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Sharp Aquos Mobil Zeta Zugriff Auf Low-power-igzo Display
Während die neue Ernte hat gerade Smartphones in den Vereinigten Staaten veröffentlicht wird Japan nicht bald weg sein. Sie nur erhöhte die Einsätze mit den neuen Sharp Handy Zeta SH-02E ist die früheste Produktion von Smartphones IGZO Display. Interessante IGZO was? Indium-Gallium Zinkoxid Tech Versprechen höheren transluzent gegenüber der Flüssigkristallanzeige, wodurch die Energie, die vom regualr Hintergrundbeleuchtung erforderlich, wodurch Strom gespart -, und die Hintergrundbeleuchtung ist in der Regel die Leistung einer Verbrauchervorrichtung . 2000 mAh Akku slouch, obwohl es ist unbekannt, wie viele tatsächlich verbessern Akkulaufzeit IGZO Display. Das billige handy verfügt über einen 4,9 Zoll großen Bildschirm, 1280 x 720 Auflösung, und eine 16-Megapixel-Kamera. Es verfügt über einen 1,5 GHz die S4 Pro Quad-Core-Prozessor, und kompatibel mit NFC. Ich hoffe, wir können diese Sache der Ankunft in den Vereinigten Staaten zu bekommen.
Wow, Here Tells Of My Life, On Facebook, Back And Forth Comments With My Sister,
well dad is helping out less and less all the time, and now Will jr, will have his hands full " he won`t be able to help me much at all now, and i was having hard enough time with there help sometimes, so i can see it`s just going to get worse and worse for me, now i can understand why my aunt Carol did what she did, looking at month after month after month of that coming down the road. Like · Dislike · Angela Parkell u better stop talking like that get out take a walk call your sister or me iam right here stop saying that shit my mom said u better stp that or she is comming over and kicking your ass lol Yesterday at 4:16pm · Like
Los Problemas Del Teclado Del Iphone 5 Se Solucionarán Con Una Actualización
Desde que saliera a la venta el pasado 21 de septiembre, los millones de propietarios del iPhone 5 han conseguido sacar los colores a Apple en varias ocasiones. El fallo más estrepitoso fue el encontrado en Apple Maps, reconocido por la propia compañía. Ahora el problema se centra en el teclado, que presenta varias deficiencias que parecen estar motivadas por un error de software. La firma es consciente de éste y ha prometido solucionarlo en la próxima actualización de iOS 6.-iphone 5 precio libre Del mismo modo que cada nueva generación de Apple está rodeada de una gran expectación, también existe una etapa en la que los propios usuarios van desvelando los fallos de software y fabricación del smartphone. Si en otras ocasiones ha sido la antena o la batería, el iPhone 5 ha sido protagonista de varias incómodas historias. Obviando el tema de los mapas, el nuevo iPhone ha sido criticado por la resistencia de su nueva carcasa y ahora por un defecto en el teclado. Tal y com
Casando Pela Segunda Vez: Opções De Vestido
Se você está planejando casar pela segunda vez então vai precisar de escolher e comprar um vestido de casamento apropriado. Com o passar dos tempos, a sociedade tem ficado cada vez menos tradicional, como resultado, têm aparecido diferentes tipos de vestidos para noivas no mercado, sendo por isso, hoje em dia, mais fácil escolher um vestido para um segundo casamento do que era há uma ou duas décadas atrás. Na sua escolha, uma das decisões que precisa fazer é se vai ou não utilizar um véu e grinalda. Nesse ponto a tradição dá uma ajuda, quando é o primeiro casamento do noivo, é perfeitamente aceito que a noiva utilize esses acessórios, porém, se também o noivo já tiver casado anteriormente, há que evitar essas peças. No design, os cortes simples e discretos são uma das escolhas mais usuais, porém, existem muitos modelos de vestidos curtos e despojados, das principais marcas de moda, que contêm pormenores cheios de classe e que deixam esse tipo de vestido de casamento com t
L’achat Des Terres Du Sud Produit Croissance Et Inégalités Foncières
C’est la croissance économique exceptionnelle des années 2000 qui a poussé les pays émergents vers les terres du Sud. Les Chinois ou les Indiens, les Coréens du Sud avant eux, accèdent peu à peu à des standards de vie occidentaux. Leurs habitudes alimentaires et vestimentaires s’en ressentent. Ils consomment plus. Pour les nourrir et les habiller, la course aux matières premières a été lancée. Elle a fait flamber les cours mondiaux des produits alimentaires et du coton. Elle a conduit des États à agir pour mieux contrôler leurs approvisionnements produit chinois . 2 MILLIONS D’HECTARES ACHETÉS PAR LES INDIENSDix ans après le début de cette flambée, on découvre que les Chinois contrôlent 1,14 million d’hectares à l’extérieur de leur pays, dont 620 000 en Asie du Sud-Est et pratiquement tout le reste en Amérique latine. Sur le continent africain, ils se concentrent sur l’exploitation minière. Les Coréens ont acquis 850 000 hectares à l’étranger,
Original Poetry Written By Me
Why does the stars keep their sparkle?Why does the sun keeps shining upon us?Why does the sea seem so endless?Why does the birds keep entertaining us with their songs?Why does a mountain stream keep flowing so softly?Why do we feel the warmth in a warm summer breeze?Why do the church bells keep ringing daily?Why do others keep writing the beautiful words to poetry and songs?The answer lies in the beautiful existence of yourself in my worldThe answer lies in the ability of each other to look into each others eyesThe answer lies in the way our arms fit so perfect around each otherThe answer lies in the way our lips conform to each others in a kissThe answer lies in the warmth and softness our bodies feel when togetherThe answer lies in the softness and flowing hair against meWithout you all these would not be important to me anymoreThrough you they continue to survive and be realities in my lifeI truly love, cherish and treasure the moment you came into my lifeYou give me purpose and bri
Il Ya Déjà 6.000 Millions D'abonnés Mobiles Dans Le Monde
L'Union internationale des télécommunications vient de chiffrer le montant de 6.000 millions d'abonnés mobile android pas cher dans le monde. Cela ne veut pas dire que les 6.000 de 7.000 millions de personnes sur la planète possèdent un téléphone mobile. Les données obtenues par l'UIT (pour son sigle en anglais) pour mesurer la quantité de cas détectés de cartes SIM et les abonnements mensuels, pas le nombre de téléphones en circulation, ou les personnes qui détiennent un périphérique. Au total il y avait 155 pays analysés dans lequel nous avons évalué l'accès et l'utilisation des TIC. Selon les résultats, 70% de la population dans les pays développés accéder à Internet, comparativement à 24% des régions en développement. Oui, l'Inde et la Chine agglutinent 1.000 millions d'abonnements,telephone double carte sim , respectivement, selon l'étude qui recueille ITProPortal.
Everyone Is Lucky In Some Way
Lucky I may be, but the luck I don't always see. Its sadly not by love that I am blinded. I know for a fact that those in love don't think of the unloved that often. Its sad that it is the same deal with the rich. They don't think of the poor that much at all. Both types just lose themselves in living comfortably. Its not like anyone can blame them. I have thought that some relationships I was in were too good to be true. I have not always had alot of space in my mind for someone that wasn't lucky in love. I have come to a point in my life where I am grateful for everyone I have loved or barely knew. They are the people that have made me who I am today. All the people I have yet to meet, I would like to ask that you understand I am not as quick as I once was but I am good enough for me. I am not going to ask anyone to jump hurdles for me and I would like to believe that I won't need to bend over backwards for anyone. I use to be able to do handsprings and back-bends, but that was in
Original Poetry Written By Me
A  Dreamer has many names in the minds of so-called normal minded .A Dreamer is considered a crazy personA Dreamer is considered a foolA Dreamer is considered misguidedA Dreamer is considered many other namesHowever in some normal minds they are respectedA Dreamer can look at the stars and see the beauty in their sparklesA Dreamer can look at the world around them and see the beauty of itA Dreamer can look at people around them and see the beauty within themA Dreamer can look at the world and see the positives it holds for othersA Dreamer can look at the behaviors of others and see their inner valuesIf not for Dreamers new and improved ways of life become realitiesIf not for Dreamers life as it is would be shortened and lead to extinctionThis Dreamer just loves to be an inspiration to othersTo look to the positives and make their lives betterTo learn to get along with others in a more positive wayAnger is replaced with happinessHate is replaced with loveUgliness is replaced with beauty
★halloween 2012 "scare Me" Contest★
Win a Rockstar! Post a comment on this blog with the name and year of the scariest and/or most disturbing movie you've seen. The winner is whoever freaks me out the most.   The winner will receive a Rockstar (or other bling of his or her choice equaling 35 credits) as soon as I finish viewing the movies, but no later than November 15th.  You may want to note that I am very desensitized, having been a horror movie freak since the single digits in age. I've seen thousands of frightening flicks! Also, feel free to submit foreign films. I'm a big fan of French Extremism, for example, Mexican Psych Horror, etc. etc. Anything goes, as long as it's Netflix streamable.     My Gentle, Logical Rules: Post the movies here; profile comments, PMs, gifts, and SB messages with entries will be ignored. I simply can't keep up with all the correspondence I get every day. Also, I want everyone to be able to enjoy your suggestions! As indicated by my pluralities above, you can enter as ma
My Hell
my hell will take your sole and suck you dry! no love for me and no hope ether the only way out of my hell is death. something i Wait for with open arms. the sweet release of my person is the only thing i want besides love! love can set the sole free. but will it set me free? or pool me deeper into my hell? the truth is i don't know. the filling of loneliness i believe will never leave me. so if you see me in my hell kill me or love me but release me from my hell!
The Ramblings Of A Mad Man:
I sit alone in the dark thinking to myself. (how can i make the hunger stop) Death sits and watching my every move whiting for me to take my next life. (i know what i must do) out of no where i jump out and grab a random prison dragging her in to the darkness. my black finger nails taring through her flesh my lust for her` life to be extinguished is over powering. the screams in the darkness is ear shattering as i bite in to her chest going for her still betting hart i tear through the ribcage (all most there)I'm covered in her blood. the intensity of my hunger is over powering i must consume her hart.(that's only way to make it stop. i must make it stop)i pull away i look down i see it. (it still beats)I rip out her heart and I bight in to it like a apple. her lifeless body lye at my feet. a hand touches my solder i turn to kill again death smiles and shakes a mocking finger and walks passed. he bends down to her lifeless body kissing her cold lips of her corps sucking out her inanest
Love comfort like sunshine after rain.Love demands all and has a right to it.Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.Love doesn't sit there like a stone. It has to be made like bread; remade all the time,...made new.Love grows by giving. The love we give away is the only love we keep. The only way to retain love is to give it away.Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get--only with what you are expecting to give--which is everythingLove is a path to the heart that knows its own way.Love is taking a few steps backward (maybe even more) give way to the happiness of the person you love.Love in its essence is spiritual fire.Love is a never ending feeling.Love is a sign from the heavens that you are here for a reason.Love is all we have, the only way that each can help the other.Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.Love is like an eternal flame,
Fuel Injectors Are Not Spark Plugs (apparently)
I love my boyfriend, I’m amazed and inspired by his skills, especially his mechanical skill and all the work he has done on the cars and I’m awesome at being emotionally supportive about it, mostly by staying out of the garage and/or not hyperventilating at the sight of a car engine in pieces.  But apparently that isn’t what support is, support is getting up close to the car and pretending that I can even begin to comprehend what is going on.  I am like the lest mechanical person I know, and things like this confuse and frighten me so I end up just bobbing my head, smiling sincerely (probably my crazy person smile) and backing away slowly and if there is a quiz on all the stuff later (which there is always a quiz) I’m screwed.  Now don’t get me wrong I think it is wise to know the basic stuff like changing out the oil, fixing a flat, not panicking when the check engine light comes on (none of which I can do mind you), but somehow the basics where skipped a
This Is Jus Funny :)
So I'm at Wal-Mart buying a bag of Purina dog food for my dog. While in the check-out line, a woman behind me asked if I had a dog. Why else would I be buying dog food, RIGHT??? So on impulse I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Purina Diet again, and that I probably shouldn't because I ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in intensive care with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a Perfect Diet and all you do is load your pockets with Purina Nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with my story.) Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned me. I told her no, I stepped off a curb to sniff a poodle's butt and a car hit me. I thought the guy
I want a new phone. The thing is, it's expensive. They have it at Walmart. I'm not sure what the deal is with the layaway there. Can you layaway Straight Talk phones at Walmart?
Break Me, Shake Me - Savage Garden
Savage Garden - Break Me Shake Me I never thought I'd change my opinion again But you moved me in a way that I've never known You moved me in a way that I've never known But straight away you just moved into position again You abused me in a way that I've never known You abused me in a way that I've never known So break me shake me hate me take me over When the madness stops then you will be alone Just break me shake me hate me take me over When the madness stops then you will be alone So YOU'RE the kind that deals with the games in the mind Well you confuse me in a way that I've never known You confuse me in a way that I've never known So break me shake me hate me take me over When the madness stops then you will be alone SO WON'T YOU break me shake me hate me take me over When the madness stops then you will be alone She says, "I can help you, but what do you say? Because it's not free baby, you have to pay." It just keep me contemplating, that your so
Finally Listing My Photos And Graphics
It is taking me forever, but I'm listing my Photography and Graphics on my artfire site.  If you are interested in purchasing a piece of my artwork that is not currently listed on the site, please let me know and I will gladly push that piece up on the upload schedule.   Prints are available on canvas and high quality photo paper from sizes 12x16 through 24x36. Please visit for pricing.  Prices start as low as $3!!   I am entering a few more photography contests and will be begging for votes as soon as the contests are open.   Thanks again for everyone’s support!
Carol Ann. Birthday October 18
It lay quietly inside her Outside she laughed and shined. Little did she know She was running out of time. Inside her the darkness grew Her mind still unaware. She coughed and thought Her sick her body wouldn't dare. Some time has passed To long for the flu or cold Now in front of her doctor Her deadly news was told. Always strong never frail Now becoming her own shell. Did all the meds she took help her Or just take her to another hell. In her last few days on earth To all my mother was lost. All the tears that flowed Wasn't worth the cost. A better place she's now in Thats what some do say. But I will forever feel her in me Till the end of all my living days.
A Choice
A heart can bleed eternal And still it does not die. Eyes still have their sight Even through the tears they cry. Through life we gather hurts and pains Some stand up and push on While others wander and dwell Not seeing the dawn of a new sun To embrace each day No matter what the world gives. Let your heart fly again And again truely begin to live.
My Seed
I planted a seed with care In her heart I hope it will grow. Would it ever bloom Only she'll ever know My heart feels it straining Fighting to see the sun Watching for the soft pedals And know it has begun To know this flower To see it my hearts dream. Hearts waiting can be so impatient It's sprouting taking forever it seems. Time edges by so slow Will eagerness turn to sighs. Because to this very special seed My heart can never say goodbye.
My Word
I could hold her forever enough it would never be. She could have all the love in my heart If she only would choose to see. My feelings for her open Never hidden from her at all. My word I have given her In sorrow never again to fall. I kneel before you beauty Offering to you all I ever can. To make your heart whole And our love can begin.
Someday Soon
To be her thought as her eyes awake to be her heart as she sleeps at night to dream these things And to know she just might She has captured my mind completely on this day Soon to own my heart Forever there she will stay My words now belong to her She is all my eyes want to see Never will there be an unhappy tear Between this beauty and me
Her heart now healing slowly on the mend. Her heart now searching for a new love to begin. To just hold her Enough it would never be. There's so much deeper Even for my eyes to see. To know her mind and heart Know all her beauty deep and true this is what I would want Only then could I ask to take your heart from you
If She Chooses
Her beauty set before me But I want to know more. Will she open her heart Or simply close the door. Her beauty so entrancing My eyes she would own But to see deep inside her And learn what is not known. A Goddess to my eyes. Golden her heart must be A true gift from her if it She chooses to let me see.
Behind Her Walls
Behind her Walls she stands But I can still see her eyes shine. Someday soon the gates will open But only within her time. I'll send her a smile each time she glances my way And hope in her thoughts My smile will always stay. Until this beauty leaves these walls Where I'm at I will remain. Wondering if things will change Or forever stay the same.
Fell In...
love with the words..... We are all a volume on a shelf of a library, a story unto ourselves, never possibly described with one word or even very accurately with thousands. A person is never as quiet or unrestrained as they seem, or as bad or good, as vulnerable or as strong, as sweet or as feisty; we are thickly layered, page upon lying page, behind simple covers. And love - it is not the book itself, but the binding. It can rip us apart or hold us together. till next time...the princess xx
Who I Am
I'm slightly frustrated with some people right now, so I just felt the need to make a quick blog since I can't fit all I wanna say in a status message lol   I really couldn't possibly care less about this place and the game aspect. However, I do enjoy helping others. People who have offered to help me, people who are my friends, or people who are just genuinely nice and that need a helping hand. I wouldn't be where I'm at without the help of others. But more importantly, when it comes to social interactions and conversations and friendships in general. I treat people on here the same way I treat my real life friends. Period. Don't ask me for my opinion, if you aren't ready to hear my opinion; whether it be something you want to hear or something you don't.   That's the big BIG difference between me and other people. Everyone around here it seems loves kissing everyone else's ass to get ahead; whether it's in rank, to be liked, or for achievements. Or even trying to "sucker" some
I Wish I Had Never Met You.
I wish I had never met you. There would be no need to impress you. No need to want you. No need for loving you. No need for crying over you. No need for heartbreaks. No need for pain or tears. No need for forgotten promises. No need for rejected hugs. No need for crying myself to sleep. No need for everything you've done to make me feel like nothing. But then again, im glad I met you. Cause you were the one who always asked me if anything was wrong. You were the one who loved me for me. You were the one who care when everyone else didnt. The one who stayed up late to talk about the craziest things. The one who taught me new things. The one who laughed at my bad jokes. The one who did things, just for me.
Am I Alive
Is it the flesh and blood Or the breath of air That constitutes this life Or is there something more The blood boils deep in my veins I exhale with the thought of pain There’s only one question that remains Am I alive or is it all a lie?   Confined within my loneliness I look out at the world around me Watching people grow and change Becoming more than they once were   One by one they pass me by As if I’m just some shadow Never giving me a second glance Never giving me a single chance   Is this my life (Am I alive?) I am flesh (Am I alive?) I have breath (Am I alive?) I just watch the world go by   I just wat
My Angel
A fallen angel I had become Hiding so far away from the sun My halo only dimly glowed I lost my wings so long ago   If I am an angel that was sent from above Then I have come because of your love It shown through the heavens like a beacon of light Penetrating the shadows of darkest night   Your love gives me courage, it feels so right It gives me wings again so I might take flight To soar into the heavens once more And follow the path to its core   At the end of my journey an angel I see She smiles so brightly, just for me Love radiates from her and fills her with life I look into her eyes and see it’s you, my wife   With a touch of your fingers your essence seeps into every pour And soon love shines forth from deep within my own core Buried deep within, now all the world can see I was a fallen angel, yet there is so much
Within Love's Grasp
I think of you oh so very far away I’m dreaming of that one perfect day I hold you in my arms Staring deep into your eyes   Believe in the love that we share If you’re strong enough to dare Wipe the tears from your eyes And tell me no more lies   Reach out and hold on tight There is nothing I can do alone To make it alright Just reach out and hold on tight   Together we can start over If you’re willing to fight It’s going to take us both To make it alright   Reach out, reach out And hold onto me tight Reach out, reach out Hold on with all your might    
Sorrow's Reign
You held my heart in your hands I gave it all for what its worth You let it drift away with the sands Along with happiness and love   Now the rain pours down It’s soaking my skin to the bone The thunder cries out Oh I'm feeling weary and alone   The drops comfort me in moments of pain The rhythm of water touches my soul Can you feel the heartbeat of sorrow's reign? It’s a lonely road I must travel to make me whole   And the rain pours down Soaking my skin to the bone The thunder cries out I don't want to be alone   The dreams I have go unfulfilled Within the mind I fear has hope been killed The heartache and suffering has taken its toll And yet the road must I travel to make me whole
The Master
He Holds His Beloved Always In the Palms of His Hands Gently Lovingly Patiently   Her Best interest He Serves Altho He Is Honored and Served Well He Humbles Himself But to No Other Purpose Than To Lead Her Guide her Love Cherish and Protect Her   For She has become His Greatest Gift Her Mind Body Soul And Spirit.. She willingly Yields to HIM Not Blindly But with All presence of Choice Knowing In HIM she will Blossom and Become what She was designed to be She is Beautiful And Before Her Master She Presents to Him Everything He Needs To Be Complete   Together The Union  Is Perfect
Hi All
stay happy
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偶语弃市 全国人大常委会委员长的职位,没有一丝一毫更改的可能性。 一,文字成狱, 评,2011年12月16日《北京市微博客发展管理若干规定》,昨天没看到,以后才看到,读后感: 1,专业知识 写微博的资质应具备:律师专业知识,警察专业知识,检察官专业知识,法官专业知识; 2,成&#
The Three Essential Principles For Highest Possible Possible Health
Optimal health. We all want to have it, but very few of us are anywhere close to achieving it. This is because, sadly, health is not a high priority for most of us. Even more so, most of us don't even know how to define optimal health. Our medical model teaches us that health is the absence of disease. I can guarantee you that health is much more than this. There are millions of people who don't have a diagnosable disease, but are still in poor or mediocre health. Interestingly, there are also many people who do have a disease but are in good to excellent health. And how is this possible? Because I define health in a much uncommon way than our medical model does. I define health as the absence of addiction, not disease. Health is about living spontaneously. In Chinese medicine, the character ziran symbolizes both health and spontaneity. Now, this may seem strange to you. But think about it. People who are free of destructive habits and addictions generally radiate peace and contentment
Spell Checker
Spell CheckerI halve a spelling checker, It came with my pea see. It plainly marks four my revue Mistakes I dew knot sea.Eye strike a key and type a word And weight four it two say Weather eye am wrong oar write  It shows me strait aweigh.As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the era rite Its rarely ever wrong.I've scent this massage threw it, And I'm shore your pleased too no Its letter prefect in every weigh; My checker tolled me sew.
Jewelry Of Minoan And Mycenaean
The origins of Minoan culture fall on the 2600 BC.The palaces such as Knossos and Phaistos which shows that even at this point it was well developed with culture and art. Cretan Minoan art called by the archaeologist Arthur Evans left behind many monuments "moving" in the jewelry. As in most cases, so this time it was found in the tombs. At the graves of Crete from 2400 BC r containing gold diadems, bracelets and necklaces with chains. In those articles distinctly Asian which may be due to the fact that during the Neolithic peoples migrated to Crete from the Asia Minor (Anatolia), together with its culture and art. Around 2000 BC there were made of gold in the more advanced techniques such pellets, filigree and repo. The first two techniques I described in the article on Phoenician jewelery (szuk. Portable Art-History-art jewelry world. Phoenician Brass Jewelry Findings) and the repo is a decoration of the plate by knocking the cold recesses, giving the other side a convex pattern. Th
Le Prix Conséquent De La Tablette Asus Vivo Tab Sous Windows 8 Rt
L’Asus Vivo Tab sous Windows 8 RT affiche son prix. On commence à entrevoir les prix des tablettes et ordinateur hybrides sous Windows 8, ceux des appareils sous Windows RT sont encore un peu flous. Les constructeurs attendent de voir à combien sera vendue la tablette Surface de Microsoft le 26 octobre rk3066 . Asus a dévoilé sa tablette Vivo Tab sous Windows RT sans révéler son prix. C’est par l’intermédiaire des magasins Staples et Newegg que l’on apprend que l’Asus Vivo Tab RT, sans accessoire, est au prix de 600$. Les tablettes sous Android nous ont habitué à des prix moins élevés et l’iPad surfe sur sa notoriété. Si ce prix augure celui des autres tablettes sous Windows RT ce ne sera sans doute par l’argument principal pour attirer les consommateurs vers celles-ci. Les caractéristiques sont en revanche plus alléchantes. L’Asus Vivo Tab RT possède un écran 10.1 pouces avec une résolution de 1366 x 768 pixels, un processeur Nvidia Te
Iphone 5 Denunce: Apple (aapl) Spiega Questione Viola Foto Per Gli Utenti Arrabbiati
In sede di riesame, Consumer Reports in realtà ha dato l'alto elogio al telefono fotocamera da 8 megapixel. "Nella batteria completa di test che diamo alle telecamere smartphone quanto costa l'iphone 5 in america , l'iPhone 5 è dimostrato fotocamera in grado di catturare foto nitide bello e vibrante," il rapporto di lettura. CR ha anche dato un punteggio elevato al telefono nuovo turn-by-turn di navigazione GPS (una feature phone Android già avuto) e la sua più grande schermo da 4 pollici. Tra l'applicazione mappa, Consumer Reports trovato "abbastanza competente comprare iphone 5 , anche se si trova a corto di ciò che è disponibile gratuitamente su molti altri telefoni", e ha detto che si aspetta che Apple per migliorarlo. Il telefono non ha, tuttavia, Consumer Reports "migliori classifiche smartphone. Il Samsung Galaxy S III ha mantenuto il primo posto, e il Motorola Droid RAZR MAXX anche ottenuto un punteggio complessivo più elevato dal gruppo di iPhone 5.
Iphone 5 Dépasse S3 Galaxy En Utilisation Web
Samsung a lancé son smartphone phare du Galaxy S3 mai de cette année, qui est devenu très populaire dans le marché de la consommation depuis sa sortie, et Apple a récemment lancé son iPhone vivement attendue 5. Maintenant, une nouvelle Chitika Insights rapport suggère que iphone 5 prezzo dépasse S3 Galaxy quand il s'agit de l'utilisation du Web. Dans un monde où l'utilisation du Web est devenue très courante sur les PC et les tablettes, les smartphones ne sont pas à la traîne. De nombreux utilisateurs de smartphones d'accéder à Internet dans le monde entier sur la route à l'aide de leur téléphone.  "Après la sortie de l'iPhone d'Apple 5 sur 21 Septembre Chitika Insights a été intéressant de comparer les taux d'utilisation d'Internet des nouveaux téléphones des deux fabricants. Afin de quantifier notre dernière étude, nous avons procédé à une analyse de l'agent utilisateur sur des millions d'impressions publicitaires mobiles, couvrant un délai de 7 jours à partir de Octobre 3e à Octob
2 Natural Hair Conditioner Diy Can Be Done At Home Hair Care
  Natural plant hair care products, more can give hair necessary nourishment.Do it yourself, DIY two natural hair care products,ghd sale australia with precise gestures massage, can be well nourish your hair. Tomato conditioner In the summer, swimming pool water hair become yellow and dark, tomato can make hair to restore the original luster, can remove excess hair on the odor. Material: 1 tomato Practice: the tomato mashed, or use a juicer labeled tomato paste, add a small amount of flour, modulation to the likes of concentration. Usage: after cleaning hair, towel dry hair slightly, with tomato paste massage to the scalp and hair.The upper heat pack towel and wear a shower cap, after 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water to clean. Mango conditioner Mangoes are rich in vitamins and minerals can promote the healthy scalp and hair, make hair shiny. Material: Mango a, 1 tsp olive oil, fresh 2 tbsp lemon juice. Practice: Mango peeled nuclear pound, or use a juicer to
Who I Truely Am
i am  person who made  a  few  mistakes...i went to   to jail  for something i  didnt  do. I  also  live  in  a  trailor  that was parked  in my brothers  drive way  untill  i got  a  bad infection  in my foot  which cost me  my left small brother  offered  no help  and his  wife would  yell at me  because   i needed  to goto the hospital  for  anti biotic  treatment  he  charged  me gas money and  talked about  putting me in a  nurseing home  cuz  my foot wasnt getting any i had no choice but to  contact my sister for  help so my niece  came and picked  me up....i  wound up in  the  hospital for 2 weeks  were  the  docs  would  cut away dead  skin   that was blackend by the infection  then  they  tryed  maggot  therapy  then i lost my toe  cuz  the infection went to   bone....the docs  said  i was  lucky  cuz if  i hadnt contacted  my  sister  and  niece  i would  have been   dead   within a brother  and sister in  law blame me  for the infection  gett
Slate: El Iphone 5 Es Un Milagro
Cuando Apple presentó el iPhone 5 el mes pasado, muchos expertos tecnológicos llamó "aburrido". Yo fui uno de ellos. De hecho, estaba tan aburrido que he llamado el camino aburrido iPhone en julio, sobre la base de la deslucida nuevo sistema operativo para móviles que Apple anunció en su conferencia de desarrolladores. Después de que llegué unos minutos con el iPhone 5 después de evento de prensa de Apple, que escribió que era "un dispositivo muy impresionante". Pero esas palabras apareció bajo el título: "No, este no es el mejor iPhone jamás", conclusión que fue impulsada por mi enfado acerca de Apple, conector dock privativo. La empresa debería haber ido con un conector universal, argumenté. Al hacer ese movimiento hostil, la empresa había "jodido" a sus clientes más fieles, y se perdió la oportunidad de construir un dispositivo verdaderamente perfecto.-comprar iphone 5 sin contrato Ahora, casi un mes más tarde, es el momento para mí para conseguir algo de mi pecho: He
Most Commonly Used Sex Toys
Vibrators are the most commonly used sex toys, followed by dildos. I know their are more women then men in this world, but i wonder why men sex toys are less common. There women must be doing a good job. However, their is a variety of male sex toys for them at http;// We sell other things for men too. If your girls doing it right maybe some lingerie or accessories for her is what you are look for. We got that too. Check us out, get a buzz, and have some adult fun!!
