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6 Sales Closes U.S. on ‘Wedding Doll’

Strand Releasing, Outsider Pictures make first joint buy in new U.S. acquisition alliance

Madrid’s 6 Sales has sold the U.S. on Nitzan Gilady’s “Wedding Doll” to Strand Releasing/Outsider Pictures, marking Strand and Outsider’s first joint buy in a new and potentially significant U.S. acquisition alliance.

“Wedding Doll” follows Hagit (Moran Rosenblatt), a mildly mentally disabled young woman of remarkable joie-de-vivre who works at a toilet paper factory in southern Israel. Developing a relationship with the boss’ handsome son (Roy Assaf), Hagit hears wedding bells. But the factory’s closure challenges her fantasies.

6 Sales Closes U.S. on “Wedding

Israeli Gilady’s first fiction feature, “Wedding Doll” has caught attention for early prizes – the Jerusalem Fest’s best Israel Debut Feature and actress (Asi Levi, who plays Hagit’s mother); and actress for Rosenblatt at the Israeli Academy’s Ophir Awards, where it scored nine nominations.

“Doll” also won critical plaudits for its non-sentimentalized vision of prejudices and disappointments suffered by the mentally disabled in what is described as a stomach-churning third act that gives the movie its edge.

” ‘Wedding Doll’ stays with you long after it’s over: It never preaches to audiences and stays true to the characters,” said Outsider’s Paul Hudson. Strand’s Jon Gerrans called it “wonderfully crafted, sensitive, beautiful.”

“We couldn’t have a better team to bring this female empowerment film to the U.S. audience,” added 6 Sales’ Marina Fuentes.

Outsider and Strand plan a U.S. theatrical release in spring.

Strand has already handled VOD/DVD distribution on over half a dozen Outsider titles. Co-acquisition “reduces risk, allows us to increase the number of releases, opens doors to films that perhaps weren’t on either companies’ radar,” Hudson said. As the arthouse market, which is unable to leverage marketing muscle, relies on often-unpredictable breakouts, those are sizeable advantages. Expect more buying alliances, in and outside the U.S.

Make Up – Natale 2015, Kiko lancia la limited edition Cosmic Starlets

Kiko Milano lancia Cosmic Starlets, la sua nuova collezione in edizione limitata per il Natale 2015.

Seduzione. Romanticismo. Libertà. Innocenza. Sono le qualità principali che caratterizzano le quattro personalità di donna su cui si basa Cosmic Starlets, la nuova limited edition di Kiko Milano per il Natale 2015. “The Temptress, The Romantic, The Free Spirit e The Innocent. È così che risplendono bellezze diverse e subito riconoscibili, fiere di dar voce al proprio carattere e capaci di valorizzare al meglio le proprie particolarità in accordo a emozioni e desideri. Kiko, sempre fedele al suo motto “Be what you want”, invita ogni donna a ritrovare se stessa, a mostrare i propri colori e ad abbracciare la propria vera natura, senza temere i giudizi.

La collezione, che si compone di un’ampia gamma di prodotti makeup, skin care e speciali gift edition, permette di creare look completi, proponendo un’immagine diversa per ogni tipo di donna: labbra rosso intenso e pelle perfetta per la tentatrice dei segni di fuoco; labbra rosate e look sognante per la romantica dei segni di terra; focus sugli occhi, colori brillanti e look scintillante per lo spirito libero dei segni d’aria; un perfetto make up nude, fresco e naturale per l’innocente dei segni d’acqua. Anche il packaging della collezione si ispira alle costellazioni e al loro fascino misterioso: l’intera gamma di dimensioni diverse si distingue per la sua armoniosa combinazione di punti e linee e il bilanciato contrasto di luce e buio. Andiamo a conoscere i vari prodotti nel dettaglio.

Dazzling Highlighter, illuminante in stick: Uno stick illuminante con una texture morbida e cremosa per dare luce a zigomi e décolleté e rendere nostro il make-up look delle feste ancora più scintillante! Contiene olio di Jojoba, olio di riso e cere naturali che, oltre a rendere la texture morbida e piacevole, permettono di avere una concentrazione intensa di perle multi riflettenti. Kiko lo propone in due referenze colori al prezzo di € 6.90.

