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'The 12th century master Geshe Ben was renowned for his goodness and integrity. Once, while begging for alms, a family of devout Buddhists invited him to their home to be fed. He was so hungry that he found it difficult to wait while his hosts were elsewhere preparing the meal. To his complete shock he found himself stealing food from a jar when no-one was looking. Geshe Ben suddenly burst into loud cries of "Thief! Thief! I've caught you red-handed." His hosts rushed into the room to find him berating himself and threatening his hand with being cut off it ever behaved like that again.'

A Piece of The Truth

One day Mara, the Evil One, was travelling through the villages of India with his attendants. he saw a man doing walking meditation whose face was lit up on wonder. The man had just discovered something on the ground in front of him. Mara's attendant asked what that was and Mara replied, "A piece of truth." "Doesn't this bother you when someone finds a piece of truth, O Evil One?" his attendant asked. "No," Mara replied. "Right after this, they usually make a belief out of it."
Long ago, in the hills of the Himalayas near a lotus pool, the Buddha was once born as a baby elephant. He was a magnificent elephant, pure white with feet and face the color of coral. His trunk gleamed like a silver rope and his ivory tusks curled up in a long arc. He followed his mother everywhere. She plucked the tenderest leaves and sweetest mangoes from the tall trees and gave them to him. "First you, then me," she said. She bathed him in the cool lotus pool among the fragrant flowers. Drawing the sparkling water up in her trunk, she sprayed him over the top of his head and back until he shone. Then filling his trunk with water, he took careful aim and squirted a perfect geyser right between his mother's eyes. Without blinking, she squirted him back. And back and forth, they gleefully squirted and splashed each other. Splish! Splash! Then they rested in the soft muck with their trunks curled together. In the deep shadows of afternoon, the mother elephant rested in the shade of a rose-apple tree and watched her son romp and frolic with the other baby elephants. The little elephant grew and grew until he was the tallest and strongest young bull in the herd. And while he grew taller and stronger, his mother grew older and older. Her tusks were yellow and broken and in time she became blind. The young elephant plucked the tenderest leaves and sweetest mangoes from the tall trees and gave them to his dear old blind mother. "First you, then me," he said. He bathed her in the cool lotus pool among the fragrant flowers. Drawing the sparkling water up in his trunk, he sprayed her over the top of her head and back until she shone. Then they rested in the soft muck with their trunks curled together. In the deep shadows of afternoon, the young elephant guided his mother to the shade of a rose-apple tree. Then he went roaming with the other elephants. One day a king was hunting and spied the beautiful white elephant. "What a splendid animal! I must have him to ride upon!" So the king captured the elephant and put him in the royal stable. He adorned him with silk and jewels and garlands of lotus flowers. He gave him sweet grass and juicy plums and filled his trough with pure water. But the young elephant would not eat or drink. He wept and wept, growing thinner each day. "Noble elephant," said the king, "I adorn you with silk and jewels. I give you the finest food and the purest water, yet you do not eat or drink. What will please you?" The young elephant said, "Silk and jewels, food and drink do not make me happy. My blind old mother is alone in the forest with no one to care for her. Though I may die, I will take no food or water until I give some to her first." The king said, "Never have I seen such kindness, not even among humans. It is not right to keep this young elephant in chains." Free, the young elephant raced through the hills looking for his mother. He found her by the lotus pool. There she lay in the mud, too weak to move. With tears in his eyes, he filled his trunk with water and sprayed the top of her head and back until she shone. "Is it raining?" she asked. "Or has my son returned to me?" "It is your very own son!" he cried. "The king has set me free!" As he washed her eyes, a miracle happened. Her sight returned. "May the king rejoice today as I rejoice at seeing my son again!" she said. The young elephant then plucked the tenderest leaves and sweetest mangoes from a tree and gave them to her. "First you, then me."

Chakra Test

Your result for The Chakra Test...

The Enlightened One

You have scored 100% Spirituality - Your dominant Chakra is the "Crown or Violet Chakra"


The "Crown or Violet Chakra" is where our spiritual and inspirational energy comes from. It is located at the top of the head. And this is the chakra most developed in you at this time.

You are wise for you age and are one with the world. You understand the world around you and are quite aware of your relationship to it and it to you.

Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active, one's thinking can be quite rigid and lacks a spiritual awareness. If over-active and out of balance with your other chakras, you may be prone to intellectualizing things too much. You can easily become addicted to spirituality and thus ignore your bodily and emotional needs.

What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.

Root Chakra: 65% Passion, Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 94% Desire, Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 88% Purpose, Heart Chakra: 67% Balance, Throat Chakra: 11% Expression, Third Eye Chakra: 88% Imagination and Crown Chakra: 100% Spirituality!

"Crown Chakra" Key Words: Knowingness, Wisdom, Inspiration, Awareness, Higher Self, Meditation, Self Sacrificing, Visionary

"Crown Chakra"Attributes: Color - Violet Sense - Beyond sensory Element - Space Seat - Liberation, All Power, Eternal Bliss

If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback!

Take The Chakra Test at HelloQuizzy

my birthday

I know I'm talking like it is over and done with, but I have had a great birthday. My love has made it an amazing time for me and I have enjoyed every second of it. She has made me feel like I am the most lucky and most blessed man in the world. The truth is that I am the most lucky and blessed man. Why? Because she not only tells me that she loves me, but she shows me that she loves me everyday in every way. My dear and beloved katzchen...I love you. Without any doubts and without any reservations. I look forward to our future... Bryan


GEEKGASM* A fit of intense geekly joy, happens when a geek runs into someone or something exceedingly geeky not seen every day, or when they get uber excited and riled up; When a geek goes into geekstcy, Has a geek-on; What makes a geek go crazy; When a geek has reached his or her geek climax; The equivalent of a sexual orgasm for a geek.

Aspiring to be...

The Qualities of a Gentleman He acts kindly from the impulse of his kind heart. He is brave, because, with a conscience void of offense, he has nothing to fear. He is never embarrassed, for he respects himself and is profoundly conscious of right intentions. He keeps his honor unstained, and to retain the good opinion of others he neglects no civility. He respects even the prejudices of men whom he believes are honest. He opposes without bitterness and yields without admitting defeat. He is never arrogant, never weak. He bears himself with dignity, but never haughtily. Too wise to despise trifles, he is too noble to be mastered by them. To superiors he is respectful without servility; to equals courteous; to inferiors’ kind. He carries himself with grace in all places, is easy but never familiar, genteel without affection. He unites gentleness of manner with firmness of mind. He commands with mild authority, and asks favors with grace and assurance.

My katzchen

Mistress of Wolves Art Sanctuary™

@ fubar The link above this is to the woman that I love. If you go there you will see that she is a wonderful woman. One that never ceases to amaze me with her intelligence, charm, beauty, and sense of taste when it comes to everything. Is it any wonder that I love her? Is it a wonder she loves me? I marvel at the fact that she does and has picked me. My kitten...I love you. Now and always. :-) ♥

bothersome question

Why is it that someone like me is seemingly not permitted to enjoy certain things. I've borrowed a cd from a friend of mine. A cd of a musician that apparently I am allegedly not allowed to like much less enjoy. Ani DiFranco is the musician. The album is her Rome, Italy 11.15.04 live recording. So, does anyone feel like answering that question for me? Why am I as a male supposedly not allowed to like her music? She's a freakin' talented musician.

tis the season

Just when I thought I had given up on Christmas being a fun holiday. I then discover the wonderful world of semi-erotic gingerbread. Thank you my dear, for helping me enjoy the holidays again! tn_842322281.jpg
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