Casando Pela Segunda Vez: Opções De Vestido
Se você está planejando casar pela segunda vez então vai precisar de escolher e comprar um vestido de casamento apropriado. Com o passar dos tempos, a sociedade tem ficado cada vez menos tradicional, como resultado, têm aparecido diferentes tipos de vestidos para noivas no mercado, sendo por isso, hoje em dia, mais fácil escolher um vestido para um segundo casamento do que era há uma ou duas décadas atrás. Na sua escolha, uma das decisões que precisa fazer é se vai ou não utilizar um véu e grinalda. Nesse ponto a tradição dá uma ajuda, quando é o primeiro casamento do noivo, é perfeitamente aceito que a noiva utilize esses acessórios, porém, se também o noivo já tiver casado anteriormente, há que evitar essas peças. No design, os cortes simples e discretos são uma das escolhas mais usuais, porém, existem muitos modelos de vestidos curtos e despojados, das principais marcas de moda, que contêm pormenores cheios de classe e que deixam esse tipo de vestido de casamento com t
New Poem --- Fractals
Fractals   Colors, strands and beams Arranged into a rainbow Twisted around each other They form a warped vision Every piece large Every piece small Connected in an infinite web Confusion and clarity Chaos and order All in one place Spread across the Universe It is seen in the mind Conjured up in nightmares Just a series of mathematical equations Numbers in the right place at the right time Creating such beauty  
Week 2
So I'm been away from my house for about two weeks now. Paying a morgage in a place i won't be at for about 4/5 months sucks. but what can you do that's what's a new job is all about. The wheather has been good and people are nice. Still looking for places to go out though, went to the hotel bar at the the Hilton, right beside me and it was a good time on Firday night. Women were great lots of drinks...let's see what week three holds...
Samsung Galaxy S Iii Mini, Le Frère Cadet
Si ce que vous cherchez un téléphone avec les mêmes caractéristiques d'un SIII Galaxy, mais avec le petit écran, iphone 4 moins cher , la nouvelle Mini Galaxy S III n'est pas votre terminal. C'est, certes, une version compacte du Galaxy SIII, le produit phare de la marque, et répond à certains (mais seulement une partie) des qualités de son frère aîné, comme l'apparence, simple et intuitive, la conception ou la couleurs. Mais les similitudes s'arrêtent là. La nouvelle Mini vient d'être introduit dans le monde entier pour la société coréenne, bien que les prix ne sont pas connus. Pour commencer, ses caractéristiques, à l'exception du fait qu'il intègre Jelly Bean (version Android 4.1), très proches de celles de l'autre borne du Samsung milieu de gamme, tels que le S Advance. Mais les avantages de Jelly Bean pourrait être réduite en raison du processeur, un processeur dual core à un GHz, loin d'incarner le Galaxy S III (quatre cœurs à 1,5 GHz). L'écran est de quatre po
Small Town Boy....
You leave in the morning With everything you own In a little black case Alone on a platform The wind and the rain On a sad and lonely face Mother will never understand Why you had to leave But the answers you seek Will never be found at home The love that you need Will never be found at home Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away. Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away. Pushed around and kicked around Always a lonely boy You were the one That they'd talk about around town As they put you down And as hard as they would try They'd hurt to make you cry But you never cried to them Just to your soul No you never cried to them Just to your soul Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away. Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away. Cry , boy, cry... You leave in the morning With everything you own In a little black case Alone on a platform The wind and the rain On a sad and lonely face Run away, turn awa
Operated And Other Sports Brand What Competitive Advantage
Then in 1908, CONVERSE (operated) creates the global canvas shoes kingdom, whether sales or sections of color is a world first. In the Chinese market, and now listed are ALL STAR CHUCK TAYLOR (all-star classic canvas shoes), JACK PURCELL (laugh), PRO STAR (STAR arrow), ONE STAR (kimura series), STAR 70 (parallel bars clamp STAR) five series, 50 kinds of color, let unwilling depressing young people, high-profile to play colour, career opportunities to go out to go to. Type operated 1. ALL STAR CHUCK TAYLOR1917 world the first pair of ALL STAR canvas shoes in the United States CONVERSE (operated) company was born, twenty century known as "basketball ambassador", the NBA superstar CHUCK TAYLOR (CHUCK. TAYLOR) on the new such canvas shoes fondle admiringly, convinced that ALL STAR shoes can let basketball player on the field aspect gallop, to play, so he no matter where he went, he always with a pair of ALL STAR canvas shoes, enthusiastically to the side of the friends, basketball player
Apple Iphone 5 Erlösmodell Smartphone-design Lob,
IPhone 5 Telefon von Apple über die Fakten, und wurde gut von den Verbrauchern und professionellen technischen Experten gelobt. Obwohl viele hoffen, das Gerät mit einem größeren Bildschirm iphone 5 amerika kaufen die gleiche Art, zu einem größeren 4-Zoll-Display, anstatt die Spezifikation von 3,5 oder besser, in der sechsten Generation von Smartphones attraktiv für viele Menschen immer noch das Design. Sean Lee ist einer der Zustimmung DisplaySearch Analysten in dieser Woche, iPhone 5 ein Handy ist, hat die Messlatte für Smartphones entwickelt angehoben. " In seinem Schreiben, vereinzelt Lee aus dem Design ermöglicht eine größere, effizientere Batterien und mehr High-End-Leistung, trotz der kleineren Volumen als jede iPhone 5 Release to date. Es ist ein weiteres Element in der Zelle Displaytechnologien erwähnt Lee, weil es die Vorrichtung als Ganzes dünner hilft. Lee sagte, dass in den Spezifikationen, die der A6-Prozessor die perfekte Balance aus hoher Leistung und hoher Effizienz
Crazy Is The Greatest Praise And Honor To Love.
I Watch
I watch... As blood flows from my fingertips. From my nose. I watch... As my blood flows...from my ears. From my soul. I watch... And ponder the truth of it. Do I create it? Or is it imposed? I watch... Wondering why I assume the weight Is on MY shoulders? When it is on OURS! I watch... As guilt consumes me. Guilt, for the starving. For those, who have not. I watch... As vets suffer... and children go hungry. I give, even when I can't give. I watch... As loved ones come and go. Always wondering why? Yet I watch silently. I watch... myself die slowly.
What Is The Deal For Real...
Ok so first of all men that read this don't get your panties in a bunch, this may or may not pertain to {YOU} this is about some men on Fu...NOT all men on Fu . I don't understand what goes on in your mind. I would have to say and most ladies on this site I'm sure will agree with me that how you approach women on this site you would NOT approach in the {REAL WORLD}. Are you just fucking with us by the approach your taking and trying to get a rise for your own self worth and not a {RISE} in your pants as to what I'm referring. Are you generally interested in this woman you're approaching? If so why the fuck would you come off pervy to them? Don't you think you would get a better response from a female if you were just kind and NORMAL or as NORMAL as any persona can take in the FuWorld.    I can not stand nothing more then someone who is old enough to be my father or grandfather hitting on me. I am sorry if you are reading this and you fall into this category. I could be a social netwo
Jackets Brand Canada Goose Parka Moncler Coats Timberland Jackets Woolrich Outerwear
Three bogey ironing. Down the appropriate approach of washing really should be washed by hand, working with canada goose parka neutral detergent, flippantly with a soft brush. Clear soon after flattening a cool spot to dry.ry. In quick, the facts talked about in the mens Canada Goose Parka, supplies us with the clear-up four Canada Canada goose jackets advancement proposals. Expected because you can not get a very good washing instructions jackets brand of the news by means of your coat. Then, it is indeed probably to stay powerful for your coat, and shop some dollars in the winter. So, please do not? ?t let it go, if you have a Canada goose down jacket. Given that we china wholesale are so shut to jackets brand our goose, we are normally the very first the know when 1 of them may possibly be sick or injured and we have helped numerous goose and ducks more than the years. There are folks out there who will inform us or tell you that wild animals ought to appear timberland jackets follo
Going To Add 5 Family Members
At the end of this week i wanna chose 5 family Members. Tell me why your worthy in a private message and why you should be my top member who will have greater access to me. Im not materialistic but, bling blasts cherry bombs,etc will figure into my decision. I wanna know who wants it more.     jess
Random Resurfacing  chipper  Master Therion,( Al.list er Crowley)Message receivedNot sure if it is understoodBut delay ,relay, per say As you knew I would,    Voices, Whispered thoughtsImaginationSilent horrors Drug induced delusions or selfAll but,   deranged screams of terror,Transmitted in uncontrolled frequencyRepetitionsOver and overConfessions: apprehensionsPerceived as imagery illusionPsychosisDelusionsLies are better received, than truth is toldI repeat againBut not worthy to be considered such,2 steps forward and 2 steps backIsn’t progressing muchUnderstanding of present situation Fades carelessly, as if unimportant By and byeGauge self worthShe cowersAnd fears And she hearsThen again she always does,That Itself Is the Problem.Therefore when once forgotten Twice shy Accused and reprimandedIt’s a lieBe comes once bitten Twice dies So does Death really come hereIs that what I really hear? For always Once upon a tyme,Miss upon a  tyme The outcome of either is consi
Fake Reality
Fake Realities Current mood:  cynical Category: normal and that’s odd Life Penetrating the silence..: Emitting some un-decipherable code If disorder diagnosed as delicious delectable dessert Formulate of freedom independently Americans love ap=ala mode Riddles Phrases, Electronic pulses digitally digested Swallowed conformity Nature of will ingested Via unnatural means Humanity contested Not is All All is Not As it seems     Jump in.  submerse thyself drown myself  in sin the drowning demon resides within Drown in sin (im gonna win) Its gonna end the same  way it begin Devouring this drowning demon – Simulated, perhaps stimulated This despondent devil being residing within Guilty Guilty of all accused, Guilty Having been judged questions Those and many more Guilty-judges as having been judged before The Master Face Odd I laugh I smile I see the reflection … Think And smile. I laugh. Questioning Those and many more. Thought
Passionate ..
 I love you this night your so kind loving me, flowers growing in side me. You teats like fine red wine off my lips kissing me softly. You lay me down hold me dear to your heart. Feeling your breathe on my naked body I am falling , falling , deeper , deeper into your trance  I love you on this passionate night                              bY Christine    10/14/2012                                                                                                                                           time 3:55 pm
My Poems
The Knife As the blade of the knife pierces my sideThe single drop of blood cannot hideI feel the pain of every breatheKnowing i will soon feel my death Feeling all happiness fade awayHoping i will die soon today I wish this blade would take my lifeFor i,m tired of holding this knife ....   Blind Souls Everyone is dying From the moment they're born Everyone is crying But we're forsaken and forlorn Disillusion shattered dreams Destroyed visions of future Perfection is the name of condemned themes For a million of damned souls in overture So many souls in torment Reaching out to their creator We can only lament Because he is the betrayer...   Across the miles Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent ,Sometimes,I like to thinkI can hear your heart beatingin time with mine. Have I ever told you that when i watch you speak to me through lines and cords,and bytes and ram I imagineYour voice,Whispering in my ear. Have I ever told you that I wait out each day
Wanna Kill Yourself?
Wanna kill yourself? Imagine this. You come home from school one dayor work or whatever it is. You’ve had yet another horrible day. You’re just ready to give up. So you go to your room, close the door, and take out that suicide note you’ve written and rewritten over and over and over You take out those razor blades, and cut for the very last time. You grab that bottle of pills and take them all. Laying down, holding the letter to your chest, you close your eyes for the very last time. A few hours later, your little brother knocks on your door to come tell you dinners ready. You don’t answer, so he walks in. All he sees is you laying on your bed, so he thinks you’re asleep. He tells your mom this. Your mom goes to your room to wake you up. She notices something is odd. She grabs the paper in your hand and reads it. Sobbing, she tries to wake you up. She’s screaming your name. Your brother, so confused, runs to go tell Dad that “Mommy is crying a
The Up Comming Election
im really worring about this years comming up election i am a republican and i am voting for Romney but i am also worried about all the minorities in our country that is voting for Obama i went and sae "Obama 2016" and he totally confirmed all my suspicions abbout this man i beleive he is communist and that he only has 4 years left if he is re elected am i the only one that feels this way you know that he can do what ever he wants to our country in these next four years he cannot be relected again arent you guys as worried as i am? and not to mention him supporting all the people on welfare and goverment assistance i dont know bout u guys but i dont like taking care of other people family if i can work so can everyone else ...i dont know i jus had to vent hope i didnt affend anyone.....have a great day   Ashley Klein 10/14/12
Never Count On Your Kids
I don't write too many blogs but I had to write one today. This past year I had been searching for a new, less expensive apartment to move into to save money. About 2 months ago, my youngest daughter approached me with an idea of moving into an apartment together so we could both save on expenses. She had just gone through a bitter divorce so this would be perfect for her to start over, and for me to catch up and get some cash in the bank.  We found a place that would be good so I signed a lease, got the utilities started, cable started, and started to move in my things. Didn't move much since my sons wouldn't be able to help until the following weekend. My daughter moved all her things over, but refused to put things in the kitchen away until mgt replaced the garbage disposal. So there was no where to cook any food, no place to store any food, thus eating out.  Add to that, if I felt like watching a ball game, she let it be known that didn't please her one bit. In short, she made me
Making Family Salutes
Cleaned Out My Family And Was Surprised At Some Of My Family. I've Known Some Of These People Since I Started On Fubar. Making Family Salutes...Let Me Know
My Thoughts And Opinions On One Of The Things Most Taken For Granted.
Let me start by saying this....these are MY thoughts and MY opinions. And you may disagree with them. That's fine. Feel free to be critical and tell me why you disagree and what your thoughts are. Who may just change my opinion. calling, cursing, bashing and profile wrecking WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. That being we go....   I love you....three words. Easy to type. Easy to say. Right? But what is love really? It's not words typed on a keyboard, or even spoken words for one to hear. It is an emotion, and a very powerful one. When you tell someone, I love you...and your throat tightens, or tears come to your eyes. Your heart races and you are flooded by the warmth of comfort and safety. That IS love. Love can be as small as a tiny seed. But when planted, it will grow if it has what it needs. Trust, caring, respect, honor, friendship. Among other things, and not always in that order. It will grow in to a beautiful thing that can last forever if it i
Watching Trees....
Watching Trees ---- I want to be, in a tree,watching you, watching trees.memories of the trees,watching you, watching me.I stand alone in the coldof an old, cold train station.It was cold in the snow,wind did blow, all alone.It's about dreams, oh this feeling.forgotten memories, oh this feeling.I want to be, in a tree,watching you, watching trees.It's a fool who doesn't see,what I see watching trees.It's about dreams, oh this feeling.forgotten memories, oh this feeling.It's about dreams, oh this feeling.forgotten memories, oh this feeling.I want to be, in a tree,watching you, watching trees.memories of the trees,watching you, watching me.I stand alone in the coldof an old, cold train station.
The Mirror By Shane Allen Reynolds
The Mirror by Shane Allen Reynolds   He looks into the mirror and sees A stranger there! No longer the young man he used to be! He sees a scarred up man with beaten and dented armor and a tarnished sword! He sees a life of near constant battles some won some lost! He sees a past of smiles just there to cover the pain! His Depression he hides! He reaches for a future that he hopes to have! It vanishes before him as if it is illusion! His dreams he feels will never be real! With this realization  he must deal! He wishes he could smash the mirror and unsee what he saw! Only to realize This mirror is not real though it is with in us all! It is called self perception and though we fight it! Some win and some lose! The battle to change it is endless and tiring! The energy needed to fight it is all but expiring! The mirror stands before him cold and mocking! His reflection stares back at him so sad and shocking! The image fades as he closes his eyes! As he strikes out at the s
How Things Change
How things change year ago I was here same level same time, but change yea everyone knows Evil Jessie its dead. I found my self in spring of 2012 started racing again, just doing some miner stuff, getting back in to it going Lancaster speed way racing drag, one my buddys has nissian 240sx rwd, hey lets go to new york city there show there formila drift, let go see it I did see few old friends my one friend lets see how you do it was test time. I killed course, so my last $40. I enter the race and won. they went rochester ny for another event of f.d. won that one then they ohio I killed that one,so few months pass I been racing underground, so found every one call me DK (drift king). looking for new car (import) 370z,gtr,frs,tc,so found scion tc is what going buy, co. had me watch list. taking my for loan they call me (head office) we want drive for us, I was like what nascar no ty, there like no drifting I was like your pulling my lag. I hung up with them. sitting at work 4 gu
Debutante Auction Theory
three good friends have already expressed disgust that i'm going to enter an auction, something i said i'd never do. the reason i changed my mind, is that Syn came up with a marvelous idea-- a Debutante Auction, only for those who have never been in one before. he's going to keep it clean, he's going to block creepers, and he's going to ensure we are all respected. also, some ladies are entering who i know aren't fu-whores, which makes me feel better, and even excited, about entering.  and, like i like to say: we are, all of us, hypocrites. :) i always say: i don't ask for anything, ever, from anyone, including hinting around for stuff i want. BUT, if someone wants to get me stuff, they may as well know what i want. no one is required to bid on me at all. i do still have some moral cognitive dissoance about making flirtatious salutes for the winner. i have never sold my affections, making salutes for only those that i wanna. however, because Syn's goingn to not allow creepers, and i
Photo Contest....
I entered my first photo contest, finally.  If you like my photos and graphics and wouldn't mind taking a moment to come and "like" my photo, I would really appreciate it! :)   You may have to register on the site to "vote/like" and you must be 21 or over.  I can't find a direct link to my photo, but here is a link to the gallary My entry is the photo of a rusted bell by "Erin B Denver, Co"   I totally appreciate everyones support :)   xxoo ~Postal
.. so here I am... landed on planet Fubar... well let´s see whats going on here
Making Cakes
A little girl and her mother walking through the park one day and they saw two teenagers having sex on a bench. The little girl says "Mummy, what are they doing?". The mother hesitates then quickly replies "Ummm they are making cakes". The next day they are at a zoo and the little girl sees two monkies having sex. Again she asks her mother what they are doing and her mother replies with the same response, "making cakes." The next day the girl says to her mother, "Mummy, you and Daddy were making cakes in the lounge last night eh?". Shocked, the Mother says, "how do you know?"She says, "Because I licked the icing off the sofa".
Life In General
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 Beers.A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full.. The students responded with a unanimous 'yes.'The professor then produced two Beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty s
I never got to see your eyes, or hold your hand, or hear your cries. All I have are dreams of you, those of which, will never come true. My heart sank the day that I knew, I would never get to meet you. I had made plans, and had aspirations, if only I had a little more patience. I never thought the Lord would take you away from me so soon. But, I'll never forget that dismal day, around two in the afternoon. The day I knew something was not right, and through many tears I would have to fight. Now, all I do is dream every night, about what life would have been like. What if you really had been born? But all we have a dreams of that, and all we can do is mourn. We will not mourn for you though, because we know you're where you need to be, even though it isn't here with me. You are my angel baby because God wanted you with Him. Now, forever with his angels, His praises you will sing. None of my dreams for you will ever come true, because of that day God chose to take you. But,
  5,决战时刻  全球流动性,  时时刻刻准备着,决战的时刻就要来临了。 决定中国人民是生活在血腥的,残暴的,凶狠的,恶毒的,恐怖的,邪恶的,系统性的反人类的把社会主义,资本主义,封建主义,奴隶主义的强行杂交的老杂种主义,还是生活在自由,民主,法制,平等,博爱
壮志凌云 全国人大常委会委员长的职位,没有一丝一毫更改的可能性。 1,绝地反击 棒击与反击,2011年8月19日,今天早晨买菜,路过一群人时差点被一个人打了一杠子,走几步,一想,不对,我一转身向那几人论理,连鬼影都看不到一个,简直是闯了瘟神。现在更是还在时时刻刻被折磨&#
Original Poetry Wriiten By Me
By the corner behind my door……My old friend and loyal companion awaits me….A truly comforting addition to my morning walks…A walking stick much like the staff used in bible times…As we walk each tap sounds out each step….As we walk it serves to balance me…As we walk it serves us my guide to our next destination….As we walk it measures the future days of my extended life….As we walk it carries the blessings of my co-pilot and his angels….As we walk comforts me with the warmth it provides my hand….As we walk it tells my story to those we encounter along the way….Its worth much more valuable than any other possession in my life….Knowing that after my last walk on this earth…..It will join me above to serve me in my walks up above….Knowing my loved ones will cherish, treasure and keep its memories alive….An eternal story to others of my life on this earth….An inspiration t
Original Poetry Written By Me
So Into you tonight……..So Into your beauty tonight….So into the sparkle of your eyes…..So into the soft glow of your hair…So into the way your dress flows in the night breeze….So into the warmth and softness of your kiss….So into the shine of the diamond you are wearing….So into the way the candle light casts your shadow….So into the gaze you are giving me tonight….So into the feel of your arms as we dance closely together…So into the reality that you are truly here with me tonight….So into the first night of an eternity awaiting us….So into the first night of many with you by my side…Forever and ever together as one, heart beats and souls as one….So love you and so cherishing and treasuring this perfect union…Finally a true angel and soul mate for this angel….Thank you my sweet and precious lord above…..Written on October 14th, 2012By Robert E DurbinAKA Heart o
Feels So Alone Anymore
so im sitting here about to brake down in to tears and i have no clue why it sucks ass there has been so much to go on in my life the past 5 months and i guess i have finely hit my braking point.  i mean i lost my grandmother almost 5 months ago to cancer her hole body was ate up with it and 2 weeks after i lost her my bf (of over a year) cheats on my with someone 20 years older them him and my self esteem was at an all time new low for me i feels like i was nothing that i was not good enough for anyone i pushed almost everyone i loved or cared about out of my life and would not let them in i feel so unwanted by my family anymore its like they only want me around for my money or what not my mom never calls to see how i feel or shit like that idk maybe its just me but if i was to leave here they would not care i sometimes think they would be happier with me not around i wish i did not feel like this  yes in the past i have tryed to kill myself but never could somethis always saved me
Just Another Saturday Night On Fu...
order members by:   include NSFW broadcasts:  most popular video broadcasts *NSFW* wootwoot hanging out at home with the babes and my friend rocket!... Watch Broadcast 51 viewers Shadow Angel Mu... I has pumpkin cake! ....Thinking about broadcasting in a... Watch Broadcast 15 viewers ilovebigboobies my yahoo is master4bustyz .. add me girls.
Seeking Bailey
Everyone on here that knows me or of me knows I am bi-sexual and I see alot of womens pictures from all over the internet. So yes I look at girls but anyway I ran across a profile and was also informed called Baileys Fubar ( and as I was there I noticed she had all of these pictures marked private and if you wanted to see this or that it was either a rockstar for this folder or a God mode for this one and so on. Fuck guys you can see them for free @ ... Just scroll down to the bottom where all of the links are and you have it. Stop being a fucking idiot. What I noticed was that most of them were older guys, which is cool everyone needs to get it off once in a while but Seriously. I mean WTF. I sent her an email asking her was she actually saying these pictures were of her and she responded in a oh yes BLOCKED me. Anyway for free you can see them and stop paying for something that is already out there. Hey I may hav
L I A R ! ! ! ! !
Sooo this might sound totally weird to some of you but I have a fu-friend into humiliation and he has promised me blings if I can get my friends to..   1. rate him and his pics all 1's and comment how pathetic, lame, etc. he is. this is his link 2. rate his mistress' pics 10's or 11's. this is her link   And then let me know when you do plz :) He really wants to be the joke of Fubar :P Let's get this done! :)   If for some reason you don't believe this as I know I might not unless I was the one approached lol I can forward you the messages he sent me saying so :)  And also, he promised to rate back 10's or 11's to all of you who do so no matter what :) He likes this shit LOL! Thank you all in advance! ♥
Cyberbullying Shouldn't Be Ignored!
So with that happened, British Columbia Premier Christy Clark is calling for change, hoping to make cyberbullying a criminal offence. As it stands, no laws specifically addressing cyberbullying exist in Canada.  I am being cyberbullied, have been for years, but I will not let it happen anymore! I will not get involved in any drama related inrenet BS, starting today.  If you are going to hate or harrass me (cyberbully) all I will do is REPORT YOU, BLOCK YOU OR IGNORE YOU!!! 
A Few Things...
there is hope and there is vision angry looks pass me by craddled in your indecision I really wonder, wonder why…. And yes I wonder why. Why am I here? Not the age old existential question..more like…why am I still on fubar? I should be out…socializing. Meeting people. Not sitting perched in front of a pc. Expecting something , someone to talk to me. Sure I make small talk but like two ships passing each other in the night, it fades away. Words loose meaning on the screen (detect irony of me typing this stuff out). Anyways the gist of it is…I should not and will not fall back into the smothering blanket that is fubar. I’ve fallen too many times for the lines, the come on’s, the failed relationships (rl and long distance). I can’t take much more of it. Sure going out isn’t any better but at least I’m interacting with people. Flesh and blood. Not a small avatar and badly written status messages. Sufficed to say I’m burnt out on fubar would be the understatement of the year. If I a
I Was Laughing So Hard But Felt Bad
Dangerous Place
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." -Albert Einstein 
The Damn Preamble
How many profiles to i visit on fubar belonging to chicks that start like this: "okay lets get this straight. im not looking for love or pictures of your private parts. if you want NSFW pics of me forget it i dont do that. i dont chat, msg. i dont want your phone number, you are not getting mine, dont look at me, dont talk to me..." what a turn off. no, i dont want to see you naked unless you want me too, and until god strikes me dead, im gonna chat with like minded people whom have found a way to stay positive and dont approach this as some kind of minefield that they refuse to walk thru. negativity bites my ass.
About Me
i a
Going Away
When I get home from Vegas, I may disappear for a while.  I haven't been taking very good care of myself physically or emotionally.  I'm a horrible mess, no good to anyone right now. 
Live Your Life
So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide. Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none. When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision. When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their
Mmmm Kinky Sexy Story By Me :) ♥
I was admiring myself in the mirror.. Just standing there wearing a see through jet black lacy lingere gown.... Touching myself running my hands all over my body..... and You walked over to me.. Slowly with nothing on........ At this point you were behind me running your fingers through my hair gently.... You lean in closer and I can feel you  move my hair out the way exposing my neck.. I feel your lips and your breath graze across my skin.... As i close my eyes and just say "mmmmm"  You take your other hand.... and slide it up my gown.... and feel how wet I am with your fingers..... slowly just running circles around my clit with your finger..... then 2 fingers and then 3 fingers..... in and out in and out.......... Im moaning and cumming all over your fingers...... At this point you take me over  and lay me ever so gently on the bed you kiss me gently on the lips...... passionatly, and gracefully, your hands all over my body.... Taking your hands and running them all up and down my l
Nashville Update
Thank you for your prayers, thoughts and support. They gave my son a transfusion and his condition improved dramaticly. It was decided to move him to a sports rehab center in Chicago that is better equipped to deal with his muscle fatigue. In a week or two they expect to let him go through a standard program but right now he will be getting electro muscle stimulation a nd hydro theropy. This is a big weight off my shoulders. He will get better it will just take time and following the doctors orders. He understands what this has done to those who care and vows to never ride motor cross again. I'm glad but also sad because I know how much it means to him. Without it he will have to find a new hobby. I hope it's safer and even more fum for him. My suggestion was fishing, as long as it wasn't for sharks or something like that. lol Hugs,   Eddy
The Causes Of Mono
Mono is in fact a viral contagious illness. This would mean, it is able to spread out from person to person because of exchange of saliva and even mucus coming from throat or nasal area. Because the condition is usually known as kissing health issue, there exists a well-known belief that it really is caused simply as a consequence of kissing. The above mentioned belief is certainly right that mono is usually passed on with kissing. As mentioned previously, mononucleosis spreads throughout direct contact. While deep kissing, there's an exchange of saliva so because of this, there's a greatest chance of transmitting of this particular health problem. Kissing is actually one of the key causes of the spread ofmono in younger generation. Nevertheless, kissing isn't the only cause of spreading this specific illness between people today. Mononucleosis can also be passed on through sneezing, coughing sharing own things such as bath towels, brush, and many others. At the same time, utilizing th
I Would Love You
I would Love you More In one Day Than some could ever do In a Lifetime But you wouldnt know this Because you dont know how to appreciate that and be faithful Time and Time again I have tried and been smacked down Cast aside for the ones you will never let go of Sometimes.. I feel like the strand of pearls that you keep tossing before the swine in the pigpen and they trample  any good that ive tried to be It all adds up and its killing me It hurts its hurt for so long now i have lost my smile and i dont even know what the use is anymore  
Save The Ta - Ta's
im collecting pink ribbons... im making tags for everyone that sends me 1 ribbon. ill salute anyone that sends me 6 pink ribbons and if you send me 50 pink ribbons i will make you a NSFW salute i will also be giving every 50th ribbon i get an almost NSFW salute SEND A RIBBON TODAY!!!   my goal is 1000 pink ribbons!   403/1000 97 more pink ribbons and ill be half way THANK YOU for all the support YOU GUYS ROCK!!!
