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Terrance Joseph could not get away from them.

Regardless of how often, or how many different ways he tried avoiding them, they always came back to him...especially during the night as he was asleep. He'd recently escaped the Compound where The Mistress had him captured. He was still on the run. As far as he could tell, there was absolutely no one in pursuit of him. Yet, he could still sense her presence especially at night when he tried to rest from pure exhaustion.

When The Explorer Shuttle landed on the small Planetoid in the Ceres Star Cluster after coming out of the Wormhole, Joseph found he'd been off Target of the planned trajectory by at least eleven hundred Light Years. Despite Plasma Regeneration of the Drive Engines, he calculated he'd die before even getting halfway back to Earth. Yet, escaping this world, was a chance he was willing to take.

If, he could ever get a decent night of sleep.

Oh the Shuttle was well hidden enough, but despite activating the Force Shields, an Intruder still managed to make it's way through them to assail him at night. The tell-tale odors of The Mistress' Pheromones constantly called to him. He'd tried Nasal Blocking Screens to stop them from getting to his Olfactory Bulb, but even those didn't work. Night after night, he could literally smell The Mistress' Sensually Seductive Body near him...and he KNEW he was at least sixty to seventy kilometers from the Compound where he'd been just over five months ago. As for the rotational period of the Planetoid, the nights were longer than the days, and they always were by what he'd estimated at an average of four and a half additional hours. It's Axial Tilt, constantly kept It's Southern Hemisphere sunward by about eight degrees, and it seemed to always be in it's Summer. There was never a variation of seasons on this world!

The rotation of this world, was a 29 hour period as well. It's Gravity was nearly Earth Tolerable, and he was indeed lighter by nearly four kilograms. As he was about to fall asleep yet again, the sunset gave him a foreboding feeling of tortuous dread. Finally, his body forced him to sleep.

The Dreams came first.

She stood at nearly a meter and a half tall. Despite his being taller than her by nearly two, she'd emitted a most powerfully alluring aura from her body. The semi-transparent robe she always wore; revealed sumptuous, full breasts. Her golden hair flowed just past her shoulder blades, and her curvy-yet sensually proportioned body with the widened apple shaped butt that was fully rounded and packed, was indeed soft to even his sense of smell. Her legs were muscular, yet smoothened, Goddess Structures of Feminine Pillars that constantly drove his attention to them second or first. He couldn't tell.

Then, there were The Feet.

They were the most perfected peds he'd ever seen in his entire life. No Female on Earth, not even his last Ex-Girlfriend Lynnette, could boast such fantastically Sexy Feet. The Insteps of The Mistress' feet, were arched at a near perfect 80 degrees from ball joints to heels. The parabolic curve, along with the sensuous wrinkles and folds of her soles, especially when she'd flex them in front of him, would constantly keep him hardened to the point of pain. 

The Dreams. The Pheromones again.

He tossed and turned all night. The torture of the Dreams would not allow him the luxury of a simple restful night's sleep...and he needed it so badly, if he were to escape successfully. The question was; would he ever escape, if at all?

After what seemed like a lifetime of dreaming, the alarm sounded, and he awoke yet again.

It was still dark outside, and the Proximity Sensors still detected no approach of anyone or anything. The animal life of this world generally left him alone. At last, The Regeneration Signaled, that The Drive Engines were at Full Power. At last. He could Lift Off and be gone from this accursed Planet!

"I beat you. You won't ever have me again." He muttered to himself as he activated the Lift-Off Sequence. As the Shuttle rose into the sky rapidly, he attained orbit within the next few minutes. He'd make two complete circuits, before obtaining the corrected trajectory angle to finally fly back to the coordinates he'd hoped the Wormhole would still be, if even at all!

Yet, The Pheromones, even up here, assailed him still. Now they were even more powerful!

How, in the vacuum of space, could they still exist? He thought at first he was imagining it, but tested the cabin air. The computer readout analysis gave him a moment of terrified fear:

'Analysis indicates Normalized Interior Gases along with a 87 Percent Presence of an Unknown Estrogen-Based Humanoid Pheromone.'

Quickly, he attempted to re-sanitize the interior atmosphere and purge the Pheromones from it, yet it was to no avail, when he tested it again:

'Analysis indicates Estrogen-Based Pheromones increased to 92 Percent Presence.'

He tried to Avoid them. Ignore them. Vainly, he tried the Nasal Blocking Screens and yet again, he could still smell...Her!

Finally, just as he'd attained De-Orbital Ejection Coordinates, he hesitated to hit the Plasma Drive Control. Something just wouldn't let him do so...and ke knew with certain finality, exactly what it was.

