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1335105's blog: "SwtChrry"

created on 12/02/2007  |  http://fubar.com/swtchrry/b162601



Quotes to live by....

Ann Landers: “If I were asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity it would be this: Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and when it comes, hold you head high, look it squarely in eye and say, 'I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me.'” Robert Collier: “Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement - and we will make the goal.” Chuck Palahniuk: “The unreal is more powerful than the real, because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it. because its only intangible ideas, concepts, beliefs, fantasies that last. stone crumbles. wood rots. people, well, they die. but things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on.”
Okay so heres there deal.......everyone knows devils goddess, if not you will trust me. Shes awesome and is in a contest and I would personally like to see her win this...So I am sending her message out to all of you to please help her win this contest.... if you could please help me and rate and comment my photo for a contest im in ty mwah just click the link ty sexy http://www.fubar.com/viewimage.php?u=429545&albumid=871059&i=2920914964&idx=6



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Libra Love Compatibilty

Compatibility of Libra the sign of the Zodiac Libra Love Libra are born between September 23rd and October 22nd Libra and Aries love compatibility There is a powerful initial attraction between these two opposites, for in certain areas each supplies what the other lacks. Both are fond of of sexual pleasures, but the Aries probably will try to go too far too quickly. The Libra is inclined to idealize everything and can lose all illusions. Later Libra will look for someone less demanding, and Aries will bind someone more adoring. The physical connection is possible, but only temporarily. The marriage is very rare. Libra and Taurus love compatibility This couple shares a love of music and art, but hasn't much else in common. Taurus is the proprietor by nature and not romantic enough for Libra. Taurus likes to plan life but Libra will make no such commitment and this can lead to some violent abuse on both sides. Libra dislikes Taurus's dictatorial ways and quickly loses patience with Taurus's stodgy attitudes. To boot, Taurus is jealous of Libra's romantic and fickle nature. They are sexually in tune, so a lot of pleasant games are possible but not a sound union. Libra and Gemini love compatibility These two air signs are well suited intellectually and every other way. It is difficult for the representatives of both signs to control their passions. If love makes this world spinning around then this couple gives an initial push for it. This is an ideal partnership. Both favor similar changes of interests. In the case of this pair, Libra is the judge and Gemini is the responsive jury in the nuptial courthouse. The combination's intellectual and artistic interests are compatible. Both sides of the Gemini nature will be under stood by the Libra. Both of them are passionate and nobody is too jealous at the same time . They characters have a lot in common , and they perfectly understand each other in bedroom. Libra is highly sexed and their lovemaking will never go lacking. Their sex-life will never be dull. This is a perfect connection; warm and happy married couple. Libra and Cancer love compatibility This pair operates on entirely different levels: Cancer wants love to be emotionally transcendent, Libra seeks perfect intellectual communion. It is difficult for the Libra to get on well with a Cancer's changeable temperament. The Cancer for his turn feels uncertainty and anxiety because of the Libra's attachment. The Libra is attracted by the Cancer's moods, but he/she prefers to avoid any troubles. Cancer will have to bring some excitement and glamour into the bedroom and their love making if he/she would capture and hold Libras attention, as he/she has a roving eye and will always be looking for greener pastures, sex being the important part of life to him/her that it is. But if Cancer turns critical, especially about Libra's extravagance, Libra will start looking elsewhere. The connection is possible. The marriage is almost unreal. Libra and Leo love compatibility Both signs satisfy needs and desires of each other. Leo is more interested in the strictly physical side of love than Libra, but Leo's style and brio can win Libra over. Libra is indecisive and Leo will naturally take charge. While Leo is a sensitive person Libra is more emotional and they are both crazy about sex. All the time which will be spend in a bedroom, will be continuous celebratory salute for them. In case there is a collision of characters Libra should concede. It will not make any difficulty, because of the Libra's ability to cooperate. The Libra's best weapon is a correct strategy and tact. The hot connection can turn into in a rather warm matrimony. Libra and Virgo love compatibility Virgo lives according to her/his rules while Libra is absolutely different creature. There are also