My Wishlist!
*tosses in my coin* I wish...Fubar would award members for their long term commitment to this site..maybe reajust the achievements points on the yearly anniversary achievements?1 yr = 25 points, 2 yrs =50 3 yrs = 100 4 yrs =200 and so on?ORmaybe a special, activatable bling awarded each yr for our that CAN NEVER be bought.its starting to feel like it doesn't matter how long we have been here...just how much we can afford to spend or how much we can generate for the site!
Get Paid $2,000-$4,000 In 1 To 7 Days & Over $30,000 A Month In Residual Income From Other Peoples Energy Bills!
Hey it's Byron, thanks for reading and I just wanted to let you know that the Independence opportunity is truly unique! It is, without a doubt, a phenomenal financial opportunity for you to get paid over $30,000 every month in residual income when OTHER people pay their electric bill.. just like they have always done... ANYWAY. It is also a personal growth opportunity; one that is more fulfilling than I could have ever imagined. You see, as an Associate, you also have the opportunity to get paid $2,000 to $4,000 in 1 - 7 days*!!! It's called the Power Play and it's a great way to get some quick cash in your pocket. You can also share the opportunity and help others earn $2,000 to $4,000 in 1 - 7 days.** When you help these new Associates succeed, you succeed because you can earn $300 when you help your new Associates complete the Power Play. You can repeat this as many times as you like to get paid the $300 & watch your earnings grow. I certainly enjoy my residual incom
Privacy Illusions
I get a good chuckle from members who post something similar to this on their profile: *********************************************WARNING*************************************** Any institution using this site or any of its associated sites for study or projects - You do not have my permission to use any of my profile or pictures in any form or forum both current or future. If you have or do, it will be considered a serious violation of my privacy and will be subject to legal ramifications. It is recommended that other members post a similar notice as well. ******************************************************************************************* These people clearly don't understand that the only two things this does is 1) scare away those not familiar with the law; and 2) give the member a false sense of the security of their privacy. For the purposes of this post, lets just ignore the fact that pages of this site are visible world-wide, by people who don't speak nor read E
Halloween Poem (1st Attempt Let Me Know What You Think?)
Broken skin of an empty vessel, Eyes pitch black on a face of a broken angel, Body mangled left alone with her heart still beating, Moaning of her voice with words no-one will ever hear, Lips quiver in horror and fear, To what furry and wrath whom done unto her, The scent of her innocence is no longer there, For her skin is bright and fair and so is her hair, Gasping words of pleading echo’s in the cold damp air, For whom is she pleading? Death maybe be upon us that much is clear, Holding her head in my arms covering her body with my coat cause she has nothing to wear, Then she whispers in my ear with her tender voice gasping for air, She said something only it wasn’t so clear… something horrifying, As if to say whoever done this was…. was near!!!    
Safety Words (stuck Dream World)
I’m stuck into the then and there, Trying to get back to the here and now, Memories of you are stuck in my head, While I’m chained to your bed   Leaving your mark on my skin, So everyone would know where I’ve been, But they won’t know the scars I hold in-side   Walking on the ashes of my soul, Head down eyes red from your stain, Falling on my knees praying to end your reign   There’s no end to the nightmare you put onto me, And my misery sings to your tune, While my soul is dances to your words   Turn in two I’m be divided, Between whom I am and what you own, I guess I finally weep what I sow   I’m not really my own but you will never own me, Stuck in a dream where I had control over you, Until I felt sympathy and let you go          
The Ghost
The Ghost by Kenneth Matlock on Saturday, October 13, 2012 at 8:11am   Life has truly come to a crash My inner self is not but ash A few still cinders burn inside Those little voices within have lied It's not alright it won't be soon Staring endlessly into the moon I see a face smiling back Before the sky turns to black Ripped away into the shade Tossing in the bed I've made I wish I had an ounce of strength To make it through an entire length I don't know how or why I should If given choice are you sure you would? It feels so heavy inside my chest I was stupid to forsake the rest All in the same basket to be crushed Spend the rest of time feeling slushed As you watch the goop drip down Find your sorrow in which to drown Another day just like the last Another million in the past It's just the way it ought to be You with you and me with me... Forever.. and into eternity.   Always wishing... Always wanting... Until I pass and come back haunting  
More Nerves Of Steel
Can you wear one of these?   Khaki pants or shorts   Neck tie   Bow tie   Casual footwear
醉打门神 全国人大常委会委员长的职位,没有一丝一毫更改的可能性。 一,万千阻难 我去求职,遇到门神再三阻难,为了阻止我,陪练小政治宝宝的马甲用烂了;学生小班子一班人的马甲用烂了;学生中班子一班人的马甲用烂了;下级老班子一班人的马甲也用烂了。那俩个女人不管&#
Love My Sexy Friends
Opposites are the race of genders. Defender of the close friendship never enders. Proud member. With a handful of breasts having, vagina tender loving caring buddy buddies. Molded me like silly puddy or play doh, they know no closed door by I if they hit the road. There be the foes with lips loose never froze motoring bout our closeness equalling tangled toes. Underneath the table, if able i'm sliding in position to be the next hero of her fable. Labels given with negative tone but as they throw stones they will never strike my throne. Royalty myself with all of my shes that be right hand, left, and invisibles. Meaning this isnt a one man army, many weapons in this vehicle. Mad they are, fixating on that miracle. Nigga with camaro got it to impress whitey white chick to insure to be next. Yes, that is foolish at best. They dont know about the dreams I had left. Back up in the past because i wear reality on my chest. Flying above the hatred like there is also an S. Better yet, standing
The Pig
A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes. (O.M.G.!!!) A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death. (Creepy. I'm still not over the pig.) The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off. (Honey, I'm home . What the...?) The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumpingthe length of a football field. (30 minutes. Lucky pig! Can you imagine?) The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds. (What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?) Some lions mate over 50 times a day. (I still can't believe that pig ...quality over quantity.) Butterflies taste with their feet. (Something I always wanted to know.) Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump. (Okay, so that would be a good thing.) A cat's urine glows under a black light. (I wonder how much the government paid to figure that out.) An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. (I know some people like that.) Star
Get The Number
I, my two birds, and the stinger of my bee. Collaborating on a fuck you musical, do you hear we? Singing till the sound is gone. All alone on the phone, texting a new chick telling her to come to my home. My place. Right off the interstate, with a huge sign showing off the numeral 6. Can't wait. Here we can escape. Here be what they call fate. Bringing two desperate lonely souls underneath these covers away from the cold. Brought you here to run through, not to hold. Feel the heat once the clothes hit the floor, kinda funny we no longer need these covers anymore. What's in store are the promises laid in detail in the form of code. Left in messages sent before. You know. The hugs and kisses following i have a job for you and all you have to do is blow. Wait thats not it, many more postitions with interest to see what you can do for me. I'm simply freaky when this demon in me. I'm simply giddy when this semen in she. Commited to hit it and that's it then next week repeat. Mut
Teach You Night Care Hair Five Tricks
  We should care for their hair was not just in the morning the night Oh, we can through proper care for their hair to add charm! The repair of furcation: Hair conditioner in the lubricant can repair the hair bifurcation.However, if in the run out of hair conditioner immediately after use hot hair dryer dryer, it leads to the hair conditioner to stay time is not enough,ghd sale australia the hair cannot be effectively absorb conditioner in lubricant.Therefore, use hair conditioner, do not immediately to hair heating integer.In addition, if it was night repair, can use a few contain beneficial to enhance hair protein conditioner. Strengthen hair root: At night, you can first use shampoo to wash the hair, then hair wet with elastic cloth or silk scarf ring high, bushy tied in a ponytail.This can strengthen hair root, giving your hair "decrease negative". Reduce marcel: Daily cleaning of thick and curly hair to make the hair dry.But, when you press a "curly", you have to
Fascinating Kerala Voyage And Accessible Munnar Packages
  India’s idyllic state, Kerala is also known as the gods own country, and a paradise to the tourist of the entire world. Located on the southern part of India, it has been one of the most prominent tourist destinations in today’s world. Travel in Kerala is a lifetime experience where a visit is must once in your entire life. The boundless beauty of the nature and the unparallel destinations has now become the leading tourism state of India. Kerala offers a wide variety of travel packages and costs according to your budgets. It is a dream coming true destination. The gorgeous beaches, dense coconut trees and the lush green scenery offer a breath taking view of the place. Kerala is an opportunity for you to explore the unparallel beauty of the nature at its best. It is a paradise to the south. Kerala travel agencies offers an exciting tour packages which includes the top places of the gods own country.    A travel to the multicultural society is worth experiencing and giv
The Other Pair Of Shoes
Half inch short of the toe, Snug to the heel, Yet harsh on the "sole"   Ten paces and pride, Nine agonizing steps and petrified.   Denial and diversion between designated paths can only have consequences separated by faith and failure.   By William H. Kramer
Fine Point Of Distinction
Have you ever been in a crash Have you seen it coming and braced Knees up on the dashboard To cover your ribs Your lungs Your brain Who the fuck complains about having bad knees after that? A brat does..a stupid fucking brat I am GRATEFUL for my lungs and brain My brain is WHO I AM and my lungs & heart maintain that on this planet My knees just move me around but don't CHANGE ME So yes I would gladly give up my knees to keep my brain alive And NOT moan about it later I guess those that have never been in a crash Won't EVER get that Fine point of distinction  
Mulberry Latest Handbag Not To Mention Contemporary
Mulberry Outlet situated in Hong Kong tsimshatsui harbour destination stow treat seems to have enormous new development, not to mention go on to a bigger and others smart standing. Latest stow continues discovered in the neighborhood, not to mention concerning Nov check out, formally rev. Market place. Latest part draw incredible new development home design, an excellent rewards in the Mulberry latest show, time honored not to mention reasonably limited variant services. Latest portion of 3340 sq . ft ., cutting edge interior design buy treat Mulberry showcase of this recent services, bit keep in mind in no way 2011 qiu dong a line fashion accessories not to mention garment. Latest stow develop drive proceeds from The uk Latest Join Street's flagship establishments not to mention San francisco Our warmer tempuratures St stow, but more need a lot of unique develop not to mention deal. A good solid stow on a VIP wonderful convention location "The Burial container, inches convention fro
Etats-unis: Un Tribunal Annule Une Mesure Sur La Vente Du Smartphone Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Une cour d'appel a annulé une injonction préliminaire États-Unis sur la vente de smartphones Galaxy Nexus de Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, grossiste telephone portable , portant un coup à Apple Inc dans sa bataille contre Google Inc Apple a été une guerre sur plusieurs fronts contre Google, dont le logiciel Android pouvoirs plupart des appareils mobiles de géant coréen Samsung. Dans l'un des signes les plus visibles de cette bataille, essai afin de déterminer si les produits de Samsung violé les brevets d'Apple a expiré en Août avec une victoire écrasante pour le fabricant de l'iPhone. La cour d'appel du Circuit fédéral des États-Unis a statué que le tribunal de district de Californie "a fait un abus de son pouvoir discrétionnaire pour délivrer une injonction préliminaire." La cour d'appel a renvoyé l'affaire à une juridiction inférieure pour réexamen Californie. Le Nexus est un ancien produit de Samsung, qui a une large gamme de nouvelles tablettes et les smartphones sera
Interessante Tipps Und Billige Halloween-dekorationen
Es wird ein tolles Wochenende von halloween deko. WeatherBug - meteorologischen Informationen Quellcode-Patch site - sagte, es wird 73 Grad und sonnig am Samstag, 75 am Sonntag Heiter. Ich habe rund Trick gewesen oder Behandlung Block mehr als ein paar Mal, und dekoriert die außerhalb des Hauses geworden ist eine Familie Lieblings-Dinge zu tun jedes Jahr. Haben Sie eine Halloween-Deko-Ideen zu teilen? In den Kommentaren unten.Was für ein paar geschnitzte Kürbisse vor stoop Halloween hat sich zu einem langen Wochenende Aktivitäten der Familie voll von store-gekauft und handgefertigt Dekorationen, Kunsthandwerk, und viele ähnliche Strategie - ob weiß Müllsäcke verschiedenen Funktionen der Geist eines geeigneten Alternative zu der eigentlichen Tabelle. Definitiv kein Experte, aber hier sind fünf Spaß, einfache und kostengünstige Möglichkeit, um für den großen Tag vorzubereiten. Ein. Zwei Worte: a Shop-Dollar. Es gibt viele Sorten des Gwinnett diese Discounter, sind viele Menschen mit
Ever Fell In Love
have u ever fell in love someone u have always wanted u have thought about for years or months or what ever in your life  or have you even telled  yes or no
If Ever Had Crush on someone and you  were a scared to  tell them  would tell them yes or no
My Feeling ....
 Feeling of my body blissed out of control, see into the night of the moon and the stars of above telling my name, my name.  Shinning of love, the same, the one that earns for that young lust that consumes the mature urns of lost times or lost opportunities.   bY US
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So Sad!!!! This Has Got To Stop!!!! God This So Pisses Me Off!! ( Amanda Todd)
Tragedy as girl, 15, kills herself just one month after posting desperate YouTube plea begging bullies to stop tormenting herBy Meghan KeneallyTragic: Amanda Todd, 15, was found dead on Wednesday in a suspected suicideA 15-year-old Canadian girl was found dead Wednesday night, just weeks after posting a video about her battle with cyber bullies. The details surrounding Amanda Todd's death have not been released, but it is suspected to be suicide.On September 7, Amanda posted a nearly nine-minute YouTube video where she tells the story of her repeated harassment by bullies on a series of notecards.In the video, she admitted that she had previously tried to kill herself twice.In the video, Amanda uses a large stack of notecards to tell how the bullying started when she flashed her breasts friends she had met online after purchasing a webcam.A photo of her breasts circulated on the web, and caused anonymous people to berate her online.After moving to a different city and school, another
Something To Think About
Before you wanna be an asshole with your girl, Think about this... While your ignoring her , another guy is giving her attention . While your giving her problems , another guy is listening ..While your to busy for her, another guy is making time for her. While your making her cry, another guy is trying to make her smile again, When your not sure if you want her, Another guy already has that figured out.. SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT MEN...
Original Poetry Written By Me
My Invitation of a lifetime……A Invitation for just youA invitation that would make each and everyday specialA invitation to join heartbeats for all to hearA invitation to join our souls forever into space and timeA invitation to etch our names in stone for all to seeA invitation to become the very inspiration to all loversA invitation to share a special warmth and softnessA invitation to make new paths and destinations A invitation to create new dreams and make them happenA invitation create an eternal masterpiece and work of artA invitation to write and share the most beautiful poetryAn invitation one would never want to turn down But to choose to make it the best of decisions ever madeA Love for all to look up to and be inspired to do the sameLove you so much my sweet lady, soul mate and partner in lifeWritten on October 12, 2012By Robert E DurbinAKA Heart of an Angel
Original Poetry Wriiten By Me
Calling on the night breeze……To pick us up and transport us to a very special paradiseA paradise where the stars shine bright above usA paradise where a very special table has been setA banquet and feast set out before usA chilled sweet wine and two crystal glassesA bouquet of the finest roses in a heart shaped vaseIn the background the most romantic musicSweet fragrant candles lighting our nightA fireplace lit and casting our shadows on the wallA very soft four poster bed adorned with satin sheets and pillowsA mirror above the bed to capture the sweet memoriesA night meant for just two….A night to begin a very special union….A night to begin a lifetime of nights together….A night to shine its light and warmth to comfort and inspireAll other lovers to take a similar trip to paradiseParadise will always be defined by us two till the end of timeLove you with my very heart, soul and mindMy sweet soul mate and loverWritten on October 12th, 2012By Robert E
Getting A Little Head
There was once this man who used to goto this bar at the end of the street every night. One day this guy saw this enormous man with all these muscles but with this puny head. After stairing at the guy for over 5 hours he decided to go ask how this happened. He went over and began to ask. Hi man I don't mean any harm but how did you get all those muscles but that small head.The man began his confession. Long ago, I was in the Marines on this top secret mission. The submarine we were being deployed from had a battle, and then had gotten sunk. Luckily, I washed up on this beach. As I was walking along the beach I saw a mermaid. I spoke to her and she said, "Oh my! Somone has finally found me I will grant you 3 wishes." First the man said, "I want to be super strong and have all sorts of muscles!" POOF! "Wow that was cool!! Second I want to be the smartest man in the world!" POOF! Third he was like, "well I haven't had sex in years I want you to have crazy sex with me." The mermaid replied
Supernatural Experiences
A visiting professor at Texas A & M University is giving a seminar on the supernatural. To get a feel for his audience, he asks: "How many people here believe in ghosts?" About 90 students raise their hands. "Well that's a good start. Out of those of you who believe in ghosts, do any of you think you've ever seen a ghost?" About 40 students raise their hands. "That's really good. I'm really glad you take this seriously. Has anyone here ever talked to a ghost? 15 students raise their hands."That's a great response. Has anyone here ever touched a ghost?" Three students raise their hands. "That's fantastic. But let me ask you one question further.....Have any of you ever made love to a ghost?" One student in the back raises his hand. The professor is astonished. He takes off his glasses, takes a step back, and says, "Son, all the years I've been giving this lecture, no one has ever claimed to have slept with a ghost. You've got to come up here and tell us about your experience." The redne
Pharmacists Bad Day
Upon arriving home in eager anticipation of a leisurely evening, the husband was met at the door by his sobbing wife. Tearfully she explained, "It's the pharmacist. He insulted me terribly this morning on the phone."Immediately the husband drove downtown to accost the pharmacist and demand an apology. Before he could say more than a word or two, the pharmacist told him, "Now, just a minute - listen to my side of it. This morning the alarm failed to go off, so I was late getting up. I went without breakfast and hurried out to the car, but I'll be damned if I didn't lock the house with both house and car keys inside. I had to break a window to get my keys. Driving a little too fast, I got a speeding ticket. Then, about three blocks from the store I had a flat tire. When I finally got to the store there was a bunch of people waiting for me to open up. I got the store opened and started waiting on these people, and all the time the darn phone was ringing its head off. Then I had to break a
Better Know Your Right From Your Left
So I was looking at the entertainment calendar for this casino, and I saw two events: Red Hot Halloween Dance Party Come Join the Red Hot ladies as they host their very first smokin’ hot Halloween Costume Party at Mount Airy Dress to impress, there will be an award for the best costume. Complete with a picture:   Then the other event was: HallowQueen Drag Show Get ready for a fab-boo-lous Halloween with Sherry Vine, Mimi Imfurst, William Belli and Pandora Box – four of today’s finest and funniest drag queens. Fun for men, women and men who like to dress as women.   You had better make sure you dont make a wrong turn, because this isn't vegas, and what happens there doesn't just stay there...  
Attention Please
you there have i got your attentionyou left my dreams in the wishing wellyou there got to find interventiondont test me know I will get through some whereCan I have you Attention Pleasecan you tell me what's going on god only knowslife is a book we open and closehigh and lows, friends and foescan you really tell me how the storys goesI know life is filled with sorrowset a good example for the kids to followcause I'm a come out and shine tomorrowi'm living to the fullest don't be so hollowyou there have i got your attentionyou left my dreams in the wishing wellCan I have your attention pleaseyou there got to find interventiondont test me know I will get through some whereCan I have your attention pleasethey say that life is hard so I gota come harderthey take it to far so I gota go fartheryou wanta live large gota think a littler largergod is in charge but you gota be the chargerhitting home runs like brooklyn dogerpulling from my guns because i'm the godfatherno aplogie go hard don't b
One Of Moms Worst Worries!!
Today, my phone rang,,,It was a local number ,,,so I answered,,,It was the High School Police Dept. My heart skipped a beat....   I have a almost 17 year old son, He is different than most kids,,,He is Autistic, He has Aspergers Autism,,He is highly intelligent but has trouble in social settings...loud noises and bright lights effect his attitude.. but thats not all!!  He also has a muscle disorder,,,His doctors say he leans more to the MD (muscular dystrophy) ,,,He has trouble walking,,,balance,,,and has absolutly no reflexes ...The doctors are working on getting him a firm diagnosis but my health insurance does not pay for diagnostics so after MRIs,,,Cat scans,,EKGs and EEGs,,,,It has cost a pretty penny :) still no firm diagnosis,,,but we will get there.....   Anyways.....The officer says on the phone,,,,Tracy this is officer "NAME" your son is ok and he is not in trouble so please dont panic!!  DONT PANIC???? why would I panic?? So what do I do  I FREAKIN PANIC!!! He then tells
Some of you may kmow what is going on with my son, for those who don't here it is. My son rides motor cross and two weeks ago  he was in an accident. He broke his leg, collar bone, 7 ribs and punctured his lung. Friday a week ago they found a blood colt in his leg and one in his lung. The next day the one in his lung broke loose and they had to opperate. Things were going all right until they put him on medication for the clot in his leg. He was allergic to the meds. He tried to get up to go to the bathroom, got dizzy and fell. The fall caused his injured lung to colapse. They had to put a baloon in to fix that. Last night the doctors called and ask if he had a living will. This is no longer a "oops I crashed" but rather will he survive. I have to go and be with him no matter the cost. I'll try to keep in touch but don't know if I can. I'll update you when I can. Love, Eddy
My 2nd Job
Hey Everyone, tomorrow starts the Mid-October 2012 Brochure! I wanted to share a video of all the great products that will be on sale. For even more information please feel free to call or E-Mail me. Win.
"I was at the gym, and I walk in, and there's a model. like, a real one and she's on the treadmill, running faster than a racehorse would run, like eighty miles an hour, probably. top speed, and not breathing heavily, just like: \(^ - ^)/ and i'm over here on the elliptical, and i hate it, and  you can  see  in  my  face that i hate it, i'm like ~~(o__o)~~ and then her italian boyfriend comes in, and they're both incredibly good looking, and then he leans over the treadmill bar and starts making out with her while she's running that fast. and  i'm just  like, " win."
Sometimes people come into your life & you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or help you figure out who you are & or who you want to become You never know who these people may be (possibly your roommate, neighbor, professor, long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger), but when you lock eyes with them, you know at the very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.and sometime things will happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, & unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming these obstacles that you would have never realized your true potential, strength, will power, or heartEverything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by mean of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness & sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without this small test, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, f
Clinton Recycling Sex
Bill and Hillary are now married 40 years. When they first got married, Bill said, "I am putting a box under the bed. You must promise never to look in it." In all their 40 years of marriage, Hillary never looked. However, on the afternoon of their 40th anniversary, curiosity got the best of her, and she lifted the lid and peeked inside. In the box were 3 empty beer cans and $1,874.25 in cash. She closed the box and put it back under the bed. Now that she knew what was in the box, she was doubly curious as to why. That evening they were out for a special dinner. After dinner Hillary could no longer contain her curiosity and she confessed and said "I am so sorry. For all these years I kept my promise and never looked into the box under our bed. However, today the temptation was too much, and I gave in. But now I need to know why do you keep the empty cans in the box?" Bill thought for a while and said, "I guess after all these years you deserve to know the truth. Whenever I was unfaithf
Anti-bullying Week!
This week is Anti-Bullying week, and such a sad tragedy occured, a beautiful young lady Amanda Todd (RIP Amanda Todd) ended her life because of bullying offline and online. If you know or are a victim, STAY STRONG! You are not alone. If anyone needs anyone to talk to, send me a mesage. I am a victim myself, however they can't hurt me, I won't let them,  If you see someone being bullied offline or online TAKE A STAND!
Would You Grow Up Already?
I am not looking, reading what my haters say or type or associating with any haters, or my past haters anymore, I have my own life to worry about, and I am VERY HAPPY where I am now in life.  So whoever made me bothering you or as you call it "HATING YOU" now, it isn't me. As one of my haters likes to call it "FAKES". Accusing me of making people up just to bother her, um no. I'm not sorry that I have REAL friends who would do anything to defend me, and be there for me. So whoever is bothering you now, isn't me or anyone I know. I swear on my grandmothers grave. SCREW OFF AND GET LOST!!!!  END OF STORY!!!  THIS IS THE END!!! 
8,影帝崩溃 影帝如此故意做作来在世界上显示,自欺欺人地为中国赚取中国不是法西斯国家的眼球,同时把瘦猪拼命催肥,比如: 温家宝对在场的几十名中外记者说:“我是专程到奥斯威辛来悼念死难者的。这是人类历史刻骨铭心的一页,它是沉重的,更是不能忘却的。奥斯威辛的
顾影自怜 全国人大常委会委员长的职位,没有一丝一毫更改的可能性   一,无限合理 1,饲养肥猪 和蔼谦卑,忧伤的他! 他, 是谁? 作为中国官场恐怖,邪恶,反人类势力的化身,他总是那么谦卑可爱,和蔼可亲,笑容满面,诚诚恳恳; 他说的是一套,做的是一套; 他说的民主,自
hgjjghj hgjhgjhghgj
Bullying, Not The Answer!
Such a tragedy, girl ended her life because of no good teenagers bullying, it happens everywhere, school, online, and its not only the teenagers who do it, adults do it as well. Why would anyone do such a horrible thing? I am against bullying, I've been a victim and still am, if you are against cyber bullying, take a stand! Lets stop it! My condolences go out to the family! She's a beautiful young lady, whos life shouldn't have ended this way, she had so much to look forward to besides these no good teenagers. RIP dear!
L'extérieur Du Blouson
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Eglise Esprit De Noël, Octobre
LAFAYETTE, industriel (WLFI) - L'Halloween est juste autour du coin, mais le dimanche, un membre de l'Église Cornerstone Baptist à Lafayette, en pensant à Noël, les membres de l'Eglise à remplir les 2000 sacs de cadeau de coloriages de noel à livrer aux enfants d'Haïti. Il ya douze ans l'église a commencé une mission en Haïti, où plus de temps d'une décennie, les membres se sont réunis dans un sac 2000 sacs remplis un peu plus d'une heure, prêts à être expédiés. Bien que le sac, cadeaux pour les enfants, le contenu de l'emballage peut réellement aider le pasteur principal de la pierre angulaire de toute la famille, a déclaré Mike Vauters,. «La demande est si grande en Haïti, beaucoup d'entre nous ont été regardant vers le bas, vous avez besoin, et lui dit:« C'est notre réponse Vauters,. "Il ya des choses intéressantes avec des livres à colorier et des crayons, mais aussi avoir un bloc-notes, deux enclos, deux crayons, dentifrice, savon, brosse à dents, je sais que ces choses intérêts d
A Lasting Love
A Lasting Love   I lie here in the dark A golden flame shines from a bayberry candle The ancient rune of love carved into the dark red wax Mistletoe hangs over every door and window Spirits watch and pray On the pillow next to me I see you Your eyes shine with a love never known Your lips want to be kissed and your skin glows in the faint light I feel you breathe I hear your soft sighs as you dream It has been long for both of us Tainted by mistakes of our youth Years, no decades, we suffered Knowing that each other existed Yet never able to find the other Our souls drifted We searched, we dreamed and we had hope I look at you in the darkened room As you sleep beside me I see what I need to really live My love for you and yours for me A love that will last forever and a day.
The Just Of Me
well i am here to tell about me. i am not that someone that can be ran over and pushed around. i have been through alot in my 29 years of living and i just want to have a life now. i have my good days and my bad like anyone else. i love, i cry, i hurt. dont under estimate me thinking cause i am a very caring person that i cant become something else. i dont like being that person and because of it, people think they can push me around and run over me. well im taking my life back to the fullest. i just wished that certain people would see me for who i am and can be.   i am a mother of two beautiful lil girls. they are my world. but at this time my babies arnt at home. i missed them dearly. but i know they will be coming home very soon and run into my arms. thats going to be a wonderful day  for me. please dont judge me for what has happened to me in my 29 years i have lived. some things i shale not speak of cause i dont want everyone to read it. if i know you and trust that i can tell
My Poetry
Okay a Friend had inspired me to do this so here is a few pieces of my poetry that i had written a while back WAKE UP Wake up and realize your life is going downWake up and turn that frowney face upside downWake up because the world is not going to hold up for youWake up and get moving realizing your mission is to make the world proud its trueLet go of all of the dead weight that is holding you downLet go of the insecurities that cause your depression and replace them with a crownWake up for today is a brand new day and every new day brings a clean slateEach and every one of us that wakes up every day is the subject of our own fateFairwell goes to the attitudes that are constantly downRealize that life is about what you do with it and in your own puddle of tears cease to drownBe strong and honest with youir dealings today with your fellow manBecome inspiring the person that Hallmark is banging down your door for your face on their newest movie and your face is on the wheeties brandAl
Ios 6 Tasso Di Aggiornamento Alle Stelle, Nonostante Glitchy Mappe App
Forse una delle ragioni per l'aumento di pionieri è il fatto che iOS 6 può essere scaricato in modalità wireless. Una delle maggiori caratteristiche di dello scorso anno è stato iOS 5 aggiornamento che avrebbe sostenuto over-the-air aggiornamenti e la sincronizzazione vodafone iphone 5 , e quindi di un caso potrebbe certamente essere fatto per questo miglioramento contribuire al tasso di adozione più rapida del nuovo iOS 6. Eppure, come tutti i primi sanno prezzi iphone 5 america , il desiderio di aggiornare rapidamente viene fornito con un po 'di dolore. Apple di recente ha presentato Maps app - che viene fornito in bundle con iOS 6 - è stata colpita da problemi di mappatura imprecisi ed è stato criticato dagli utenti per una generale mancanza di dettaglio, che porta CEO di Apple Tim Cook a rilasciare scuse raro formale per lo stato delle app . Resta da vedere se queste scuse si smorzare l'entusiasmo degli utenti Apple per l'aggiornamento a iOS 6. Se iPhone 5 numeri di ve
What is new folks?
