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Hank and I got some new pics taken at walmart!!! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket What do you guys think? Love Stace

still around

Sleeping peacefully in bed to the sound of a spring rain dancing on the roof. Waking up to enjoy the music of nature, you lay in bed a while longer. Trapped in the melody from outside, wishing the day didn't have to start or stop. In that one moment in time life and all that is, is in perfect harmony. That would be about how I felt this morning when I first woke up at about 0630. Hank and I laying in bed with the rain dancing outside. It's a very peaceful thing to me.It's mornings like this I recall why I don't mind getting up everyday lol. Now when I get to work on the other hand I tend to forget that but that's life right? We are still trying to sell the house and I'm hoping soon that we do. I mean I like it here but I'm not a fan of field mice or the snake that Hank says sometimes sunbathes on the porch. Ok so the poor sap got a girly girl nothing I can do about that now lol. Just latley my sisters got me going to the tanning beds. I just started so I'm still wwhite compared to them lol. The good news though is I get really really dark so it'll be nice. Once I start getting a batter tan then I'll have Hank take some pics and we'll post the pics. Tomorrow I'm going to get my hair done. It's about do for a coloring and a trim anyway so yay!!! Sence I moved to TN my family and I have devised a plan so we can keep in touch and see each other once a month or so. We are going to alternate months to see each other. Like I went there this month so in April they will be coming here, then I'll go there in May. I think it's a wonderful ideal. Mom came up with it so she gets all the credit lol. Love Stace


Last weekend we had Hanks son. It's always fun to have him around and I know it does alot for Hank to be with his son. Well Wyatt and I were playing on the swing set while his dad and a couple friends went back into the woods. It was a nice day out so it seemed perfect to be outside, to bad I had to work that night. There we are swinging and Wyatt asked me something , though I can't recall just what. However it got me going into a story and I told him I fell madly in love with him and so I moved here. He's a sharp kid though because he asked me, Well I thought you loved my daddy. To which I responded, I do love your daddy and I love you too. I thought ok that moments passed now we're going to play some more. So we move off the swing and he heads towards the slide. He picks something up off the ground and it's a rock that he hands me. He says this is a present for swinging so high or something like that. Then he hands me a leaf, looks at me and says and this is a present for marrying daddy. I said thank you unsure of what else to say. I now have the leaf in one of my photo albums as a sweet reminder of such love. I just thought you would all enjoy a sweet story and smile. Love Stace


Well it's been awhile sence I've moved to TN. I'm finally able to go back to NC and see my family and friends. The good thing though is that my family got to come out here and spend a weekend with me. We had some issues so the trip was delayed back home for a few weeks but now I get to go. I'll be flying home the 21st and staying til the 23rd YAY!!! I hope you guys are ready for me lol...think it's warm enough for the beach? We're still trying to sell the house that may take a while though. I'm hoping with the people getting taxes back and stuff it'll sell soon. All I really want is to be out in town area. I can't help it I'm total city girl here, unless you count my music taste that is lol. Really though the sooner we get it sold the sooner we can move ahead with some small plans of ours. Like a much needed trip to the dentist for some serious work. Then another sergury that will help with the whole baby thingy lol. Well I'm off to bore others and irritate those who deserve it. Love Stace

still trying

I don't have much time today I have to clean up the house. You see we have someone coming to do a second viewing on the house yay!!! This is good because why else would you want to see it twice unless you were serious about it right? Just keep your fingers crossed that they give a good bid please. I'll keep you all updated as this progresses. Well I'm off to clean up the house everyone have a good day and try to be a tad good. Love Stace

cross your fingers

Hey everyone how ya doin? All is going pretty good in my lil world. It appears we have some intrested people in the house. This is good news if you've even remotely cared about keeping up with my blog. If we can get a good bid soon we may be able to be in our own new house by mid April. This would be a good birthday gift for me. Other things will fall into place once we sell the house so it's a good thing. Jen and bub if you want to be aunts start praying we sell the house soon. The sell will take care of all medical needs from teeth to Hanks surgery. So get to crossing those fingers girls. You too mom and dad lol you want to be grandparents don't you? I mean we'll do everything from calling you old farts to enjoying the memories we'll make. Plus it'll be fun to call dad grandpa lol. Well that's it for now...I'll let you all get back to your regularly schedualed lives. Love Stace