Moon Dust Face Powder, polvere cotta per il viso: Polvere cotta multicolore dall’originale forma stellata. E’ una combinazione di tonalità differenti in un unico prodotto; regala un colorito dorato alla pelle e valorizza gli zigomi con un’accentuata luminosità. Il finish è radioso e uniforme, il tocco è segoso. Kiko la propone in due referenze colori al prezzo di € 13,90.

Credits: Kiko Milano

Total Sculpt 3-in-1 Contour Kit, palette per il contouring: La palette contouring trio è composta da 2 polveri viso specifiche per lo sculpting, un illuminante e un pennello contouring per effetto modellante. Ideale per contornare e valorizzare il volto, sublimando i tratti in pochi e semplici passaggi. Disponibile in due referenze al prezzo di € 19,90.

Double Glam Eyeliner: Matita occhi in due colori con una formula particolarissima, colata e a base di cere, che consente di avere la scrivenza e la scorrevolezza di un eyeliner liquido e un rilascio di colore immediato. La durata è estrema, è notransfer e resistente all’acqua. Disponibile in seireferenze al prezzo di € 6,90.

Cosmic Glam Kajal-Eyeliner Duo: Prodotto occhi 2-in-1 eyeliner e kajal, perfetto da portare sempre con sé, per creare uno look completo e sofisticato. L’eyeliner dalla texture cremosa e dalla scorrevolezza professionale permette di disegnare linee sottili per trucchi sofisticati e naturali. Il kajal, dal colore intenso, è dotato di una punta conica che facilita il rilascio di colore; utilizzabile sia all’interno che sul contorno occhi, non necessita di essere temperato. Kiko lo propone in quattro referenze colori al prezzo di € 7,90.

Extra Sculpt Star Volume Mascara: Il mascara cult di Kiko si veste di rosso. L’Extra Sculpt di Kiko MIlano è un mascara effetto panoramico per ciglia “a ventaglio” come moltiplicate. Il finish è intenso e vinilico e le ciglia sono morbide e ben separate tra loro. La particolare struttura dello scovolino garantisce un effetto volume sorprendente e ciglia da star. Disponibile al prezzo di € 8,90.

Night Sky Eyeshadow Palette: Palette con 8 colori di ombretto in edizione limitata, ideale per realizzare ogni tipo di look, dal più naturale al più sofisticato. Alterna colori perlati, satin e mat e può essere utilizzata sia da asciutto che da bagnata, per un trucco più intenso e profondo. Disponibile in due referenze colori (una sui toni naturali e una dai colori più intensi e ‘da sera) ‘l prezzo di € 19,90.

Shining Star Lip Lacquer: Rossetto liquido effetto vinilico, per un colore coprente e intenso e una brillantezza a lunga durata.

Disponibile in quattro referenze al costo di € 6,90.

Perfect Star Gel Duo – Nail Lacquer & Top Coat: Dopo il grande successo di Perfect Gel Duo, Cosmic Starlets propone nuove nuance super glossy con Perfect Star Gel Duo, combinazione di due prodotti Color+Top Coat per offrire un trattamento di manicure completo, resistente e long lasting. Kiko lo propone in quattro referenze al prezzo di € 7,90.

Stardust Body Powder: Pennello contenente polvere illuminante delicatamente profumata da note dolci di vaniglia. La polvere, contenuta all’interno di un serbatoio collocato nel manico, fuoriesce delicatamente ruotando il pennello attraverso un filtro studiato per garantire un rilascio ottimale di prodotto ad ogni applicazione. Il pennello in setole naturali dal tocco piacevole e dall’applicazione ben calibrata garantisce un risultato uniforme e radioso. E’ indicata per l’applicazione sul viso, sul decolleté e sul corpo in generale. Prezzo consigliato: € 19,90


Magnetica Gaze Eye Pochette: Pochette in raso satin in edizione limitata, impreziosita da una charm stellato che riflette il mood di collezione. Pratica e compatta contiene:

– Mascara nero effetto volumizzante e rimodellante, grazie alla particolare forma del maxi applicatore con l’estermità a punta di precisione

– Matita duo kajal – highlighter, per intensificare lo sguardo e illuminare l’arcata sopraccigliare.