Just Something I Wrote Not Too Long Ago..
If I had one wish.If one desire could come true.If I had one wish.My wish would be you.If I could choose.I would stay in your arms forever.Our hearts would fuse.And our love would become an endeavor.I would wish for you to stay with me.For you to be my love.You would be my hearts key.Forever my angel, my dove.Forever is a long time.To require in a single command.I will write our love in a rhyme.For it would be my demand.I would ask of this.Only with your permission.Lost in a kiss.Our love is my ambition.So I wished upon the star.The star that reminded me most of you.My actions seemed bizarre.But this wish I had to pursue.If I had one wish.My wish would be you.And since I made that wish.My wish has come true ....
Gifts To Uplift The Spirit And Passion Of Your Event
Convey your love and concern from the core of your heart, and our gifts will score the perfect background for that. Whenever your loved ones receive something from you, their hearts can’t from going pitter-patter, and is honored to present its gift ideas to catalyze this heavenly act further. We script the picture perfect gift ideas on your behalf, just to curtail your time for searching the right gift. Gifts narrate the sweet memory of your cherished moments, and we are privileged to do it for you. Come and meet us at to know more.  
My Loss
I sit and cry all day and nite...   I lost the most wonderful woman in the world to Mama...she passed away on 09/20/2012 I can not stand being here without her...   to top it all off my boyfriend of 5 yrs was run off by my siblings...they called the popo on him for being here know I can not stand back stabbers and that is what they are...   for 2yrs I took care of mom and dad lil bro helped me but everyone else could not help me at all..
Weihnachtszeit Stempel Mit Heiliger Familie
WASHINGTON (CNS) - US Postal Service freigegeben weihnachtsgeschenke stamp image Flucht der Heiligen Familie in Ägypten am 10. Oktober. Episcopal Church der National Cathedral in Washington, hielt eine Zeremonie, um den ersten Tag der Ausgabe Briefmarken feiern. Dargestellt das traditionelle Bild der Heiligen Familie, ist Madonna und Kinder zuerst Weihnachtsmarken zu ändern fast jedes Jahr seit seiner Veröffentlichung im Jahr 1962. Louis Giuliano, ein Moment, ein Mitglied des Rates der Postal Service, räumte bei der Zeremonie, die 50-jährige Tradition der religiösen Stempel Gründen. "Der primäre Grund von Weihnachten ist die Geburt Jesu zu feiern", sagte er. Seit 1962 ein säkularer religiösen Stempel sowie Spezialprodukten, wie Christbaumschmuck, immergrüne, Nussknacker. Die religiösen Stempel ist seit jeher die klassische Musik Werke von Kunst, die Maria und das Kind Jesus. Giuliano sagte, in diesem Jahr, das Board mit einer anderen Darstellung der Stempelsteuer zu gehen entschi
The thunder rumbled down through the bedrock; dust motes and small rocks fell from  the roof whenever the bombardment got closer or a particularly large munition was  detonated on the mountainside. The tunnel was dim, a few battery or wind-up torches  lighting the black and green streaked granite; it was also cold, so very cold. The  figures gathered together in groups of two and three, barely acknowledging the vibrations  trying to search them out. Every couple of hours one of the animal-skin clad fighters  would pass out rations. The bombardment varied in intensity as the enemy tried to  hurry them to reveal their position. The entire chain of mountains was  riddled with natural and not so natural caves. The two sat beside each other in a small recess to one side of the main tunnel,  chatting quietly during the lulls in the attack in case the various array of  electronic tools in the enemies’ arsenal was seeking them out. Beneath much of  their clothing they all wor
To Impact Physical Store Shoes And Apparel Product Sales Or Online Shopping Sales Model
Since since joining Li Ning in 2005, has experienced from peak to trough, "Waterloo", a county-level Li Ning distributors, the rise of the most painful now than electricity supplier business entity shop "flagrant "extrusion. The Li Ning distributors for example, said in September of this year, Li Ning official online shop "Li Ning official mall" hit "spending 980 yuan, shopping audience 5.5 fold preferential again, which contains many of the season's best-selling product. "5.5% off with the discount I buy season, even lower than most of the distributors buy discount our distributors what to do?" Moreover, the recent link Li Ning official Mall Home also appeared in the campus agency business, give student discount is 5.5% off the price of the goods or even lower. "And most of the regional distributors are close to the tickets getting goods tory burch outlet . Another distributor of Li Ning, complain to reporters, has been lower than the purchase price of the distributors because of t
Emmy Awards 2012 : Les Plus Belles Robes
En effet, on a eu droit à une panoplie de belles robes signées par de grands créateurs. On retiendra par exemple la robe orange de Ginnifer Goodwin, l'interprète de Blanche Neige dans Once Upon A Time. Sofia Vergara, alias Gloria dans Modern Family, a fait tourner les têtes dans une robe bleue scintillante Zuhair Murad. Quant à la gracieuse Christina Hendricks l'une des héroïnes de la série Mad Men, elle débordait de sensualité dans une robe crème signée Christian Siriano. Zooey Deschanel a pour sa part illuminé le tapis rouge dans une sublime robe couleur pastel et Kat Dennings a choisi d'assortir son rouge à lèvres à sa magnifique robe rouge créée par J. Mendel. Mais la palme d'or revient sans doute à Heidi Klum qui ressemblait à une nymphe dans sa sublime robe bleue pastel. On pouvait admirer son décolleté pigeonnant ainsi que ses magnifiques jambes fuselées. Une robe qui rendait à la féminité toutes ses lettres de noblesse et un choix de couleur judicieux qui a mis en valeur son t
Aoc Lança Tablet Que Custa Menos De R$ 1 Mil
A AOC anunciou seu novo tablet com tecla multitoque e sistema android 4.0. O aparelho chega ao mercado custanto R$ 949. O Breeze 9", processador Cortex A8 de 1,2 GHz, 16 GB de memória interna flash, 1 GB de RAM, além da possibilidade de expansão de memória por cartão micro SD de até 32 GB. Além disso, o tablet possui conectividade via Bluetooth e Wi-Fi de alto desempenho (velocidade de transmissão de dados até 300 Mbps) e dispõe de porta USB 2.0, permitindo conectar dispositivos como pen drives diretamente, além de uma saída mini HDMI, para conexão direta com uma TV ou Monitor. O Breeze 9” vem ainda com duas câmeras (uma traseira de 5 Mpixels com auto foco e zoom e outra frontal de 2 Mpixels), microfone e alto-falante integrados, facilitando seu uso com os aplicativos de mensagens instantâneas, chats e videoconferência mais conhecidos. O tablet acompanha adaptador de bateria, cabo USB, guia rápido e garantia. Aplicativos O novo modelo conta agora com a AOC Apps Stor
Just so you know. I'm in a horrible mood. I WILL be bitchy. I think I will MuMM. I'll probably be blocked. It will be great.
La Popular Aplicación De Viaje Packing Pro Ahora Totalmente Compatible Con Iphone 5 Y El Ios 6
Packing Pro, la popular aplicación de viaje de QuinnScape para iPhone, iPad y iPod touch, acaba de ser actualizada a la versión 8.2, que agrega soporte completo para el iOS 6 y el nuevo iPhone 5 de 4", el iPod touch 5G y el nuevo iPad. Además, los usuarios ahora pueden importar y exportar el contenido del catálogo, así como editarlo en un computador con Excel, Numbers, Google Docs, etc, tal como han sido capaces de hacerlo con las listas de packing durante más de un año.-nuevo iphone 5 cuanto cuesta Desde su lanzamiento hace más de tres años, Packing Pro ha sido presentado en el "Planee sus vacaciones" en el verano de 2012 de Apple, "Viajando a Casa" en el invierno de 2011 y en "Favoritos de Personal", así como también ha sido destacada en la promoción de "Guía de Viaje" en el verano de 2009. También ha sido reconocida por la revista Budget Travel, National Geographic y en Viajes + Placer de American Express (dos años consecutivos) como una de las mejores aplicaciones de v
Le Numéro De Téléphone Des Utilisateurs De Facebook Ne Sont Pas Aussi Privé Car Il Semble
Sophos firme IT sécurité et la protection des données, vente en gros chine , a été alerté sur le nombre d'utilisateurs de Facebook, nous sommes en tant privée que vous le pensez. Ti Journal: Une façon dont la vie privée de Facebook peut être une source d'abus a été rendue publique, que les utilisateurs de surprise sans doute beaucoup. Mais le réseau social lui-même semble le considérer comme une caractéristique intrinsèque. Ainsi, si un utilisateur entre un numéro de téléphone sous la forme de Facebook, le site peut effectuer une recherche inversée et dire à qui appartient ce numéro de téléphone, en donnant le nom, la photo et un lien vers leur profil. Apparemment, vous avez correctement configuré votre vie privée, de sorte que le numéro de téléphone ne peuvent être visualisées par les utilisateurs autorisés et leurs amis Facebook. Cependant, ce qui s'est avéré pas si, de sorte que n'importe qui peut faire une recherche pour les données utilisateur avec le numéro de téléph
14 Signs Your Online Relationship Isn't Working Out
  14) You discover that "Chesty McBust" isn't her real name, and she's dialing in from Langley, VA.13) You: Large, hairy man. Your online girlfriend: Large, hairy man.12) Her postmaster rejects your e-mail not as "undeliverable" but as "unlikely to get you anywhere."11) After months of shared experiences and emotional investments, she attacks you in the Mines of Quarn with a Vorpal Sword when she learns you're worth 45,000 points.10) "Returned mail: User unknown and never wants to hear from you again."9) Your cyberlover is just too busy editing that silly little Top 5 List.8) Getting perhaps a bit too comfortable, she lets a reference to cutting her chin shaving slip by.7) You discover that she has been cutting and pasting her orgasms.6) You can barely make out your SO's face in the JPEG she sent because she's obscured by her 25 cats.5) He claims to be the richest man in the world, but his GIF looks like some geek who works for a software company.4) Since her first e-mail, Make.Money.
I wrote this about a year and a half ago I figured I would post it so I don't lose it again. "I WANT TO BE WHERE ALL THE STRONG PEOPLE GATHER. The ones that will PUSH me to be better in EVERYTHING I do. I will IMPROVE and so will they. Caleb is one of those people and I WILL meet him again. All of them that I have met give off an AURA or PRESENCE that makes you want to be around them. I want to put ALOT because I want to be the BEST and to be the BEST you have to BEAT the BEST. I have always had that burning desire to WIN at everything I do. I am WILLING to RISK EVERYTHING to GAIN IT ALL. All the PAIN i put myself through now is to make it easier down the road. All my life I have felt that my life was meaningless. But after many years I have realized that my life isn't meaningless it feels like DEEP DOWN INSIDE I am SEARCHING for something that will CHALLENGE me. In this short life of mine I have done so much but that still isn't enough for ME.   This was during one of the times i h
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As we all known, the traditional normal winter coat has to been weight and massiness to keep us warmming during cold winters. moncler coats You have to discard your colorful nice clothes and put on thick fat clothes in order to keep warm. But now, things can be change because of this lightness vestes Canada Goose. Its excellent thermal effect, its beautiful design and its comfortable wearing will give you a warm and pleasant winter. Vestes Canada Goose in striking colors can make your personality superb and this is the best time, when you timberland jackets can purchase your favorite colored vest. The Women Canada Goose Camp Down Vests come at colors such as pink white, blue and black and are cut in a way that they give a chic, definite appearance of your figure. You can match the vest with any of your favorite dresses because its combination enhances your persona. Besides, the price of Canada Goose weste is not too expensive within reach. You Woolrich outerwear can easily buy cheap Ca
ღ My Heart ~*~ My Soul ~*~ Belongs To You ღ's
Our hearts where made not only to give Us life to live everyday, but to live everyday with Love. Our hearts are our connection with our Soul, with humanity, with everyone you pass by , the more we open them to give Unconditional Love to everyone, the more we are going to experience the beauty of this Life. Discover the beauty of your Soul, Make it shine, Think Love, Be Love, Share Love, Give Love. Blessings, Love and Light *¨`♥ Always keep spreading Love, there is nothing more beautiful that to experience your true self Shining brightly because Love is shining from Your heart to every corner of the world. Without Love the soul dies slowly, there is no hope, there is no light, there is darkness, but the moment we add LOVE to ourselves, to our thoughts, to everything we do or say, We will find that LOVE is the Answer to live an harmonious life filled with Happy moments :) Blessings, Light and Love for all your shiny beautiful souls ♥♥♥ 
I'm a product of my society My craziness is something the ingrained in me My faulty wiring that they choose to blame Is caused solely by their attacks to my name I won't sit idle, and just play my role You may hold my mortal boundaries, but you'll never tame my soul Born white trash, but that's not what I'll stay With this brain and these wings I'll fly away Stereotype me, go ahead and place me in your box I'll break out for my will is stronger than all locks I'm the big bad wolf, that's going to tear apart these sheep And finally expose the true actors behind the sheet These crooked politicians, who claim to have our backs Are merely paid actors, giving us someone to point at While the puppet masters play behind the screen We're to busy watching the decoys to catch whiff of anything We don't see that their houses get bigger, as we lose ours We don't see that our freedom is restricted by these bars Or how while we struggle to eat , they have five course meals With mo
Pink Ribbons...and A Salute
I'm Collecting pink ribbons! send me 1 pink ribbon for a BCA tag. or send me 6 for a salute! Can i beat last yrs total?  
Duz I needz one?
A World Of My Own
I am getting more and more tired, so easy, Before I leave, I would like to know someone's heart has heard me. Most of the world may not know I am here, but I would like it if everyone could not feel any fear. I believe that I could try to reach every living soul, and maybe I wouldn't have to worry about a goal. They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, my writing is the only article I know that makes me stronger and bolder. I once knew warmth better and closeness greater, seems like its getting darker and there is more haters. I sometimes think hell won't be worse than now, the devil can tempt with pleasure & hurt me and how. To tempt is a sin, to threaten the tempted is too, I have experienced being attatched with cum, spit and glue. I have felt the pain of leather, wood, and bone, my writing is my escape to a world of my own. It is safe and never cold, I am accepted and not alone, no one causes pain and everyone can walk on their own. May not sound rich or l
Random Thoughts....just Venting A Lil.
The way I see it is this. I was blessed with two very beautiful daughters. These two girls are my only real family here in Texas and we do pretty much everything together. They are my world and if people cant accept that they are part of my everyday life, then they dont need to be a part of mine. I want someone to settle down with that is honest, hardworking, dependable as well as responsible, likes kids and being outdoors, social drinker, doesnt mind smoking, and likes cats. Plus they'll have to accept my kids as part of the package. When Mr. Right comes along, I think I'll know.  I really wish that 90% of men would think with the head on their shoulders before they start talking stupid crap. There is no reason to make a woman feel used just because they are trying to better themselves. And what is with people using people anyways? How can you call yourself a friend and ask for help all the time, but when someone really needs the help and asks. you turn them away and ignore them like
Kesha - Tik Tok . My Life.
Wake every morning to a brand new day.Got my smile, I'm out the door so get out of my way.Before I leave, grab my ipod, find the perfect track.Cause when I'm out, I start my day, I'm not comming backk.So I find a football to throw, throw.Won't let you mess with my flow, flow.Tryin to get to me but don't, don't [so Not worth it..] I think most of you will agreeI wanna have fun so let me be.Sorry to be rude but I'm a bit bussyyy..Let's rock, Don't sulk,Let's just turn the speakers up.Tonight, it's my rightTo have fun until the sunriseTick tock, on the clock,but the party don't stop.woahhh oh oh-ohhhhLet's rock, Don't sulk,Let's just turn the speakers up.Tonight, it's my rightTo have fun until the sunriseTick tock, on the clock,but the party don't stop.woahhh oh oh-ohhhhNot a care in the world, and I'm being sincereCause for you to insult me, is making it clear.You're unhappy or your heart wouldn't be full of angerSo sit with me and have a drink and don't be a hater..We're smokin all th
What Is A Daddy Dom?
 People ask, What is a Daddy Dom. Well, to start with, a Daddy Dom is first and foremost a Dominant. His choice is to be a Daddy Dom, this does not mean incest (as has been said in the past by ignorant people) rather a Daddy Dom is One who cares for, nutures, shapes, and molds his babygirl into the image He thinks she should become. He sees in her someone who can achieve a much higher, much greater status. He often times believes more in her, than she believes in herself. His love for his babygirl goes without question. He loves her as much for who she is, as for what she will become with His guidance. she is ...... His prized possession. a Daddy's eyes will light up when she comes into a room and take great pride in her success's. Afterall, He helped to create her. She holds the most tender part of His heart and has greatest power to hurt Him. This love would not be possible without respect. A Daddy Dom needs to feel pride in his lilgirl. He needs to know she can hold her own in the
Is the cello the most depressing sounding musical instrument?
Original Video - More videos at TinyPic
Missing You
Original Video - More videos at TinyPic
Were Still Rokken
Come Check out the tunes! See what you like, what are some of your favorite bands and all.  What is y9ur Favorite Ragencobra tune, Guitar, drum maker?   Keep it Rokken and upbeat    Jeff Ragencobra    you can also buy the material at
Song Lyrics
(Bowm bowm bowm bow-dum...bowm bowm bowm bow-dum) Like a honey bee beatin' on my screen doorGot a little buzz and my head is soreFrom my bed I can feel the sunLord 'round here the morning comesJust a creepin' creepin' creepin' creepin' You shot outta here like a bullet from a gunA flip of a switch, a thief on the runSince the day you left me babyI can feel the lonely, I can hear the crazyJust a creepin' creepin, just a creepin' creepin' Head to the future, run from the pastHide from the mirror, live in a glassWhat the dreams forget the whiskey remembersKinda like molasses in late DecemberJust a creepin' creepin'(oh creepin') Your caffeine kiss and nicotine loveGot under my skin and into my bloodThat need you back comes over meLike ivy crawling up a hickory treeJust a creepin' creepin', just a creepin' creepin'(Creepin') Head to the future, run from the pastHide from the mirror, live in a glassWhat the dreams forget the whiskey remembersKinda like molasses in late DecemberJust a cr
Blog Blog Blog
lol lost my last blog so blog blog blog lol :) have a good day fubar 
Song Lyrics
He wore that cowboy hat to cover up his horns.Sweet-talkin' forked tongue haf a temptin' charm.Before I turned around, that girl was gone.All I can say is: "Bartender, pour me somethin' strong."Here's to the past, they can kiss my glass.I hope she's happy with him.Here's to the girl, who wrecked my world,That angel who did me in.I think the devil drives a Coupe de Ville.I watched 'em drive away over the hill,Not against her will, an' I've got time to kill,Down in Brokenheartsville.It was long on chrome, sittin' in the lot.An' fire engine red, that thing was hot.He revved it up, she waved goodbye.Well, love's gone to hell and so have I.Here's to the past, they can kiss my glass.I hope she's happy with him.Here's to the girl, who wrecked my world,That angel who did me in.I think the devil drives a Coupe de Ville.I watched 'em drive away over the hill,Not against her will, an' I've got time to kill,Down in Brokenheartsville.Here's to the past, they can kiss my glass.I hope she's happy wit
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The Jar Of Life
The Mayonnaise Jar & Two Beers   A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him.   When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.   He then asked the students if the jar was full.   They agreed that it was...   The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly.   The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.   He then asked the students again if the jar was full.   They agreed it was...   The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.   Of course, the sand filled up everything else.   He asked once more if the jar was full.   The students responded with a unanimous 'yes.'   The professor then produced two Beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand.   The students laughed...  
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4 Rose
The dreams I have of you are so vivid and clearI feel TRUE happiness inside and that there is nothing to fearPeople say dreams have underlying meanings and not to ignore themI say we both know what they mean and now I want you to hearHear what I am about to say to you, feel it with my body, see it in my faceHear it in my words and tone when we converseI love you! I love you more than I ever thought I couldBe with me always and be loved like you should ♥♥
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T-mobile Usa Will Dein Iphone 5
Samsung Galaxy S III kann T-Mobile USA all-time best-selling Smartphone sein, aber der Träger hat andere Ambitionen. Der Titel ist leicht auf dem Netzwerk, das nicht bieten iPhone, nein danke an Apple beansprucht. Aber T-Mobile hat wollen, dass Ihriphone 5 kaufen usa, auch wenn der Träger nicht verkaufen kann es Ihnen. Mehrere Warenlagerlösung BetaNews, die vor Monatsende sie Nano-SIMs für das Mobilteil führt bestätigt. Das ist vorausgesetzt, Sie können ein zu einem erschwinglichen Preis zu finden. iPhone 5 ist noch nicht verfügbar unlocked, wird der Carrier-Engagement-frei und wahrscheinlich nicht so lange wie Versorgungsengpässe anhalten. Apples US-Online-Shop derzeit setzt Lieferzeiten von drei bis vier Wochen. iPhone-Besitzer, T-Mobile will wirklich Ihr Unternehmen. Big Promotion: "Bring your own Telefon T-Mobile und sparen $ 50 pro Monat". Der Träger wird die $ 35 Aktivierungs-Gebühr auf neue SIMs sowie winken. Monatlichen Raten beginnen bei $ 59.99/month pro Zeile für eine zwei
Merchant Ivory Film
Informare nozioni molti viaggiatori 'di Merry Olde England. Castello di torrette lampadari stile tiffany . Villaggi di paglia. Guttersnipes e aristocratici plummy. Ma c'è molto di più per il Regno Unito che Dickens e "Downton Abbey". Per alcuni vita reale Razzle Dazzle, guarda prima a Blackpool, una località balneare all'interno di un 75 minuti di auto sia di Liverpool e Manchester. Nel 1840, escursionisti affollato in questa città nord-occidentale di cavalcare gli asini, consultare indovini e nosh di pesce e patatine, grazie alle nuove linee ferroviarie industriali. Blackpool costruito discoteche e alberghi snob, per non parlare di una pista, una pista di pattinaggio e una casa delle scimmie (perché ciò è una vacanza senza, veramente?). Superiore-crosta patroni passeggiava sulla ghisa North Pier, mentre operai ospiti due-passo sotto le stelle su un molo diverso. Entro il 1890, il boom di intrattenimento si era accesa - e Blackpool non ha mai guardato indietro.
Original Poetry Written By Me
Heard it in the night breeze…..Heard it in the warm air of the day…..Heard it in my sweet dreams…..Heard it so soft and pleasing…Heard from the stars above….Heard it from the fluffy clouds above me…..Heard it for the first time…Saw it in a flowing soft mountain stream…..Saw it in a most beautiful flower bed….Saw it in the rustling wild flowers of a meadowSaw it in soft and warm rain around meSaw it in the moist dew covered grassSaw it in the ripples of a beautiful lakeFelt it as it brushed against meFelt it as its warmth surrounded meFelt it shining down upon meFelt it as the ground softly shook under meFelt it as lifted me up towards the skyWhat was it?It was your beautiful love coming into my lifeA love that will become one with mineA love that will create sweet memoriesA love that is mine alone to cherish and treasureWritten on October 11, 2012By Robert E DurbinAKA Heart of an Angel
10-19-12 Fun
Clear HistoryClose armlexcar Buzz:   buzzed Level: Ninja (19) Gender: Male, 43 Location: United States   10:06pm armlexcar: HI BEAUTYFUL HOW ARE U 10:08pm Cannibal: I am just ducky, how are yo 10:09pm armlexcar: I AM JUST OUT CONTROL I HOPE U CAN UNDERSTAND ME 10:10pm Cannibal: sure..what is up?
Original Poetry Wriiten By Me
City Lights so beautiful, bright casting shadows In the nightSitting here so lonely by this fountainLooking into shadows for no reasonAll of the sudden, out of nowhere a vision beyond any beauty I ever have see before in my lifetimeGlided from the shadows towards meYoung, beautiful and an answer to all my dreamsRed flowing dress fitting her perfectlyHair looking so soft, like silk and flowing in the night airEyes sparkling and looking into mineHer lips looking so soft, warm and invitingCould this be the answer to all my prayers?Could she be the gift that I have prayed for?My heart was skipping a beatA pleasing and sweet aroma of her perfume so intoxicatingWas this just a vision or was she real in every sense?In a matter of seconds and minutes I had my answer As she came and sat down beside meW e talked for hours and I knew that my lifeWas going to change forever at that momentFrom that time on her love became a reality in my loveA true soul mate in the most perfect senseThe angels trul
Un Buen Concepto De Como Aprovechar El Espacio Extra De La Pantalla Del Iphone 5 En Ios
Hace ya unas semanas publiqué mi análisis sobre el iPhone 5 y si recordáis uno de los apartados, el de iOS 6, mi mayor queja respecto a la nueva versión del sistema operativo para este terminal era el hecho de no aprovechar de ninguna forma la nueva y más grande pantalla. Alguna mejora visual que hiciera más sencillo el funcionamiento del equipo.-iphone 5 precio Desde The Verge me han leído el pensamiento y han creado el vídeo que puedes ver al principio de esta entrada, un maravilloso concepto que demuestra claramente lo que esperaba ver, o al menos de forma similar, en el iPhone 5. La forma que han tenido de aprovechar ese incremento de tamaño ha sido modificando la barra de múltitarea. Ofreciendo no sólo un diseño más bonito, también más funcionalidades (al contar con más espacio) así como un funcionamiento más claro. En el vídeo se explica perfectamente. ¿Llegará a implementar Apple en algún momento una idea como esta? Pues lo cierto es que la unificación entre el i
Kate Middleton : Après Le Topless, Sa Robe Lui Joue Des Tours à Brisbane
Quelques heures après leur visite sur l'archipel polynésien de Tuvalu, escale finale de leur tournée en représentation de la reine Elizabeth II pour son jubilé de diamant, où ils se sont notamment adonnés avec beaucoup de bonne volonté à une danse traditionnelle locale en plus de visiter une école primaire et de déguster du lait de coco, le duc et la duchesse de Cambridge posaient à 11h45 le pied en terre australienne le temps de trois petites heures, sur la route du retour au pays robe d'été 2012 . Pour son premier passage en Australie, Catherine avait le bon goût de porter une robe d'une créatrice autochtone, puisqu'il s'agissait d'une pièce Project D, griffe de Dannii Minogue. Mais les tarmacs sont piégeux, avec leurs courants d'air insidieux : l'an dernier, lors de leur première visite à l'étranger, au Canada, Kate Middleton avait connu une mésaventure similaire, sa robe se soulevant jusqu'en haut de ses cuisses. Mercredi matin, elle est parvenue de justesse à sauver la situation
Sometime , I just have to let go of someone who matters to me Not because i want to but because i have to Because it's the right thing to do I must remember that i can't force anyone to love me I can't beg someone to stay when they leave And be with someone else This is what LOVE IS ALL ABOUT However , the end of love is not the end of my life It should be the beginning of understanding that love Leaves for a reason but never leaves without a LESSON..
Materna Costumi Di Halloween, Il Pensiero Creativo, Mia Madre Sarà
Dimenticatevi di mangiare due. In caso di gravidanza nel mese di ottobre è possibile raddoppiare i vostri costumi divertenti di travestimenti halloween. Potete mettere il vostro stomaco in una zucca, o "Madre di Pearl" - le possibilità sono infinite. Una madre vorrebbe venire a un percorso terribile per diventare famoso e Internet ricompensa. Jarrod Oldham, il marito, la sua foto a partire dal 2011, a partecipare a un concorso. Oldham ha spiegato la sua proposta, "Nostro figlio è nato il 6 novembre, Halloween è venuto, che è si sente assolutamente come ha cercato di scoppiare del suo stomaco piccoli animali come l'originale" Alien "Penso che può fare, per portare un po 'di caramelle! "Così questo vestito è nato. (Vedi sotto). Direzione Oldham abbigliamento re, coinvolgendo un top, un paio di forbici e una bambola. (Egli è nelle sue piccole braccia alla moglie nello stomaco, spruzzando sangue intorno alla parte superiore del punto di uscita tagliare il buco. ") Ha anche sottolineato,
Especial Casamento: Inspire-se Nos Vestidos Da Ficção Para Montar O Seu
Confira os looks que já passaram na TV. E fique ligado na programação do Especial de Casamento. Escolher vestidos de casamento ideal não é tarefa fácil. Mas, com certeza, existe um modelito ideal para você! Clássico, romântico, vintage, minimalista ou moderno? Tudo depende do seu estilo. Abrindo o Especial Casamento, selecionamos lindos vestidos da ficção. Aproveite e inspire-se em alguns looks que passaram pela TV. E nesta semana você ainda confere outros detalhes importantes para se ter um casamento lindo, como penteados, bolos, buquês, acessórios para a cabeça e véus. 
