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CookiesAndMilf's blog: "Survey"

created on 01/24/2007  |  http://fubar.com/survey/b48269


1. How old will you be in 10 months? 33 2. Do you think you'll be married by then? No.. I don't do marriage. 3. Was yesterday better than today? Yes.. Went bowling with the kids yesterday. 4. What does your last text message say? none 5. Who was the last person to text you? no one 6. Do you prefer to call or text? I don't really like either. lol 7. What month is your birthday in? October 8. Can you live a day without tv? I could live the rest of my life without tv. I have the internet. I watch all the shows I love online already anyway. 9. When was the last time you saw your dad? Never met him. 10. When was the last time you saw your mom? When I was 14 or 15. 11. How many pets do you have? 13-ish 12. How many houses have you lived in? No idea, we moved A LOT when I was younger. Then once I went into foster care I was in almost 20 homes. 13. How many city/towns have you lived in? Too many to list. 14. Do you prefer shoes, flip-flops, or bare feet? bare feet or flip flops if weather permits. 15. Are you a social person? Most of the time, yes. 16. Relationship status? happily taken 17. What is your favorite color? blue 18. What are you doing for your next birthday? no idea 19. What is your favorite quote? No idea. 20. What grade did you make in Algebra? I think I had a c+ or a b- 21. Do you like coffee? I love it. 22. Do you like iced tea? Love it too. 23. What are you listening to? Everybody hates Chris. 24. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed. Next to the wall. 25. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? I'd drop a few lbs. But I'm working on that one. 26. Do you know how to play poker? Many kinds! 27. What are you thinking about right now? What's for dinner. 28. Any plans for next weekend? Not sure, if we have the kids we're going to the Aquarium.. If we don't I think we're taking a ride to look at a couple checkpoints in Maine. 29. Do you like hanging out with your friends? If I didn't like hanging out with them, they wouldn't be my friends. 30. Do you smile often? Yes. 31. When was the last time you cried? Last week. 32. Have you ever had a life-threatening injury? Yes 33.Who is your favorite person and why? Sean. Because he fell in love with a blue eyed blonde, who brings with her 2 children and enough baggage to put Louis Vuitton out of business.. Because he continues to choose us.. Because he's kind and courteous and a man of his word. 34. What do you want to be when you grow up? I'm already grown.. And I'm a business owner! Go order something! lol
35. Do you like flying or driving? Depends on how far it is. 1,500 miles away or more and I'd like to fly. Other than that, I'll drive. 36. Do you know how to drive a stick shift? Yep.. Although I can't wait to get some more practice in when the weather gets nicer. 37. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? My kids 38. Do you wear any jewelry? Yep 39. Who got you the jewelry you are currently wearing? Sean bought me my opal earrings and the pearl drop earrings. Tiff bought me the tongue ring originally, I bought myself my opal ring. 40. Who is the funniest person you know? Me! I'm a freakin riot! 41. How often do you remember your dreams? Sometimes 42. What is the main ring tone on your phone? N/A 43. Skim, 1%, 2%, or whole milk? Whole for cooking with, 2% if I'm having chocolate milk. 44. Why do you like the last person you liked? This question makes no sense. You've already asked why I love my bf.. Redundancy sucks butt. 45.Person you hate most I hate several people equally. 46. Do you wish someone was with you right now? Yes 47. Are you mad about anything? Nothing I can think of. 49. What time did you go to sleep last night? 1:40.. Early night for me. 50. Where did you last sleep? our bed

