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THE YEAR 2007 1. Will you be looking for a new job? I wont be looking for a new job, ill just be looking for a job 2. Will you be looking for a new relationship? maybe/maybe not 3. New house? nope just moved 4. What will you do different in 07? actually work at college 5. New Years resolution? give up eating meat. 6. What will you not be doing in 07? making friends with Anna 7. Any trips planned? only to gigs 8. Wedding plans? none that I know off 9. What's on your calendar? A shopping trip to brum 10. What can't you wait for? im not sure yet 11. What would you like to see happen differently? internet relationships end. 12. What about yourself will you be changing? more piercings 13. What happened in 06 that you didn't think would ever happen? id ever see AFI 14. Will you be nicer to the people you care about? yes 15. Will you dress differently this year than you did in 06? no ill dress more how I am now 16. Will you start or quit drinking? ive already quit drinking, so ill carry on not drinking 17. Will you better your relationship with your family? i hope so 18. Will you do charity work? I don’t no 19. Will you go to bars? with friends yeah 20. Will you be nice to people you dont know? if they're nice back 21. Do you expect 07 to be a good year for you? i hope so 22. How much did you change from this time last year til now? well for started im now Emo, and I now don’t give a crap what anyone thinks of me, plus ive changed so much as I no longer have to worry about anna thank god. 23. Do you plan on having a child? not this year 24. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now? YES, coz the friends I have now are fo lyfe 25. Major lifestyle changes? ill start eating healthy and start yogo lol 26. Will you be moving? no just did 27. What will you make sure doesn't happen in 07 that happened in 06? falling out with my best friends 28. What are your New Years Eve plans? for once ill spend it with my family at home 29. Will you have someone to kiss at midnight? no no one, but who gives a funk right 30. Wish for 2007? more gigs, more piercings and tattoos. The Most Personal Quiz, Ever. 1. Who were you with last night? my sister and my dad 2. What woke you up this morning. I need a pee 3. Where are you? the study 4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day? I hope so, but I doubt it has jen has to work 5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today? no I don’t think I did 8. When's the last time you cried? last week, erm Tuesday I think. -The PAST- 10. Ever thrown up in public? Nearly did last year at taste of chaos, all these emo boys looking at me, I felt like a complete dork 11. Passed out because of alcohol? no 12. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW? money -The FUTURE - 13. Would you take a bullet for anyone? hell yeah I would, and I shoot someone as well. 14. Where would you like to live? FINLAND 15. What kind of home would you like? a nice one where me, my kids and Jensen ackles could live for the rest of our lifes. 16. What do you want to be when you grow up? music photographer 17. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? in Finland - ON MYSPACE - 20.) who is your number one? My sister 22. Who have you kissed on your top friends? my sister 23. Who was the last person that left you a comment? someone that looks like Val (the girl dating matt from a7x) 24. Are you good friends with this person? naw 25. How often do you log in to myspace? every day 27.Do you like candy necklaces?: yeah 28. When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? I don’t know erm, today I think 29. Do you listen to music every day?: nearly yeah 30. Do you still go trick or treating? nope one ever been once 31. What was the last thing you ate?: bread this morning 32. Are you a fast typer?: yes 33. About how many people have you liked? god knows loads 34. What are you doing this weekend?: nothing stay in bed, because there is no reason to get up over xmas Im getting nothing 35. Whats your favorite type of SODA? Lemonade 36. Have you ever moved? yeah about 7 times if not more 37. Have you ever won an award? nope 38. Do you do any sports or other activites that are unusual? nope 39. What do you want to do right now? drink tea 40. Are you listening to music right now? no 41. Do you like someone?: no 42. Whats a word or phrase that you love? totally fucking rad 43. How many days til your birthday? god loads 44. When were you the saddest in your whole life?: 2004, 2005 and 2006 45. What time is it? 15.59 46. Do you use EBay to buy or sell? neither 47. What makes you pissed off? Avenged sevenfold fans, Anna and well Anna some more I hate her guts sooooooo much 48. Have you ever had a song written about you? Yes i actually have. Last summer a guy wrote a song about me, but I had to turn him down 49. What song makes you cry? none really 50. What song makes you happy? anything by the used or fallout boy 51. What do you like to listen to before you go to bed? nothing 52. Do you have a job? no 53. What does Your CD player have in it right now? Donnie darko soundtrack 54. If you were a crayon what color would you be? hot pink bitch 55. What makes you happy? music, gigs, my family and my friends 57. What's the next CD you're gonna get? Fall out boys, new album and the useds new album [Appearance] [Height:] 5ft8 [Hair Color:] brown and blonde [Eye Color:] green and brown [Piercings:] 9 [Tattoos:] none yet [wearing right now:] casper tee and shorts [What song are you listening to?] nothing [What taste is in your mouth?] tea [How are you?] fantastic [Get motion sickness?] never [Have a bad habit?] yeah