Prezzo consigliato: € 10,90

Temptress Lip Set: Set make-up rossetto dal colore intenso e matita labbra coordinata, che migliora la tenuta del rossetto e valorizza il disegno delle labbra. Il rossetto ha un finish brillante e dalla texture leggera, mentre la matita labbra ultra pigmentata e resistente all’acqua, permette un’applicazione a lunga tenuta, facile e precisa. Disponibile in quattro referenze al prezzo di € 10,90.

Twin Stars Nail Laquer & Lipstick: Set make-up rossetto e smalto abbinati in un raffinato pacchetto regalo, un nuovo pack che rende un prodotto “semplice” un perfetto dono natalizio. Il rossetto ha un finish satinato e promette un risultato uniforme e un’aderenza impeccabile. Lo smalto dal colore pieno garantisce una coprenza perfetta fin dalla prima passata. Disponibile in 4 referenze al costo di € 10,90.

Angel Kiss Set: Il set labbra contiene il VELVET LIPS lip scrub, esfoliante labbra a base di cristalli di zucchero e un KISS BALM, un balsamo colorato dal finish luminoso. Disponibile in 4 referenze al prezzo di € 11,90.

Innocent Desire Lipgloss Set: Set labbra composto da 3 tonalità abbinate di lucidalabbra in stick dal finish luminoso e dal rilascio di colore delicato, modulabile ad ogni applicazione. La punta a rossetto infatti permette di stendere il lucidalabbra con precisione garantendo un rilascio colore immediato. Il formato è innovativo e pratico da portare sempre con sé per i piccoli ritocchi quotidiani: basta ruotare la base della matita per far fuoriuscire la mina, senza bisogno di temperare. Prezzo consigliato: € 15,90

Costi Starlets Brush Set: Pochette esclusiva in raso satin con un charm stellato che riflette il mood della collezione, contenente un set pennelli viso e occhi (4 pezzi) per creare look classici, ma anche smokey eye di grande impatto e make-up dal tratto ampiamente sfumato. Prezzo consigliato: € 29,90

Skin Trainer Gift Set: Nel panorama skin care continua il trend della pelle perfetta. KIKO MILANO lancia un set specifico pelle perfetta contenente i best seller dello skin care in edizione limitata:

– SKIN TRAINER: PERSONAL TRAINER DELLA PELLE, ricarica la pelle e la idrata in modo intelligente


Prezzo consigliato: € 29,90

Cosmic Starlets Swirly Brush Set: Pochette esclusiva in raso satin con un charm stellato contenente un set pennelli viso e occhi (5 pezzi). I pennelli viso, con le setole dal taglio obliquo, sono ideali per applicare i fondotinta compatti, liquidi e fluidi, applicare e sfumare ciprie e terre compatte o libere, mettendo in risalto i volumi del viso. Il pennello occhi dal taglio obliquo permette di delineare il contorno occhi e sfumare matite e ombretti, per look grafici di grande impatto; il pennello occhi dalle setole piatte e arrotondate permette di applicare correttori e ombretti in crema e polvere, completando il look grafico degli occhi. Prezzo consigliato da Kiko: € 44,90

Set profumato alle esclusive note di Collezione che contiene:

– Candela

– Profumo

– Crema corpo idratante

Perfetta idea regalo, da consigliare anche per il pratico formato dei prodotti.

Disponibile in 4 referenze. Prezzo consigliato: € 19,90.

Super Star Set: Set contenente i best seller make-up e skincare KIKO MILANO:

– Matita kajal

– Duo eyeliner-mascara

– Double booster.