This Is One Man That Feels My Pain (wow)
 how u know if im looking or not? i been told u dat if i ever find da rite one i was gonna snatch her up n make a life. im tired of being alone, but these women in here play too many games. i have to be careful, but believe me, if i finnd da rite one im going all in. but all ive met were ones dat were after wat i had in my pockets. i want someone to love me for me not wat i could provide. so i been careful. i dont get on fubar much n im starting to think dat im destined to be alone. im happy to hear dat u r moving on, in all honesty, u deserve so much better. u a good woman dat takes care of ur kids n give 100% in ur relationship. any man would be so lucky to have u, i wish u da best.
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So those who know, know I am going through the VA Disability P&C Process as part of the IDES system which is part of the PEB and the MEB.   Month ago, had a audiological eval, it came out good, very minor hearing loss.  Granted she was the cutest girl I ever had do a hearing exam on me (think the only girl too).  Knew I should've worn earplugs more. Couple weeks ago, had the physical eval.  Doc who did the eval, when she got me from the waiting area said:  You're a hot mess.  (I asked for clarification, and she said she is allotted two to three hours for the exam and usually a third of it is for reviewing the records before she gets the patient.  She wasn't half way done with mine and had spent an hour and a half.)   Today I had the mental health eval.  He was asking question, and I was answering fully, honestly, not holding back.  He stopped writing but was still asking questions.  Didn't say what the diagnosis/recommendation was, but I got this feeling like I am either going to be
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I Have A Dream
I can do this. I can do this. Practice makes perfect. Practice makes perfect. I can do this. I can do this. Practice makes perfect. Practice makes perfect. Just incase no one knew, I usually just use my left hand to do any typing. My right hand isn't totally useless just weaker and slower than my left. But here is verification that I am going to make it a little more difficult to report to you by using both hands. If waiting isn't your favorite thing to, then you best head for the hills here and now. js... I may never be someone that is lucky enough to have total usage of my body or have someone that would be there do or die. I may never win another track race or have a drivers license. I don't place anyone lower on the totem pole just because they can't do what I can. I don't hate anyone because they are different in any shape or form. Still I somewhat do hope to be here to help. I don't really know everything there is to know about Fubar, but I do know thing about needing to feel ac
So Funny Nuceypoo Gf Ha Ha!
mckymse01: i would do anything for steve. i have already started to put my money where my mouth is. I got rid of Julie. She was biggest problem for me. I listened way to much to her because I thougt she was a friend. Learned hard way she was not friend at all. What would it take for me to feel more secure in our relationsship. Ha Ha and egagment ring. Only joking. Steve and I are not ready for that i dont think. All joking aside I just need for him to take down his damn walls. I need him to stop with this nothing is forever shit. I need to hear from him and see the reaction when i ask if the possibilty of marriage is in our future. I just need the little things from him to make me feel secure. A text now and then out of the blue for no reason saying i love you. A suprise for no reason middle of the 1:26:04 AM mckymse01: day trip to park or something like that. Little things are what show me you care. They make me feel secure. I dont need much. Just a text every now and then woul
First Post.
This is my first post. So this may be a little short. I'll tell you right now, I'm not that good at keepingthings up-to-date, but I'm going to give it a try. After all, that's all one can ask for, right? Anyway, the basic stuff is listed on my profile.... and the rest I might post here.... I don't know. So... I guess that's al for now. Just putting myself out into the world of fubar!
Sometimes we are caught So unexplainably sweetly Completely by surprise At the blessings that come Into our lives. I wouldn't trade one smile, Not one single thought of you For anything in the world. Knowing I have you Right by my side Makes every tomorrow Seem to shine brighter.  
What Events Page Is All About
Welcome to the Orgy After Hours Events page! We will be posting all contest and events on this page. Whatever contest you would like to be apart of just leave a comment on that Promo Tag. Its easier that way to sign people up for the contest and keep track. We will also promote that contest in the status as well and it will be in the default album so people can comment on it easily. It will be open to the public for all to join in on th fun! After all, Fubar is a great social site and we host the hottest contest and events on a regular basis! Lets have some fun friends!!!   If anyone has any ideas for contest or events you can leave a comment here on this blog! We want contest that EVERYONE can join in on! The ladies have their special contest we run on a daily basis. Lets make more for ALL the fubar community to join in on and have loads of fun and the opportunity to win lots of bling!! Lets all have fun together and be respectful of one another!!   ****If anyone is interested in
Bdsm Humor
That Don't Impress Me Much Author: killa and Rick's_miria © 2002 Used With Permission Of The Author Where Possible. sung to the Shania Twain song of the same name       I've known a few Doms who thought they were pretty smartBut you've got being wrong down to an artYou think you're smartBut you're really a trollYou're a regular wannabe, a know-it-all uh oh you think you're something special,uh oh just cause you read Castlerealmthat don't impress me much!OH so you're a Master then?That don't impress me much! So ya got the whips but have ya got the cuffs?Now don't get me wrong yeah your dungeons alright,but that wont warm my butt on a long lonely nightthat don't impress me much! Well I never met a Dom who carried clamps in his pocketand a length of chain just in case,now I cant believe you kiss your rack at nightC'mon baby tell me -- you must be jokin', right! uh oh you think you're something special,uh oh just 'cos you read Castlerealm.that don't impress me much!OH
Day 360
Fuck you, Michael. Just fucking fuck you. You're stealing my best friend, and quite honestly I'd like to punch you in the fucking face for it. What's so special about you? What the fuck is so fucking special about you that you can steal the best friend I have? Not to mention the only girl that I can see myself dating in this fucking shitsplat of a county. Because of you, she won't text me back. At all. Goddammit, god fucking damn it. I don't know anything about this guy, and I hate him. Why can't somebody be that nuts about me? They're stapled together by the hip, and me? i've nothing better to do than roam around the fucking internet, doing stupid shit. it makes me want to fucking scream and punch something.
Is Ignorance Bliss?
I'm so very curious about the "news" these days. How is it that, when you are friends with someone or know someone and they fail to accept reality and always talk crap or or completely unrealistic about things, you basically ignore or learn to write them off, for the most part? Usually, "oh, that guys a dooosh," or "that dude is crazy, he has no idea what he's talking about." YET ... when public figures or politicians do the same thing, supported by the spin and/or presentation in the media, people seem to soak it up and just fall in line like little minions? For example, Europe is BROKE. They have spent their future on completely non-producing assets. Building infrastructure and long term projects are minimal and fall behind improving government offices and spending on government pensions and public sector benefits. The same holds true for the US, though we are not as close to the cliff as the one they fell off. SO ... IF each or any of us were in the same spot, as in, we were
The sky is alive with fire, As the dying season unfolds. The leaves unmask from there uniform green into an array of flaming beauty. They drop and blow as the winds whispers for them to let go, of the past and float into there future. The sky is alive with fire as cold winds whispers.
Break Me By Lilpixieblu
Break Mewriten by lilpixieblue   I want you to break me. No….put the flogger down, and the shackles. Wipe the devious look off your face. I can`t be broken that way. I need you to make me vulnerable. Make me feel as unsure and nervous as a virgin. Make me quiver and look to you for direction. Kiss me. Not our usual peck on the lips. Really kiss me. Use your tongue to part my lips and explore me. Don’t take a stitch of clothing off me, not yet. Slip your hands under my clothes and memorize my body with them while you taste me. Pull me on your lap, or lay me down, and kiss me until I am whimpering and quivering in need, then kiss me some more. When you are done with that, pull my hair and kiss me deeper until you know my lips will be bruised and I will remember this kiss for the rest of my life. I might try to touch you, feel you, and undress you or myself. Don`t let me. Kiss me until you have sucked all the fight from my body and I am pliable under your hands. T
亡魂丧胆 全国人大常委会委员长的职位,没有一丝一毫更改的可能性。 万山老仙即使你现在利用权力再怎么整我, 1,屡经酷刑, (1)吃药 对于已经屡经酷刑的我来说; 被抓进重庆市长寿区晏家医院精神病科和重庆市渝北区中医院精神病科后,吃了药,吃得实在受不了了, 我苦苦哀
Aropack’s Artwork Services
The process of creating artwork is very critical to the introduction of new products in the market or the re-launch of products already in the market. For a product to be sold in large numbers, bold and beautiful packaging is essential. Similarly, to re-launch a known product, its existing packaging has to undergo a sea change or it would never be able to create the necessary buzz in the market. So, the role and importance of creating packaging artwork can never be underestimated, since no product can ever sell with inappropriate or dull packaging. At Aropack, we give wings to your words. You have an idea in mind and we convert that into project management, repro and pre-press services, template creating and branding, bar coding and pharma-code generation, color management, translation services, Quality Check services of a third party artwork, and brand guideline control. Our expertise lies in consumer packaging or the process of packaging products according to the specifi
Halloween-kostüm-ideen: James Holmes Kostüm Von Ebay Aus Respekt Für Aurora Shooting Opfer Gebannt
Es ist Mitte Oktober, die natürlich bedeutet, dass Menschen in ganz Amerika planen ihre günstige halloween deko für den diesjährigen Fright Night. Dark and spooky Masken, darunter die berühmte Scream Maske, sind oft beliebte Kostüm Entscheidungen auf der gruseligsten Nacht des Jahres, aber ein unbekannter Verkäufer auf eBay hat weit gegangen, versuchte am Montag eine Halloween-Maske von Colorado Kino Dreharbeiten zu verkaufen vermuten, James Holmes. eBay hat beschlossen, die Entsendung des Holmes Maske nach einem Verkäufer unter dem Pseudonym "realface13" versucht, die Maske für Hunderte von Dollar zu verkaufen abzubrechen. Die unheimlichen Masken zeigt Holmes, als er im Gerichtssaal erschien nach der Aurora Schießen, mit dem orange Haar und suchen deranged. Die eigentliche Holmes sagte, er sei "The Joker" und hatte gefärbt sein Haar leuchtend orange, bevor sie eine Aurora Theater und das Feuer eröffnet zu einem Mitternacht Screening von "The Dark Knight Rises". Zwölf Menschen wurden
Impressionnant Nouveau Concept Montre Comment L'iphone 5 Pourrait Gérer Le Multitâche
J'ai été un peu déçue quand Apple a annoncé iOS 6. Il n'avait pas le "wow" facteur que nous avons vu dans iOS 5 avec l'introduction de Siri, Notification centre et iMessage. J'aime iOS, mais il ne pouvait vraiment faire avec une plus grande mise à jour qu'une nouvelle intégration Maps application et Facebook, parce que le système d'exploitation arrive à son sixième anniversaire, et les gens sont un peu fatigués coque originale iphone 5.   Heureusement cependant, l'aide est à portée de main, et il se présente sous la forme d'un concept idéal pour le multitâche comment pourrait bénéficier de l'iPhone 5 de quatre pouces d'affichage. L'idée est qu'au lieu de voir simplement l'icône de l'application dans le menu multitâche, vous verrez un flux en direct de l'application dans une miniature, avec l'icône de l'application incorporée. Ce serait une amélioration impressionnante de iOS, car elle permettrait à l'utilisateur de vérifier l'état de leurs applications ouvertes en un coup d'œil
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Register Domain is no more a medium of information only. It has become the great medium of trade as well. Now you can easily showcase your products and services in the website and simultaneously and sell or purchase. Isn’t that great? What more can you ask for? Thus the most important steps to the way of success are to register domain name and web site hosting services. These two steps are considered being the most important steps for a successful website.   There is very interesting news for all the companies who are thinking to register domain for their websites. Are you one of them? Then, you should contact the best register domain company in India. That is us. We are amongst the leading register domain name companies. Now we are celebrating our success with our customers and providing them with grand discount on purchasing web hosting plans and domain registration India plans. Isn’t that great? Apart from this, we are here going to discuss about secure domain registra
Some Ideas For Christmas Gifts
Colorful Christmas illuminations in shops or on the streets,the shape of Christmas trees and ornate gifts do not give us forget that coming up Christmas. Undoubtedly,December is associated with the "St. Nicholas fever" and Christmas shopping.Though the increased traffic before the stores every year,we can already feel that people are looking for inspiration for Christmas gifts. Undoubtedly, from a wide range of proposals, jewelry is one of the most popular in this period category. Selection of jewelry stores is huge, so it's so easy to make a decision. Without a doubt, we can choose from a range of classic, timeless and most desirable solutions as earrings or pendant bails wholesale. Contrary to appearances, finding this type of jewelery accessories can be difficult. I see that in recent times offer jewelers wanting to keep up with the latest fashion trends offer plenty of beautiful solutions, but very rich in its form. Finding something modest, classic, beautiful thanks to its simpl
Doctor Glass Riparazione Auto Di Windows, Fissa Panes Casa
Smith ha acquistato l'azienda dal Scovilles. Tecnici di vetro Kelly Schwitzer, Danilo Gonzalez e Robert Vestal è venuto con esso e ha mostrato Smith le corde di installazione e riparazione di vetro. Da allora ha aggiunto due nuovi dipendenti. Dopo aver comprato Parabrezza Medic montaggio parabrezza , Smith era alla ricerca di un modo per migliorare e far crescere il business quando è stato avvicinato da Mark Liston, presidente di Doctor Glass, ha detto, aggiungendo che il franchise da vicino adattare il suo modo di fare business. Smith è andato attraverso la formazione con molla Doctor Glass scorso e ufficialmente convertito la sua attività dal parabrezza Medic a Doctor Glass nel mese di settembre, anche se le sue insegne dei negozi non sono ancora state modificate. Una volta che si ottiene la nuova segnaletica e un furgone addobbata per Doctor Glass, Smith ha detto che prevede di avere una grande apertura in circa un mese. Doctor Glass Diventare significava aggiungere re
Read Me Please
Club Domination is looking for dependable people for all positions, We are a BDSM themed lounge but all are welcomed as long as they show respect for those in to BDSM. Feel free to stop by for more details come to Club Domination Or Contact. DJ Deviant Master@ fubar Oxidizing Angel@ fubar
To you I would give my heart if it is what you need to keep on, to me you have shown your heart and I thank you love isn't gone. We may never meet and greet but what we share together is really more, we didn't know what we encountered would work into something of forever this isn't sore. With no pain its like new no longer am I a ragdoll I can live, with the joy only from you with every night full of love and all you can give.   Gold can never tarnish, and your love is gold you hold the harness. I know you won't let go, so I am not scared gold says I love you loving me and I know you know.
Fighting To Live
Anytime I am alone, I want to think never again, will I feel the pain or be a once upon a time, over and done, whomever has been. I guess it is, when all is said and done, just a plan, but it is in my heart, while I stay in this tower I do what I can. I keep on wanting to believe I know love and kindness, I mean how can I give what I can't get, my life is just a lustful mess. I think I have the solution in my head working out of my heart, I show what I wish I had, even if it is just a little part.   Burning a candle at both ends in the biting wind, fighting to live happily after I find someone that can bend.
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Apple Ipad Mini; Analista Elogia Design De Mini Ipad
Fonte da notícia: Efox Mini iPad da Apple poderá apresentar moldura de alumínio anodizado, à semelhança de novo Apple iPhone 5, mantendo características de iPads anteriores. O Apple iPad mini poderá muito bem vir a ser o tablet mais agradável, pelo menos em termos estéticos, da Apple. De acordo com as informações avançadas pelo BGR, Brian White - analista da Topeka - afirma estar em contacto com vários dos fornecedores de componentes para o mini iPad da Apple, tendo concluído que o próximo tablet da fabricante da maçã poderá ultrapassar o novo iPad no que diz respeito à sensação que transmite quando o seguramos, além de sublinhar que a Apple não se restringiu em termos estéticos.     Vários dos rumores sobre o Apple iPad mini sugerem que o pequeno tablet de 7 polegadas deverá apresentar uma cobertura de alumínio preto anodizado, semelhante à imagem disponibilizada pelo Gizmodo, embora se possa diferenciar ligeiramente dos modelos anteriores ao apresentar uma "moldu
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The classic Air Jordan 1 will see a new series of colorways as Jordan Brand unveils its upcoming color pack for Fall 2011. Quite extensive in options,timberland pas cher six different tones will be available including white/university blue, It comes with multidirectional traction patterns that ensure you enjoy better acceleration and enjoy quick cuts as well.The leather overlays are ideal because they increase the level of durability and also have premium finish. However, you have to remember that you will not have the opportunity to try the shoe you want to purchase.Nike Air Jordan You also need to be wary of the online sale scams. Nike Air Jordan 2012 shoes have captured the attention of many people and this is because of all the reasons stated above and more. When Nike first came out, they took the world by surprise. Surely, when they first came out,Chaussure Nike Shox they didn't know they were going to become as big of a company as they are today. Today, with shoes like t
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police arrested a 19-year -old man for igniting a fistfight as around 1,000 people lined up for stores to open.timberland pas cher Police reportedly used pepper spray to restrain Vincenzo Gavrity and subsequently charged him with disorderly conduct, When thinking about where to get some cheap Nike Air Jordan Fusion shoes then here are certain suggestions you may need to know. Some of the wealthy families deposit the fashions of the previous seasons at such places.Nike Air Jordan If you take your time to check, you may get a nice pair which is still in excellent condition at half price. Nike Air Jordan Fusion shoes have always been a favorite amongst many individuals. This is especially true for those that enjoy fashion and have a good sense of style. When selecting some shoes, you may have a hard problem. You can narrow it down by choosing from the nike air jordan fusion shoes.Chaussure Nike Shox However, it is important to take note that these shoes come in many different col
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Jordan shoes within our store consist of oxygen jordan 1, oxygen jordan 6, oxygen jordan 11,timberland pas cher as well as many of new style. You can purchase it and provide huge of affordable jordan shoes, affordable does not show it is rubbish. It comes with multidirectional traction patterns that ensure you enjoy better acceleration and enjoy quick cuts as well.The leather overlays are ideal because they increase the level of durability and also have premium finish. Your next stop should be the outlet malls.Nike Air Jordan It is quite a good thing that almost all the fancy stores have outlet versions. Any of the outlet versions of a high-end store will usually offer inventory at much discounted prices. If you want some good offers, then maybe you should not miss heading to such places. Finally, you may also join an online discussion group. This could be a group of people who are also interested in buying cheap Nike Air Jordan Fusion shoes just like you. By putting your he
Iphone 5: Apple Venderá 49 Millones De Unidades
La repercusión mediática del iPhone 5 ya ha sido traducida a número de ventas. Según la empresa de análisis RBC Capital Markets, Apple venderá a lo largo de los meses de diciembre a febrero un total de 49 millones de iPhone 5. Las estadísticas, aunque muy altas, son inferiores a las primeras estimaciones, establecidas en 57 millones de unidades.-iphone 5 comprar libre Solo el dato de ventas durante los tres primeros días después de su lanzamiento comercial ofrece una perspectiva del peso del nuevo iPhone en el mercado. Fueron cinco millones de iPhone 5 los que se distribuyeron, prácticamente el doble de la cifra conseguida por el anterior modelo en semejantes circunstancias. Las principales compañías de análisis de mercados, tales como RBC Capital Markets se aventuraron a leer un primer pronóstico de ventas a ciegas y parece que ahora, producto de las variaciones sufridas, han querido afinar aún más sus predicciones. No obstante, también han aplicado la corrección a las
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Hondo Se Dévoile : Objectif Tablette Pour Amd
La bataille est décidément féroce dans le monde des puces mobiles. Alors qu’ARM règne en maître incontesté, Intel ne mollit pas en proposant son Z2760 « Clovertrail », une itération de sa ligne Atom. Ce dernier né ressemble de plus en plus à un système sur puce achevé et capable de faire jeu égal avec ses concurrents. Par ailleurs, l’arrivée de Windows 8 va contribuer à ouvrir de nouveaux horizons pour les processeurs à architecture Intel. Le système, pensé pour les tablettes, sera décliné en deux versions : ARM et x86, une opportunité à saisir pour Intel comme pour AMD. Les deux constructeurs souffrent d’un cruel manque de représentation dans le monde tactile. Les ventes de PC fondant aussi surement que la banquise sous effet de serre, il est urgent de se reprendre, en particulier pour AMD qui est loin d’avoir les épaules d’Intel et qui affiche régulièrement des comptes dans le rouge. AMD possède néanmoins des solutions basses consommations de bonne fac
Célébrez L'halloween, Le Style Sin City
Rechercher les meilleures activités soirée halloween dans Sin City? Le Casino Palm Resort & 9Group de Las Vegas actuellement, "Halloween" Semaine de quatre jours, plus de 30.000 dollars US en numéraire émises par cinq différentes soirées animées, mieux Discothèque, Discothèque Lune vêtements de pluie et Ghostbar. Le vendredi, Octobre 26, DJ M! KEATTACK apporté sa boîte de nuit la lune de vie il ya une spéciale Halloween attaque de vendredi. Nightclubbers costumés vont danser M! KEATTACK indépendante de production électrique hybride, concours du meilleur des vêtements ensemble à la maison la première tranche de $ 5000 et deuxième en 1500. La porte s'ouvrit et 23:00 Saturday, Octobre 27, à Las Vegas, le premier et le seul club de haute énergie quotidienne GBDC, organisé Halloween Smash pinata le tuyau de la bière haut de gamme, des douches de champagne, machines à bulles, canons à confettis, délicieux manger, en battant la dynamique duo de DJ Sexe léopard et un concours de costumes lud
Lg Nexus: Les Images Fuite Du Smartphone Nexus Venir
LG Nexus: fuite d'images du smartphone Nexus à venir. La présentation de la quatrième génération de smartphones Google Nexus se rapproche. Tout porte à croire que ce sera à la fin Octobre et pourrait être choisi téléphone LG-vente en gros chine. Et pour preuve sont les images qui sont apparues ces derniers jours à partir de différentes parties du réseau. Les photographies montrent un téléphone LG, qui est très similaire à un puissant G Optimus, avec une version du système d'exploitation Android, qui n'a pas encore fait son apparition sur la scène, la 4.1.2. Ce téléphone mobile est appelé E960 Mako. Sera-ce le Nexus prochaine? Il est moins pour nous montrer son prochain Google Nexus smartphone, ce qui pourrait libérer la nouvelle version du système d'exploitation Android, 4.2. Il est supposé que, à la fin de cette Octobre sera ce téléphone pour remplacer le Galaxy Nexus, qui a été présenté il ya un an à Hong Kong et lancé en Europe en Novembre 2011. Marque le premier anni
Joing Me
One More Time
sick n fuckin tired of dealing with my parents bullshit relationship they have with eachother... .... I do so much around here for them both and what gratitude to I get for it???? nothing... a big fat zero...I called mom to let her know another bill she was waiting for arrived and to see how much to put on it for payment...well instead of being grateful, i got bitched i say fuck you mom n dad.. go to hell and never come back... wil be so glad when they are both gone
This Great Burden
I have a huge burden on my shoulders that will never go away.  I will carry it with me until the day I die.  You see, I suffer from depression with anxiety and bipolar disorder.  This is probably the reason I have been single for so long.  I have tried to keep it under control, but the past couple of weeks have been total hell for me.  My gall bladder surgery has knocked my chemicals all out of whack and I am worried the person I have my eye on is just gonna say fuck this and drop me.   All I ask for is some understanding and support.  It means a great deal to me.
Jackets Brand Canada Goose Parka Moncler Coats Timberland Jackets Woolrich Outerwear
Citadel Parka in Black,MidGrey,Navy,Tan and many other colors. Welcome to choose your favorite style! 4.Canada Goose Langford Parka Fresh to the Arctic Line, this trendy parka was made depending on the success of the Chateau Parka and the Banff Parka. The Langford Parka is slightly longer compared to other jackets jackets brand with this line, however its storm flap over the centre front zipper secured with Velcro and two interior pockets offer a clean, yet stylish look. With its 625 fill power white duck down insulation, the jacket surely keep you warm.This Canada Goose Langford Parka Jacket is available in seven colors including:Black,Green,MidGrey,Navy and other three colors.Welcome to choose your favorite Canada jackets brand Goose Parka. 5.Canada Goose Resolute Parka The Canada Goose Resolute Parka has become famous for the industrial parka of the north. It does not matter it's worn by explorers on solo trans-Antarctic expeditions who trek across many of the most rugged terrain wo
Finished Medical Course
wooo so our medical office course is officallt over, I'm done! just working on final exams woooo! so proud, i could give a rats ass what haters think or say about me right now. I'm having the time of my life! so happy right now, no one can break me not even the jealous hating bitches/losers. grad wont be till june of 2013 but ill be working within the next month well new career yay!
Work..and Change
I have been at my job for 19yrs. These last few months has been the worst I have ever seen it up there. There is talk of possibly combining my floor with the medical floor due to not enough census. Well then they changed it to where we are going to try to be a 10bed unit..just for surgeries.. monday through friday. GOod thing is..I do not have to work weekends.. I will be doing 12hr shifts. We have only done this a couple of weeks..but then had to combine again due to the fact that they are doing the floors. Anyways..I have this fear that eventually we are going to be combined for good.Then What? Anyways..I was told today that they might be down a secretary in ICU. If the one down there decides to call off again or not show up.So I am wondering.. should I take the risk and go there? knowing at least that jobs got some security? Or should i risk it..and stay where I am and hope for the best. I really like my floor..and the staff up there. My managers easy to get along with a
For Darrell
People we have known together in our past Stop me and ask "How is he?" I must look away and answer "He has passed."   "0h, so sorry" they say And once again I must look away.   How can they know that the mention of your name Brings up so much grief,  sorrow.... so much pain.   You were so much more than just a friend. We promised we would be together till the very end.   I missed you every day those years we were apart. But you were always living
Fake Of The Day - 10/9/2012
Hey kids, been awhile. But the fakes never stop. Here is today's fake of the day: Wet * Wild: The real girl is Denise Milani, but upon further review... Most of these pictures in this album aren't even of the same model/porn girl/slut/bar promo girl, etc... Not only is this fake stupid, but hey, it's cheap, only 1 credit for NSFW. I guess for every 100 morons it gets a God Mode to charge 5 credits for fam adds for, then keep it up while transferring the credits to whoever its' real account is. Nice scam. Too bad it's busted. Peace.
Brother Ali - My Beloved
It's a story of friendship. It's a story of love. And Doc said "I am who I am because somebody loved me" Faith in God high thinking and simple livin' Work hard deep love no conditions Gentle heart head level clear vision Back tall firm in our conviction Smile through the tears laugh through the tragedy All we got is each other must love radically Passionately peaceful fight for it fanatically Premium on people magic humanity Dance as if no one’s looking sing like no one’s listenin' Live and love out loud and let your spirit glisten Feet firm in the dirt head in the sky Serve when the sun is at work dream when he hides And know that the water that well up in your eye Is the same when a loved one is born as when they die As sure as every hello is eventually goodbye The art of truly living is learning how to die Wherever you go May the good lord bless your heart and soul My beloved my beloved my beloved I want you to know That your love and your wisdom touched me so My
When You Love Someone
When you love someone you'll do anything You'll do all the crazy things that you can't explain You'll shoot the moon, put out the sun When you love someone  You'll deny the truth, believe a lie There'll be times that you'll believe You can really fly But your lonely nights have just begun When you love someone  When you love someone you'll feel it deep inside And nothin' else can ever change your mind When you want someone, when you need someone When you love someone  When you love someone, you'll sacrifice You'd give it everything you got and you won't think twice You'd risk it all, no matter what may come When you love someone You'll shoot the moon, put out the sun When you love someone.
Being Here Is Okay
Cloud be much worse and I am glad it ain't, I could be so disfiqured and just good with foundation and paint. Points sometimes rule and that is really okay, they don't really matter anytime or in anyway. What if you log on just for a certain someone?? that helps you feel better about yourself and lets you know your life isn't fully done. That there is more to see, hear and feel, there is beauty in online and offline seasons and it is real.   Being here is okay, If you get here again next week, tomorrow or even later today. being here is okay, this is a privillage to talk this way.
Level 55
well to get to level 55 the price here is too high......I need the 10,000 in likes ....that will cost the 5 HH and the 6 RockStars let`s do some math ....5 HH is $250 or 300 credits....the 6 RS are another 210 credits and if you are doing that you have to reset a few times that day and help some of the family with some it would cost $500 to $600 dollars......this site costs too much now for me ..... something else have anyone else here ever wondered if fubar gives some of the big players here bling?.....I don`t know where they get the money to run ablities ever hour of the day
"an Obituary Printed In The New York Times...........
"An Obituary printed in the NEW YORK TIMES........... Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend COMMON SENSE, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:... ... - Knowing when to come in out of the rain; - Why the early bir...d gets the worm; - Life isn't always fair; - and maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost groun
Fanasty Sex?