One from late at night

1. Who is the first person you think of when someone asks you who you like? Sean duh 2. Do you drool/snore/etc. in your sleep I talk in my sleep and I'm told I snore lightly when I'm sick. 3. What curse word do you say the most when you're pissed? FUCK 4. Are you happy? With my partner, yes.. With our living situation, no. 5. Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate? I was married to him. Turns out, my friends were right. 7. Are you tan? Nope, I live in New England.. I'm pale as a mo-fo. 8. Hair color? Blonde 9. Confused about anything? Nah 10. Kids or no kids? I have 2. ------------------------------------- 11. Do you have any pets? Whole bunch of em. --------------------------------- 12. What do your favorite sunglasses look like? Big and pink. 13. Do your initials spell anything? KEL 14. Last person you fought with? Sean 15. What's one thing you actually remember about kindergarten? I don't. haha 16. How do you calm down when you're extremely angry? I smoke.. a lot.. Or go for a drive. 19. Do you prefer to call or text someone? Neither. 20. What are you listening to? Monk ---------------------------------------------- 23. Last movie you watched? Documentary 24. What are you doing tomorrow? Umm, taking a ride with Sean in the am to run some errands. Not sure about the rest of the day. 25. Are you excited for anything? Not so much right now. Just sick of the snow. 26. Were you bad in high school? Haha, yes. 27. What are you doing currently? Listening to Monk and myself typing. 28. Is anything on your mind? Many things. 30. Have you ever been given roses? Yes 31. What is your all-time favorite romance movie? P.S. I love you. 32. How many times have you honestly fallen in love? 4? 33. What’s your current problem? Not enough $$$$$$$$$ 34. Have you ever had your heart broken? Yup 35. Had a long distance relationship? Yes, when my ex bf was in Iraq and Afghanistan. 37. How many kids do you want? I already have 2. ------------------------------- 41. Would you kiss the last person you kissed? Each and every day for the rest of our lives. 42. At what age did you start noticing the opposite gender? Way too young I'm told. 43. Are you happy with your love situation? Absolutely. 44. Do you know someone who likes you? Of course. 45. Do you like anyone? Duh 46. When is the last time you cried? Today 47. Why? Some disgusting pics on some afghanistan website Sean was at. I shouldn't have looked over. 48. Does anyone know you're crying when you are? If they're here. 50. Who do you talk to about your problems? Sean ---------------------------- 53. Who is the last person you hugged? Sean 54. Who do you hate right now? People who deserve to be hated. For the lies they tell and the hateful hurtful things they do. ----------------------------- 58. Are you pretty/cute? Of course 60. Do you ever make the first move? Not usually. I like to be wooed. 61. Ever been pregnant or gotten someone pregnant? We already covered that.

7 deadly sins

Wrath Who did you last get angry with? Sean lol What is your weapon of choice? My words Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? If they deserved it. How about the same sex? If they deserved it. Who was the last person who got really angry at you? Probably Sean What is your pet peeve? Too many things.. Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily? I never forget. Remember that before you wrong me. Sloth What is one thing you're suppose to do daily that you haven't? Housework, I did do laundry today, but that's about it since we were out most of the day. What is the latest you've ever woken up? 4 pm? I really have no idea. Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't? Heidi to find out if she got a new job yet. What is the last lame excuse that you made? I don't make excuses. Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through? Yes How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning? I don't use an alarm. Gluttony What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice? I go to Dunkins.. And I get an iced blueberry, reg cream and sugar, pump of mocha. Are you a meat eater? si What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event? Enough to warrant a trip to the ER to pump my stomach. Are you comfortable with your drinking and eating habits? I could be eating more healthy. Do you enjoy candy and sweets? Of course. Which do you prefer: sweets, salty foods or spicy foods? All but the spicy ones. Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "lunch"? Nope Greed How many credit cards do you own? one If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? Buy a house on a large piece of land, expand my business, put my kids through college, travel and invest. Would you rather be rich or famous? rich Would you accept a boring job if it meant that you would make megabucks? Not if it means letting go of my own business. Pride What's one thing that you have done that you're most proud of? I've done a lot of things that I'm proud of. I got my GED after dropping out of school for almost 10 years, I've raised 2 children to the best of my ability, I survived childhood sexual and physical abuse to become a peer counsellor for other survivors, I escaped a horrendously abusive marriage, I started my own business doing something I love, I have a successful loving relationship.. Yep, pretty successful if you ask me. What's one thing you have done that your parents are most proud of? See the above question. What thing would you like to accomplish late in your life? Travel extensively. Do you get annoyed by coming in second place? Usually. I like to win, and if I don't think I can win I don't bother. lol Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors? Yes, like I said... I like to win. Have you ever cheated to get a better score? I wrote notes on my hand all through high school. haha What did you do today that you're proud of? I made the one I love feel loved and appreciated. Lust How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies, family, strippers, locker rooms)? A bazillion.. C'mon, I have no idea. How many people have seen you naked (not counting physicians, doctors, family, locker rooms, or when you were a young child)? I'm gonna go with a bazillion.. Pshh stupid questions I'm an adult, not a high school student. Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a person of your chosen sex during a normal conversation? If their crotch/chest is impressive I can't help myself. What is your favorite body part of a person of your gender choice? Eyes.. Shoulder/chest/back Have you ever had sexual encounters (including kissing/making out) with multiple persons? Yes Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute? lmao yes I actually have. lol Envy What item of your friends would you most want to have for your own? Ummm I'll take John Paul's house! Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with? No one, I don't have my own house to trade. lol If you could be anyone who existed in the world, who would you be? Myself.. only wealthier. Have you ever been cheated on? Yes Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own? Sure What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself? The ability to control my emotions. What deadly sin... Do you do the most often? sloth Do you do the least often? envy Is your favorite to act on? lust

