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kittymenace's blog: "Just stuff"

created on 08/10/2007  |  http://fubar.com/just-stuff/b113710

moving house

well, back to good old blogging again... Last weekend we moved house (finally) we're now living in Tullamarine, right near the main airport, and funnily enough, the planes dont sound any louder here than where we were before, which was a lot further away from the airport.... But anyway... we signed the lease on Saturday, and we got a bulk of things over (not including funiture yet) I had to break up a fight between my cat and the neighbours cat (old house) and when I picked spider up, he bit me on the wrist, broke the skin and went right down to the bone... so heres me on our moving weekend with an infected wrist that I can barely move, wrapped up in bandages and a sulky cat who decided to hide under the airbed we had set up when we bought both of the cats over to the new house... but thats not the worst of it... of course he had to do this just before we got the trailer to move the stuff over... so heres me with an infected wrist that I cant move, trying to help mike move the fridge and washing machine and waterbed and all the rest of the *really* heavy stuff, and ending up almost breaking said wrist and also my toes when I dropped things on them... why me???? and to top it all off, we had the hottest november weekend on record... only one up from the last time we moved because this time we had the electricity put on *before* we moved in... not that this helped when we were actually moving, but it helped when we sat down for a few minutes because we had the fan at least :) We now have the bulk of the stuff moved in... *but* and of course theres a but... we went to have a shower saturday night.. and guess what? the shower head wasnt giving us any cold water... so we gave up on that and filled the bath instead... had to call the real estate to get the plumber... then we found out that the missing tiles in the bathroom hadnt been pulled off... they're just randomly falling off the wall... along with the shower screen which has come apart from the wall... and if thats not enough??? our electricity is screwed... if we turn the stove top on, the lights flicker, the oven doesnt work.. and to use the microwave without it sounding like its going to blow up, we have to turn off all but a couple of the lights... so once again back to the real estate agent to fill in a maintenance request... a few hours later I get a call from our agent saying they'll do what they can, but the bond from the previous tenants is almost gone, so technically, they'll do what they can up until the money runs out, then its up to the landlord... apart from that, its a nice house, just a little old, we've been told we can repaint it, if we do a good job (the last tenants botched the job completely) Im pulling up the laminate in the kitchen cupboards because they were manky beyond belief... so Im pulling up the laminate, and I find paper stuck to the wood on the shelves, I then have to soak the paper, wait for it to soak in, get my trusty scraper and get most of it off... then sand the shelves to get rid of any paper or paperglue residue, then wipe it down with methalated spirits to make sure the wood doesnt swell... at this point Im glad I've been working on refinishing the piano.. its given me the tools and experience I need to do the kitchen cupboards... its taking a while to do tho, Im only getting a chance to do it in the mornings before work (when Im not catering to the visits of the plumber the electrician and the tiler lol )Im hoping to be done by the weekend so I can unpack the kitchen stuff, also because we're repainting the main bedroom this weekend so we can get the waterbed set up... the matress we're sleeping on at the moment is doing my back in.... but enough of by bitching.. at least the floors and the walls are straight, and theres only one set of louvre's, so I dont have wind whistling through the house at all hours... and the blinds block out 50 to 70% of the sunlight, which is great for summer because the house stays dark and cool... and we had a visitor last night... a little tabby cat turned up on our back step (much to the chagrain of my two cats) so we went out there and gave him a little food, and in return he let us pick him up and pat him and he was purring and left claw marks in my arm where he was flexing his claws... but he was absolutely gorgeous :D And another couple of good things, we now have a bath (woot) a shower I dont hit my elbows on the walls in, a dining area so we're not squeezing around the dining table in the kitchen, a garage (somewhere to park the patrol and so mike has an area to work on his models in) a spare room, so now we have somewhere to put the extra furniture.. it has a back porch, somewhere we can put our outdoor setting.. and a great spot at the end of the driveway that lets us park two cars side by side, so now we're not blocking each other in the driveway anymore... I love it!! lol ok... since its late, and I have to get up early, and do some washing, and drying, and besides that, all this typing is killing my wrist... I think Im going to head off to bed... nuhnight everyone :)