woooo about me

Ultimate 'About Me'

by Sooz_123
001. What is Your Name? Natalie
002. How old are you? 17
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace? www.myspace.com/syngeance

004. What is your height? about 5'8ish
005. Do you have any siblings? yep one sister, who kicks ass
006. What is your eye colour? Green and Brown
007. What is your hair colour? Dark brown normally, but right now i have blonde in it aswell
008. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses
009. Are you right handed or left handed? Right
010. Do you have any piercings? My ear lobes x 3, my lebret once and a scaffold in my right ear.
011. Do you smoke? No
012. Do you swear? All the time, to much if you ask me
013. Do you get along with your parents? I get along with my dad
014. Your heritage English,Italian,Scottish,welsh and god knows whatelse.
015. Your fears Clowns
016. Goal you would like to achieve this year no point this years nealy over, but for next year, to become a veggie, and to actually attend college everyday.
017. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger thats totally rad.
018. Best Physical Feature I don't no but my Mate Sam say it's my Totally fucking smexily gorgeous face
019. Your bedtime anytime i want
020. What time do you arise in the morning? Normally about 7.20 am
021. First thoughts waking up? I badly need a piss.
022. Do you shower daily? Yeah, if not daily, nightly tho

This Or That?
023. Bright or dark room? Dark
024. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
025. Dogs of cats? Dogs
026. Pepsi or Coke? Neither, both are crap
027. McDonalds or Burger King? again neither both are crap
028. Ant or Dec? DEC
029. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? lipton ice tea
030. Cappuccino or Coffee? Neither hate both

In the last month have you...
031. Drank alcohol? nope and i havent for about a year and a half
032. Gone to a mall? Yeah went today
033. Eaten a box of Oreos? nope
034. Eaten sushi? god no
035. Been on stage? nope
036. Been dumped? no
037. Gone skinny dipping? no
038. Stolen Anything? no

Have you ever...
039. Laughed for no reason? Yeah i do all the time
040. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? yeah i think i actually have
041. Been in love? No, the only people i have ever loved is my family and my friends.
042. Fired a gun? Yepo, it was totally Rad
043. Been drunk? Yeah
044. Been called a Tease? Yeah
045. Been beaten up? Nope
046. Shoplifted? No

What was the last....
047. Furry thing you touched? My doggy i guess
048. Thing you've said? you confuzzled me, ive lost it
049. Song you've listened to? Three Simple Words - Finch
050. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone? a random person who rang for my dad.
051. Movie you watched? Superman Returns, Brandon Routh is one sexy guy
052. Thing you were doing before this? Looking for medal of honor for the pc.
053. Time you cried? Yesterday,
054. Song you've sang? Oh it is love -Hellogoodbye
055. Time you looked at the clock? 16.59 pm
056. Food and drink you've had? A bag of crisps, and a cup of tea
057. Flavour of gum you've chewed? mint i think
058. Shoes you've worn? My blue converse
059. Store you've been in? HMV

060. Planet? Pluto
061. Age you've been so far? i guess 15/16 as i got to meet The Used twice but 17 hasnt been so bad.
062. Season? Winter
063. Number? 13
064. TV show? Supernatural or CSI
065. Flower? Rose