looooong one

1) Happiest moment of 2008 so far? It's only 2 months in, Finding out that both of my sisters are pregnant. lol 2) What did you wake up to this morning? I woke up when my body was ready to be awake.. 3) Who were you with last night? Sean 4) Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Fo sho 5) When is the last time you saw your crush? I love him and I see him every day. 6) Who can you tell anything to? Very few people. 7) Do you know anyone named Peter? I do 8) Who is your last phone call with? None today. 9) What's the last thing you said/typed? look up ^ 10) How's life? Meh 11) Last time you cried? few days ago. 12) Why? Gross shit online. 13) Have you ever thrown up? who hasn't? 14) When was the first kiss you had with the last person you kissed? Spring of 2001. 15) Do you love anyone who's name starts with an L? No? (16) Are you happy? I try to be. 17) Are you excited about anything? The births of both my sisters' babies. 18) What makes you happy in life? Lots of things. Little things mostly. Feeling appreciated and respected. 19) What were you doing at 3 in the morning? Just went to bed. 20) Do you have any text messages saved on your phone? I don't have a cell 21) Who are they from? n/a 22) What do they say? n/a 23) Do you enjoy life? Most of it. lol 24) How long was the last relationship you were in? 9 1/2 years. 25) Would you take a bullet for anyone? Yes I would 26) What are you listening to? Frog moving around. 27) Do you like it? I don't hate it. 28) Have you ever took medicine that wasn't prescribed to you? yes 29) Are you surprised about something? Nothing surprises me any more. People are predictable. 30) Is there anyone who doesn't like you? Of course. People don't usually like being told the truth. 31) Do you feel bad because someone doesn't like you? Of course not. 32) )Who do you fight with the most? My son. lol 33) Do you like anyone? Yes 34) What's the worst thing about hugs? If they're insincere or if the person has b.o or bad breath. haha 35) What did yesterday consist of? Took a ride to Salem.. Had a nice dinner with Sean's Momma.. Came home. Chilled.. 36). Did you talk to anybody random yesterday? An online friend I haven't talked to in months. 37) Did any particular thing brighten up your day yesterday? Talking to my online friend i haven't talked to in months. 38) What's the stupidest thing you've ever done? Too damn many to count and I'm sure the list will continue... <-- I agree 39) If you could kiss anyone right now who would it be? Sean, but he went to bed.. I tuckered him out! lol 40) When was the last time you went ice skating? Oh gawd.. Ummm 1994-ish? 41) Do you wish anyone dead? No, I just really wish they had never existed in the first place and know that sooner or later their poor decisions, lies and hateful ways will catch up to them. 42) Your team loses; what do you do? Shake the other teams hands and do the "good game" line. 43) Who was the last person you hugged? Sean right before he went to bed. 44) What was the last thing that made you smile? Frog climbing the wall in her enclosure. We really have to build another addition. I'm hoping in a couple weeks we'll be able to. 45) Someone trips in front of you-what do you do? Lmao and then ask if they're ok & help them up! 46) Have you ever failed a class? yea 47). A person says they like you.. you say: Thanks! lol 48). Do you like cuddling? With Sean and with my kids and cats I do. 49) Are you close to your parents? I've never met my father, and I've been getting to know my mother again, which is beyond weird. 50) Do you go hunting? For fish i have lol. I've eaten my fair share of hunted food. 51) Your friend's pregnant.. you say? depends if they're happy about it or not,so whatever is fitting to the situation. <- again I agree with April. 52) What's your favorite sport? none really 53). Do you like to run? Do I look like I run?? Am I being chased by something or someone angry?? If so I enjoy running very much! haha 54) Do you plan on dressing up for Halloween next year? Depends on who has the parties next year lmao. 55) What word starts with M? Mischief 56) What is your favorite day of the week? Sat 57) Do you have deja vu often? All the time! Sean and I both had the same deja vu the other day at the same time.. it was freaky. 58) Has your favorite color ever been pink or blue? It's always been blue. 59) Do you believe in true love? Yes 60) How many hoodies do you own? 4 or 5 I think. 61) Hows your heart? Still thumping away. 62) Know anyone with blue hair? Yes I do actually! 63) Where'd you get the shirt you're wearing? I dunno, it's a big long sweater thing that zips up the front. It's so warm. 64) What time did you go to bed last night? 3:30? 65) Are you cocky? Nope, I'm convinced. *wink* 66) Do you make your bed daily? No way. 67) Do you own slippers? Yep a couple pair. 68) Is there a TV in your bedroom? No 69) Are you afraid of the dark? No, just the things in it. 70) How was your day? Booooooooooring.