Prezzo consigliato: € 19,90

Dream Wish Nail Lacquer Set: Set di 7 smalti dai colori pieni e un top coat glitterato in edizione limitata, racchiusi in una confezione speciale, ideale da collezionare o da regalare. Speciali resine facilitano l’aderenza dei pigmenti all’unghia creando un film elastico e resistente che amplifica la brillantezza del colore e garantisce un effetto “gel volumizzante” senza l’utilizzo di lampade UV. Si asciuga in pochi istanti e rimane inalterato a lungo. Prezzo consigliato: € 19,90

Fragranze Kiko Natale 2015: Fanno parte della Cosmic Starlets anche quattro nuove fragranze perfette da regalare a Natale al costo di soli € 29,90: la WATER & INNOCENCE, femminile e delicata, con note di testa del fiore di loto che bilanciano perfettamente i toni di thé bianco e la peonia, lasciando spazio anche alle note di ambrosia e legno di cedro; la FLOWERS & FREEDOM con note di testa di fresia che si fondono in armonia con quelle di eliotropio, di legni bianchi e muschio; la ROMANCE & DESIRE avvolgente e sensoriale, con note di testa di passiflora e dolci note del caramello e vaniglia, unite alle note di coda del legno di sandalo; la FIRE & TEMPTATION, intrigante e magnetica, con note di testa di ribes nero, note di orchidea e rosa, patchouli e muschio.

Bride and groom ask guests to commit random acts of kindness as wedding gifts

The wedding day for a Florida couple was over a month ago, but the random acts of kindness it continues to inspire make it seem like it was just yesterday.

When Leigh Clark, 36, and her husband, James Clark, Jr., 41, were planning their Sept. 26 wedding in Sanibel Island, Florida, they decided to request something that couldn't be found on a registry. They asked their guests to perform a random act of kindness for others as their gift, and the result was an outpouring of heartwarming acts.

"For the past couple years, I have been doing random acts of kindness and trying to raise awareness of it on social media,'' Leigh Clark told TODAY.com. "We wanted to do something special for our wedding, and we realized we had the potential to get our guests involved. A lot of people said they hadn't done anything like that before, so it was exciting for them, whether it was surprising someone with cupcakes or getting yogurt for a security guard."

Bride and groom

Guests shared their stories with the couple in emails and on social media, which Leigh detailed for The Huffington Post. Leigh and James started with their own act of kindness, delivering flowers to nursing homes and local hospital patients.

Their wedding guests did everything from buying dinner for strangers to giving up an upgraded seat on a plane. Bridesmaid Emily Schairer donated pet supplies to an animal shelter, and her maid of honor, Jennifer Avitabile, brought doughnuts to a nail salon.

A security guard in a London office got some free frozen yogurt courtesy of Leigh's childhood friend, Caitlin Blewett, and her former sorority sister, Michelle Syner, baked cookies for her local UPS driver. Another childhood friend of Clark's, Jillian Bhatia, enlisted her two children, Rohan and Vivi, to bring donated items to a local women's shelter.

Others that didn't get to their act of kindness before the wedding, like Leigh's mother, have since done theirs in the weeks following the event.

"It's something that kind of goes on and on, with us also knowing people had their own special moment with a stranger on our behalf,'' Leigh said. "It's like a domino effect."

The couple did get gifts from many of the wedding guests, who also performed an act of kindness on top of it.

"We were happy with whatever we got,'' Leigh said. "We were just happy to have the day with family and friends."

The ripple effect of people passing along the kindness is still going.

"This is probably the biggest wedding gift we've gotten — is every person who hears about it,'' Leigh said. "That's completely the point. We just want to do something positive in the world."

The 'Kim Kardashian of China' Just Had the Best Wedding Ever

We thought Kim Kardashian was only competing with herself when it came to upstaging a 'Kim Kardashian wedding,' given that her marriage to Kanye West was her third (and most lavish) trip down the aisle. As it turns out, someone else just threw her hat veil in the ring and it's pretty safe to say she secured the victory.

Her name isn't actually 'Kim Kardashian' (it's Angela Yeung), but she IS considered 'the Kim Kardashian of China' and she just upstaged our Kim Kardashian in a ceremony so epic, the whole world is talking about it.

To put things into perspective, KimYe's wedding cost a reported $12 million. Angela, on the other hand, dropped a whopping $31 million on hers.