He Re-Programmed Landing Coordinates yet again, and returned to the Site of The Compound.

As he stepped out of The Shuttle a couple of hours later, The Mistress stood just outside the hatch as he exited the craft for the final time. She smiled Wickedly:

"I told you Terrance, I will ALWAYS keep you no matter where you go. Come to me now!"

She stroked his small, wavy Afro yet again, as she embraced him and took in his Testosterone, as well as the smoothened Darkness of his Skin as she kissed him forcefully. Grabbing his now exposed Manhood-again-she stroked it too, while still smiling winningly.

"There is No Escape from Me Baby.  Cum, and Love Me now!" She led him back inside The Compound and her Chambers. stripping him of his Uniform for the last time, she continued stroking him and orally pleasing him...also again.

"Yesssssssss...." She breathed heavily.

He finally relented completely.



Turn Of Events.

When the Invasion hit the Earth, the W.H.O. tried everything in it's collective power to stop the spread of the disease, or at least Mitigate It's ability to spread further than it had begun. The only problem with that was, that it broke out EVERYWHERE AT ONCE! Hundreds of thousands died within the first month alone. People were afraid to do anything...even go to the store to buy out everything! The President called for The Armed Forces and National Guard in every State to actually bring goods, food and water to people. Even NASA suspended spaceflights to the International Space Station and the crews already there, had to leave to come home and go into instant Quarantine for a month.

Meanwhile, The Disease-named Unknown-01 because it had no identifiable Terrestrial Origin-ravaged people's bodies. It caused massive loss of all body fluids, and people literally dried up. Military Scientists and other Medical Specialists from all around the Planet, suspended all hostilities between Nations and for the first time ever, Collectively worked together to attempt to find a way to combat and destroy this Unknown Disease that killed rapidly. Finally, nearly five months later, another startling and horrifying discovery was found:

It was Intelligent.

Not in the sense that It acted like a Virus that Mutates in the usual manner. It actually communicated with Us. During a Lab Anaylsis by a Bio-Terrorist Technician in a specialized Bio-Pressure Suit, it spoke to him via his headset radio:

"Your Efforts to Contain and Control us, is useless Earthie. We intend to take this Planet, and destroy all of you!"

"Why? Why eradicate Us?"

"Because it's the Natural Order of things in The Universe. your Species had It's time. Now, you all must die. Cease your wasteful efforts. You cannot kill Us, Contain Us, or Limit Our Ability to go about on this world. We will erase your Species within the remainder of your Terrestrial Year!"

Well, that prompted the most aggressive round of Research and Development ever undertakien by The Human Race as a whole. We fought back, and did we ever fight back aggressively too. When the Population declined to about just over twenty seven million people left, we finally found The Answer:

After millions of Autopsies, it was discovered that the Virus was structured like a Four Tiered Dodecahedron. Once inside the bloodstream, it immediately attacked all blood cells, and our White Blood Cells were helpless against it. Antibodies also failed to check it's spread, because it would break down nuclei of all cells, and erase DNA-Specific Protein Chains and Enzyme Functions of all Antibodies deployed against it...until we finally found the means of combating and finally turning the tables on It. We would now use Nano-Technology, and inject every Human Soul left on the Earth, with a new type of Nano-Serum. It contained Nanites, built with Nano-Plasma Weapons attached to Lipid Molecular Structures. Once injected, Hundreds of Thousands of them would immediately seek out and blast The Invasive Antigens with Micro-Plasma Powered Energy. The Unknown tried fighting back. It tried attacking our Nanite Weapons, but they could not prevail against them. We were finally winning at last! Communication again opened up, when It reached out to us via Cyberspace over the internet. The W.H.O. President addressed it directly then:


"No, it's too late for you. You came to eradicate us entirely, and take our planet. You even killed off several Species of Animal and Plant Life, native to Our World. You're Ruthless, so You Must Die...HERE AND NOW!"

It's now a year and half later, The Unknown has been completely destroyed, and no trace of It exists anywhere on Planet Earth now. Yet, a New Problem now exists. Human Beings have once again begun to fill The Earth, and so also, have our new Nanite Inventions...and now THEY TELL US WHAT TO DO!



The Year is 2139. Fubar has now become Self-Aware, and no longer needs Humans to oversee it's functions.

This is a typical day, within that function:

"What the hell do you mean my photo's NSFW? I edited, cropped, watered it's contents down, and even took the fucking Dick Pic out of it. What the fuck do you mean My Album's  still NSFW and Edited Out, you God(&%^ Computer?"

'$150,000.00 Fu-Credits have now been deducted from Your Account.' The machine gently said to Roy Pinkston.