I'm engaged and when my fiance and I have sex we turn off the T.v  so were not distracted.( we also turn off the lights)When we started doing this i weirdly started to imagine us as different characters.Such as once we were lego people, I know weird, another time I was asian and once we were  Indian? I don't know why This happens but I enjoy telling him after and laughing about it.
161 Condom Slogans
161 Condom Slogans 1) Cover your stump before you hump  2) Before you attack her, wrap your whacker 3) Don't be silly, protect your Willie 4) When in doubt shroud you spout5) Don't be a loner, cover your boner6) You can't go wrong, if you shield your dong7) If your not going to sack it, go home and whack it8) If you think she's spunky, cover your monkey 9) It will be sweeter if you wrap your peter 10) If you slip between her thighs, condomize 11) She won't get sick if you wrap your dick12) If you go into heat, package your meat 13) While your undressing Venus, dress up your penis 14) When you take off her pants and blouse, suit up your mouse 15) Especially in December, gift wrap your member 16) Never ever deck her, with an unwrapped pecker 17) Don't be a fool, vulcanize your tool 18) The right selection, is to protect your erection 19) Wrap it in foil, before you check her oil 20) A crank with armor, will never harm her 21) If you really love her, wear a cover 22) Don't make a mistak
"Nude is the beauty in its purest form. Human body as a creation of Mother Nature is an ultimate beauty. Anything that hides this beauty from eyes of admirers is like clouds blocking the view of a beautiful sunsset or lice deforming the beauty of a flower. The primality of it all – Nudes are the most human images.The image of the human form is timeless. Fashion changes constantly but the human form is consistent. And beautiful. And nude pictures never become dated and never go out of style.Nudes are “the most intelligent design”. If God had meant bodies to be covered, he would have made them that way. It’s as simple as that. The body is the greatest creation of art. It should be looked at as something beautiful created by GOD. God made us in all sizes, shapes and colors and they are all beautiful. Everybody is a whole person – humor, sadness, creativity… and everybody has a whole body, not just face and hands. People express themselves with every j
Love You Mum
Just a month away Mum , and what i do i have to be proud of ..  my kind caring heart ..  my decision to actually be a better MUm ..  to fight and actually try to make a better life for myself ... now thats something   Life must go on , i just wish you were here to see some of these precious moments i wish i could hear you were pround of me at least one more time . to live without your mother is no easy feat ..  I miss your advice Mum , i miss your unconditional love ..  I miss being around you and watching you smile .
  4,同事情谊 尧,舜,禹,汤,周,孔,时刻以救民济世为心,所谓赤子之心,原不过是“不忍”二字。 ----------------------------------------------清。曹雪芹《红楼梦。第一百一十八回》 所以, 我们看到万山老仙,指示操纵中央台,新华网,人民日报等等等等主流媒体赤裸裸地指出是这个人在卡我,是指出那个
钩深致远 全国人大常委会委员长的职位,没有一丝一毫更改的可能性 一,身体健康 被某一些喜欢得口水滴答的中国特色。 “清香独韵戴建业:五七年第一个跳出来批章伯钧的人就是吴晗,后来六七年第一个自杀的人也是吴晗;五八年批刘伯承、萧克的始作俑者是彭德怀,五九年第一&
Excellent Offers On Domain Name Registration
- We are Indians No.1 best domain name registrations and hosting company in India. Buy Cheap and affordable domain names in India. - We are affordable domain name registrar for .com .net and .org domains. Also you can get Country specific domain names like .IN or,, or and , domains. Purchase domain name within a few minutes with us. It's a simple and easiest process in the world.- Making a brief evaluation of your Internet business before you can buy the domain name as the right keyword to your business and you can give a big business. Such as if you are having business of stationery and having a domain like it can be really benefit to your company website. Business related domain name is best.- The right domain name is so generic that a user might type in a random phrase and add .com or .net and land on that respective businesses site. But for Indian business .in and are also best.- Quality and excellent domain registration services at c
Middle Name Thanks To Jslinsd
Soul Urge: People with the name Kilipaki have a deep inner desire to use their abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence. They would rather focus on large, important issues, and delegate the details. Expression: People with the name Kilipaki value community and balance, and are dependable and considerate. They often tend to gravitate to occupations where they can act as peacemakers or negotiators, or fulfill these roles among their friends and family. They tend to be conventional, responsible, family-oriented, warm and affectionate. They sometimes worry obsessively about those they care for. They work for harmony and balance in their lives, and respond positively to beautiful things
Why do so many play the game of being something they are not. How can one build trust if they can not be themselves, it so they may pray on the vulnerabilities of ones searching for what they seek.I am not sure why it is not more interesting to learn all you can about someone before ordering them about. How can you guide someone on a journey and seek control if you do not know what is within the mind and body of her/his being.Enjoy the gift one gives as they surrender but  be true to them and ton yourself for with the surrender it is a responsibility given and a great one when you accept.
Master Or Mistress, Dom Or Domme
Many feel that the fact you are a so called Master or Mistress, Dom or Domme means all shall bow before you. Power is in how you demean one when you do not like what thee other stands for or appears to stand for in life. It is funny how many come to judge or command respect when they themselves can not understand or give it themselves in a lifestyle where the vanilla world looks at us in a light of perversion and disgust. The people I have met online and in real life have one thing in common they are not weak for they must deal with the worlds scrutiny as well as their own. They treasure their thoughts when no other will and enjoy the fruits of that journey when they meet the person that brings the fulfillment which they have searched for in life. Some may not like my thoughts and some may as we are not  cattle t be led to slaughter for not conforming to others ideas. When another gives your the gift of service that is what it is,  a gift,   either because one has earn
Rope For My Collection
Well today I have purchased more rope for my collection and hope that it will come to some use. Need to prepared it for some shibari that will be doing in future. I spoken to some lovely submissive women in their journey to find the special one. That is a wish I hope they can succeed in as many try and are only played on their emotions. Be safe
Casa Automobilistica Coreana
Kia nuova tre porte Picanto 'City' è l'ultimo modello di grazia collezione della ditta "Originali". In vendita oggi sensori di retromarcia , la vettura ha un prezzo a partire da 10.245 £. Secondo Kia, i modelli 'originali' derivano dall'idea di una collezione di moda - essendo frequentemente aggiornato con stili diversi e personalità. Questa nuova Picanto 'Originale' dotato di una griglia rossa, da 14 pollici cerchi in lega, porta maniglie cromate, specchietti retrovisori riscaldati e fari fendinebbia. Vernice metallizzata è di serie e il modello è disponibile in argento o Blaze Red Bright. La sua alta specifica comprende anche sensori di retromarcia. L'interno della vettura vanta rivestimenti in tessuto di alta qualità, un ampio deposito per gli oggetti personali e un volante rivestito in pelle con comandi audio. Caratteristiche uniche per la 'Città' ambiente includono l'illuminazione a LED, mentre la connettività Bluetooth permette al guidatore di effettuare chiamate in v
fing figures.... when the alarm goes off and there is an actual break in at my store the police never attend at the request of the alarm company and only show up after I call them. Tonight its a false alarm there are 4 of them there when I come screaming up in my car. Gawd I wish I had thrown on a bra when I leapt out of bed grabbed a flimsly shirt and tights and went  bombing out the door.    blank stare 
Help This Guy Out Must Read
Rip It Out
Rip my heart out and let me feel no more, Why now? To lose so much, and gain nothing for it. My heart broken, My world shattered, in a downward spiral of pain and tears. Four people gone in one year, Who will be next? is what I wonder. To feel the icey touch of death, and follow the reaper to the underworld. Take me away from all this death, for at least then I will be reunited with my family.  
Iphone 5, Ya Había Un Prototipo Meses Antes Que El Iphone 4s
Muchos se quedaron muy decepcionados cuando Apple anunciaba el iPhone 4S el pasado mes de octubre. Los consumidores esperaban un iPhone totalmente rediseñado y con la pantalla más grande. Ahora resulta que el “iPhone 5”, o al menos un iPhone completamente renovado, ya era una realidad, según informa Nicholas Carlson en Businessinsider.-iphone 5 precio libre Ya existía un prototipo que fue descartado unos tres meses antes del anuncio del iPhone 4S. De hecho, ahora se tienen noticias de una persona que pasó dos semanas probando ese prototipo. Y esto es lo que ha contado sobre las características de ese smartphone que podría haber sido el iPhone 5. Lo más reseñable era la diagonal de la pantalla, que era más grande que la del modelo actual; tenía 4 pulgadas. La parte trasera de ese prototipo estaba hecha de aluminio, igual que el iPad 2. También hay rumores de que Apple quería emplear su tecnología de metal líquido para fabricar iPhones de colores. Asimismo hab
Nexphone: Smartphone, Tablette Et Ordinateur
Nous avons mentionné à plusieurs reprises que la puissance de traitement disponible dans les smartphones actuels rend sans aucun doute ordinateurs personnels. Les gens d'Asus a déjà présenté quelque chose de similaire à travers son Padfone, mais maintenant c'est au tour de NexPhone. Ce concept peut être couplé à différents accessoires de téléphones intelligents pour devenir une tablette, un ordinateur portable ou un ordinateur de bureau, selon les besoins des utilisateurs. Combien d'appareils vraiment besoin? Avec trois informatique fonctionnel et un téléphone portable, ne ratant jamais le jour où je me pose cette question. Tout d'abord, l'utilisateur cherche une plus grande flexibilité, une plus grande capacité, et certainement plus rapide, tandis que d'autre part veut simplifier, regardez comment les choses plus faciles. Donc, tout simplement recharger le téléphone est ennuyeux. La même chose s'applique à l'ensemble du processus de synchronisation des données entre les périphériques
Casamento Campestre E Cheio De Graça
Esse tipo de casamento vem se destacando como tendência. Quem o escolhe quer dar a tudo um ar super romântico e bucólico, o que vai se refletir nos vestido da noiva, na decoração e até na escolha fashion dos convidados. Se você está começando a pensar no seu casamento ou já escolheu, e está na fase de produção, vai gostar das nossas dicas para vestidos de noiva e convidadas para um casamento campestre com perfume "rústico chique". A noiva pode optar por um vestido menos volumoso e sem tanto brilho, mas cheio de renda e graça. Os arranjos de cabeça devem ser menores também. As convidadas podem seguir o estilo e escolherem vestidos bem leves, floridos, ou com tecidos que misturam organza e seda. Os modelos acinturados e com saia rodada ficam maravilhosos. Agora uma dica que vale para a noiva e as convidadas: quem gosta de ousar pode apostar num lindo chapéu ou num fascinator, principalmente, se for uma cerimonia diurna e em local aberto. Se for num lugar fechado, prefira um
Why Is It Always Me?
so i really dont get this but whatever. why is it always me that has to deal with people who love her and then wants to go out with her? because right now. im torn between- the bestfriend,the cowboy,the rocker and the lover. so... like yea... this shit sucks ass because they are all really nice and all really love them. and if i chose the best friend i well lost the lover and if chose the cowboy il lose the rocker and bestfriend and i chose the rocker i lose the cow boy and the best friend and if i chose the lover il lose the best friend, the cowboy, and the rocker... so like WHAT THE FUUUUUUBAR!
RÉunions Du Gouvernement
9 octobre • Le Conseil de Guam inscription pour ingénieurs, architectes et arpenteurs-géomètres ou des éclats, réunion extraordinaire prévue pour 16 heures le 9 octobre dans la salle de conférence du conseil, située dans le D-Suite de l'Unité Est-Ouest Centre d'affaires. Pour des aménagements spéciaux, appelez le 646-3138 ou 646-3113/5.   • La Commission consolidé sur Utilitaires tiendra une réunion ordinaire sur la Power Authority Guam à 17h30 9 octobre, à la salle de conférence au siège du Conseil de GPA activité principale dans Harmon. Les personnes nécessitant des aménagements spéciaux, aides auxiliaires ou services peuvent appeler Lou Sablan au 648-3002 kit machine a tatouer. 10 octobre Conseil Guam • des médecins légistes de réunion session ordinaire à 16 heures le 10 octobre à Guam Memorial Hospital Dan L. Webb salle de conférence. Agenda disponibles au bureau du conseil de licences. Réunion du Comité exécutif peut être convoquée si nécessaire. Les personnes ha
Ipad 3: Apple Prépare Un Nouvel Ipad Avec Le Processeur De L'iphone 5
Le puissant processeur qui intègre l'iPhone 5 serait donner le saut à l'iPad nouveau dans les prochains mois-grossiste téléphonie mobile . Pomme envisage de l'intégrer dans une nouvelle version de sa tablette commercialisée en 2013 et qui a été surnommé nouvel iPad 3.6. Nos collègues font écho une possibilité discuté dans Macrumors et s'assure qu'une nouvelle version de l'iPad de troisième génération est à venir. Conformément à ce qui s'est passé avec l'iPad 2, la version actuelle est améliorée par rapport au modèle lancé en Mars 2011, il ya eu des spéculations dans les dernières heures avec une nouvelle étape dans cette direction par Apple, de sorte que dans le prochain mois a atteint un nouvel iPad plus puissant, mais pas considéré comme 4 iPad. La rumeur a émergé après qu'un développeur a constaté l'existence de cette nouvelle équipe après l'analyse des demandes. Nous parlons d'un dispositif qui est devenu connu sous le nom iPad 3.6, il fonctionne avec la
Why is it a person can try and try to get someone's attention and nothing happens but when that person finally gives up, it's finally noticed? Should the person feel bad for giving up?   I don't know....I'm just a little confused.
Original Poetry Written By Me
Within every sunlit and breezy meadow of wild flowers……There is that one special wildflowerWithin the most beautiful garden ….There is that one special flowerWithin every colorful and beautiful forest….There is that one special treeWithin every beautiful island….There is always one special palm treeWithin every snowfall……There is one special snowflakeWithin a row of bountiful grape vines….There is that one special grapeWithin every heart beat among others…..There is always that one special oneWithin all the sweetest kisses in the world…There is that one sweeter than all othersWithin all of the warmest hugs one could receive…..There is that one hug that is the most comfortingWithin the softest skins felt in a lifetime…..There is always one that is softer than all the othersYou might wander why this is so true…..My sweet lady it is because you represent all of theseYou are truly the most special in
Soul Mates
He saw her over the gulf of eternitysitting under the great oak.Her body swathed in pure white chiffonand lace,White and pure and soft.Her legs upher body cradled overthe box... the box of gold..her gift. She sat there crying,Her sobs touching every fiber of her soul.For inside the box, was her gift,of love, her soul, her desire, her need.The precious seeds of her womanhood. With lovethose seeds would grow,venture out of the box into the sunlight,and through their growthfill her life with colorthe beautiful perfume of flowers,the wonder of birds and butterfliesattracted by it's beauty. But her box was grey,Covered with years of neglect,the seeds resting on bone-dry soil.Her heart in hibernation.Her tears tracing lines down her cheek. He watched her.He understood.She fell asleep. She woke to see him thereThe box cradled lovingly in his lapToolbox by his side.He was a million miles awayacross the great gulfyet seemed to be right next to her.And she watched,as his loving hands treasu
A Sister's Crush
Lily had just turned 18 in January and school was now out for the summer. Her sister Jasmine had just returned home from college. She was so excited to finally be out of high school and see her sister, again. One thing that Lily had always fantasized about through out her high school life, was having sex with Jasmine's best friend, Alyssa. She always dreamed about kissing Alyssa's soft lips and feeling herhard nipples in her fingers. Jasmine and Alyssa were both 20, so they only graduated from highschool and started college two years ago. Most of the people in Lily's school knew she was bisexual and preferred females. Lily only dated one guy in high school and it didn't end up well. She was always fantasizing about girls and was never excited to have sex with him. She never had sex with a girl though, she was hoping to save herself forAlyssa. Alyssa was straight, though. She had a boyfriend all through out high school and even went to the same college as him. Oh, how Lily dreamed sh
Caution: This Entry Has A Good Chance Of Boring You To Death! You've Been Warned!
Good Monday to all that braved death to read this blog entry! Of stout heart must ye' be! LOL! Well, its nearly 8pm here and I'm laying in bed, communicating my thoughts on this page. It has been a LONG day. I guess that is a matter of my own personal opinion, that this day seems to have been in particularly long. We all know a day is a day. There are 24 hours in each day. Therefore each day is as long as the last and as long as tomorrow will be, no more, no less. That being said, my perception of this day is that it was LONG. (or at least exhausting if you want to nit pick about the length of a day) My morning began around 5:30am, with Rottweiler kisses, a sleepy walk, and a granola bar. Tended to said rottweiler, drank some orange juice, dressed, brushed teeth and went to the gym. (I just started going to the gym again after a several month sabbatical to idontgiveashit island) An hour and a half was spent sweating. This is not my favorite way to get sweaty for an hour and a half b
Timberland Jackets
40 and even XXL clothes, but bear in mind, short-term substantial on and will not seen as turn out good on you. Various mothers furthermore attire their own partners layers but nevertheless , face simply Canada Goose Coats the same troubles. Canada Goose takes pride in creating authentic gear to help real people living jackets brand in extreme conditions battle the elements.Originally developed for scientists working in research facilities at McMurdo station in Antarctica,the Canada Goose Expedition Parka allows its wearers to withstand the most frigid temperatures.Not only is it durable and well insulated,with 625 fill power white duck down,but its iconic design also features a highly functional collection of external pockets,perfect for easy gear storage jackets brand and hand-warming.When the wind really howls,the tunnel-shaped hood can be pulled tightly around the face,using an adjustable bracing wire,creating a sheltering pocket of air to keep the face warm. The Alife Grey Goose E
Life’s Instructions
Life’s Instructions     Have a firm handshake. Look people in the eye. Sing in the shower. Own a great stereo system. If in a fight, hit first and hit hard. Keep secrets. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday. Always accept an outstretched hand. Be brave. Even if you’re not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference. Whistle. Avoid sarcastic remarks. Choose your life’s mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 per cent of all your happiness or misery. Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out. Lend only those books you never care to see again. Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all that they have. When playing games with children, let them win. Give people a second chance, but not a third. Be romantic. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know. Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems. Don’t a
Nothing To Do
i really dont know what to do... i just got out of class and have nothing to do.. i just created my fubar account and now.. i wirte!! boredom...
Danny Rage's Pick'n'mix Of Song Covers. Comment, Rte Share And Help Spread The Rage!!!!!!
Hey People ,i got this fuckin tasty pick'n'mix here for you , try a video or two out, enjoy the awkward/messed-up faces"Wonderboy""Closer""21ST CENTURY CURE""Bad Things""Meds" you liked/got a lol ...SHARE AND HELP SPREAD THE RAGE \\,,/ \\,,/
I Miss You So Much
I hope your doing fineAnd if you ever wonder,I'm lonely here tonightLost here in this moment and time keeps slipping byAnd if I could have just one wishI'd have you by my side I miss you I need youAnd I love you more than I did beforeAnd if today I don't see your faceNothing's changed, no one can take your placeIt gets harder everydayWell I try to live without youThe tears fall from my eyesI'm alone and I feel emptyGod I'm torn apart insideI look up at the starsHoping your doing the same god i miss you so much
Nymphomaniac And Man
“Mom, what’s Nymphomaniac? - “It’s a female who’s addicted to sex.” “Oh. Than what do they call men who are addicted to sex?” - “Men”
Rock N Roll Here! Free Beer
We did a show this past weekend, great time!  Check out some Ragencobra on here!! Let's Rock!!  Post what instrument you like and all! Keep this going,, talk about beer, what ever just listen to Ragecobra
Final Fantasy
Has anyone else noticed that the Final Fantasy series these years are going downhill, they're taking away what the game has always provided, an open environment to explore, now, lately, you can't visit towns, talk to people, I always used to love having my characters enter a store, but weapons, or items, and go to an inn and sleep, or just wander around towns talking to people, they took that away, hoping they bring it back in the future, cause it's one of my favorite aspects of the game.
All In All
Okay, okay today is Monday and there are those that dread Mondays. The way I look at it is that it is a chance to begin again. The sun may take forever to rise but its still the beginning of another wild, sorta like a roller coaster, week long ride.  You can want to jump head first or just slump into it but it can be one hell of an exciting ride!!  My daughter is excited with getting the job at Walmart. I am very happy for her. I'm just hoping she can keep up with it. She has to know she can't order her boss around like she does me. All in all, I would like to think its not going to be another cold winter. I love the snow and not that much falls if its really cold. We might possibly be looking for a three bedroom place if things go right. It would be nice if there was a hot blooded, adult, male willing to accept my exsistence and placement on life's ladder. Yeah I already know it isn't wise to wish for the impossible but everyone can dream.  Enjoy your time here and offline this wee
Why are people so stupid? All I did was reply to someone else, NOT him. When he said he deleted comments because he didn't want his MuMM to be pulled for being NSFW, I simply said that he should have made it comment approval...the rest you'll see in here. I want it known that he was calling everyone in there retards and pieces of trash. I missed a comment about "your kind", so I will not go into that one. Here ya go :)   Per7 secs-- 49 of 49 stein said: thats one way to look at it, the other is i dnt want my mumm delted or to get banned from mumming... shows what trash most of you are is what it shows Per said: lmfao, because the bans last forever? Btw, thanks for calling me trash. It is now the highlight of my magnificent day. stein said: your most welcome Per said: My most welcome what? stein said: trash and stupid... u thanked me, did you not even read your own comment? jeez retard... really are a du
Mitt Romney?
How To Determine The Efficacy Of Free Dating Sites?
Online dating has become one of the most popular venues for meeting different types of people that match with your interest and mind set. Although, there are various paid dating sites available that allow you chat with people by spend a requisite amount of money, there are many free dating sites that have been created for those people that cannot spend or probably does not want to spend money on finding a dating partner. Therefore, before choosing a dating site, it is essential to look for some of the characteristics, which is important for determining whether the site is worth to be joined or not. If you examine these sites carefully, you would not face the problems to choose the best sites that would be suitable for you. No questions about payments and credit cards Free dating sites should not have any reason to ask you for any sort of payment or credit card details. Beware of those sites that ask you to submit your credit card details in order to join their online dating community
Signs Of Fleas In Bed
Cimex lectularius are typically pests of warm zones which usually invade furniture and eats the blood of humans. As a consequence, they've been popularly known as bed bugs. Bedbugs are actually little wingless insect pests, they are simply nocturnal and even nourish themselves on the blood of warm blood pets along with individuals. These kinds of pesky insects contrary to fleas and other insects, mosquitoes, ticks, and the like, usually do not transport or exchange any specific contagious disorder. Their own bites lead to epidermis tenderness, infections or undesirable immunological effects. Grown-up bed bugs are smallish, red or brown or light brown colored. These are generally just about quarter inch and also the hatchings are definitely the height and width of poppy seed.Whenever nourishing the bedbug inserts a very small volume of spittle in to the dermis. Through weeks of encoutering bites lots of people grown to be allergic to the spit. Bed bugs already have pointed beaks which o
Moving On
Moving On by Kenneth Matlock on Monday, October 8, 2012 at 7:02am It was a murky mystery that loomed infront of me. It writhed in contemplation of what trouble it should be. Every single day it found a way to play inside. It grabbed all of my sensibility and took them for a ride. On a ride to misery and a place of doubt. Some place in an endless dark of which there's no way out. I often wonder why I let them bring me here. It's not like I have a core in which I feel fear. After you give up inside and stare death in the face You realize there's no shadow more frightening than this place This place you build up within filled with little creeps One with safety islands growing so small it takes gigantic leaps To hop from one to another without making a splash To reach the safety cord and turn this place to ash...
Somethings I Wrote!
I am a woman Beautiful and sweet Curves from my head to my feet I am a woman without a splintering of doubt I am moody Insecure at times Loud and silly Sad and happy Loving and Kind A kiss that’s so sweet I’d make you melt with just one touch A voice so calming, even sexy to some Eyes that if you look closely would tell my story Some pain and anger, some mistrust in my heart But still you’d see a never ending giving heart Pure and strong always there for the ones she loves No matter what Because I am a woman A woman strong and just Smart and courageous like no other No man can deny my love Because I am a woman Beautiful as any As god made me to be I am a masterpiece of his design, He made me a woman A woman of unbelievable Perfection.
  7,诲人不倦 万山老仙,我一打电话就露馅,一些写信就露馅,一联系就露陷,双手一刨一刨,是不是在教我脱她们衣服日屄的起手式哟,哇!简直是诲人不倦,教这么多年,日屄大学都毕业了,还在教起手式。 或者, 万山老仙要说的是,基本功要练扎实。 2010年5月31日前,在我没被抓Ű
诲淫诲盗 全国人大常委会委员长的职位,没有一丝一毫更改的可能性。 1,拖延道具, 万山老仙怎么办? 你是不是要说:性,女人,私生子运用工程说怎么办,就怎么办? 万山老仙没得法: 是因为这几个女人马甲、形象、角色是你绕圈子,拖时间的道具而已。我的事情,无论从那个
What You Need To Know To Start A Web Hosting Business
Searching for web hosting services, that provide great uptime, several value added services and free domain name registration is little bit difficult. Promises are made to be broken is the most famous phrase. Thus there are many India web hosting companies, which make promises to the customers, but the question, is how many actually stand by their promises? The number is very few. So, it is not so easy to search for a web hosting Sites Company which provides you with great India web hosting services at affordable prices. The very first thing that comes to the mind of the customer is the service charges or the prices for India web hosting. Do you believe if any web hosting company India, will charge you only INR 99/- per month as the web hosting service charge? It is unbelievable right. It is really not at all believable but it is very much truth. We are amongst the leading India Web hosting company, which starts their package from only Rs 99/- per month. It is not only that, we are th
Domain Name Registration India
  Do you know how important is domain registration to your website? as I have looked into the creation of many websites, both for myself or for my business, it has become clear that one of the big important steps in the process is the domain registration, I was always taught to take things one step at a time, and without those first two steps in the process, your website will be marginal the best. For more details, refer here:
They Face More And More Ugly
1, an old lady with her cat walking on the road, a man suddenly drove cat were killed.The man quickly stopped and said: "Sorry ma'am, I am willing to compensate you."Aunt: "That's great, you mouse to catch how to?"Dinner in a hotel checkout time proprietress said "seven or eight sixty-five close sixty, often come later."3, buy a bottle of beverage, bottle caps write again bottle. Find shops Exchange, the stores said Duijiang time has been. I saw Duijiang time to 2011, the date of manufacture in 2012. . Nyima. . .4, a few of us are talking about the hotel lunch today, how your meals, how to taste bad.At this time I do not know from where rushed over to Lao Li said: "If you eat today took me just fine.""How you and your boss are familiar with, you can offer these?" I asked."It is not, you do not want to eat the meals I can pack back to feed the dog ah."Yesterday this rain, especially, I want to make a Taxi stand by the roadside.Just my vantage when a child is probably the cream bad, to s
Ha Febreze Effetti Aria Davvero Dare Odori Lo Stivale?
Quando si tratta di spot pubblicitari che realmente attirare la tua attenzione, una delle campagne pubblicitarie più memorabili è da Procter & Gamble, per i suoi effetti Air Febreze deodorante per ambienti air refresheners . Consumer Reports ha voluto vedere se quel prodotto vive davvero all'altezza delle sue affermazioni. L'annuncio Febreze mostra "un esperimento" con una vecchia capra, un bodybuilder sudato, e un giorno di vita dei pesci. Un gruppo di "persone reali" conferma che puzza tutto. Poi la gente camera è trattato con Febreze effetti dell'aria e con gli occhi bendati è portato dentro Si chiede loro di "fare un respiro profondo e dire ciò che odora." Consumer Reports ha deciso di fare un esame olfattivo propria, invitando alcuni volontari coraggiosi. Sono stati portati in una stanza dove una lettiera del gatto e sardine era stato seduto per 4 ore. Mentre con gli occhi bendati, i volontari hanno confermato che la camera puzzava male. Poi la camera era spruzzato co
Mobile Feu-délivrance D'amasser Des Fonds Pour La Recherche Sur Le Cancer
  Mobile Feu-Délivrance est la vente de ces bracelets pour amasser des fonds pour la recherche contre le cancer. "Heroes Heroes aider." MOBILE, Alabama - "Save the de ta-ta!" a crié Percy Harris,chapeau plage aumônier au Mobile Feu-Délivrance, comme il agita rose vif bracelets dans l'air à Bayfest dimanche soir. "Heroes Aider Heroes», est écrit en gras sur les bracelets et autres articles de marchandises qui sont vendus pour récolter des fonds. Tout l'argent récolté, dit Harris, va à la recherche contre le cancer. L'un des principaux mécènes est le Mitchell Cancer Institute. «Nous essayons d'aider à promouvoir la sensibilisation au cancer», a déclaré M. Harris. Il a dit qu'ils utilisent l'option "Enregistrer la ta ta le" slogan "parce que les gens peuvent s'identifier à elle." Et les gens n'ont, comme on Bayfest-goer après l'autre est venu, a fait don d'au moins un dollar, et ramassa un bracelet. Harris dit mobile Feu-Délivrance soutient la recherche sur tous les types de cancers
Iphone Ou Ipad: Ajouter Des Widgets Sur Le Bureau Avec Jailbreak
L'un des aspects les plus critiqués de la plate-forme mobile de l'iPhone est limité ses possibilités de personnalisation, htc hd7 android , qui par défaut sont réduits à changer le fond de l'écran d'accueil et de verrouillage. L'interface ressemble poli avec les icônes des applications disposés dans une grille et également répartie entre tous les écrans Sans doute, il est très intuitif et facile à utiliser, mais qui fait qu'il finit par être ennuyeux car il ne donne aucune marge de manœuvre. Précisément personnalisation est l'argument le plus soutenu par les partisans d'Android, son plus féroce concurrent. Le système mobile de Google offre beaucoup plus d'options, car il est un système open source. Avec Android, le système repose aussi sur l'application, mais va au-delà de la grille d'icônes. Dans les écrans d'accueil peut être placé widgets pour afficher certaines fonctions telles que le calendrier, horloge, météo, nos pistes boîte mail ou les dernières mises à jour
Iphone 5 Chapado En Oro De Versión.