Huang Xiaoming And Angelababy Hold Wedding Ceremony In Shanghai

So, who is she and how did she get so rich? Angela - whose stage name is Angelababy - is an actress, singer AND a model. Her husband, Huang Xiaoming, is an actor, so they are essentially entertainment royalty. Speaking of Royalty, Angela and Huang's wedding costalmost as much as Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding, which came in at $34 million.

According to Forbes, who gave a breakdown of some of the expenses, the bride wore acustom Dior dress that took almost five months to make as she said "I do" in front of her 2,000 guests.

There was also a holographic castle (why? why not!) and a ten-foot carousel-shaped cake, that reportedly took over a month to make. The couple also gave their guests generous gift bags that included a new cell phone for each person. Oh, and her five-carat diamond ring is valued at over $1.5 million.

While Angelababy definitely spent way more than Kim Kardashian did on her wedding, we can't help but wonder if maybe she got at least a little bit of inspiration from Kim's stunning ceremony, which was held in front of a gorgeous white wall of flowers...

Congrats, Angela and Huang!

The 'Kim Kardashian of China' Just Had the Best Wedding Ever

We thought Kim Kardashian was only competing with herself when it came to upstaging a 'Kim Kardashian wedding,' given that her marriage to Kanye West was her third (and most lavish) trip down the aisle. As it turns out, someone else just threw her hat veil in the ring and it's pretty safe to say she secured the victory.

Her name isn't actually 'Kim Kardashian' (it's Angela Yeung), but she IS considered 'the Kim Kardashian of China' and she just upstaged our Kim Kardashian in a ceremony so epic, the whole world is talking about it.

To put things into perspective, KimYe's wedding cost a reported $12 million. Angela, on the other hand, dropped a whopping $31 million on hers.

Huang Xiaoming And Angelababy Hold Wedding Ceremony In Shanghai

So, who is she and how did she get so rich? Angela - whose stage name is Angelababy - is an actress, singer AND a model. Her husband, Huang Xiaoming, is an actor, so they are essentially entertainment royalty. Speaking of Royalty, Angela and Huang's wedding costalmost as much as Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding, which came in at $34 million.

According to Forbes, who gave a breakdown of some of the expenses, the bride wore acustom Dior dress that took almost five months to make as she said "I do" in front of her 2,000 guests.

There was also a holographic castle (why? why not!) and a ten-foot carousel-shaped cake, that reportedly took over a month to make. The couple also gave their guests generous gift bags that included a new cell phone for each person. Oh, and her five-carat diamond ring is valued at over $1.5 million.

While Angelababy definitely spent way more than Kim Kardashian did on her wedding, we can't help but wonder if maybe she got at least a little bit of inspiration from Kim's stunning ceremony, which was held in front of a gorgeous white wall of flowers...

Congrats, Angela and Huang!

Kate Middleton wears a space-themed dress for 'Shaun the Sheep' screening

Royal fashion watchers who adore Kate Middleton are having quite an exciting October. Having already stunned in a tiara at Buckingham Palace, Dolce & Gabbana lace in London and a kilt in Scotland, the Duchess of Cambridge has once again been out in about – this time wearing a dress that Kate fans can buy online.

Accompanied by her husband Prince William, Kate attended the premiere of Shaun the Sheep: The Farmer's Llamas wearing a blue silk space-themed dress by British brandTabitha Webb. Featuring three-quarter length sleeves and an A-line skirt that falls just below the knee, the 'Meg - Space' print dress has a price tag of £375 (around $575) at tabithawebb.

The 31-year-old paired the dress with black suede pumps and a matching clutch.

It's not the first time Kate has worn a Tabitha Webb creation – in 2012, she sported a floral silk dress by Project D, the label Tabitha used to co-own – and the designer recently teamed up with Kate's sister Pippa to raise money for charity.

The pair created an exclusive dress and matching scarf to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation. Speaking to HELLO!, Pippa said it was a "great experience" collaborating with the designer on the one-off designs.