beerday survey

1. How did you do on the last test you took? The final test for my aged care course... and passed, of course :D 2. What is your ringtone for when people text you? just a tune I made up on my phone 3. What show did you last watch? Hero's I think... 4. Whose arms do you feel the safest in? Mikes 5. What foods make you sick? Kidney beans.. and devon, and a lot of seafood. 6. Do you get shy around the guy/girl you like? Shy? me???? 7. Do you remember what you were doing a year ago? Still in my traineeship... ick 8. Do you still have feelings for your ex? Faint tones of regret sometimes... but not that much anymore... 9. Name something you like and hate about your default pic: I love that it shows some of my personality, usually a lot of photo's dont so that for me. 10. Do you have family problems? I disowned most of my family, so no :D lol 11. Where are most people in your top friends from? All over the world... I dont think I have two from the same place. 12. What was the last meal you ate? umm... dinner yesterday, spag bog :D 13. Who are there pictures of in the room you're currently in? Two LOLcats, a wolf in a snowstorm, a picture of the man from snowy rivers cabin, and a few miscelaneous posters. 14. Name one thing people think about you thats not true? I do actually have pretty deep feelings, I just have trouble expressing them a lot of the time. 15. Do you give special ringtones to certain people? only for mike :) 16. What's the weather like outside? Sunny, and heating up again, it was freezing last night tho, I wish the weather would make up its mind. 17. Have you ever seen a 3D movie in theaters? Yep, saw one fairly recently, cant remeber what it was tho... I want to see a nightmare before christmas in 3d. 18. How was your last relationship? Not the best, he cheated on me and lied about it, so we didn't have the best of breakups. 19. Have you ever had a dream about people you love dying? had a dream about my grandmother and me driving off a cliff... It was so realistic its scared the hell out of me. 20. Who was the last person you couldn't keep your mind off of? Mikey boy :D 21. What was the last advice you gave someone? Dont fill out restraint charts the same as sighting charts because they're completely different. 22. What radio station do you listen to the most? I have my own mixed cd's.. but when I do listen to the radio on occasion its FOXFM 23. If you died today, would there be anything you wish you could've said to someone? Theres a few things... But I think no one could die instantly without having a few regrets. 24. Are you on youtube? Nope.. I like looking through there once in a while tho. 25. What do you think about the person that last texted you? umm... it was work wanting me to replace someone in a shift.... and they know I dont work sundays, so not happy :-| 26. Are you friends with any of your exes? a couple of them. not bosom buddies, but we still talk occasionally. and its even civil. 27. Are any of your exes in your top friends? umm... not sure, havent checked lately. 28. Who will you never forget? Santa clause :D 29. Have you ever questioned your sexuality? At one point in my life... all of 5 seconds when I was drunk and wondered if I could give up guys... and *I Dont Think So* lol... 30. What are you afraid of? Snakes, sharks, and falling. 31. Would you ever consider having a relationship with your best friend? Im already in a relationship with my best friend... I guess you'd call it the ultimate relationship, we're getting married next year. 32. Have your friends ever seen you cry? Plenty of times, most of the time I've been fairly drunk tho... 33. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Mike... he made me watch a sad movie... 34. Have you ever had a panic attack? Not really... I get butterflies sometimes, but rarely panic... 35. Name the last time you got really anxious. A couple of weeks ago when I had to split up two agressive dementia people who were fighting. 36. Would you ever consider moving back to your hometown? Not a chance in the hot place... Toowoomba, Im sorry, but Toowoomba is a hole.. and After living in a place like melbourne, Id go mental in the first week. 37. Describe your laugh? Depends on the laugh... I tend to get the giggles a lot. 38. What do you think about the person that last commented you? Umm.. I cant remeber who that was... its been so long!!! 39. Who sings the song you last sang? Genie from Aladdin 40. Plans for this weekend? well, the weekends almost over, Was going to go get some blank shirts and make up some transfers. 41. How was last weekend? Awesome... I finally got to catch up on my sleep :D 42. Have you ever been to California? Not yet, and Im not entirely sure I want to.... 43. How about New York City? Now New York, Id love to go see. 44. What's your favorite colour to wear? Red black and purple generally.. and denim :D 45. Have you ever been in love? Many A time.. but certainly am right now :D

question thing...

