sci fi, horror, fantasy, superhero conventions and events. I even enjoy the opera and theater to movies like Grindhouse to Disney.

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I have a dark side, as you can see with my pictures and like exploring it....Goth, vampire, some fetish. Dark Queen is my nick name because I always liked the evil queens and witches in all the Disney movies more than the princesses. I also identify with the cheshire cat in my personality.

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I will not show any more skin than I do in my gallery, so do not ask....I do not show myself to strangers...that's a private thing between two people. Do not ask me for one night stands, I don't do sexual webcam and instant messenger sexual crap at all!!! I will not be someone's booty call or one night stand.

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I am certainly no shrinking violet, and flirting and teasing is so much fun.... Treat me like the lady I am and with respect and I shall treat you the same. Do unto others as you would do unto them....and if that fails, do unto them and don't get caught! Hell hath no fury like a woman pissed off ;)

Have been a professional bellydancer, police officer, and mostly administrative assistant/coordinator/secretary work. I became a police officer at age 35 - and was the most important 5 years of my life. I was hurt and had to leave the force..no medical retirement, but those 5 years opened my eyes to so much and learned what I had inside me and what kind of person I really was.

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Used to compete in horseshows, and miss having a horse. Something about being on a horse which such an unique experience and becoming one with the magnificent animal itself. I have two cats, and live in a 1930's historic home with roommates....come on, it's Southern California, who can afford to live on their own?

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"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO, What a Ride!"

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...Enjoy making friends and good conversation!

Female · From Anaheim, CA · Owned by RL and is worth 10,000 fuBucks. · Joined on July 18, 2006 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 8th · 57 referrals joined! · 11 different people have a crush on me!


...Hmmm hard to do, but here goes! I have many interests, from movies, reading, tennis, horseback riding, walking, traveling, paranormal, astronomy, archeaology, history, theater, exploring, living, enjoying life.! Enjoy writing, cards, gaming, good conversation.

I have my dark side . . . see my pictures for a hint ;-) care for a bite? Always identified with the evil/dark queens instead of the princesses in fairy tales and such.

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...Always have had a fascination for the paranormal, starting when I was 4 and my first ghostly visit and has continued to this day. Have used a Ouija board I've had for almost 40 years and have enjoyed travelling around to several haunted places in California.

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...Historial reenactments, be it Renaissance Faires, Medieval Faires, Dickens Faires, sci and fantasy conventions. Enjoy costuming and even prop making...I may have a hard time changing a tire, but I can sure fiberglass up a storm!


...Enjoy sports...Go Chargers! Go Padres! Go Ducks! Enjoy football, baseball, equestrian sports, tennis and ice hockey - I've been known to jump up when there's been a fight and blood spilled to yell "snow cones!"

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Vampire Rave




Love music of all kinds from all over the world....

rock n roll
new age
love Japanese percussion
fast and furious luau music
middle eastern tribal
African tribal
old time jazz and lounge music
hip hop

all depends on my mood at the time

Video Games
...Thanks to some good friends, I've been sucked into the World of Warcraft on Steamwheedle Cartel, Silver Hand and Blackwater Raiders servers!

Enjoy shoot 'em up stuff at Dave & Busters. No

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