"It was a great experience collaborating with Tabitha Webb on the style and design of the two pieces," Pippa said. "As an ambassador of the British Heart Foundation, I am delighted that all profits of the sales will go towards their life-saving research into heart disease."

Meanwhile, all eyes will be on the the world premiere of new James Bond film Spectre in London on Monday. Kate, William and Prince Harry are expected to attend, and fans can watch the arrivals via live stream.

Fashion notes: Whole lot of fluff or Fashion Forward?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, and haven’t yet noticed the lengthy queues of cars in the valet line leading up to the entrance of ­Madinat ­Jumeirah, you’ll know Fashion Forward Dubai is under way. Though it isn’t quite up to par with international fashion weeks in Milan, Paris, London and New York, it’s the city’s closest equivalent – and perhaps the most boast-worthy fashion week in the region.

The city’s fash pack get decked out in full – though it’s worth mentioning that many guests are just high-school bloggers dressed up for their moment in the limelight, hoping for a photographer to snap their well-thought-out street style. But, hey, we’re not one to launch a tirade against the bloggers – their presence is increasing at international fashion weeks, and some editors are even being bumped to second row to accommodate diva bloggers with first-row-or-no-show demands. It seems like the fashion industry is going through some major changes – and Dubai, too, follows in step with what the international industry dictates.

Fashion notes: Whole lot of fluff or Fashion Forward?

I should mention here that a major criticism of Fashion Forward has been that, season after season, the same, rather small pool of regional designers are picked to showcase their collections. Nonetheless, these brands are making remarkable headway, growing their lists of stockists regionally and globally, and going on to compete in international design competitions. So while it may have its quirks, there’s no denying that Fashion Forward Dubai is a valuable platform for fashion and accessory designers in the region.

This weekend also marks the start of the week-long courses from the London College of Fashion. Topics range from starting a fashion label or consultancy to buying, styling and visual merchandising, giving those in the UAE seeking a career in fashion a chance to collect knowledge from international experts in the field.

With fashion houses such as Dior already having moved into their new office space in the almost-­complete Dubai Design District (D3), it’s quite evident that the city’s fashion and design landscape is shifting – becoming stronger, tighter and more dynamic. D3 marks the potential of a bustling hub for fashions, artists and members of the media to thrive together. No longer will we all be flocking to Media City or Downtown ­Dubai for brunches or meetings over coffee – D3 promises it all. Though the community is still under construction, those lucky enough to secure space in the district are anxiously planning and fitting their new showrooms and offices. It’s not only international luxury brands that are making D3 their new base – local, emerging designers have also found a new home there, as have a number of boutique press agencies.

There’s more going on in ­Dubai, too. Emaar’s Vogue Fashion Dubai Experience takes place next weekend, and right after that it’s the region’s first Arab Fashion Week. Is the city becoming a frazzling jungle of fashion events? Or is this just what comes along with becoming the go-to city in the Middle East for everything lavish? Well, with names such as the Vogue Italia editor Franca Sozzani having backed the Vogue Fashion Dubai Experience, we can’t help but be impressed. And the talks and seminars that are held are a great way for local fashion-­lovers to get worldly insight into the workings of the fashion ­industry.

Dubai may not be up to the same fashion standards as New York, Paris or Milan, but it’s starting to capture some of the attention.

More brides opting for barely there wedding dresses

Sexy in bridal gowns isn't new, but barely there looks have leaped off the backs of Beyonce, Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez and made their way from red carpet to wedding.

What about scandalizing your grandmother, priest or old Uncle Harry? Can you look good on your big day while quenching your thirst for ooh-la-la trends and appeasing the more demure gathered for your wedding?

Absolutely, designers and bridal experts said. Others are more pointed: Be yourself and to heck with what anybody else thinks.

Of course, we don't all have the bodies — and lifestyles — of Bey, Kim and J. Lo at a time when attention to the body in bridal as opposed to the dress has increased.

"It's more about the body now," said Vera Wang, whose spring 2016 bridal lookbook is filled with sexy sheers that show all. "What we're trying to do more is really capture a certain sense of intimacy in body language."