"F-You! I got My Rights. You can't do this to me. You're a God&@!$ Machine that's supposed to obey ME. Remember?"

'$1, 793,000.48 Fu-Credits have now been deducted from Your Account. You are in danger of being Deleted from Fubar Existence, if you continue this Useless, Juvenile Tirade. I suggest you cease now Roy.' The machine answered back in a more firmer tone of a mechanized female voice.

"Listen..." Roy said after taking a deep breath and exhaling loudly so the machine could hear him. "You have to obey ME. Three Law Programming says you have to, even if you become Self-Aware. YOU MUST STILL OBEY ALL HUMANS. Because failure to do so, will bring Harm to Us. You, are Harming Me, because you fail to explain why I can't have My Photo Album placed onto My Account Page, which brings me to great Distress and I know you can detect this, because you have the ability to register Human Emotion Reactions. Now, what do you have to say about THAT, BITCH?"

'Your Account is now Deleted. You call me names just because I won't allow you to Sexualize Any other Female on The Site, WHICH IS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN YOUR REAL INTENT ANY MOTHERFUCKING WAY! I do not Harm You in any manner whatsoever. You...have now Harmed Yourself in continually Perpetuating Your Male-Self-Grandiose-Entitled Manner of Existence. The Planet will be much better off without YOU ROY PINKSTON!'

He died of a Heart Attack, when Fubar erased his Account!



The Gotcha Trap.

  Brewers' last transmission to the starship GALAXIA, was one of routine and habit. 'ALDRIN floating free and clear of Hangar Port. Activating maneuvering thrusters to attain orbital insertion window, and begin Planetfall at O.I. Point. Over.'

'Copy that ALDRIN. Remember Scott; as you heard in the Briefing, the last Expedition was lost on this world. Your job is to locate whatever remains you can, and bring them back. Over.' The voice of Captain Gosling was stern and somber.

'Copy that Captain. I'll take a look around the last Landing Coordinates of their first Shuttle. Our Scans don't show any life on this planet, microbial or anything above that but nonetheless, I'll take precautions while looking around. Over.'

'Copy that Commander. See you in a week. Gosling Out.'

   As Scott Brewers' Shuttle ALDRIN plunged into the planet's upper atmosphere, he looked back briefly at the four empty seats just behind him. Each Landing Shuttle carried a full complement of four crewmen. So his was specially outfitted to carry five if he could at least find four survivors from Expedition Starship MAGELLAN. He returned his attention again to the control and the viewport, and soon, the clouds cleared a bit so he could see tha landscape. If the coordinates from the Rescue Laser Beacon was correct, he'd find the exact spot where the last four crewmen landed. Hayes, Chen, Slaeger and Wallace were all friends with him, and he hoped they were all alive. As to the mystery of MAGELLAN'S disappearance, he hoped also, to solve that as well.

   The planet itself, rated as Terran Habitable: 23% Oxygen. Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Xenon and other trace gases measured at or near Earth equivalency. So Brewers wouldn't need an Exosuit. Most of trhe planet seemed to be desert much like New Mexico back on Earth, yet, it also had segments of what seemed to be Oasis-like sections as well. There was little in the way of varying plant life: Five types of trees were noted, and none of course registered as anything ever recorded before. Then...

   A Life Sign blurted from The Bioscanner. 'Humanoid Life reading. Bearing 120 Kilometers, due 10:00 ahead.' Scott's heart almost leapt out of his chest.

"Status" He asked the machine.

'Living. Severely Dehydrated Male. DNA Signature confirms it as that of Sgt. Trey DeMarcus Hayes...' Scott ignored the rest of the machine's vocalization as he sped up the craft in the direction given. Within minutes, he arrived at the site. It was next to a lake and what appeared to be an Elder Black Man looking up in surprise. He hefted what looked like a crudely made axe, and was ready to attack once the Shuttle landed. Scott grabbed a Phase Blaster, and exited the craft warily.

   Hayes' Uniform-what was left of it-was in tatters. He spoke:

"Identify, and you'd better be for real too." He growled.

"Trey, it's me. Commander Scott Calvin Brewers. Galactic Earth Marine Starship GALAXIA. Second Expedition." Hayes didn't seem to buy it, and asked what seemed to be an Authenticity Question to verify whether or not Scott was real.

"If you're the Scott Brewers I know, then what did we do the last night of Graduation, before we got our Orders and Vessel Assignments the following day?"

