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A thought for the day from: Peter Britt "What good is kindness without temperance. In knowing ones heart is true, do we assume we also possess compassion, understanding? Without one, another is vacant within us, it has no real substance. Our eyes see what we wish them to for the most part and we ignore that which presents itself to us that we should take in and savor. Above all things in this life, love pervades our very beings. Love, a wicked emotion at times that we cling to in hopes it offers salvation for us. At others, it rips our hearts and tears at the fabric of our makeup. Life; this entity we endure each day to simply reach the next. There is a point, I'm sure. This day, it somehow eludes me, but love I eschew at moments when its grasp takes hold around my throat. I long for the truth and to surrender to loves most tender beauty. It stands before me, yet I cannot see." ©2007 Peter Britt Krystal Vision Productions
Hi everyone.... I've been off here for a while,. but I am back. I've been going through a lot, still am honestly, but I am back on here with a new thought. I hope everyone enjoys it. A thought for the day from: Peter Britt "Weeks pass and the pain does not subside within. The heart bends for no one it seems, not even my will at times. It does bleed for me, for the others whose faces and hearts are etched inside of me. The love which fills me inside gives no peace, it cannot while time stands still. Happiness is in my hands, I feel it clearly, yet it runs through my fingers in an attempted grasp to hold it. Happiness does not elude me, rather, it demands I embrace it once my grasp is secure upon it. I reach up from the pool where I fight to breathe, holding myself up another day and hoping my salvation will touch my hand for me to relentlessly cling to. My resolve is strong, I give not into weakness and let myself slip under to perish. I reach out again, there must be someone to take my hand and pull me into the light, there must be." ©2007 Peter Britt Krystal Vision Productions
Hello to all my friends.... For all new friends, did you know that Peter Britt is a published author? You didn't know? Well, it's true. Look below and by all means go get your copy of "All That I Am, I Think!" today. THis book is the woman's nightstand companion (that is what a lot of women say) and you can find out a great deal about Peter Britt the man, the singer, the writer and who he truly is inside. It is revealing and an extraordinary read the reviews say. Get yours today and check out the music. Oh yes, say hi anytime and thanks to everyone for your wonderful comments and messages. :) Peter Britt Click here for Peter's publisher book store Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Click this link to order the Hard Cover book. $24.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in Hard Cover

Click this link to order the paperback book. $19.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in paperback

Just click the cdbaby logo to buy That's What Living's For by Peter Britt

But Peter Britt's CD, just click here!
Hi everyone....I thought I would share a couple of photos we took on our Nashville trip this past weekend. The first, is one of myself and my manager Angela at The Grand 'Ole Opry. Then, one Angela took of me in front of the building. Myself and Angela in front of The Grand 'Ole Opry entrance in Nashville Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Peter in front of The Grand 'Ole Opry Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Another pic of Angela and myself in front of The Grand 'Ole Opry building Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket A pic I took of Angela in front of The Grand 'Ole opry Building Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

We're back!!!!!!

Hi everyone.... Just a news update on the trip to L.A. The trip to L.A. turned out to be a whirlwind trip to Nashville actually. We were directed by an attorney in L.A. to get out to Nashville to meet with one of his colleagues in Nashville, which turned out great! Matter of fact, the entire trip to Nashville was fantastic. For openers, I am now represented by a Nashville Entertainment law firm, and a good one. That should open a lot of doors for us. Secondly, we made a lot of good contacts in Nashville and my new entertainment attorney will be getting packages in doors for us. Very cool baby! :) Anyway, we had a great time in what turned out to be a weekend in Nashville, but it was for the best indeed. So, a very fruitful weekend and thanks to Angela's very professional demeanor, we got into this entertainment law firm, which is awesome! At any rate, that's about it for now. It was a fabulous weekend which was very beneficial indeed. More news will be coming soon and we will be making another Nashville trip soon. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, and as always, thanks very much for your warm and wonderful support :) Peter Britt

Some news

Hi everyone.... No thought tonight I'm afraid, have to get to bed early. Just letting everyone know I will gone for the weekend beginning tomorrow. My manager and I are off on a business trip to L.A. for the weekend. Several meetings set up with some publishers and a record label. I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and I encourage everyone to please let me know what you think of the book (those who got it) and of the thoughts as well if you get a chance. Take care and have a wonderful weekend :) Peter Britt
Hi everyone.....Reposting about the book but, to ALSO let you know that my book is now available in the publishers bookstore at a reduced prices directly through them. If you get your book through them however, it will not be autographed as they send it direct. So go get yours today they are The are ready!! Can you tell I'm excited? lol Peter Click here for Peter's publisher book store Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Click this link to order the Hard Cover book. $24.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in Hard Cover

Click this link to order the paperback book. $19.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in paperback