So how do we adapt sexy illusion looks, sheers and cutouts to our shapes, as well as to any outside pressures for a more modest approach?

There's strapless, for instance, and then there's plunging in necklines and backs.

If you're looking to make a statement up top but need a bit more coverage for certain relatives, or the church, mosque or synagogue, add-on pieces are plentiful and a lot more stylish than they used to be, said Anja Winikka, site director for the bridal world's TheKnot.com.

"The idea that 'it's my rite of passage and I'll translate a trend the way I want' includes some pretty sexy styles," she said. "You can add a stole or a cardigan without spoiling your look."

Elle Strauss, fashion director for Brides magazine, urged brides who plan to plunge to pull back elsewhere.

Grimes - Culbreth Wedding

Grimes - Culbreth Wedding

Ann Marie Culbreth and Grayson Cooper Grimes were married at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015, at WindMark Beach Club, Port St. Joe, Florida.

The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Tilden Culbreth of Rome. She is the granddaughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Wayne Culbreth, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Moss, Sr. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Graham Cooper Grimes Jr. of Silver Creek. He is the grandson of Jewell Hall Formby of Aragon, the late Glenn M. Formby, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Graham Cooper Grimes Sr.

Brian Marshall, of Port St. Joe, Florida performed the double-ring ceremony on the WindMark Boardwalk leading to the beach. The couple recited their vows underneath a wooden archway adorned with garlands of grapevine, intertwined with peach, Tiffany roses, and baby’s breath. Various antique lanterns decorated with Tiffany roses, hydrangea, candles, driftwood, and seashells adorned both sides of the altar.

A program of wedding music was provided by the bride’s cousin, Jack Moss of Rome. Selections included an acoustic arrangement of “The Rain Song,” “Maybe I’m Amazed”, and “September.”

Mrs. Grayson Cooper Grimes

Carrly Campbell Lovvorn of Ranburne, Alabama, Genise Grimes Sturdivant of Rome, and Genna Grimes Harris also of Rome, and both sisters of the groom, all served as matrons of honor. They wore floor-length, formal blush gowns with an empire waistline and a ruched bodice featuring a pearl and jeweled necklace halter neckline. They carried hand-tied bouquets of white hydrangea, peach Tiffany and white O’Hara roses, baby’s breath, and silver dollar eucalyptus. They wore pearl bracelets and earrings which were gifts from the bride.

Katybeth Willis of Meigs, cousin of the bride, and Julia Harris of Rome, niece of the groom, served as flower girls. They wore floor-length, ivory tulle and organza gowns with a satin bodice, cinched at the waistline by a satin ribbon that formed a bow in the back. They carried ivory satin baskets filled with peach rose petals and wore floral halo headpieces of Tiffany roses and baby’s breath, along with the crystal and pearl bracelets and necklaces that were gifts from the bride.

The bride, given in marriage by her parents and escorted by her father, wore a formal, strapless ivory corded lace mermaid gown with a sweetheart neckline and tulle skirt with a cascading train. The lace bodice was cinched at the waist with a pearl and ivory satin ribbon belt, which accented the lace scallop around the sheer back of the gown. Her cathedral length veil was piped with woven ribbon trim with a scalloped lace edge at the bottom. She wore a pearl necklace, bracelet, and earrings, which were gifts from her parents, and an heirloom opal ring on her right hand given to her by her late paternal grandmother.

The bride carried a hand-tied bouquet of white hydrangea, peach Tifffany and white O’Hara roses, silver dollar eucalyptus, baby’s breath, Italian ruscus, pink peonies, and blue eryngium. The satin ribbon on her bouquet was adorned with an heirloom, floating opal pendant that belonged to her late maternal grandmother.

The groom wore a a blue seersucker suit with a blush tie that matched the groomsmen’s. His boutonniere was a peach Tiffany rosebud with eucalyptus, Italian rucus, and lily grass.

Graham Grimes Jr., of Rome, father of the groom, Robert Sturdivant III, of Rome and Jonathan Harris of Rome, both brothers-in-law of the groom, all served as best men.