066. How much cash do you have on you? £5
067. What's a word that rhymes with 'door'? core
068. What T-Shirt are you wearing? just a plain green one
069. What brand of shoes are you wearing? none
070. What did your last text message say? becki wants you to come back, ashley xxx
071. What were you doing at midnight last night? watching some cheesy program about sex and no it wasnt porn
072. What's your current desktop picture? Carmine Giovinazzo who plays Danny Messer in CSI NY
073. What's a word that you say a lot? Cunt
074. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Hot pink
075. How is the weather right now? Windy i guess
076. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hair
077. Are you too shy to ask someone out? right now yeah i guess
078. Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)? no
079. Who would you like to see right now? my grandad again
080. How many pillows do you sleep with? 4
081. Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace? guys outta the bands on myspace hell yeah, but apart from that naw
082. How do you want to die? god rocking as hard as i can i guess
083. What do you want to be when you grow up? Music photographer
084. What country would you most like to visit? Finland
085. How many CDs do you own? 100+
086. How many things, in your past, do you regret? One thing only
087. Do you think you are attractive? not really
088. Do you believe in yourself? Yeah alot of the time
089. Do you want to get married? One day yeah

In a boy/girl...
090. Favourite eye colour? brown, green or blue
091. Favourite hair colour? brown,red,blonde,black
092. Short or long hair? longish
093. Height? taller then me
094. Weight? whatever