Found this on Lyns page, love it :D 1. Where were you 1 hour ago ?- Lying in bed reading one of my, what mike likes to call them, Girly books. 2. Who will be your next kiss ?- My youngest cat, then mike... :D. 3. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you ? -the cover on my pilates dvd case. 4. When is the last time you went to the mall ? - last time I went to the *shopping centre* was yesterday, straight into the bookstore. 5. Are you wearing socks right now ? - barefoot... too hot to wear anything. 6. When was the last time you went out of town ? - at the start of the year, went to queensland for my stepmums wedding.. 7. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days ?- couple of months ago, to see stardust, awesome movie. 8. What was the last thing you had to drink?- water in my waterbottle 9. What are you wearing right now ? - underwear and a fine sheen of sweat... I hate this weather 10. Have you been in a car wash? just a week ago to give my baby a wash, because the power was out and there was nothing else to do at home after playing uno, yahtzee and monopoly 11. Last food you ate ? - handfull of macadamia nuts and some cheesecake yogurt 12. Where were you last week on Saturday ? -in the morning, fast asleep, in the afternoon, at work, as usual. 13. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week ? not in the last week, I dumped a whole lot of clothes at salvo's tho. 14. When was the last time you ran ?- Yesterday at work, bolting up the hall because someone had a nasty fall. 15. What's the last sporting event you watched ? -ick sport. 16. What was your favorite class ? Art, drama, music and ancient history equally 17. Your dream vacation ? Travelling the british isles and finding all the ruins. 18. Last 3 people's house's you were in ?-mikes parents, renee's and the celebrant for our wedding. 19. How old are your parents ? - early forties most of them, not that my dad will admit it. 20. Do you miss anyone ? - Mike's at work.. poor baby... 21. Last play you saw ? -A shakespearean opera my uncle was in when I was 16. 22. What are your plans for today ? - Was going to post some stuff, but I wanted to add to the stash. 23. Ever go to camp ? School camp when I was in primary school.. absolutely loved it :D 24. Were you an honor roll student ? LOLOLOL... oh... you're serious??? 25. What do you know about the future ? Theres going to be a hell of a lot less nurses unless they start paying us more.... 26. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne ? - Just my natural one :) 27. Where is your best friend located ? - He lives with me :D 28. Do you have a Tan ? I dont tan, I burn... 29. How old do you want to be when you have kids ? - give me a couple of more years before I have anymore... 30. Do you collect anything ?- the mini beanie bears they have at the supermarket, and charity badges, and books and candles, and dreamcatchers, LOLcat pictures...... a lot actually... 31. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over ? - couple of weeks ago at a random breath test 32. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw ? who hasnt... 33. How do you like your drinks ? caffienated.... 34. Do you like Hot sauce ? - eww no... 35. Last time you took a shower ? - before work yesterday... 36. Who do you have a crush on ? - vin deisal... *drools* 37. What is your mood today ? - enjoying my day off :) 38. Are you someone’s best friend ? I am many peoples best mates :) 39. Are you Rich ? -ask me again when I win the lotto :D

Passing time

Just updating, havent been around for a month or so... too busy with work, wedding plans, and trying to get enough sleep that I can actually go through a day without yawning lol... Just a hello to friends, fans and other people out there, because Im bored and because Im passing time before I have to get off my butt before I go to work.. Speaking of which.. its that time of day again :D Toodles