I haven't updated in awhile so I suppose I'm due. I am right now in the process of having my sister do my taxes. No worries she won't mess up lol she went to school for this. And if she does mess up she owes me lots and lots lol. Well about a week ago my family came to visit.That wasa nice. I got to spend some much needed time with them and them with me. My mom and dad two sisters and baby Logan were here. They put Logan in my room with me which was fine lol. For being a tad sick he slept through most the night. He's a cute kid it makes me wonder how he came from Shawn and Sarah hehe.Gotta love me right? Really though it was a good time. Everyone got to spend time together and we even played a game. It's a fun game you should all buy it is called Apples to apples. You need at least 4 people to play it though. We still haven't sold the house but we're working on that. Maybe if I can talk Hank into I can get some pics and post them so you all can see what we're trying to sell. It's a nice place I just want to be around people. I am so not a country girl unless we're talking about music then yeah, but to live out here is a no. I mean there are spiders and mice and probablly snakes but we won't discuss that just now. It's a good thing we have a dog and cat to protect lil ole me lol. For those who have it and know me I have changed my phone number to the location I'm at. If you do know me you probablly already have the number, I just wanted to be sure you got it if you didn't. Send me a message and if you had it before and I feel like it I'll send you the new number. With that I'm going to head out and take a nap or something. Love Stace


I've been working at this walmart now for almost 3 weeks. I have found a lil group of people I am good with. We can joke around and have fun and still work so this makes it all good in my lil work world. I am not as well off with the anagement team here as I was back home but that takes time. They are still thinking of using me as a CSM maybe during the afternoon shift. THat's all good too at least I'll be sleeping with Hank at the same time. I don't mean that we don't see each other but well it's hard when I'm sleeping he's working then vise versa. It works out ok though because we have 4 days off between us where we see a bit of each other lol. So far I like TN though I'm usually sleeping through most the day time stuff it's not to bad. We still have the house up for sale so somebody come and buy it ok? On a positive note we found something we like but again no buying til we sell. This will both be fun to look but irritating because we can't buy right away. Now I'm just whining but I am intitled to do so. The hardest part for me is waiting, I've never been very good at that part of anything. I am impatient unless it comes to children and then sometimes that not always true. Oh well I'll live you guys just have to hear me whine aren't you happy? I do miss my friends and family back in both MI and NC. I talk to them on the phone and through text messaging and the computer alot. This is a good thing otherwise I'd go insane lol. Not saying that I'm not already but I would be more if I didn't have that contact. OH and on a good fun note my family is coming to visit me this tuesday yay!!! There bringing my cousins baby so that will be loads of fun hehe. It'd be better if I had my own but ya know that will happen in time. We're projecting if it's possible and we sell the house soon enough, there are some surgeries and stuff that need to be done, so maybe we can start trying in Dec. SO Heather and Jen you want to become aunts start praying the house sells fast lol. Well my rambeling is over so you guys can go back to your daily fun. Love Stace


So Hank and I are trying to sell the house. Today I'm hoping the realitor comes in to take pictures. I'm only waiting til 1300 and then I'm going to bed. We are hoping it goes well and sells fast. Wish us luck. Love Stace

I'm here

Just updating you guys. I've moved in and am starting to work on the setteling part. Though I think once I do settle we're going to be moving again lol. Though it'll be a good move because we'll have our own house that doesn't have any of that umm lets see how do we word it?? oh yes that old ex feeling. Well I'm off to play pogo. Love Stace
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