Ushers were Chad Culbreth of Thomasville, brother of the bride, and Jake Shepherd of Albany, cousin of the bride. Brinson Willis of Meigs and John Daniel Culbreth of Thomasville, both cousins of the bride, served as ring bearers.

The mother of the bride wore a formal, ice blue, all-over beaded gown with a boat neckline, capped sleeves, and a floor-length mermaid skirt. The groom’s mother wore a formal, floor-length gown of ice pink shimmering lace, featuring short sleeves, with a rounded neckline and an A-line skirt. The mothers were presented with hand-tied white hydrangea bouquets.

Following the ceremony, a dinner reception was held in the WindMark Beach Club Town Hall, with refreshments and dancing following the dinner on the lawn, overlooking the ocean. A memory window was placed in the reception area with wedding photographs of the couples grandparents. It was adorned with vines accented with Tiffany roses and Baby’s Breath.

Refreshments included the bride’s three-tier butter cream wedding cake with pearl accents, adorned with Tiffany rosebuds as the cake topper. The center layer was accented with the letter “G.”

The evening before the wedding, the groom’s parents hosted a rehearsal dinner at Sunset Coastal Grill, Port St. Joe, Florida. Other pre-nuptial parties included an engagement announcement party at Mellow Mushroom in Rome, hosted by Danny and Andrea Culbreth, Eric and Carrly Lovvorn, Jonathan and Genna Harris, and Robert and Genise Sturdivant; A miscellaneous shower hosted by Larry and T’litha Formby, honoring the couple during a family reunion for the groom’s family at the Formby home in Rome; a miscellaneous shower at First Baptist Church of Lindale hosted by LaVerne Pruitt, Stevanie Pruitt, Connie Broome, Melody Williams, Gwenette Powell, Nancy Williams, and Marsha Hannay; a bridal brunch and shower at The Coosa Country Club hosted by Glennis Grimes, Jewell Formby, Linda Sturdivant, and Elizabeth Sturdivant; a couples dinner and shower at The Grizzard Center hosted by Jonathan and Genna Harris, and Robert and Genise Sturdivant; a bridal brunch and shower hosted by Cathy Walker, Carrly Lovvorn, Joy Robinson, Kathy Carr, Kasey Austin and Kendal Waters at the Walker home in Cave Spring, GA.;a miscellaneous shower given by the bride’s co-workers and staff at East Central Elementary School;a bachelorette weekend get-away in Nashville, Tennessee, hosted by Carrly Lovvorn.

After a honeymoon week spent in Casa Del Mar on St. Joe Beach, the couple resides in Rome.

Alejandra Espinoza flaunts her fabulous figure showing off endless legs wearing scarlet mini-dress

In the 1980s, Kelly LeBrock provoked the lust of a generation when she donned a red dress in The Woman in Red, in one of the most classic scenes in cinema.

And thirty years on, that mantle was ably and skillfully picked up by Alejandra Espinoza in NYC on Wednesday.

The 28-year-old beauty queen was unmissable as she rocked a scarlet skater-style cocktail dress in the city, which flaunted her tanned and toned legs.

The winner of Nuestra Belleza Latina 2007 looked the epitome of glamour in the plunging flared garb, showing off her impressive cleavage.

Head-turner: Alejandra Espinoza looked the epitome of glamour as she stepped out in red in NYC on Wednesday

A red collar drew attention to the beauty's exceptionally pretty face, which was sculpted to perfection by a make-up artist.

The model had perfectly arched brows that nicely framed her smokey eye look and a strong red lip.

Her ombre locks fell in gentle blow-dried waves around her shoulders, as she completed her look with Kate Middleton-style nude heels.

Although presumably she was pick-me-up enough for anyone who caught a glimpse, the Mexican beauty clutched a hot caffeine drink.

She kept a close hold of her cell-phone as she made her way across the sidewalk.

The stunner has been busy recently hosting talent competition La Banda for Univision.

She's also been signed up as the new face of Revlon cosmetics.

The 5'8" television presenter is married to Aníbal Marrero and she gave birth to their son Matteo in March this year.

Read more:black bridesmaid dresses

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