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random quizzage

The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows by PB08
What type of music do you like?Emo/Screamo/Goth/Metal/Punk and pop punk
How much money is in your pocket right now?nothing im in my pj's
You like Italian food?I fucking love italian food, as well im part italian
What type of Super powers would you like?to control fire, but be better then pyro at it lol
Your best asset.....everything about me, naw im joking i dont really no
Favorite Color?Green or Pink
R u a dude or chick?Im chick
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Can't live without it... by americamamushi
People (Not including significant others)
Friend you cant live withoutJen or Bex
Family member you cant live withoutAll my family i couldnt live without
Celebrity whos work you cant live withoutAnything by the used, or fall out boy
TV show you cant live withoutCSI (all three)
Movie you cant live withoutBand if Brothers, its not really a movie its a mini series, but it class as a movie on websites.
Game you cant live without (Video, Board, Card, ect)Medal of honor
Store or Restaurant you cant live withoutHMV or Music zone
Beverage you cant live withoutTea
Food you cant live withoutAnything Italian
Something you wear you cant live withoutMy piercings
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Your NOW and LAST by Nightflax
What color is your hair?Dark Brown witha blonde streak
How Tall are you?5"8ish
What music are you listening to?What if we could - Blue October
What can you see (other than the computer)?Alot of paper, my plate with toast, my ipod and a cup of tea
If you reach out your left foot, what will it hit?the computer desk and the scanner
What can you hear?music and silence
What is bothering you?that i should get ready for college.
What are you in love with?Im in love with life and Band of brothers and the new jackass movie
What do you dislike?Anna
What can you smell?Toast and Tea
What hurts?my foot
What is on your head?nothing just my hair
What is your computer's background?Lighting bolts
What is in your wallet?Money, and a few cards, train tickets and my college Id
What position are you in?position, im sitting, if you mean love, im kinda with someone
Where are you?In the study
How are you feeling?Great actually
Who would you like to hug?Ehren
Where would you like to be?still in bed
What color are you favouring?Pink
Who is messaging you?no one everyone is still in bed and it nearly 10 am
Who is your most recent Xanga, LJ or DJ entry from?zerox420
Who is the last person you saw?my dad
Who is the last person you missed?my grandad
What is the last place your feet took you to?the kitchen
What is the last place wheels took you to?barton
What is the last drug you took?never taken any
What is the last thing you said?ill be in,in a minute
Who did you last speak too?my dad
What is the last book you read?the dirt - motley crue
What is the last TV show you saw?CSI NY
What is the last Movie you watched?Jackass number two
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You Are? by Osaku
This is about you and me..err I mean you...
Nickname(s)Natty, Bertina
Hair Colordark brown witha blonde streak
Natural Hair Color (if different)Just dark brown
Eye ColorGreen/Brown
Glasses/Contacts/"I Can See"Glasses
BirthmarksI have one on my leg, one on my upper left arm and one on my lower left arm
Song that Describes Your lifeBox of sharp objects - the used, or bulimic - the used
Relationships (aww)...
Are You In LoveNo, crushing yes
Who Are Your Best FriendsJen Jen
Do you Intend/Want to Get MarriedMyabe one day im not fussed
If So, WhereFinland
Do You Want a Family (kids!!!)Yeah
If So, How ManyTwo
If So, Boy/Girl/Doesn't MatterBoy and a girl, but whatever the sex of my kids are ill be happy
Aspirations (You go-getter you)...
What You Wanted to Be When You Were a Kidchef, singer or actress
What Do You Want to Be Nowmusic photographer
Where Do You Want to LiveFinland
Where Do You Want to VisitFinland and mexico, And Italy
Where Have You Been That You'd Rather Be Right Nowno where im good, but id rather be hanging with bex or jen or both
What Would You Change About Yourself, Given the Opportunityi dont think ill change anything, well maybe my kidneys
Place (Near or Far, it doesn't matter)Scotland
Vacation Spotanywhere with people i love
Shopping LocationNottingham, or brimingham
Music GenreEmo/punk/pop punk/metal/screamo/goth
BandThe Used
ColorGreen or pink
SmellFreashly cut grass
Shampooany that keeps my hair clean
Ice CreamVanilla
WebsiteMyspace baby
CarChevy Impala 67
Movieit was nightmare, but im not sure now.
ActorJensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki
ActressJennifer Love Hewitt
BookThe dirt - Motley crue
Game (Board/Computer/Word/Drinking..It's all good)Medal of honor
Pop/Rock/RapRock and rap
Car/Train/Planeall three
Coke/Pepsineither cant drink it
Color/B&W (photos)Both
Tomato/Chicken Noodletomato
Did You or Do You...
Have and SiblingsI have a sis
Cry EasilyOf course im Emo
Think You are SmartGod no, and if you think you are your stuck up your own arse
Act Your Agegod no and im glad
Have Any TattoosNot yet :(
Have Any PiercingsYep, one lip (second one soon), My ear lobes x 3 and a scaffold.
Have Any PetsA dog and a cat
Get Jealousnope
Ever Like Boy BandsHell yeah Nsync and Otown were the best
Believe in God/Allah/Jesus/etc.naw none
Take Criticism WellCantdo yeah
Have You Ever...
Gotten Drunk Beforeyeah, thats why i gave up drinking
Smoked (cigarettes)Nope never
Done Drugs (Any)no never
Kissed a Member of the Opposite SexYeah of couse
Kissed a Member of the Same SexNaw
Been on an AirplaneYeah
Been on First Class on an Airplaneno
Skinny Dippedno
Had SexNo, but if Ehren wants to im there lol
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xmas quiz