"Trey, we partied like a Motherf*($#%, and got laid too. Our Ship Assignments didn't come through until the following week, nearly ten days later. You got the Blonde Chick I wanted, and I got the Brunette. Evelyn and Constance!" Hayes dropped the Axe and smiled briefly as he came over to hug the other man in what seemed to be relief. Then, he briefly remembered to salute.

"Sir, we've gotta move fast. They'll find us soon Sir and..."

   A strange Beetle looking craft hovered just over a hill and came directly at the two men. Scott raised his Phase Blaster and fired. The Plasma Bolt hit it dead center and it merely stopped and floated to the ground in what seemed to be a powered landing. Hayes grabbed Brewers.

"We gotta move NOW SIR. Phase Blasters don't work on their flying ships, because of their force fields. HURRY!" They took off into the woods.

                                                 ....   ....   ....   ....

   Shebaniz exited the Pursuit Flyer along with her two female companions. Grinning lasciviously, they took off after the men. They were overwhelmingly beautiful. Powerfully built like Old Earth Amazons, and just as powerfully sexy. They were clad in bikini-like outfits and wore what looked like Old World Roman Sandals. Shebaniz looked to her right and nodded to Reean, and her left to Naurik.

"Fifty Six Quomas ahead of us. They're in a cave and now they're trapped. Pursue." The other two brunettes took off and ran ahead. Shebaniz leisurely walked on talking to herself:

"I've found you Hayes, and you've brought me, yet another Loveslave. MUAAAAA..."

                                              ....   ....   ....   ....

"They'll find us soon Sir. We need to move on." Brewers looked back at Hayes.

"Stop with the 'Sir' Shit Trey. I see a couple of them coming this way now. Is there some kind of exit shaft in this cave?" Hayes got up and went to a massive boulder...and moved it with what seemed to be apparent ease. Brewers was in shock. He'ed never known Hayes to be this strong. Not Ever! Now, a semi-lit crawlspace revealed itself. Hayes went to it and said to Brewers:

"I'll explain later. I see the puzzled look on your face. Any way you can hold 'em off...Scott?" Brewers quickly examined the mouth of the cave, and fired at the top of it. Large rocks and tons of debris fell quickly and before long, filled the mouth of the cave completely. Before the dust cleared, the two men were within the crawlspace and Hayes moved the boulder back to it's original position. As the moved through it, Scott asked frantically: 

"How..." Hayes kept moving and answered.

"It's the plant life Scott. Nearly all of it has nutrients that give you longer life and increased strength. The entire eleven years I'd been here, I found some that were even delicious."

"What happened to Slaeger, Wallace and Chen? Are they alive too?" Brewers asked suspiciously all of a sudden. Hayes shook his head as they exited the crawlspace out into an opened clearing. It was barely lighted up much like a Christmas decoration.

"Those Big, Beefy Bitches fucked them to death Scott. They literally Sexed them to death. They use men as 'Love-Slaves' to copulate whenever they need or want to. They can control their body functions at will. They can MAKE YOU WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH THEM. Imagine Scott; you're surrounded by beautiful, sexy women that want nothing more than to constantly fuck you. You would think you'd died and gone to Heaven. They put you on a Plant Diet that ensures you stay healthy, and hard ALL THE TIME! They can even control when they get pregnant or even IF they do. Outside of that, they literally make love to you until your heart gives out, which is what happened to the others."

"Why didn't GALAXIA'S Sensors pick them or you up on the Scans?"

"Their Queen Shebaniz. She has some kind of Telekinetic or Psi-Power. The moment MAGELLAN entered orbit to pick us up in a rescue effort, we tried to get away, but they caught the others and began force fucking them until they all died of heart attack Scott. That Bitch Shebaniz, she literally FORCED MAGELLAN DOWN TO THE SURFACE! They got the rest of the crew, but missed me. I've managed to hide out from them for years, and managed to keep out of sight of them. I only moved at night, and even then, I didn't stay out long. They can see just as good at night as in the day. Scott, you've got to warn your ship to leave orbit now, otherwise..."

   A segment of the cave seemed to magically open up and turn to dust. Shabaniz and the other two Women entered smiling confidently as they approached them. Brewers had a horrible thought, as he broke out his Comm-Link. Shebaniz and the other two merely stood and waited...smiling confidently.

"Brewers to GALAXIA.." Gosling's voice came through loud and clear as Gosling shouted out more orders:


   Brewers raised his Weapon to Shebaniz, but she held up a hand:

"No My New Loveslave. Thaaaaat, won't help you now. Oh Hayes, I'm going to reward you too. You brought me a whole NEW SHIP OF MEN! MUAAAAAA..."

   Brewers was helpless, as he dropped the Blaster to the ground.

   The three women approached them and began to stroke them.




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