Las noticias sobre el precio de iphone 5 en españa no es su éxito en el mercado, sus cifras de ventas impresionantes. "Gold", dijeron las fuentes, alrededor del iPhone 5 tiene que ver con purpurina. Si usted quiere saber que la palabra "oro" en la línea anterior, a continuación, compruebe el nuevo iPhone 5 chapado en oro avatar. Los usuarios encuentran su iPhone 5 es de color blanco y negro muy monótono, aburrido, y los requisitos no puedo más, ven esta nueva versión chapada en oro. Nuevo sitio web del avatar diseñado proporciona detalles completos de Liverpool diseñador Stuart Hughes, dorado iphone 5. La nueva versión del teléfono sólo 100 para la venta. Pero este nuevo iphone 5 Gilded lujo tiene un precio, que será difícil decir un precio muy alto. Los gastos de teléfono nuevos sobre € 21.990. Para este modelo, el auricular procesamiento durante dos semanas consecutivas. Me pasé un montón de esfuerzo y paciencia, el molde original para volver a crear el teléfono de oro original
What Is Real??
"What is REAL?" asked the Rabbit one day, when they were lying side by side near the nursery fender, before Nana came to tidy the room. "Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?" "Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real." "Does it hurt?" asked the Rabbit. "Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. "When you are Real you don't mind being hurt." "Does it happen all at once, like being wound up," he asked, "or bit by bit?" "It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these
Spur Of The Moment Writing.
Tossing and turning to the beat of the clock.Hours go by, why the fuck am I up?With you on my mind, I deny that you're there.My judgement impared by vulnerablity.The stability I feel when I'm by your side is my drug.So many songs that need to be sung,so many words that need to be said.Fuck it, you won't hear, you don't care.. I'm going to bed.
Okay so i know most people dont care but.... In my past i havent had the best luck with guys...but. the thing that hurts the most is about this guy justin... iv had known him for years but nothing really happend with us mostly becuase of his family and my family. but i LOVED/LOVE him and the thing that pisses me off the most is that when we actuly got togather i went camping for the weekend and when i came back and checked my messages on fubar i saw that he was in a relationship with some other girl... he said that the distence got to him but meanwhile he was only 2 hours away.. but whatever... it really hurt and im not going to get over him be cause i know that something snaped when i saw that he was with her...something snaped... i dident eat for weeks i dident talk to anyone i just sat in my room and looked at his pictures and cryed... i acturly started cutting again be cause of him and he was the person that helped me stop cutting and i know what yoru thinking about me well no im
In The S Classic Revive Pleated Skirt Formal Regression
Students younger sister age pleated cheap Michael Kors you are familiar with? !Nowadays, it is also one of the hot spots T stage. Green good campus memories never to return, but in fashion empire, all can stage a comeback. This spring, from youth age pleated skirt officially return! No matter from style or on the material, this season's pleated skirt obvious from the girl's juveniles, but with a refreshing temporary new appearance tells the skirt collocation more possibility. We have to admit that, designers are geeks, any inspiration, any one element can be them into current trend, by all of us love and chase after hold in both hands.When I was a child, we must have all worn like such a pleated skirt! Today season, pleated skirt but you cannot miss one of the necessary sheet is tasted. Use it to tie-in coat, Michael Kors Tote Bag is right choice, young fashion, take you aftertaste scallions time! Cortex pleated skirt is absolutely your this season is the most worth investment sheet is
Apple Podría Apostar Por La Tecnología Nfc Para El Iphone 5
¿Has probado ya algún teléfono móvil equipado con la tecnología NFC? Si todavía eres nuevo en estas cuestiones, te diremos que las siglas NFC se corresponden a Near Field Communication, lo que vendría a ser la capacidad de comunicarnos o transferir contenidos de un dispositivo a otro apénas acercándolos. De esta manera, uno de los usos más popularizados para un futuro inmediato tienen que ver directamente con el sistema de pago a través del móvil. Sí, aunque parezca ciencia ficción, las grandes marcas dedicadas a la telefonía móvil ya están estudiando la manera de implantar estos sistemas, lo que evitaría que tengamos que sacar los billetes o la tarjeta de crédito de nuestro bolsillo. La firma finlandesa Nokia ha sido una de las primeras en implantar un chip NFC en algunos de sus terminales, lo que designa un claro interés por parte de las firmas del sector. ¿Y quién más quiere unirse a la fiesta? Pues como no podía ser de otra forma, Apple.-iphone 5 movistar precio Y es
Vestido De Noiva Frente única
Algumas modelagens de vestidos ganham características especiais e a atenção das noivas. Os vestidos de noiva tomara que caia, uma escolha muito comum tanto entre as noivas clássicas e as noivas modernas, são uma boa pedida. Mas outros tipos de corte também são recomendados na hora de eleger o look para ir ao altar. Um vestido de noiva frente única, por exemplo, é uma ótima opção para as mulheres que desejam ousar e apostar em modelos diferenciados. O corte que valoriza a frente do corpo e deixa as costas de fora é perfeito para acinturar ainda mais o vestido, mas é indicado para as noivas com seios menores. As de seios mais fartos devem evitar esse tipo de ‘decote’, já que as costas de fora acentuam os ombros e podem dar um volume indesejado ao busto.     No mais, o vestido frente única está liberado! E volta direto dos anos 90 e comecinho de 2000 para as tendências atuais. A ideia mesmo é fugir dos cortes convencionais e ousar! Gostou da ideia? E para in
Precious Moments
Life provides only a series of precious moments that make someone feel for an eternity. Her love and strength through adversity. The test of time that proves no one will ever see her back away. The broken scraps recombined to make herself whole again are only a shattered reminder of something that can not be destroyed. The beauty of her heart only shadowed by cracks it has been given. With each beat is life proving you can not break her. That strength, you could not anticipate. Trial by fire and brimstone this girl has been through hell. Never backing to to a corner she stands strong and proud, this world can not bring her down. Wolfs in sheep's clothing nipping at her knees, she pleas for peace and no one will let her be. Kind and simple is what she displays, the advantages people take their loss her gain. Once she turns her back you must forever let her go, If you hurt her once the torch that burns you is the last thing she will leave your heart to feel. Emptiness is all that she lea
Hello my lil chik a dees... Update.. I am at the gym 6-7 days a week. I have lost 42 pounds, but I am turning  my body into a leaner, more muscular ass kicking machine. I have been well enough, however, I do miss some of you. Some more than others (h) Seriously, if you wanna get ahold of me, you gotta hit my phone up...either call, text or email. I will post a pic from the gym soon.. mainly cause I want you to see me beating shit up :D
La Tablette Surface Se Dévoile Un Peu, Mais Sans Prix De Vente
Microsoft a surpris en juin dernier en annonçant la mise sur le marché de tablettes sous Windows 8 (x86 et ARM). Depuis, l’éditeur est resté vague sur les spécifications de ce produit, y compris sur les prix des modèles lecteur ebook . A désormais quelques semaines du lancement de Windows 8, Microsoft affine ses préparatifs. Il vient ainsi d’intégrer Surface sur la rubrique produits de son site Internet, et ce dans plusieurs pays parmi lesquels les US, la France, l’Allemagne et l’Italie. Naturellement, inutile de chercher de nouvelles informations sur Surface. Microsoft accompagne la tablette de la mention « bientôt disponible ». Sans plus de précision, et donc toujours pas de prix. Sur ce point, Steve Ballmer, s’est d'ailleurs borné à indiquer une fourchette, très ample, allant de 300 à 800 dollars. Quant à la disponibilité des tablettes Surface, elle s’alignera sur celle de Windows 8, mais aussi avec les autres tablettes et hybrides que les cons
Contraceptives In The Treatment Of Alopecia Doctors Say Baseless
  Most patients with hair loss alopecia will just try different methods to cure alopecia, as soon as possible, even many students use contraceptives deployment "hair shampoo," expert said this unjustified abuse, male contraception induced hormone secretion disorder may grow breast, chest.The crowd continued alopecia "younger", white-collar workers, students also have hair loss, sociologists believe this because mental tension,ghd australia excessive pressure led to the "social" disease easily induced mental disorders.6 hair loss than to the regular hospital, the doctor reminds, hair loss may be some Department of internal medicine disease early warning, "top priority" need to take seriously. College students should use contraceptives hair loss treatment The pill to treat trichomadesis?Dalian University Students with "have a try" attitude began to try. Recently, the city of Dalian a college junior small Cheng told reporters, the bedroom a hair loss problem brother very muc
(some) Of What I Far...
i know what it's like to be alone,   i know what it's like to be homeless. i know what it's like to be addicted. i know what it's like to be rejected. i know what it's like to be hurt. i know what it's like to face fear. i know what it's like to be disappointed. i know what it's like to disappear. i know what it's like to be divorced. i know what it's like to feel lost. i know what it's like to be fired. i know what it's like to face a liar. i know what it's like to be unloved. i know what it's like to be unsure. i know what it's like to be upset. i know what it's like to be dirt poor. i know what it's like to not say goodbye. i know what it's like to lose parents. i know what it's like to lose a friend. i know what it's like to smile and pretend. i know what it's like to be told i'm no good. i know what it's like to be told i'm not enough. i know what it's like to be the other lover. i know what it's like to be handcuffed. i know what it's like to be ugly. i
Between us, there are so many miles Separately we share our smiles When I lay in bed at night I think one day together we will be But, that one day seems nowhere in sight I begin to toss and turn dreaming of you Then stop as I feel you near But upon opening my eyes You aren't really here I roll back over silently weeping Holding my pillow Thoughts of you begin to billow Like a dove with it's mate Soaring through the sky With such love and grace Together they fly Like theirs, my love for you is so alive There's so much of our life left untold No need to feel so alone
Original Poetry Written By Me
There are many ways we can make life more special for others….A simple smile and a positive greetingA simple hug, pat on a shoulder or a handshakeA simple word of encouragementTo take the time to offer assistanceTo share a beautiful thought To share a beautiful storyTo enter into friendship with themTo be able to forgiveTo share something beautiful about themTo give without receiving in returnTo share what we have with othersThere are so many more things we can doThe world will be a better place for all of usThere will be more happiness in our livesI am one who takes the time to put these in Practice and believe me I feel a lot better about myselfAnd the beauty that is around me is so much more awesomeWritten on October 7th, 2012By Robert E DurbinAKA Heart of an Angel
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Original Poetry Written By Mr
Sitting here by my windowRain coming down, cloudy and darkIt is so hard to find a silver liningHowever there truly is lots of themThey are right there in front of usFirst of all we should cherish that we are aliveSecond we should cherish the love ones in our lifeThird we should cherish the love and support of our friendsFourth we should cherish the beauty around usFifth we should cherish the basic needs provided usSixth we should cherish the freedoms we have in our livesSeventh we should cherish the support we can provide othersEighth we should cherish those who fight and protect usNinth we should cherish those who provide for our health needsFinally we should cherish those who provide our laughterAnd entertainment needsAll and All our silver liners are many and abundant.Special thanks to above for being the loving father to us allWritten on October 7th 2012By Robert E. DurbinAKA Heart of an Angel
A Fun Work Tale
Two black guys (don't call me racist, how else can I put this into context?) came in to my work today and put a huge smile on my face. Once they walked in the one looked at me awestruck and said "so you're telling me I can come in here to get a tan and then send some mail?!" I laughed and replied "yep, do you want to tan after this.. you're looking a little pasty". Perhaps somewhere else this would have upset someone but State College is a strange little community. He then pointed out that people tanned because they're trying to obtain his skin tone. Touche sir! They came in to send a phone back and had everything they needed but no clue what to do with it. We found the shipping label, put the phone in the box, I slapped a piece of tape on it with the shipping label on top and said that's all there is to it. I told them if my boss was there I'd have to charge them $1 for 'packaging services' but I frankly think that's obscene for a piece of tape and 3 minutes of labor.  Just a typical
The Blue Waffle Infection Clarified - For Everybody Who Is Worried
Though it hasn't at this point been distinguished inside of the profession of medicine, the actual blue waffle disease is currently achieving hype mainly for its uncommon term: blue waffles disease. The particular blue waffle disease is not clinically well-accepted in the medicine. Yet, regardless of this surprisingly inadequate attention, there are numerous readily available information regarding this STD, therefore, its occurrence must not be instantly turned down. This issue is categorized under sexually transmitted diseases (STD), and it is extremely tricky to determine. Typically the health problem may infect both equally female and male, even though it is alleged for being typical in females as the female's vaginal area and urethra are those quite easily affected from this illness.Insights on how someone gets infected by this kind of disease still is cloudy, but quite often, food intake, very low capacity to resist anxiety, no exercise, and also other related varieties of health
Fit by Kenneth Matlock on Sunday, October 7, 2012 at 4:31pm This is the end my little pain No more on Earth shall you reign Over me and through and through Digging for old and finding new I'll cut you out with my little knife Cut you out of my tiny life Bleed and scream and crawl and choke Swallow sadness and eat the smoke You cling tight and wretch inside The feeling may it never subside May it fill me whole and turn me black All in all I'm finding there is a lack Of realism in my reality Haunting dreams now let me be Without them this place feels so cold I feel the brittle I'm growing old I thought by now I'd find my place Somewhere out there in the deep, dark space.
I'm Not Him And You're Not Her
I'm Not Him and You're Not Her by Kenneth Matlock on Sunday, October 7, 2012 at 4:16pm  Saturday, sunday... It feels the same. Hang my head and count the shame. It's not mine but his and your's A bunch of trash and tiny chores Take it out and leave it clear Don't track mud while you're here Leave your doubt at home, out and away Save that pain for another day One where you stand alone Sit atop the miserable throne One where they all look up to you Watching everything thing you do As if they had no clue how to live Just tappering at your feet for crumbs to give They want a taste I want it all For my taste I've had to crawl Through his guts and out again What's inside was not of men It was of boys squabbling still Making promises and sealing a deal He thinks your his that he could own If only from the start he'd have known You're all mine even though you're all yours I wait patiently for you to walk out his doors Walk into mine and begin again and don
Happy Thanksgiving
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to my fellow Canadians! Gobble, gobble, gobble (dont eat too muxh pumpkin pie and turkey)
~ragdoll's Life For Sale~
I need to liquidate every tangible thing I own I have Life and 30 years of it from a 4 bdrm Country House I have everything..weight exercise equiptment king and queen beds all kitchen appliances Several washer/dryer units and a Stackable Antiques glasswear Dining tables/chairs sewing machines Hutches and entertainment Centers 5 tv sets 54 inches on down to 30 inches Surround Sound systems  15 ft BOAT   MUST SELL WHATEVER I CAN Must START LIFE OVER NEED INFO SB OR PM ME THANKS   ~RAGDOLL~
Motorola Routers With Default Ip Address
Certainly one of the most common IP addresses from the personal span is definitely the It is simply because two really popular high speed broadband router makers for example Netgear as well as D-link take this IP Address for a default IP for their own wireless routers. We've previously declared that the actual IP Address is known as a personal IP and this particular IP is probably the private IP range between to particular personal IP Address could be used as frequently as you would like although in no way 2 times in just one networking system. To generally be far more specific there can’t be 2 units that have the same IP in just one networking system. In such a circumstance, an IP conflict pops up which can cause system breakdown along with other issues. On that basis it needs to be solved straight away if this takes place, or well before setting a unit in this IP Address you should determine if there isn’t another
One And Only Rant
some of my friends may know that ive been majorly harrassed and some tool my pics and posted them on a site just to bash me and all, ny once put they posted me twice. They go on saying how im this absolutely horrible person and how that im fat and ugly and have a wonkey eye etc, then they post a pic thats like almost 10years old. I used to take nsfw pics but for some jealous hating insecure moron to save them and post them somewhere is just wrong. lf you dislike the person just tell them and move the hell on. When i was in my younger years like 18 till about 23, i would take nsfw pics, but who didnt? some still do, i dont so get over it already. Its old skool. Im currently 29 and have grown up, apparently my haters havent! if a woman doesnt want to shave below, its none of your concern anyway. why do you even care? then this ugly woman who is known to be a horrible person just ask around starts commeting as herself then as a few people just to make me look bad. She thinks
A Good Day!!!!
I am having a wonderful day.. I have talked with friends.. talked with ones who are dear to me.. I get to watch football. and I am making homemade chicken soup..(its cold outside..perfect dinner for a cold day) I make an awsome chicken soup... LOL and I make my own broth... are you jealous???? LMAO.. I feel good and I am happy after a VERY rough week..I love my freinds on here dearly and I know I should get out into the real world.. but its hard when you have no money to do so... But the good news is I may have got a job.. (its taking forever to write this because I am doing it during the game ) LOL.. To my Friends and Family here.. PLEASE bear with me.. I will get my act together.. a little insecure and I have been hurt to many times recently.. hope everyone understands..  with that I will leave you. hoping you have a wonderful day.. dont give up on me yet.. I will be OK.. KISESS and Huggs...
Lingerie...sexual Appeal Vs The Feel
Most would agree that Lingerie is a beautiful thing.. However ALL women need to be aware of 1 important fact. The sexy underwear that we all love so much is only meant to visually stimulate... once the engines are goin and things start to turn physical... TAKE THAT SHIT OFF! It only takes one time for that lace to rub the wrong way. Shit feels like sandpaper on our dicks. And those cute lil bows and buttons and zippers... might as well be grenades when they catch the hairy elbow skin ... AKA scrotum.... ball sac. The only grind approved underwear is 100% silk.  This public service announcement brought to you by The Philosophic Comedian.
Its ok to take candy from strangers... as long as your wearing a costume!
Lets Talk Pictures
Hi everyone! As Ive stated before, Im not really a blogger. But, I have been told that I write good ones and they are funny. So, I guess when the mood strikes me I will try and write a couple. Todays topic is Fu pictures. These are the photos that we post on our pages to let people know what we look like (in case you where wondering). Now, we all know how easy it is to go to Photobucket and copy some really hot girls photos and say thery are you. We have ALL seen it done (by guys and girls). If not, go to JohhnyDevils blogs and you will see. He usually catches them and posts them for all to see (yes, that was a shamelss promote for JohnnyDevil). Let me give you fakes a hint. One pic does NOT make a profile and is a dead giveaway that you are fake. If you are THAT hot for real, you probably have TONS of photos that you could also post....just sayin! Attractive people usually have LOTS of photos for some reason and you only post 1? Hmmm. And dont give me that camera shy crap! Your not
聪明绝顶 全国人大常委会委员长的职位,没有一丝一毫更改的可能性。 1,绕骗 操盘牛郎今又见, 又是缺位, 又是打电话的镜头狂现; 欢迎欢迎的掌声中, 凄风苦雨已无数年, 现在我想,其实可能很久很久以前就开始了,被中国卡扎菲叫中国国家安全机构的人天天晚上在我家里面搜೨
Seat Bella City Car
Il trio di city car da tre dei costruttori di motori del Gruppo Volkswagen hanno fatto una stampa di grande in questo settore di mercato molto competitivo in quanto i loro lanci recenti.   La Volkswagen Up è stato il primo a comparire Seguito dal Citigo Skoda e Mii sedile che la quota di tutto il corpo 3,55 m di lunghezza e ranghi del motore e l'unica differenza evidente è la parte anteriore di ciascun titolo di 'em. Ho beens solo il modello di guida, sedile e in particolare il più economico Ecomotive Mii che combina il consumo di carburante è quasi di 70mpg. La SEAT piccolo ha alcuni grandi concorrenti, tra cui il duo altro dallo stesso stabile del Gruppo VW. Mi ha colpito l'alto e il CityGo e mi sento esattamente la stessa cosa per la Mii Ecomotive 1,0 60PS Specialmente la tre porte auto di prova che è il più economico della gamma dvd pour voiture. E 'stato alimentato da un 1.0 litri 59bhp motore a tre cilindri a benzina con start / stop impianto che ha prodotto velocità massima
Negozi Ikea In Programma Di Vendere Solo Illuminazione A Led Entro Il 2016
PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Due anni dopo il suo inizio graduale delle lampadine a incandescenza lampadine led auto , rivenditore svedese Ikea ha annunciato Lunedi compie un ulteriore passo e prevede di vendere solo a basso consumo energetico illuminazione a LED entro il 2016. Ikea ritiene che il passaggio alle più lunga durata lampadine aiuterà l'esempio ecologico nel settore e anche salvare la società circa $ 10 milioni a $ 20 milioni l'anno, o 10 per cento, dei costi di illuminazione presso i suoi punti vendita 300 in tutto il mondo, ha detto Steve Howard, responsabile della sostenibilità capo della società. "Si può avere figli, possono crescere e andare al college e si può avere la stessa luce," disse Howard di lampadine a LED, che può durare circa 20 anni - di più delle lampadine a incandescenza o alogene. "Ci sono i soldi per fare nel vostro massimale." Ikea, che ha 38 punti vendita negli Stati Uniti, nel 2010, ha annunciato la sua intenzione di avere tutte le lampadine ad
Iphone5 Futuro De China La Competencia Del Mercado De Las Telecomunicaciones
Desde que el iPhone, presentado por China Unicom ha hablado recurrente de la industria nacional de telecomunicaciones. Con el próximo lanzamiento de este año el 21 de septiembre u octubre iPhone5, hizo que muchos en la industria de la adivinación. Hasta ahora, China Unicom y China Telecom continuará introduciendo iPhone5 casi ningún suspenso, pero China Mobile es apegarse a la iphone chino comprar no es la conclusión final, puede acceder a las noticias, informe de ejecución reciente en la reunión en el primer semestre de 2012 China Mobile, China Mobile presidente Xi Guohua, dijo: "TD-LTE de Qualcomm chips porque aún no se ha resuelto, de acuerdo con el momento actual para inferir el iPhone de Apple 5 de liberación es difícil tener una versión del TD-LTE."Se puede decir, el iPhone introducido en China, con el desarrollo de la tecnología 3G en China está estrechamente relacionado con el terminal iPhone introducido, incluso los logros de China Unicom 3G del mercado y establecer una buena
Jewelry Auction Record Of Brazilian Billionaire Lily Safry
A spectacular collection of more than 70 precious stones, diamonds, rubies, sapphires and wholesale jewelry beads which is belonging to filantropki Lily Safry, was sold for charity. Forbes magazine has estimated at about Safry property, $ 1.2 billion, money will go up to over 20 organizations! Bidding took place in Geneva Seasons Hotel des Bergues, and moved her auction house Christie's. Highlight of the auction was a ruby ring Safry made ??by Chaumet. Placed in a red pillow stone to 32.08 carats. Christie's estimated the sale of trinkets from 2.8 million to 4.6 million francs, and the ring reached a record sum of 6.2 million francs, or $ 6.6 million. All glory be to 70 - among them, in addition to the ring, were ruby brooch-flower, which was designed specifically for Safry in 2003. Decoration full of rocks with a value of 173.09 carats sold for $ 4.2 million. Other precious jewelry , a pair of diamond clips pear-shaped stones which is estimated at over 19 carats and a rectang
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Original Poetry Written By Me
Looking to the stars tonightSearching for that one special starA star that outshines all of themIts glow, its sparkle, its beautyIts message so soft and beautifulRepresenting the definition of love, happiness And the promise of tomorrowIf only I could find it…..It is like a one four leaf clover by itselfAmong other cloversIt is like a rare diamondIt is like a true masterpieceIt is like a beautiful melodyIt is like a beautiful rainbow in the skyIt glistens like the morning dewIts like a most beautiful flowerYou may wonder why I am looking for it?You may wonder how I know about it?You may wonder what I would do with it?The answers are quite simple as it is yoursAlone and waiting for just meTo find, embrace and become one with itIt is meant to unite and bring us togetherAccording to our maker above.Written on October 7th, 2012By Robert E. DurbinAKA Heart of an Angel
Original Poetry Written By Me
A special moment in time…..Time spent with you….Sweet memories shared with you….A special kiss shared with you….Feeling you in my arms…..Holding your hand…..Laughter shared between us…..Whispers of Love felt….Dreams shared between us…..Now just a memory lost in time…If only I could find you again…If only I could relive them with you….If only I knew you still remember them….If only I could feel your warmth again….If only I could taste the sweetness again….If only I could hear the softness of your voice again….If I could share dreams and make them come true….If I could look into your eyes again….If only I could say I love you again….To make it happen again…..A second chance…..A special gift it would be….A gift I would embrace and hold onto….And never lose again…..Reaching out to you tonight…..Written on October 7th,
About Me
i use to be married but I let thst guy . then the next guy i got wilth got my prgement with a son.  3 weeks be for my son turnd A year old he left me for a girl soposed to be my friend and my son father dont even try to see my so . but my son calles his greanspa daddy. but I happy know 
It/s My Birthday
My brithday is to day, I had the best day of my life Thank You Eddie Love Christine        bY Christine 10/6/2012
Android Et Ios Sont Les Systèmes D'exploitation Leaders Dans Le Monde Des Smartphones
Les téléphones intelligents équipés du système d'exploitation de Google Android ou le logiciel d'Apple représentent 85% du marché mondial au deuxième trimestre de cette année, un record,montre portable , a rapporté mercredi cabinet spécialisé IDC. "Le marché des systèmes d'exploitation (OS) des téléphones est maintenant sans aucun doute une course de deux concurrents, dominé par Android et iOS" Apple a déclaré Kevin Restivo, analyste chez IDC, le rapport trimestriel de la société , Phone Tracker Mobile. "Il ya encore place à gagner leur part de marché mobile de système d'exploitation, en dépit de ces efforts sera de plus en plus difficile à mesure qu'ils grandissent la pénétration des téléphones intelligents." L'Android "commande" avec un pour cent, 68,1% des smartphones vendus dans la période de trois mois, tandis que BlackBerry et Symbian ont baissé de 4,8 et 4,4%, respectivement, selon IDC. "Android continue de fonctionner à plein régime", a déclaré un autre analyste d
Aparece Una Foto Del Nuevo Iphone 5 Completamente Rediseñado
La expectación generada en torno al nuevo iPhone 5 se produjo a los pocos días de que Apple hubiera dado a conocer el iPhone 4S. Se trataba de un terminal renovado, pero con cambios apenas significativos para los usuarios más exigentes y para los que no. De hecho, aparte de contar con un nuevo procesador de doble núcleo, mejoras en el rendimiento de la cámara y el nuevo asistente virtual Siri, el iPhone 4S es un calco del iPhone 4 que no ha entusiasmado. Seguramente por eso, son muchos los fanáticos de Apple que están esperando con impaciencia la llegada del iPhone 5. En la Red no han parado de surgir los rumores que afirman que el nuevo smartphone de Apple será una auténtica joya rediseñada, con múltiples y nuevas opciones hasta ahora nunca vistas. Pero todo son suposiciones. Lo cierto es que el primero en llegar será el iPad 3, cuya aparición triunfal podría producirse el próximo mes de febrero de 2012. Siempre según los rumores.-iphone 5 opiniones ¿Y por qué hablamos h
Alber Elbaz : Fatale Femme Lanvin
Directeur artistique pour Lanvin depuis dix ans, Alber Elbaz est un maître dans l'art de revisiter chaque fois un peu plus l'architecture du vêtement. Avant de présenter sa nouvelle collection printemps/été 2013 hier à Paris, il a expliqué ce qui était le plus important pour lui dans le processus créatif. « Qu'est-ce que le design ? Quelle est la définition du design ? Je pense que c'est la façon de traduire ou de ne pas traduire, comment transformer une dimension en trois dimensions, prendre un morceau de tissu plat et lui donner de la consistance, a-t-il déclaré. Vous le faites avec du volume, vous le faites avec un drapé. Cela, pour moi, est le travail de design grossiste vetement femme .» Alber Elbaz a choisi une palette monochrome qui est l'une des tendances principales de la semaine de la mode parisienne. Le smoking était à l'honneur. L'un des mannequins portait un pantalon à pince souple avec une veste courte s'arrêtant à la taille. Les bijoux étaient en or, ras du cou et sa
Rim Libera Atualização De Software Para O Playbook
Depois de um longo período de testes, a RIM finalmente liberou uma atualização para o sistema operacional móvel que está instalado no tablet PlayBook. Na versão, o gadget recebeu melhorias para o BlackBerry Bridge, para o cliente nativo de e-mail e também para o suporte aos aplicativos criados para o Android. A partir deste update, os usuários que utilizam o aparelho com outro BlackBerry via BlackBerry Bridge, poderão responder e compor novas mensagens SMS a partir da tela de sete polegadas enquanto estiver conectado ao smartphone via Bluetooth- auricular bluetooth. Além disso, a empresa canadense melhorou a estabilidade e velocidade das funções já existentes com o Bridge. O cliente de e-mail, agenda e contatos podem ser acessados com a orientação vertical, o que pode ser bastante interessante para os usuários que digitam na tela utilizando os dedões, segurando com as duas mãos. Por fim, agora o sistema aceita mais de uma janela para os apps de Android, liberou
Hair Secrets You Do Not Know
  Asians a hair can withstand the weight of two eggs, hair growth each year can reach a total length of 16 kilometers,ghd outlet australia everyone probably will drop to 30,000 hairs per year, these secret about hair, you know how much? Although the basic per a normal head of hair growth, but in fact a lot of people for the understanding of their own hair is very limited, a lot of people because they do not understand for hair health knowledge, resulting in improper hair care life will hair often appear one way or another problem. The hair loss is widespread in modern society, largely because people are not comprehensive enough understanding of the hair, and so will lead to hair loss phenomenon showing a growing trend. Below, a good head hairnet combination of "crack the mysteries of the hair," recently held in China's Jiangsu exhibition is all about the hair that you do not understand! Hair is what it looks like First, we can look at the strength of the hair! The Asian
My Wish!