1.Have you been naughty or nice this year? Nice all the year round. 2. What do you want most for Christmas? my gig ticket from my auntie. 3. Do you believe in Father Christmas? Duh of course, he parties with the Easter bunny while torturing the tooth fairy. 4. What is your favorite food at Christmas? sprouts 5. Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? no. 6. Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet? no, not even started 7. What is your favorite Christmas song? War is over – Street drum corps feat Bert McCracken or alone this holiday – The Used 8. What is your favorite Christmas movie? I don’t have one really, miracle on 34th street is a sweet movie 9. What is your best memory of Christmas? I don’t really have one, I guess spending Christmas in spain with my rents, my auntie and my grandparents was fun, granting the weather was horrible, the food sucked, but it was nice to have a holiday with the my family. 10. What do you look forward to most at Christmas? the sprouts. 11. What are you doing for Christmas this year? Going to the pub on Christmas eve I thing, xmas day ill be doing nothing, then boxing day we might go to the flicks. 12. Who do you want to kiss under the mistletoe? Michael, but a famous guy it will have to Ehren McGhehey but anyday of the year will do for kisses him, he is one fine fine man. 13. What kind of Christmas tree do you have? not a really one again, to much mess, I don’t really care, as long as I can see my cat jump up it and pull it down lol 14. Do you take part in a secret santa? nope 15. Do you go to any Christmas parties? it wont be an xmas party but its 4 days before xmas so does that count 16. Have you ever had a white Christmas? if it snows its gone in minutes so no. 17. How early do you wake up on Christmas morning? depends its normal about 6 coz my stepmum is to hyper on xmas lol 18. Do you still get a stocking? sometimes yes 19. How many Christmas cards do you normally send out? I hardly ever send them 20. What is your Christmas wish... to be happy


To all RAWKERS by Love For Fire 7189
favorite name(s) for boysJeph
favorite name(s) for girlsSky
favorite band(s)The Used, Fall out boy, HIM, cKy and many more
favorite song(s) (by anyone)Rattlesnake by rancid
Have you ever been to the Warped Tour? If so, what year(s)?no i never have, and i dont ever want to.
Have you met any VWT (Vans Warped Tour) bands backstage? If so, who?no, but ive met the used twice, seen matt davies in the street, met A7X (bunch of cocks) and a few other rad dudes.
Have you ever been to Ozzfest?no never
Do you like mosh pits?they are ok but, not for me
Do you know what a circle pit is?yes ive been stuck in one
What piercings do you have?my lip once,my ear lobes x3 and a scaffold in my right ear.
What tattoos do you have, if any?none as of yet
Are you a boy or a girl?girl
Favorite animal?dog
Musician you think is sexy (it doesnt matter if they're married or not)heres the list, Patrick stump. branden steineckert, joey jordison, jussi 69, jesse margera, plus many more.
On-the-spot questions
Wrist cuff or studded collar?Wrist cuff
Barbell or captive-bead?Both
Eyeliner or eyeshadow?Eyeliner, and loads of it
Audioslave or Radiohead?Neither
Tool or A Perfect Circle?Neither
Ozzy Osbourne or Marilyn Manson?Marilyn Manson
Insane Clown Posse or Beastie Boys?Beastie Boys
Atreyu or Avenged Sevenfold?Atreyu
Godsmack or Mushroomhead?Godsmack
Guns n' Roses or Aerosmith?Guns 'n' Roses
AC/DC or Led Zeppelin?Led Zeppelin
Red Hot Chili Peppers or Sublime?Sublime
Atmosphere or Twiztid?Neither
Slipknot or Linkin Park?Slipknot
The Vandals or Guttermouth?Neither
Flogging Molly or the Dropkick Murphys?i like both, but Flogging molly more
Taking Back Sunday or Thursday?Taking Back Sunday
Coheed & Cambria or Mars Volta?Coheed & Cambria
Green Day or Nirvana?Green Day
NoFX or the Bouncing Souls?NOFX
Sum 41 or blink 182?Sum 41
Dashboard Confessional or Alkaline Trio?Both
Good Charlotte or Simple Plan?Neither, ive grown out of that
A New Found Glory or Yellowcard?New Found Glory
Bad Religion or the Descendents?Neither
Anti-Flag or The Casualties?Both, hell yeah Both
The Offspring or Rancid?Rancid all the way
Bush or Kerry?BUSH
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Anyone wanna join me to listen to my whole collection of HIM TUNES I know you all love HIM really, no point saying you don't love them, because your outta your mind if you hate them. ok ill let Michael off, because well he thinks im cute hehe So come on whos gonna join me in listeing to HIM????