Just click the cdbaby logo to buy That's What Living's For by Peter Britt

But Peter Britt's CD, just click here!
Hi everyone....PLEASE READ and thank you. :) I wanted to let all my friends and fans know about something and, to ask for a little help from whoever may be able to help or to think of something that may help. Here we go!!!! On October 27th I will be shooting a full feature, full blown professional video of "Always Be My Girl" here in Grand Junction with a producer from California who has done many music videos. Another aspect, is that my manager has been determined enough that we now have Lou Ferrigno (The Incredible Hulk) appearing in the video with me. (Yes, I am quite serious. Already have the appearance contract) Now here is where my request comes in; to accomplish this whole thing I need to raise about $12,000. Videos normally cost a great deal more than this, especially the level of video I am getting done, which is Hollywood film quality, however. A good friend of mine who is also a very close friend of this producer helped to arrange all this and it isn't going to be much at all even though they are bringing in a film crew, cameras, people to manage the extras in the video, set everything up and in the end give me a CMT quality video. Also is the fact that through my own talks with CMT and my manager also making arrangments, I have a personal invitation to send the video to CMT, G.A.C. and VH1 Country. Given the fact that I will have a celebrity the likes of Lou Ferrigno playing a significant role in the video, I believe (and so does everyone else) that my video will be taken quite seriously by all. So, what I am asking is this; If anyone wants to send a check to help sponsor this, all will be accepted and, anything that is sponsored will be credited in the video and he/she who sponsored it, or a company of course. I am pasting in a sponsorship tier sheet so if you know of someone or a company who may want to help, you and they can see the prime advertising space they will get in a potentially internationally aired music video. I am honestly not big big on asking anyone for help, but lately someone very special I know has been working and trying to teach me that I can count on my friends and fans. In fact, she has been working hard to make sure I know this. I am doing that, although it isn't the easiest thing for me. So basically, I need your help. I really need a lot of help to make this happen. We have already sent out around 150 letters to different companies locally seeking sponsorship and we are preparing more right this very minute, but time is passing by and it is a lot of money to raise, so I am asking my friends, family and fans to please try and help anyway you may be able to. If you have an idea, please tell me about it or let me know what you're doing. It may be a great idea and we can quickly duplicate it elsewhere. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and hopefully I will hear from my family, friends and fans who can help somehow, or help me to find a way to get this done. The video is completely scripted and the producer has the storyboards. He and his staff are currently working on creative revisions to enhance the story of the song. This is a very serious endeavor and it will most certainly be one fantastic video. A lot of people are working very hard to make sure of it. Thanks again for the time reading this and I look forward to hearing from you all. Please help if you can, or if you know anyone or any company, please, please, please help in any way you can. Thanks for all your warm and wonderful support, as always. Below is the company and/or sponsorship tier Sincerely Peter Britt Tier for Sponsorship Krystal Vision Productions $5,000+ contribution would receive: Dinner with Lou Ferrigno and cast party Advertisement banner behind band Center Stage in video** Pictures with Lou Ferrigno Autographed picture of Lou Ferrigno Autographed Poster of Peter Britt Autographed CD of Peter Britt “That’s What Livings For” Autographed copy of Peter Britt’s book, All That I Am, I Think! $1,500+ Advertisement Banner behind pool tables “visible in the music video”** Pictures with Lou Ferrigno Autographed picture of Lou Ferrigno Autographed Poster of Peter Britt Autographed CD of Peter Britt “That’s What Livings For” Autographed copy of Peter Britt’s book All That I Am, I Think! $500+ Visible extras in video wearing tee shirts or tank tops with company logo** Company logo tee shirts must be a color other than white due to the visual imagery in video Autographed picture of Lou Ferrigno Autographed Poster of Peter Britt Autographed CD of Peter Britt “That’s What Livings For” $250+ Autographed Poster of Peter Britt Autographed CD of Peter Britt “That’s What Livings For” All contributions will receive a special thank you and mention in the credits ** All companies must provide their own banner or logo for their advertisement Please remember that for your generous sponsorship you are receiving a number of benefits including: A chance to be seen in a potentially internationally aired video, photos with Lou Ferrigno, for the top tier sponsorship, dinner with Lou Ferrigno and priceless advertising for your company and other benefits as well. We appreciate your kind sponsorship and look forward to seeing you in the video, too. Peter's personal web site www.peterbritt.us
Well, I thought I would let everyone know that my book is being submitted to some of the larger and more influential newspapers in the U.S. and in Europe to be reviewed. Woohoo!!!!! So far those who have the book are giving two thumbs up to it. (I am guessing that's a good thing!) You can also get a copy on the way to you and, if you follow the links below the photo, you can get yours personally autographed if you wish. So don't hesitate, get one for yourself today. Thanks to everyone for your warm & wonderful support :) Peter Click here for Peter's publisher book store Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Click this link to order the Hard Cover book. $24.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in Hard Cover

Click this link to order the paperback book. $19.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in paperback

Just click the cdbaby logo to buy That's What Living's For by Peter Britt

But Peter Britt's CD, just click here!
Hi everyone.... Myself and Angela my manager wanted to let everyone know that the Peter Britt Country Girls Club is about to open on Gather.com The club was already active, but we decided to resart the club in a new place with a fresh look. We are inviting you to come join and become an official Peter Britt Country Girl. There are benefits to being one and there is no cost or fees to be a member. So come to this link..... www.pbcg.gather.com And you will be able to read about the PBCG and find out what is involved, what you get, what you can get etc. Myself and Angela look forward to seeing all of you there and hopefully having everyone joining as a PBCG official member. Thanks very much :) Peter Britt
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