other discrepancies of characters. Virgo is more interested in money, than in sex. Libra finds it inexcusable. Stay-at-home Virgo resents Libra's socialbutterfly instincts and pursuit of pleasure. Libra's tastes are expensive. Virgo is careful, not to say miserly. Libra finds Virgo fussy, critical, completely inflexible. Virgo can also be a grumbling and tiresome person with dictatorial propensity. Libra will not stand it too long and start searching for support somewhere else. Virgo, is more straight forward about his/her approach to sex and Libra methods of the "dance" can drive him or her up the wall. This is a doubtful connection and extremely complicated marriage. Libra and Libra love compatibility Both of these people are filled with energy and both are over demanding of one another which will make this relationship a very exhausting one for the two Libras involved. They treat each other passionately. They have a lot in common. They are cheerful, and easy-going. They also love harmony and beauty. But the severe reality interferes anyway. Neither one nor another wants to realize the facts. Their biggest problem may be unresolved conflicts, as neither wants to stir the pot when differences appear. Their life together is likely to be hectic and they will spend more time with others than they will with each other. The connection can be interesting while the marriage requires maturity. Libra and Scorpio love compatibility Scorpio is too jealous for the careless Libra. His/her well known jealousy does not let him/her stay calm and wise. The Virgo's carelessness concerning sex results in a quarrel. These problems can end up by driving Libra into an affair with someone else who does not make him/her feel restricted in any way. Scorpio is not the forgiving type and any infidelity will never be forgotten by this sign, and any taking back after this happens will be to get revenge on Libra for his/her act. Scorpio should dominate while Libra - submit. There is a strong mutual attraction between them , but this can lead to an explosion. This is a passionate rough connection and the marriage is not recomended. Libra and Sagittarius love compatibility The people who were born under the Sagittarius' sign is fond of adventures, so Libra will never be bored with him/her. Sagittarius will remain indifferent to the Libra's adventures. Charming, clever Libra knows how to appeal to Sagittarius's intellectual side and easily keeps Sagittarius intrigued. The main problem is that Sagittarius does not like remaining on one place and aspires to independence. On contrary, one of the most important things for Libra is a reliable partner. If they manage to overcome these distinctions, than there is a quite good chance for a short-term affair as well as for a long-term relations. Libra and Capricorn love compatibility Capricorn has a strong sexual interest in the Libra. Libra in her/his part likes the Capricorn's aspiration to earn money. However, the Libra's propensity for laziness irritates the Capricorn who got used to work without a rest. As a result the Libra will be dissatisfied by a Capricorn's sober practicality. The Capricorn wouldn't like Libra's constant attempts to be center of everyone's attention. Capricorn will even bring his/her work to bed, literally, and it will be up to Libra to distract him/her long enough for sexual relations to take place. A sign such as Libra is not about to put up with this for very long before greener pastures are sought out. There is too big personal incompatibility for a successful marriage. Libra and Aquarius love compatibility They should suit each other perfectly . Warm, sensual Libra joins with enthusiasm in Aquarius's erotic fun and games. Also, diplomatic Libra knows must how to get around Aquarius's quirky stubborn streak. Libra is waiting for a support from the Aquarius in this life full of adventures. They both like to live in a society and will participate in public affairs. They have a lot of friends, however they do not forget their own interests. While there are some aspects of their personalities that will irritate the other they will find it easier than most signs to compromise. The opinions of others mean very little to Aquarius he/she cannot understand how Libra can be wounded by a cruel remark from someone else and will possibly feel that Libra is being over sensitive. They will be happy together, even without perfect sex. This is a sensual connection and a good forecast for the conjugal relations. Libra and Pisces love compatibility Here there is mutual attraction, but it seldom lasts long as they start off fine, since both are sentimental and affectionate. In a way they are alike: both want to impose their romantic visions on reality. Libra can get along will with mast people, but Pisces is more discriminating, and this is the source of their disagreements. Nothing makes Libra more miserable then a sulky, complaining Pisces. Finally Libra will become tired with a Pisces' desire to rely on someone. As for the Pisces -they can't stand the fact that the Libra has a vast variety of interests. If Libra becomes quarrelsome, Pisces will plunge into despondency. Does it sound sadly? Yes, it does.