69 things ive done

The 69 yes or no questions Survey 69 questions about what you have done, be truthful! Q1) smoked a cigarette~No Q2) smoked a cigar~No Q3) crashed a friends car~No Q4) stolen a car~No Q5) been in love~No Q6) been dumped~yes Q7) done a shot~No Q8) been fired~No Q9) been in a fist fight~Yes Q10) snuck out of your house~NO Q11) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back~Yes Q12) been arrested~No Q13) made out with a stranger~No Q14) gone on a blind date~No Q15) lied to a friend~Yes Q16) had a crush on a teacher~No Q17) skipped school~Yes Q18) seen someone die~No Q19) been on a plane~Yes Q20) thrown up in a bar~No Q21) done hard drugs~No Q22) miss someone right now~No Q23) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by~Yes Q24) made a snow angel~No Q25) played dress up~ Yes Q26) cheated while playing a game~Yes Q27) been lonely~No Q28) fallen asleep at work/school~Yes Q29) used a fake id~No Q30) felt an earthquake~No Q31) touched a snake~Yes Q32) ran a red light~No Q33) had detention~Yes Q34) been in a car accident~Yes Q35) hated the way you cook~Nope never Q36) witnessed a crime~Yes Q37) been lost~Yes Q38) been to the opposite side of the country~Yes Q39) felt like dying~Yes Q40) cried yourself to sleep~Yes Q41) played cops and robbers~Yes Q42) karaoke~Yes Q43) done something you told yourself you wouldnt~Yes Q44) laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose~Yes Q45) caught a snowflake on your tongue~Yes Q46) kissed in the rain~no Q47) sang in the shower~Yes Q48) made love in a park~No Q49) had a dream that you married someone~Yes Q50) glued your hand to something~Yes Q51) got your tongue stuck to a flag pole~No Q52) worn the opposite sexs clothes~Yes Q53) been a cheerleader~No Q54) sat on a roof top~Yes Q55) talked on the phone all night~No Q56) ever too scared to watch scary movies alone~ No never Q57) played chicken fight~ No Q58) been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on~No Q59) broken a bone~No nearly tho Q60) had a 3 some~No, (wouldnt mind one with Patrick stump and Jensen ackles tho) Q61) laugh so hard you cry~Yes Q62) mooned/flashed someone~ No Q63) cheated on a test~Yes Q64) forgotten someones name~Yes Q65) been kicked out of your house~Yes Q66) blacked out from drinking~No Q67) played a prank on someone~No Q68) played in public with your significant other- No Q69) had sex in public~ No
Fucking Hell, No wonder I'm Emo, so many fucking people, do my fucking head in. No wait im Emo, because im happy (I no random) But come on right, a few people I know really, should just shut their fucking mouths, they don't no what being down, and hitting rock bottom means. and loves, if you really wanna end it, just remember IT'S DOWN THE ROAD, NOT ACROSS THE STREET!!! all i have to say to these people is, Grow up, and get a grip. you don't have any idea what you are on about, so when you have a good head on your shoulders, come find me!! and my fave song of the moment is, Keep it on Wax, By Alexisonfire just because it reflects how im feeling right now Heres the lyrics I, I guess, the only thing cheap to you is your friends You can always make new friends (oh no) But when you sell them out will they be worth as much? (oh no) Now this bridge is ashes It might as well have never been built It might as well have never been built Little river that it crossed Looks like an ocean now, looks like an ocean now Times change and people change with them Some people love to play the victim (Love to play the victim) Threw caution to the wind Washed away these few last years for nothing (Was it all for nothing) Keep it on wax Your not the only one Who's left to make sacrifices Who's left to make sacrifices And time won't heal shit When you got your hands in my pocket When you got your hands... Kick, Kick, Kick Scream, Scream, Scream Won't change a god damn thing (It won't change) Kick, Kick, Kick Scream, Scream, Scream (A god damn thing) I, I guess, the only thing cheap to you is your friends I guess, the only thing cheap to you is your friends OOOHHH, what a fucking shame OOOHHH, that you had to mess things up this bad Times change and people change with them Some people love to play the victim (Love to play the victim) Threw caution to the wind Washed away these few last years for nothing (Was it all for nothing) It's gone, it's gone There's nothing left Keep it on wax
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