He is swept gently on a warm breeze,By the thought of a future spent,Spent close by her side, Forever,Everyday see that smile, Those beautiful eye's,In the rising sun to wake in those arm's,A gentle cradle held in a hug,Feel that heartbeat play the same rhythm,All I ever wanted, Needed, Thought about,Comets a blazing o'er head, hand in hand,A long pain free walk through the woods,By the lakes & harm , no fear, Most definetly no tears, unless there happy ones
These Guys Are Jerks And They Have No Clue What Country Muisc Really Is!!!!!
These guys are jerks and they have no clue what country muisc really is!!!!!  Okay well it is something that happened to me in traffic when I was going to pick up my daughter from her  grandmaw's house. Kinda controversial I suppose maybe not. Anyways, so I was driving in Georgia traffic and anyone who knows me knows that I ride with the windows down (IDC if it is 100* outside) and country music blaring. So I am at the stop light and these guys pull up to me and say, "Aren't you a little too young to be playing that kind of music WTH do you know about country music?" I was offended at first but quickly recovered and replied with just as much of an ignorant statement as theirs. They were blaring rap music and I said back to them "Aren't you a little to stupid to be playing that kind of music WTH do you know about rap music??!!" They looked at me like I was a freaking alien and then tried to race me at the light (for the record I blew their asses away in my car). But after I got my daug
Gotta Go My Own Way
 listenI gotta say what's on my mindSomething about usDoesn't seem right these daysLife keeps getting in the wayWhenever we try, somehow the planIs always rearrangedIt's so hard to sayBut I've gotta do what's best for meYou'll be okayI've go to move on and be who I amI just don't belong here, I hope you understandWe might find a place in this world somedayBut at least for now, I gotta go my own wayDon't wanna leave it all behindBut I get my hopes upAnd I watch them fall every timeAnother color turns to grayAnd it's just too hard to watch it allSlowly fade awayI'm leaving today'Cause I gotta do what's best for meYou'll be okayI've got to move on and be who I amI just don't belong here, I hope you understandWe might find a place in this world somedayBut at least for now, I gotta go my own wayWhat about us?What about everything we've been through?What about trust?You know I never wanted to crush youAnd what about me?What am I supposed to do?I gotta leave but I'll miss youSo, I've got to m
Fyi Only
Just a small FYI, I have not been feeling the best. I have my good days and my not so good days. I need releif from this pain. Take it easy. If its really not asking too much, could you be nice to one another. I shall try to get online when I can.
Please Vote For My Hobbit Designs (online)
There is a design contest put on by the production company of The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings and I have submitted 2 character drawings (Gollum & Gandalf). These are my own creations and I would greatly appreciate your votes! Links to both are listed below. This is an ongoing event, to I believe October 15th. Please take a moment and vote - once, twice, however many they allow! (Ok, that's being greedy...) No forms to fill out, just click however many stars out of 5. Thank you! Gollum: Gandalf: (The actual artwork can be seen in "My Artwork" in Photos on this site.)
I Little Poem I Wrote (no Homo)
Only for you I'd forsake the sun, I'd kill anyone, kiss my loaded gun, live on the run.Leave your secrets in my flesh, Leave them all and nothing less, Its my soul you wish to testReach your claws into my dreams, Shred them all,make them scream, forget about dignity, make me bleedplant your seed.Steal my life and all my hopes, no oneknows, as you PLEASE just come and go.Make the darkness my humble home, upon your throne.Take me like a hungry shark, torn apart.I loved the agony from the start,rip my chest and take my heart, just take my heart, just take my heart.Make your sex my hangmans noose, tie your knotdon't make it loose. Kich the chair from out my shoessmile at me, dont hide your truthMouth the words I love to hear,"love love you baby" grin ear to ear.Watch me choke my death is near,just ignore my bloody tearsSpin your lies in jagged lines,criticize thru bright blue eyessteal from me my chance to flybreak my wings, sing lullubys.harbor glee you brought demise with a few false spo
Netgear Router – is an exclusive IP address, often employed by Linksys routers. Some other wireless router manufacturers also employ it as the normal IP address. Apart from modems, several other equipment can implement this specific IP address, but that's not so usual. Wireless routers are equipment which allow exchange of data among network systems. These types of units link systems with each other. The aim of a router is usually to channel and transmit information. House routers can be used as computer data transfer in between Personal computers and DSL routers.An Ip is often a selection of numbers, split into portions which are divided by dots. Every single equipment inside the system is allocated an IP address. An Ip is applied in local area addressing and computer network system detection. Non-public IP addresses can be used in small to medium sized office or house network systems, where worldwide routable addresses aren’t obtainable. Exclusive IPs are usually utilised in non-com
Are You Surprised
Well you put yourself out there and it seemed to be going good but it didn't work are you surprised you talked like crazy flirted and showed that you got your shit together but it didn't work are you surprised she said she liked you but dosent want to move forward and just wants to be friends are you surprised just face it when you go look you fail when you wait you fail you don't know what to do that's the one thing that dosent surprise you
Places I Been
visited 8 states (16%)Create your own visited map of The United States or another interesting project
Inked Bitches
  三,迷梦非梦,  1,拯救自我,  当然中国卡扎菲有以下行为就能得到很好解释了,他自己在拯救自己,他在自我拯救: (1),极权制度,同病相怜。 新华网联合国10月4日电(记者林琼 顾震球)联合国安理会4日就法国、英国等提交的叙利亚问题决议草案进行表决。俄罗斯、中国反对ʌ
骨浸权毒  全国人大常委会委员长的职位,没有一丝一毫更改的可能性。  一,相同毒瘾, 恋权如同吸毒 1,毒瘾, 毒品作用于人体,使人体体能产生适应性改变,形成在药物作用下的新的平衡状态。一旦停掉药物,生理功能就会发生紊乱,出现一系列严重反应,称为戒断反应,使人感
To Love...
I feel like I failed at relationships over my life. Loving someone is difficult and even more difficult when its not returned or if they shut you out. It hurts to be lied to and I feel like a fool if I believed what was said to me. I am broken because I trust with everything in my being that things will be good if someone says that things will be good. I never expected to be where I am at in this point in my life. I love to plan things in advance so things go smoothly for me. You can not plan love though. I want more then just a simple piece of paper saying I am devoted to someone. I want more then a relationship based on sex. I want to be able to sit and have a conversation about things we like and where we want to be in the future. I want someone to hold me and tell me things will be ok when I am weak. I want to be able to hold someone when he isn't feeling strong. I want to be able to cuddle up together for a movie or to watch t.v. or to sit and talk about just everything we have go
Pickle: You need to go feed your pussy
Mulberry London Fashion Week In The Fall And Winter Of 2012 Was First Introduced To The Del Rey Series Star Package Section
Mulberry 2012 autumn and winter show of London Fashion Week for the first time launched a brand new Del Rey series star package section, its inspiration from the music and fashion darling, American singer Lana Del Rey. The Mulberry outlet wallet global creative director Emma Hill first met in 2011 with Lana Del Rey was implied in her soulful, melancholy voice and her first single, "Video Games" nostalgic atmosphere impressed. Lana Del Rey perfect mastery of the classical Hollywood style, and its avant-garde, bold and humorous style show in a series of gorgeous photos and tapes of the first single, "Video Games". This dual personality attracted the attention of Emma Hill, just that brand of humor and playful the diversified elements and high fashion philosophy. Mulberry outlet 2012 autumn Del Rey package interpretation of the retro charm of Lana, creating a Mulberry modern classic series: the Del Rey package is both practical and combines the simple and refined, elegant and timeless l
Love As A Flame
if love was like a flameit would flicker with the windit would slowly burn outwith each heartbreak when it finally burns out the love and hope is goneall that is left is emptynesssorrow, pain, and lonelynessdarkness overcomes the lightlove is lost, cant breathejust a broken person
White Hair Can Be Removed?white Hair Is Pulled More If There Is A Scientific Truth
  Some people occasionally a few white hairs, that pretty want to unplug it, but people also have "white hair is pulled more" argument,ghd australia so white hair can be removed?We might as well have a look first to the principle of white hair How to produce white hair 1, genetic factors Some white hair is a genetic cause, such as albinism, such genetic diseases can cause people's eyebrows, hair becomes white, of course, there are some genetic hair not because of albinism, but the hair becomes white, this is what we often say "little bald".The two white people belong to the congenital hair, hair follicles in the absence of melanin or not normally shows black, regardless of how outside change, pull, such as drug use, will not change the hair white, and the most difficult to treat hair types. 2, acquired factors The day after tomorrow causing hair many reasons,Silver Two Instyler Irons such as the common nutritional deficiencies, the lack of trace elements and vitamins;
Light shines over the trees in darkness. It looks so deadly, what is there to see, takes over my mind . All the madness of love I walk over there to see all these green trees, tall so tall.  Standing  calling me there telling me something. Still in the night it looks like the moon runs red many words to my mind. Take me away  I want to go to you just take me away.... O I found my self going to you not thinking about nothing just going to you.  I want you close to me.  As you want me. Lets go be free yes yes I am free I am free I am running to you. So deadly but I love the feeling, feels so good to me. Love , Love has come over me.   bY Christine 
Take Me All
Take me all in one night can you handle come to me tonight lets see if you can. I dear you come here and prove it to me and make love to me to night with all you have. I have not seen you in a few nights my love. You want other women to take home tonight see if they make you love you the way I do .... lick you the way I do sex you the way I do... I was not walking the night to you alone. You did not ask me tell it was late. I understand it's a mans night out I am a women I want to  have fun. Do you know me this way I think not. Why test me this way lets dance this dance I can keep up with you in this night  come to me I will be here for you no matter what. You can always Come to my door and see what I will give to you as a real women and make you feel like a real man oooo just see what a hot night will bring my love    bY Christine 12/5/2012 this is to the one I may fall in love with one day... he knows who he is yes he does and he is so hard to get and he can not say he is falling for
Http:// please copy and paste in your browser and help me find a cure
178 Statuses
These are just the statuses i saw and i have a lil over 1k friends. the statuses that asked/begged for something monitary (that means cost money for those in the mumms lol) without offering something substantial in return. the tally did not include those mocking the beggars. they did however , include those using nsfw pics as trade simply because i value nsfw as worthless. sorry thats just how it is, the 3 hottest women on the site dont show skin or offer it in trade for bling, and the rest of ya arent worth paying money to a website for, if ur offended, go for a run or get that plastic surgery ya need lol.   178 DIFFERENT statuses, a few by the same people, but a different status each time. all of them begging for bling packs or blings themselves and offereing NOTHING in return.   Let me tell you something about being nice, at least as most normal, sane people see it, we are nice when WE want to be nice, not when YOU ask for it. If that happens at the same time, i assure you it
It Can Take A Toll
Many of you ask what happened to my hand. September 29th of last year i cut my wrist and had to have surgery. It took two doctors and 5 hours to put my hand back together. It will never work normal and I lost my whole life over it. Why? you ask, well I am still trying to figure out where I lost myself enough for this to happen. I have always been a strong person, so this is a confusion to me. I allowed people to run me down and stress took a toll on me that it just happened. I still see that night over and over in my head. That night I lost my whole life and everyone I ever cared about. A lot of it had to do with a guy named Todd Dreka. This is the guy that was man of my dreams or so I thought. But he fucked up my hrad mentally by telling me constantly I was whitetrash and no one would want me then tell me he loved me then hit me or throw me down stairs. I finally got away but not before he managed to ruin my whole life. I have since been trying to get it back together with no blue sky
Butterfly Rose
From the first time I laid eyes on you, I felt something inside, and hoped that you did too. That night I dreamed about me an you, wishing that when I wake it would come true. You have been on my mind, ever since i met you that first time. I tried to get you out of my head, but my heart told me to like you instead. Being next ot you i feel like I'm in heaven, give me a chance and I'll adore you twenty four-seven. I hope you see that we were meant to be, please... will you go out with me?
When the nights are long and cold, and the days are lonesome and blue, and the tears begin to get old, my thoughts always drift to you. When my heart is quickly breaking, and I'm forced to search my mind for something to stop the aching, you are the one I find. When I'm feeling helpless and weak, you give me the strength to move on. When I'm broken and cannot speak, you give me the words through song. The happiness I know with you is like nothing I've felt before. When once all was closed from view, now you have opened the door and released my hidden emotions, released my heart and soul, my deepest love and devotion, finally making me whole. If we are forced to be apart, throughout everything you do, please know that you are in my heart, and that I'm always thinking of you.
My Birthday
Today is my birthday.. just turned 29... my last year of being in my 20s then next year I'll be the big 3-0. I can't believe how time files. I didnt do much today, wen tto class, and then went to the store. It snowed, for like two days, its really cold outside. I bought some cute cozy fuzzy slippers and just relaxing in my playboy pjs and my warm robe.   Not much going on! 
Sensitive People..geesh
Bearing Arms
I saw a MUMM regarding someone shot by his father; apparently the person broke into his aunt's home, burgled it, then when confronted by his father threatened him with a knife.  The question was basically should everyone get rid of firearms or keep what they have.   Regulations vary depending upon jurisdiction by some concepts don't, if you're waiting for the police to save your life you may be vastly disappointed unless one of them lives next door and is home exactly when you need them and they can psychically sense your need (good luck on that).   Some people prey upon others, the reasons vary with the predator, but I tend to doubt those who predate will give up their weapon of choice simply because we ask them to do so.  In a perfect world, maybe, but I don't live in that world.   My father taught me to show others at least the minimum courtesy and respect I would hope to receive from them and I do so.  I was taught that respect and courtesy extends to the property of others a
An Excerpt From "frank And Bob"
Frank and Bob are both considered the worst kind of person to society. Both have committed crimes so heinous that many have deemed their actions unforgivable. No one within their respective communities wants to hear a single word of defense from them. They both have committed the exact same crimes. Frank and Bob are both child molesters.    Although they aren’t the same.   Frank still has the mentality of a six-year old with the sexual needs of an adult. Bob still has morals equivalent to those of Satan and the same amount of empathy that Satan has for man. Are they both the same person inside because of their actions? Do actions speak louder than words, or does intent? Does Frank’s intent to befriend these young girls while his body wants companionship excuse him more so than Bob who does it for pure sport for reasons he can’t fully explain to you, other than deep down inside he knows he wants to because he knows no one else wants to? Did society do the right thi
Excerpts From "dark"
Excerpt 1 Someone in the town passed away and a disastrous candlelight funeral was held. Disastrous because no one could see where the hole in the ground was and deciding to lean down into the hole with the candles caught several suits, hairpieces, and even the casket on fire. Women were using their wigs to try to put out the flames, but the amount of hairspray that they added to their wigs (not realizing that wigs stay in their place) caught even more things on fire. Ironically, a few women were killed and fell exactly into the hole that had been dug for the deceased man.   Excerpt 2 in its immature playing, seemed to bring out the light in other people, and for those without light within, it kept them in the shadows while everyone else was out playing in the rays. But without the immature sun, the world was dark and cold. Everything was dying on the inside, except for that very thing itself which is death.
An Excerpt From "deadly Accurate"
Shots rang out at the school as kids ran in terror towards their cars to drive as far away as possible. Some kids didn't make it and were hit by the sniper and fell face first on the pavement of the parking lot, dying instantly. No one knew where the sniper was, not even the principal. The kids were screaming in terror and crying, some of them holding each other, not knowing if they were going to be next. The girls were screaming the loudest and crying the most, making their makeup run. They had a hard time running in high heels that they had worn to draw attention from the jocks in the school. The creepy kids knew that "one of their own" was going to be blamed for this massacre, but they didn't have time to protect their group: they had to protect themselves from the gunfire. One boy was shot in the back of the head while running while another was shot in the leg, and one girl was shot in the back and dropped like a stone. Teachers were running out of the school as well, from the nice
An Excerpt From "bees"
“Let’s try following a swarm,” Walter suggested.   We waited until we saw a swarm of them overhead, then followed them. They led us into some woods which almost threw us off of their trail because they were hard to see through the leaves, but their buzzing left no doubt as to their direction. We followed them for what felt like half a mile when we saw them approaching a farm. The farm was one I had never seen before and it had several cows enclosed by a fence. The bees lowered from the sky and started towards one of the cows. They slowly covered it all around, and the cow mooed in obvious pain. Its tail swatted, trying to get the bees off of it, but there were too many. The cow soon fell to the ground, and the bees flew off back towards the way they had came.
Original Poetry Written By Me
If I said I love you……If I showered you with kisses…..If I took you in my arms…..If I took your hand in mine….If I handed you a red rose…..If I said you are the one To be in my life forever….What would you say?What would you do?Would you accept the change?Would you accept me in your arms?Would you take my hand? Would you accept my kiss?We became special friendsWe learned to make each other a partIn each others lifeWe shared in each others dreams and hopesWe made a special place in each others lifeWe shared a common heart beatNow it is time to make the next stepI can only hope that you willIt is our destiny and place in timeBlessed from aboveI will love you forever into time and spaceWritten on October 5th, 2012By Robert E DurbinAKA Heart of an Angel
An Excerpt From "torture"
Known to the locals as the "Manic Maniac", Delanger had stolen several knives from the local butcher's shop while it was closed. No one in Manic had ever thought of locking up after closing because everyone was so close, no one would ever dream of stealing from anyone else. Manic had a sheriff, but he wasn't available all hours of the day. Sometimes the sheriff would lock the doors of the department, plop his legs on his desk, and rest until his hours were finished for the day, collecting the same paycheck no matter what he happened to accomplish. During the robbery, Delanger had an urge to practice cutting up some of the pigs that were hanging in the freezer. He sliced them from neck to anus and didn't feel a thing. He saw how the pig's blood had coated the knife. He ripped open the pig's skin and placed his hand inside the pig's body and moved it around slowly in the warm blood. The warm blood felt good in the cold freezer. He didn't feel anything otherwise, such as he shouldn't be i
An Excerpt From "hospitalization"
"We got a bleeder!" What normally would've been said in a voice of terror and empathy was screamed in a voice of glee and excitement. You see, Jeopardy Hospital was not a hospital of caring treatment that most hospitals are. Jeopardy Hospital was quite the opposite. It was a hospital where the sick and harmed came to die, most of the time not from natural causes, unless you consider a nurse giving someone poison to eat "natural." In fact, Jeopardy Hospital could've been known as an anti-hospital for the function it served. Jeopardy Hospital is where people came to die, most often at the hands of someone that worked there, but it was never an accident. If someone came there and accidentally died, whomever was responsible for that person was fired on the spot.
I've had a few exciting days recently. If you don't know already (and that means we don't talk much), I love to bead. I've been beading advanced stitches since 2004. Not the string on type, I make fabric out of beads; I can take your family portrait and turn it into a piece of art made of colored glass. I started making flowers recently because so many people like to put things in their hair. Especially flowers. Thing is, my flowers last forever compared to the ones you pick from the ground. :) I make other things too, purses, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, bookmarks, suncatchers...I can pretty much make anything. I've been traveling all over the last few years and I've had the pleasure of beading with people from different places and/or passing through their shops and seeing other people's designs. I've been looking for that niche...Thanks to our new friend and roommate, I met a woman today that has a classy, upscale boutique and salon that will be a perfect spot for my designs. :) A
My Birthday
Today I got many gifts that were so special to me so here it goes, mainly from my boo..aka Papii I got a 135 bling pack V.I.P Flowers which are in my pictures 150.00 cash A icecream cake from Baskin and robbins A Swedish Massage $ 105.00 and he tipped them $20.00 A bottle of Moscotti Wine Patron tequila and a suck and blow shot in a tube Los Compadres with a friend A birthday card made for me from my son and kisses all day That was just today to make me smile because of my hard days I have been having. I am so thankful for my boo, he shined a light today that I needed to see. I needed a smile . I am relaxed beyond belief and tipsy too. Woot  I will add if I forgot something, it has been one rip rawring day and even though I am sore from my surgery, I enjoyed every minute of it.
Original Poetry Written By Me
Disappointments, despairs,  and  depression…..All quite prevalent in most of my lifeSeemed like nowhere positive to goBut through it all, the door to my co-pilot remained openWaiting for me to turn to itNot sure what made me decide to open it….But it was the best move I would makeSuddenly Hope, promise and faith became dominantIn my daily lifeThe sun begin to shine in the world around meA special warmth within my heart developedA spring in my daily steps made for positive tractionA shift of myself to being a positive influence to othersA feeling of being in the right places and timesMy hope is others in the same positionWill do the same as I didIt will be the best choice they will ever makeKnowing they have joined me in this select groupBrings extra years to their lives as it did for meWill always be here for them as well as they are for meThanks to my co-pilot for this opportunityWritten on October 5th, 2012By Robert E DurbinAKA Heart of an Angel
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Inside the canada goose parka canada goose cold ailments, most people hanker available for nothing more than some sort of layer that could possibly go one neatly and supply the charm most people subsequently Woolrich outerwear anxiously look. Even as natural cover versions provide a number of level of comfort, doesnt meam they are the right amount of if you want to circumvent recurrent draughts associated Woolrich outerwear with cold conditions discuss travelling across on most people and that of which that electrical power in Canada Goose Coats reducing layers comes into play. You need to stuff that Woolrich outerwear you need to choose in Canada Goose Coats webpage despite the fact that ordering pregnancy cold weather apparel. You will have to chose the clothing bearing in mind the length canada goose parka of time alongside all of your child birth will be during winter. Be certain to simply get hold of maternity the winter layers if you want to certain that you moncler coats would f
Yeah, Okay Maybe I Shouldn't Of
The last three days have kinda been something I am not looking forward to experiencing again. Today was kinda good though. I hurt too much this week; Wednesday and Thursday my right foot hurt really bad, I thought. Then Wednesday and Thursday my left foot hurt worse. I started the day out mopping the kitchen, diningroom, and bathroom. My foot wasn't thankful at all. Constantly surging with pain. If anyone as a couple spare legs laying around I would offer my soul. I'm gonna go back into the hospital and hopefully have them fix me up. As for the good news, my daughter had an interveiw for a job today. She might be starting 30-34hrs of work a week at Walmart. I am proud of her. I do hope she is prepared. I think this will be good for her not being able to trust anyone. Blessed be the ones that think of others before themselves. The nice and gentle are dwindling and that is not how it should be. We all need someone to care we exist.
Nike Requin
The very first purpose may be the top quality. It's proven to us all that will Nike helps make the most effective item, the Nike jordan isn't exception. When talk about nike Jordans, individuals will remember the wonderful guy that's the actual california king regarding baseball industry referred to as Michael Jordan. Air Jordan for sale All using the oxygen jordan basketball sneakers within our store are 100% quality.His big walk They also heard the explosion that burst and,Jordans Shoes therefore,Air Jordan Pas Cher Cheap Nike Air Jordans Shoes is to the direction of the explosion came. At this point,Cheap Jordans Shoes roadside woods roar suddenly sounded strange,Nike Jordan Retro Shoes and then break up a fire red creatures,Jordans For Cheap Sale Shoes long a person's head,Cheap Nike Air Jordans Shoes but the lower body to a horse. Fly Around: This is a midsole that is designed and propelled using lightweight zoom at the heel and forefoot of the footwear. Because it is lig
When oh when will I learn to keep my mouth shut and not push so hard... I mean really.. you would think a man my age would learn by now..I just never quit.. just cant seen to say the right things at the right time.. if there is such a thing with me.. every word that comes out of my mouth.. seems to end up with me sounding sappy or over bearing.. jeez.. I have a bad problem of wearing my heart on my sleeve.. and I say to much..(I always thought that's what women want.. to know a mans feelings) but I will have to shut that down and be more .. whats the word..... I don't know.. unfeeling.. keep it to myself maybe..  you guys and gals tell me.. whats Worth hearing and what do I not say????  I am at a loss... but whats new.. right.. so I will get some wine and sooo not worry(like thats going to happen )  LOL
Doesn't Measure Up..
 NINE Inches's photos (84)  chat me! check this person out give a drink private message gift Blast! gift Ticker! gift VIP! gift HappyHour! bling me! gift Bling Pack! Photo Albums Default My Animal Photography [25]  
Somebody I use to know    bY Christine 10/5/2012
I send a round daily to each of the three options.This means my friends get 2 drinks a day, if you dont then you have not fanned me and might want to.The fact that I get up to 15 drinks from certain ppl is quite time consuming and annoying.I will, from now on only send out 1 additional drink beyond the rounds.If I keep getting all these drinks from the same ppl I will be forced to delete you.Spending hours on drinks alone costs me many points, and friends/fans.I am sorry but I have asked for ppl not to do this, but it is not stopping.I really enjoy you ppl plz just STOP SENDING ALL THOSE DRINKS
lets erect a shrine shall we?
Interesting Subject
  Today it is time to introduce an interesting young Slavegirl. Subject N     N is a very submissive slut. Not that easily to handle, but she is an interesting submissive subject, clean and willing to learn.   a nice pink pussy tight asshole     clean and shaved       and a nice round ass     she does learn easily when she does get the needed attention and the needed help from her owner!         doesn't she look good while she is training her slavegirl positions ??                 she does need a strict hand!!! but each lash is worth it!!!  
Fun To Read..
 Dear Wife, I’m writing you this letter to tell you that I’m leaving you forever. I’ve been a good man to you for 7 years & I have nothing to show for it. These last 2 weeks have been hell. ... Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today & that was the last straw. Last week, you came home & didn’t even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal & even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in 2 minutes, & went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don’t tell me you love me anymore; you don’t want sex or anything that connects us as husband & wife. Either you’re cheating on me or you don’t love me anymore; whatever the case, I’m gone. Your EX-Husband P.S. don’t try to find me. Your SISTER & I are moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life! Dear Ex-Husband Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It’s true you & I have been married for 7 ye
My life is a walk in the rain. That stinging pain covers my body. ice cold shards of my broken heart melt away and fall from the sky, All for that demonic fucking guy. The only one I've ever cared about built me up just to tear me down. The only one I've ever let in, the secret that kept me alive.. Everything about him is my favorite sin. Some say it was wrong, I guess they were right. Sit and think, listening to the whispers of the wind. Souless house, brightened by moonlight. He never wanted to know me, asking for help but he'll never see why I'm broken.
Breast Cancer Awareness
        OK If you know anything about me, you know I support the cause! Breast Cancer doesn't run in my immediate family but it is a cause that I have always felt very strongly about....Every year I try to make sure to get the word out especially during October. A little awareness goes a long way! So with that said please be aware that October is all about the Pink.Its breast cancer awareness month so please show your support and wear some pink!! If you are like me and you don't really like pink....make an exception this month! I do it every October I wear something pink to show support! Breast Cancer knows NO Age, Sex, Race or class it does NOT discriminate everyone is fair game! Women as well as men. please don't think, It can never happen to me, or to someone I love. Truth is it can and does happen to anyone. Please take the time to remind all those people you love so much and hold close to your heart that its that time of year again to get che
The Sky Over Mercy Moon
Preface It was, it is, and it always will be. What is it?You may have a very good idea as to what IT is, however. Your understanding,acceptance and conviction as to its importance to you may be quite uncertain,that is, if you have any of that at all. There is a reason for your current condition ofuncertainty, and it has nothing to do with the choices you have made in life.The influence that has dominated your attention for all of your life haseverything to do with your current condition of uncertainty. And it is stillhard at work today. I know that you think you know a lot about yourself,your life, your universe and the world you live in. But what you don’t know isfar more than that which you think you know. Your eyes and all of your other senses have done aremarkable job of deceiving you. I know that the influence that has beendirecting you is saying: “That’s impossible!” That influence wants nothing lessthan your total trust and acceptance. And it relies o

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