2008 edition

Welcome to the 2008 edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here's what you're supposed to do, and try not to be lame and spoil the fun! Copy this entire bulletin and paste into a new one, change all the answers so that they apply to you. 1. What is your occupation? I own... 2. What color are your socks right now? None 3. What are you listening to right now? Sean talking to me. 4. What was the last thing that you ate? Crackers last night. 5. Can you drive a stick shift? Kind of. I could get us home if I needed to. 6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Blue, duh. 7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Tiff about 2 seconds ago. 8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? It wasn't sent to me, it was April's bulletin, and yep I like her very much! 9. How old are you today? 32 10. Favorite drink? Iced tea or iced coffee 11. What is your favorite sport to watch? None really. 12. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yep, pink, blue, purple, brown.. etc. etc. 13. Pets? I've got a bunch. If you know me, you know who they are. 14. Favorite food? Mexican 15. Last movie you watched? Dunno 16. Favorite Day of the year? 4th of July 17. What do you do to vent anger? Depends. yell at the person who made me angry probably! 18. What was your favorite toy as a child? My bike. 19. What is your favorite season? Summer 20. Hugs or kisses? Both 21. Cherry or Blueberry? in or on what? 22. Do you want your friends to post this? sure 23. When was the last time you cried? 3 or 4 days ago. 24. What is your favorite time of day, morning or night? night 25. What is on the floor of your closet? plastic bins filled with stuff.. My toy box. 26.Favorite smells? night blooming jasmine 27.Who inspires you? Sean 28. What are you afraid of? A few things. 29. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburger? cheese 30. Favorite car? 300 ZX 31.Favorite cat breed? Maine coon or Egyptian mao 32.Number of keys on your key ring? I don't use a key ring. 33.How many years at your current job? 2 years!! 34.Favorite day of the week? Sat. 35.How many states have you lived in? 3? 36.Do you think you're funny? Of course!!

Shut it. I love them.