Year of The Rooster

The tenth animal who arrived was the showy Rooster Chinese Horoscope the Rooster Rooster Personality People born in the year of Rooster are very usually observant. Most of the time, they are very accurate and precise with their observation. These people certainly love find themselves in the spotlight, they love entertaining friends and adore meeting new people, and even unexpected and uncertain circumstances are not a barrier for them. It is almost impossible to find someone born in this year looking dowdy or untidy. The fact is that these people are usually one of the best dressed and groomed of all other people. They are actively interested in clothes, colours, and accessories, and usually are very critical about their own appearance as well as about appearance of those they are surrounded by. People born in the year of rooster like to be noticed and flattered. Such person might dress a little flashily with this in mind, but in his heart, he/she is completely conservative. Roosters - type always appear attractive and beautifully turned out. They are sociable and love to receive attention. Others may criticize them for being exhibitionists but the fact that they are a compassionate, wise and have a brave nature which comes to the fore when others need their help makes up that deficiency. It is difficult for these people to accept advice because of their strong independent spirit. On the other hand these people are often confident in their own judgments and choices, and it is not a problem for them to follow their own routine. There are times when these people may be too rectilineal and it can cause some problems in relationships with others. So it would be wise sometimes not to express their opinions in order to keep the peace. Though sharp, practical and resourceful, the Rooster type also likes to dream. And because he/she likes to dream, he/she might by disappointed by the loved one, for the reality usually doesn't match up to the dreams. In fact it is very important to remember that these people are often sincere about their dreams. Their close friends appreciate this sensitive and courageous side, but acquaintances are only likely to see it in times of crisis. Rooster Love Affairs Usually love for these people is another kind of responsibility and a real challenge. Though there are likely to be many romantic opportunities in their life since people of rooster type enjoy courtship. This person will certainly be intense and very devoted to the loved ones. Moreover as soon as he/she has such a good taste and loves good clothes, surroundings and company, he/she will certainly be able to create a romantic atmosphere. In other words these people have both the impressive appearance and outstanding mind. There is a danger that such person fails to read people well and may be hurt when they disappointed in him/her or don't share his/her enthusiasm. It is very important to be blunt and specific with such people when it comes to affairs of the heart. On the other hand, in case the present relationships last too long and tend to loose to lose its relish the rooster type of people may decide to set off again in search of a new relationship. In case there is a romantic relationship, it is the female rather than the male rooster who usually keeps an eye on practicalities. As a rule when it comes to long-term relationships, these people are reliable partners, and their roaming will cease when they meet someone they do not want to lose. Rooster Career People born in the year of rooster are often extremely conscious about clothing and appearance in general. They may appear conservative but are obsessed with their look - they can spend hours standing in front of the mirrors and will not even wink when they spend $500 for a dress. That doesn't mean they don't care about money, in fact, they love to compare prices and even if the bargain is only few cents or few dollars cheaper, they will be satisfied. It would be worthless thing trying to push on such person to make a decision. They are able to think clearly and logically and usually can't stand being put under pressure. If they are allowed to work without unnecessary challenges they are as a rule more than capable of achieving a good career. As long as this person has the time to think and a possibility to use his/her imagination, it is very likely they will produce profitable and creative ideas. On the negative side these people cannot tolerate opposing views or different ways of doing things. In case they are governed by other people there is always a danger that they will feel trapped, which may cause them to feel unstable and insecure or become over-critical. It is also very important to remember that when these people manage to achieve financial security, they should resist the temptation to spend their earnings quickly or carelessly. This is another their weak side, and such person whether male or female should learn to handle his/her spending with the same steady approach he/she applies to work. Ideal Job for the Rooster Include Newsreader, Sales person, Restaurant owner, Hairdresser, Public relations officer, Farmer, Athlete, Teacher, Waiter, Journalist, Travel writer, Dentist, Surgeon, Soldier, Fireman, Security guard, Police officer. Horoscope background Lucky Numbers: 1, 5, 6, 12, 15, 16, 24, 51 Equivalent Western Sign: Virgo Element METAL Color WHITE Yin/Yang YIN Direction WEST Celebrity Some Famous Roosters: Dirk Bogarde, Barbara Taylor Bradford, Michael Caine, Eric Clapton, Joan Collins, Errol Flynn, Melanie Griffith, Richard Harris, Goldie Hawn, Katherine Hepburn, Diane Keaton, Jayne Mansfield, Steve Martin, James Mason, Somerset Maugham, Bette Midler, Van Morrison, Willie Nelson, Kim Novak, Yoko Ono, Dolly Parton, Michelle Pfeiffer, George Segal, Peter Ustinov. Rooster Compatibility Compatible with : Ox, Snake, Dragon Less Compatible with : Dog, Pig, Horse, Rooster, Rat Least Compatible with : Tiger, Monkey, Rabbit, Ram Positive and Negative Capability Positive: The Rooster can be forthright, brave, enthusiastic, loyal, hardworking, tenacious, resilient, adventurous, meticulous, prompt, astute, well-dressed, proficient, down-to-earth, gregarious, communicative, sensible, generous, charming, ebullient and terminally witty. Negative: The Rooster can also be cranky, fussy, vain, self-involved, blindly egotistical, over-zealous, pretentious, materialistic, grabby, high-handed, cynical, mercurial, self-absorbed and quixotic as hell.
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