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MIA's blog: "My Journal"

created on 11/30/2007  |  http://fubar.com/my-journal/b161622

Thursday, December 6th

Tonight midnight my fu auction is over. Don't know if I'll be up at the fu time it ends. It was kinda fun. Thanks Nikki for your guidance and all. I even have bids in on a couple; am winning two at the moment. Should be the same bid but one is way more than the other; not my doing; guess it just depended on who had more friends, so if I win both, I'd treat them both the same. lol Me fu own two of fubar's finest. Oh yeah. lol Went to see my son in jail tonight. First time I actually saw him 'in person' since Thanksgiving. When Beate and I went to court last Friday, we only saw him on a video screen. That really sucked. So, I go home from work, stopped at Sonic so Zack could get his burger and Reese's blast, then sat on the couch for a bit until it was time to go to jail and sit and wait. Went last Thursday with Beate and it was first come, first served. Only four at a time go to each 'pod' and are there for 20 minutes only supposedly. We waited and waited. So tonight I waited at home. I only waited there for about 30 minutes as opposed to over an hour last week. At the house I started getting emotional a tad. My firstborne in jail. Yes, things could be worse, but for me, this is monumental; at least at the moment. Called my son Chris and was actually trying to see if he wanted to go instead because I didn't know if I could handle it. He didn't want to go. Was texting on the way and also reached a voice mail; twice. lol Was just very emotional. Cried a little bit en route and didnt know if I could face him. Am I just a wuss or what? Did my damndest effort at not crying in front of him and I did a good job. Cried going home but that's me. Lou is doing well. Doing Bible study twice a day. One of the ministers is helping him find out what the worst sentence would be for the trumped up charges he has. Let me tell you something. No, we'll go there later. Wonder who will be owning me in the morning. :D Think anyone could handle owning me for 30 days? lol Ask Phantom Dale...he would say... RUN! FAST!!! Night all!
Sorry if I have been a tad incommunicable lately or seemed out of sorts. My life is my family. My family is my life. While I may at times appear to be a Fubar vixen or whatever, I'm really a down to earth person, however, yes, I do enjoy fun behind closed doors. I have been blessed with four beautiful children, currently aged between 28 and 14, however, I'm only 29 and holding. lol My eldest has had a problem here and there with alcoholism and has spent a little jail time here and there. I think I'm going to stop celebrating Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving. The first horrible Thanksgiving was quite a few years ago. I was in a position where I had to send my daughter to a Christian girls home two weeks before Thanksgiving. She was supposed to be able to come home for Thanksgiving, but they said it was too soon. I was lost. My 'second' son, Chris, was a lifesaver and fabulous comforter. He has such a precious heart. Last year my mother wasn't doing too well (she will be 85 in Feb of 2008!) so we celebrated at her house. The family photo is actually in my family picture album. Mom is wonderful but doesn't really cook. She had this new stove that was never used. Juices ran over and began smoking. Chris jumped in and tried to clean it up and such and decided to automatic clean it. The turkey was out but the potatoes were in the over and the door was locked. Seems auto clean locks the door. Smoke was everywhere. My daughter and her um boyfriend weren't on great terms nor he and I so he wasn't there (because he already ruined our boy scout Thanksgiving dinner) and he ended up picking her up. I insisted her daughter (not HIS) stay with us. This year since I'm trying to sell my TINY house and our family has been enlarging with family moving back to town, we had dinner at Chris' house. Well, transformer blew and electricity went off for an hour. Turkey wasn't even in yet. It came on and off again twice. Lyn, my daughter was there but was going to head home to cook for her uh boyfriend and his father. Lou's girlfriend is allergic to pets but couldn't resist playing with Chris' dog Lexie. Her allergies got the best of her and Lyn was going to drive her home on the way to her house. She let me keep my precious Caidence for two nights. Anyway, since Lou's g/f was going home and since Lyn asked him to join her for dinner, he left. Lyn has been trying to get Lou to visit her for months. For some reason he kept avoiding it and her calls actually. I'm not sure why. He decided to go. Lyn had a friend with her as well, Moriah. So the three head to Lyn's apartment. Stopped for Lou to get a six pack of beer. At Chris' he had a couple mojitos and a couple beers. I thought he was fine when he left, but I was busy. Dinner was almost over and Lyn calls Chris. He starts asking questions and my heart dropped. I thought Lyn and her significant (?) other got into a big fight. That would have been a blessing. Instead, Lyn, Moriah, and Lou went to the apartment and Lou forgot the beer. So he went to the car by himself. He's never been there before. The apartments ALL look alike. They didn't park right in front of her apartment building, so he got turned around and instead of walking into his sister's apartment, he walked into an off duty cop's apartment! The cop even drew a gun on my son. My son apologized and was looking around outside to try to figure out where he was. FINALLY Moriah decided to look to see where Lou was. She saw him being thrown on the ground by the officer. What all happened at the apartment, I do not know and I don't think Lou knows because I found out he did have too much to drink. He is being charged with First Degree Burglary which carries a $20,000 bond and is a felony, Assault with a deadly weapon which carries a $10,000 bond (either he tried to take the cop's gun or hit him with the beer who knows...I think he went after the cop's gun he would be dead), Assault on an officer which carries a $1,000 bond, and Public Intox which carries a $100 bond. I'm sorry but they are trumped up charges.... other than the public intox I guess. To bond him out it would cost $3,010, none of which in the State of Oklahoma goes towards fines and costs, it's the bondsman's fee. While I work for attorneys, one of which is a criminal attorney, he is, I'm sorry, being a dick about Lou's prior case so won't lift a finger to help. Wonder why I want to change jobs? I don't have the money to bail him out, nor any family members due to extenuating circumstances at the moment, not even counting Christmas. A friend who I used to play Yahoo hearts with a lot and exchange joke emails and such contacted me and was totally awesome and even offered to help out. Today another great friend offered a very generous amount. I really thank you both so much. Lou will need a good attorney. I went with his girlfriend to Court this morning and we saw him on the video screen. I was tearing up looking for him and thoughts went through my head to jump up and scream HE'S INNOCENT!!!! However, there was a hateful deputy who told peeps to be quiet earlier or they would be jailed, so I just let a few tears fall along with the noises trying not to cry. lol Felt like a dork but hey that's my boy on that screen being held for no good reason! I really wanted to lash out at someone but there was no one there that was at fault. lol So I had gone to the clerk's desk and did some questioning and was told that the public defenders really do help the inmates. She also said I would be able to talk to Lou's PD if Lou gives permission. If Lou is bailed out he would not be able to get a public defender which is a free attorney. There were several attorneys there representing other people. I so much wanted to and did try to find one to talk to about doing a pro bono (free) case and work on their sympathy and offer to work Saturdays until necessary for them, but the one I got the courage to talk to went out a different way. lol His new court date is December 18th I believe. I have it in the car. Lou is saying this is a wake up call and all and vowing to change for good of course. He is attending Bible study twice a day which is good. Actually on the way to his sister's apartment he was preaching to Lyn and Moriah. He's a good "kid". Does have a drinking problem, but isn't a felon. Sorry this was a tad long. May be too informative, but I'm an open book and have been told I wear my heart on my sleeve. Guess that's not good, huh? lol Pray for my son. Pray he overcomes his alcoholism and pray his charges be dropped or reduced big time. Thank you so much.
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