1. Have you ever called a person useless? Yes, because they were/are. 2. What object in your room is really important to you? My comp. lol 3. Are you good at hiding your feelings? Not even a little. 4. Are you a lover? Yep 5. What is the gas station you pump your gas at? Most of the time it's wherever we're at, if we're just leaving home we go to 7-11 7. What kind of sense of humor do you have? I'm all kinds of funny. Sarcastic lil bitch... 8. Do you usually tell people when they hurt your feelings? Yes, if you hurt me or piss me off I'll tell you. 9. Do your initials spell out a word? No 10. When is the last time you danced? Too long ago. 11. How often do you give high fives? Haha rarely? 12. If you had to delete one person off your top friends list, who would it be? One of the celebs I'm sure. Everyone else I know in rl. 15. Is your shirt new? no 16. Where is the last place you went out to eat? Ummm roast beef place in salem ma. 17. Have you bought any clothing items in the past week? no 20. Did you sing in the shower today? no 23. Where is the last place you went shopping? 7-11 late last night. 24. Do you have the same name as one of your relatives? Just middle. 27. Do you know your father's birthday? Nope 29. Do you prefer a call or a text? I detest both 32. Have you ever been on television? yes 33. How many cities/towns have you lived in? Too many to remember... We moved a lot when I was a kid. 34. Do your parents drink coffee every morning? I have no idea, I'm 32.. I haven't lived with my mom in a very long time. 35. Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? creamy 36. One song that's meaningful to you? Too many to list. 37. Do you think you'd be good enough to commit a crime and get away with it? Who knows. 38. Are you wearing any jewelry? earrings, tongue ring, opal ring. 40. Do you wish someone was with you right now? Nope. Sean's here and the kids will be home from school soon. 41. Is there currently a movie showing that you want to see? Probably not. 42. What are you doing for your next birthday? Who knows? 44. Does a kiss make you feel better? For most things, yes. For some, no. 45. What is your favorite subject in school? When I went to school it was English, choir. 46. What's your favorite kind of cereal? Fruity pebbles, Cinnamon toast crunch, Reeses puffs. 47. Is there someone you know you should hate, but you can't? No 48. Out of your cousins, which one do you talk to the most? Probably Roxanne 49. Is there anyone you trust even though you probably shouldn't? Nope. I trust very few people.. They've all proven themselves to be trustworthy. 50. Has anyone pissed you off today? not yet but it's early.
1. Do you think you can get through it without answering "I don't know"? Of course 2. Are you involved with anyone? Yes, quite. 3. Where do you wish you were right now? Tropical island, in my vaca villa, sipping some fresh juice while being massaged... *sigh* 4. What should you be doing right now? I'm doing it. 5. Does sex mean love? No. People have sex with people they don't love all the time. 6. what do you believe is a true saying about life? Your life is what you make of it. 7. Are you a bad influence? Some say so. I'm a notorious speeder.. plus I smoke and curse. lol 8. who has had the most influence on you (good or bad)? I'd have to say Sean. But mostly because I value his opinion, so what he has to say has an influence on most of my decisions. 9. night out or night in? I haven't had a night out in a long time.. So I pick that one! 10. single forever with a great family or no family and your soul mate? My soul mate is all the family I need if those are my choices. 11. what is your favorite game? We play a lot of Sorry on family game night lol. 12. Your favorite book? I love quite a few. All Stephen King's work for the most part, I love biographies on serial killers, It's about the only way I like to be scared.. I don't do rides or scary movies, but gimme a good thriller and I love it. 13. do you know how to change a tire? Yes, I cal AAA and they send someone out. Of course I know how to, I'm smart enough not to have to need to. 14. what item could you not go without during the day? coffee 15. Would you share a drink with a stranger? I wouldn't share a glass, but I'd have a conversation over shared drinks. 16. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? Hmm It's been awhile. I think it was Teri after her back surgery. 17. In the past week have you gotten kissed? Many many times every day. 18. Have you ever lied about something important to your boyfriend/girlfriend? never 19. Would you rather be in a permanent relationship or play the field? relationship ftw 20. How long ago did you hug someone? About 20 min. ago. Last time I got up and every time I get up I get hugged and kissed! Lucky girl that I am. 21. Do you think its right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced? If they want to. Makes no diff. to me. 22. Have you ever thrown shoes on a telephone wire? No but there are some on the wire out behind our house.. 23. Do you ever think about any of your ex's? Just the one I have kids with. A couple of my ex's e-mail every once in awhile to keep in touch. 24. What does the last text message in your inbox say? N/A 25. Need to get something off your chest? nope 26. How do you feel about your life right now? We're making an effort to save some $ so we can start looking for somewhere else to live, so I'm feeling optimistic. 27. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? Meh.. A handful. Couple times for speeding, and as a passenger when Sean was speeding and when we were up at bike week and they hated us & our hideously loud muffler and got pulled over like 8 times in 3 days.. 3 of those times being within 40 min. of eachother.. 28. What kind of car do you drive? I don't have a car.. But I ride in the Z all the time lol. And I drive the truck when it's registered. 29. What characteristics do you despise the most? Snobbiness Liars Racists Abusers of women or children Know it alls 30. Ever get so drunk you don't remember what you did? Yep 31. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? Haha of course! 32. How's the relationship between you and your ex? Bahahahahahahaha.. I need to catch my breath.. I'm civil to him because it's the right thing to do for the sake of my children's happiness and mental health. Other than that he's a piece of shit. 33. Do you talk dirty to people? Not often. lol I get too shy. 34. Do you think you can make it on a "Moment of Truth?" Absolutely, although I'd never go on it. I watched one episode online and from then on boycott it. It brings nothing but hurt and heartache to everyone involved. 35. Anyone upset you lately? nope 36. Last person you talked to on the phone? Kids father. 39. Do you think you're dumb? Absolutely not. I pride myself on learning new things all the time. 40. What could be done to make things better for you? A house on a piece of land would freaking rock. 41. Do you love someone at the moment? Sean, kids, friends, fam. 42. How's your heart? Still ticking away! 43. Ever kiss someone with a name starting with a C? Yep several. First one that comes to mind is Carlos. lol I hear he's doing really well so I'm glad for that. 44. First time you kissed the last person you kissed? Was wonderful. He's such a caring, giving, considerate partner. 45. Can you keep a secret? sure 46. Are you happy with your living arrangement? I love the people and animals I live with.. We just need something of our own. 47. Do you have trust issues? Absolutely not. I trust those who deserve to be trusted. Most people don't measure up. 48. Is it easier to forgive or forget? forgive 49. Would you live with someone without marrying them? Of course. No need for marriage. Soon the only people who are married are the religious. 50. Who is a friend of the opposite sex that you can talk to? Sean.. He's the bestest of best friends.

Yep, you guessed it.

1. When was the last time you shaved your legs? 2 days ago. 2. What were you doing this morning at 8? Still sleeping. 3. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? Watching Monk. 4. What are you wearing right now? Jammy pants and a tank top. 5. Are you mad at anyone right now? Nah. they're not worth wasting my time over. 6. The last two people to say they loved you? Sean and my daughter. 7. Kissed someone in the last 24 hrs? Yep we pass out kisses like crazy around here. 8. Are you happy with your living arrangements? Love who I live with, not where we live. 9. Last thing received in the mail? A bill 10. Do you have any famous relatives? My stepfather is distantly related to Brooke Shields. 11. Have you ever had sex in a public place? Yes 12. Have you ever been searched by the cops? I had my vehicle searched crossing the border from Mexico back into the US. It was a rental... Apparantly that means you're smuggling people in your trunk. lmao. 13. How is your hair? Down 14. How many different drinks have you had today? Umm, Iced coffee, orange soda. So 2. 15. What have you eaten today? 100 cal. pack of granola, chicken cutlet sub and a handful of fries for dinner. 16. Are you any good at math? I'm fine with basic math, but I don't do trig or calculus or anything. 17. What did you do Friday night? Went out with Sean.. Long drive... Nice night all in all. 18. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? Not usually. We're almost always driving through. 19. Are you taken for granted? By my kids. lol 20. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? Yup 21. Do you like the ocean? Very much 22. Did you stay friends with your ex's? No. I tolerate the one I have to. 23. What are you excited about? The weather getting better!!! 24. What did you do two nights ago? Sun Tiff and I picked up the kids and stopped at KFC for dinner. 25. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive? No 26. Where do you keep your money? In my purse or in the change jug. 27. Do you remember the most naughty night of your life? Of course. 28. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? With my Sean and Bubba. 29. What was the weather like on your birthday? I think it was a warm night, which was nice at the end of Oct. 30. Would you make out with anyone on your top friends list? probably

Me vs Sean

1. Who eats more? Him 2. Who said "I love you" first? Me 3.How long have you been together? Almost 7 years! Wow. 4.Who sings better? Neither of us. lol 5. Who's older? Sean by a couple years. 6. Who's smarter? It's a tie! 7. Who's temper is worse?: His 8. Who does the laundry? We both do. 9. Who does the dishes? Neither unless we absolutely have to. 10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Depends on how you're looking at it. From the foot of the bed, Sean's on the right. 11. Who snores? Sean 12. Who's hair is longer?: Mine 13. Who's better with the computer?: Sean 14. Do you have pets?: Many many. 15. Who pays the bills? Sean pays most of them. 16. Who cooks dinner? Didn't we do this one already? We both cook. 17. Who drives when you are together? Almost always Sean. 18. Who pays when you go out to dinner? Depends on which one of us has cash! lol 19. Who is the most stubborn?: ME 20. Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong? We both do. 21. Who's parents do you see more? His, my mom is 3,000 miles away. 22. Who named your pet? We've both named our pets. 23. Who kissed who first? He kissed ME! 24. Who asked who out?: He did. 25. Who is more sensitive? Me 27.Who's taller Him 29. Who has more siblings? Me 30. Who wears the pants in the relationship? We both wear pants. lol 31. Who has the best sense of humor? We both have great senses of humor! 32. Who is the cleanest? Hmm neither? 33. Who will die first? Who knows?? 34. Who has the best fashion sense? Me, if it were up to Sean he'd wear nothing but black, grey or blue.


1. Name something that made you frown today? Getting a gutterball!! Sean and I took the kids bowling today. 2. What were you doing at 7:00 am? Trying to fall back asleep!! Sean farted so loud it woke us BOTH up! 3.What were you doing one hour ago? Bowling and eating pizza with Sean and the kids. 4. What is something you will never forget? Working with my Papa... Making wooden wishing wells, polishing agates in his tumbler.. collecting stamps and coins with him.. 5. What was the last thing you said aloud? "Ya, ok" 6. How many different things did you drink today? Iced coffee, orange soda. 7. What was the last thing you bought? Pizza and a lane at the bowling alley. 8. Where are you right now? Home, in the comp/gator room. 9. What is the weather going to be like tomorrow? I dunno, but it's been raining for 2 days.. Probably more of the same. 10. Vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate... no question. 11. What are you excited about? No more snow!! 12. Are you random? I can be 13. Do you laugh a lot? Yes 14. Do you have plans tomorrow? Nope 15. Are you ticklish? Very.. And I can't STAND being tickled.. So don't even think about it. Seriously, it makes me cry... Childhood trauma, we won't get into it. 16. Are you typically nice to people? Yes. Unless they aren't nice people. 17. Who's the 1st person on your received calls list? N/A 18. What's the 5th text in your inbox? N/A 19. Do you chew on straws? No 20. What is the next concert you're going to? No idea. 21. What's on your mind lately? Bills, our place of living, my son's choices in school... The rally.. 22. What were you doing at 8:00 last night? Watching shows online I think. 23. Is success in your future? Hell yes! 24. Do you have a nickname? millions 25. Are you a heavy sleeper? Usually. I can sleep through most things. But in the morning I wake up easily. 26. When was the last time you used a skateboard? Oh gawd.. I think I was 11 or 12. 27. When was the last time you said I love you to a parent? Not since before I went into foster care for the last time. I was around 15. 28. Was today a good day? Yes, it was a great day actually! 29. What are you listening to? Sean talking on the phone. 31.What are you doing right now? a survey, duh 32. What kind of music do you like most? A little of almost everything. I'm eclectic like that. 33. How do you like to spend the holidays? With people I love, eating the foods I only make that time of year. 34. Do you have something for someone? Yes, I have letters to mail out from my kids to their grandmother. 34. Do you currently have feelings for someone? I have strong feelings for lots of people.. Some of them aren't strong feelings of love though. lol 36. How did you feel about Valentine's Day? Good! Sean gave me a gorgeous purple lily plant. When it gets a little nicer I'll put it outside on the porch. 37. What was the last concert you went to? N/A 38. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive? No, but oddly enough I just came across a letter that my great grandmother Hazel wrote to my son, her first great-great grandchild on his 2nd birthday.. She had a stroke shortly after and passed away not long after that. 39. Where do you keep your money? My purse, or in the change container. 40. What was the weather like on your birthday? Chilly I believe.. But clear out. 41. Who is your favorite person? Besides my kids, Sean... No question. 42. What instant messaging system do you use? I don't any more. I get too many weirdos. lol 44. Have you ever hiked up a mountain? Yes, but not in a loooooooong time. We walked to the bowling alley.. in the rain.. lol Does that count? I know it's only like a block away, but still!! 45. Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex you loved them and meant it? I only say it if I mean it 46. Is there anyone that doesn't like you because of something you didn't even do? Yep.. But it makes no nevermind to me. People will believe whatever they choose to believe. 47. Do you miss someone? every day 50. How are you feeling? Damp. lol It's downpouring outside. 51. Have you kissed anyone on your top friends? yes 52. Favorite song? I couldn't pick just one. There are so many that mean so much for different reasons. 53. Are you single? Not even a little. 54. Do you believe in soul mates? Yes, I've had many throughout my life.. and will continue to. People come into your life for reasons that aren't always clear. 55. Dogs or cats? I have kitties.. But I love dogs too. 56. Favorite quote? I don't really have one at the moment.
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