100 things about me

1. Name?: Teagan Barber (for now) 2. Nicknames?: Teags, Tea, Tigger, Teya and Kitten 3. Birthday?: 30th Jan 4. Place of Birth?: Toowoomba 5. Zodiac Sign?: Aquarius 6. Male or Female?: Female 7. Grade?:Finshied School 6 years ago 8. Schools you went to?: about 10 all up 9. Occupation?: Aged care nurse 10. Residence?: Melbourne, Victoria 11. Screen Name?: Naval_kitten or Kittymenace usually... Your Appearance 12. Hair Color?: Auburn 13. Hair Length?: At the shoulderblades (growing it) 14. Eye color?: Lapiz lazuli blue 15. Best Feature?:Eyes, smile and butt 16. height?:156 cm 17. Braces?:Never 18. Glasses?: Should, maybe... nahhhh 19. Piercing?: just one left 20. Tattoos?:three so far... still have time left 21. Righty or Lefty?: Righty Your Firsts 22. First best friends?: Yolanda in primary school 23.First Award?:colour guard participation... 24. First Sport You Joined?: soccor 25. First Pet?: Frosty my kitty 26. First Real Vacation?: Frazier island 4wding. 27. First Concert?: never been.. not to a pop concert 28. First Love?: Steven Favorites 29. Movie?: Down periscope 30. TV Show?: So you think you can dance?. 31. Color? Mauve and purple 32. Rapper?: Ugh!!! 33. Band?: Bond. 34. Song Right Now?: Back at one. Brian Mcknight 35. Friend(s)?: ummm... everyone? 36. Candy?: Jelly bellies 38. Restaurant? Cuervo 39. Favorite brand to wear?: Jeans 40. Store?: Toys r us 41. School Subject?: Art, drama, music and ancient history 42. Animal?: Cats 43. Book?: romance and fantasy, currently christine feehan and david eddings most of the time 44. Magazine?: Thats life! 45. Shoes?: My Knee high ugs... Currently 46. Feeling?: Exhausted 48. Have a crush?: On vin deisal... 49. Eating?: Coffee 50. Drinking?: Coffee 51. Typing?: This 52. Online?: Chatting 53. Listening To?: My two cats going nuts... 54. Thinking About?: Sleep... 55. Wanting To?: not have to go to work 56. Watching?: my comp screen 57. Wearing?: bathrobe... dont have to get dressed yet Future 58. Want Kids?: Yes, definitely 59. Want to be Married?: going to be at the end of next year. 60. Careers in Mind?: Midwife 61. Where do you want to live?: scotland 62. Car?: Corvette stingray Which is Better With The Opposite Sex 63. Hair color?: Any 64. Hair length?: Very long or very short 65. Eye color?: green 66. Measurements? Tall! 67. Cute or Sexy?: sexy 68. Lips or Eyes?: eyes 69. Hugs or Kisses?: Both! 70. Short or Tall?: Way tall... so I can wear my 4 inch heels 71. Easygoing or serious?: easygoing 72. Romantic or Spontaneous?: spontaneous 74. Sensitive or Loud?: Both 75. Hook-up or Relationship?: Relationship (in one) 76. colourful or dull?: Colourful 77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One?: troublemaker most of the time Have you ever 78. Kissed a Stranger?: Many a time, we all get drunk sometimes 79. Had Alcohol?: of course 80. Smoked?: still do 81. Ran Away From Home?: only once... and once again got as far as planning it... 82. Broken a bone?: never 83. Got an X-ray?: Yep 84. Got arrested?: a couple of times in my trouble years 85. Broken Someones Heaet?: Possible 86. Broke Up With Someone?: Yep 87. Cried When Someone Died?: definitely 88. Cried At School?:I have no idea, but I assume so. Do You Believe In 89. God?: and godesses 90. Miracles?: Yes 91. Love At First sight?: Of course 92. Ghosts?:we have some at work. 93. Aliens: possibly... probably not standard aliens tho. 94. Soul Mates?: I've met mine. 95. Heaven?: no, summerlands. 96. Hell?:nope. the buhdists believe earth is hell tho... weird. 98. Kissing on The First Date?: Always 99. Horoscopes?: Depends on where they're written Answer Truthfully 100. Is there someone you want but you know you can't have?: mmmm.. Vin Deisal... *sigh*


1116581676bollywood[1].jpgYou scored as Sex God, You are a master at sex. You make your partner weak in the knees, and you know it. You've had the practice, and you've read the books, but don't get too cocky (pun intended) or you'll get put into place.

Sex God


A Slave To BDSM


A Romantic




How are you in bed
created with QuizFarm.com

Woohoo! Im HoT

You Are Seductive Flirt
Smoldering hot, you don't really flirt. You seduce.
For you, flirting is just foreplay.
You don't flirt unless it's going somewhere.
You have one goal in mind when you flirt... And you usually get it!

Me myself and I

You know I was sitting back the other day thinking... and I think that most people that look at my profiles or yada yada so on... know basically next to nothing about me... so I thought Id do a sort of blog personality profile on myself... here goes... I was born in Toowoomba, Queensland in australia on the bright old day of jan 30th in the year 1985 (january thirtieth should be made into a public holiday!) I was a babbly little brat (in a nice way) pretty much all through my childhood.... big blue eyes went a long way in helping wrap people around my little pinky... my parents split up when I was 6 months old... then they both remarried (other people) and I lived with my dad for most of my younger years before starting the journey that affects all divorcee children... yes.. the moving between parents/relatives/complete strangers.... I actually only started that after my dad remarried for the second time and I developed a passionate hatred for my 2nd stepmom... and incidentally my 2nd stepdad at the same time... so I jumped between my dad and my mum until my dad threw a hissy fit and sent me to live with my grandmother (actually I think it was more that I wrote in my diary that I was going to run away to her and my dad read my diary.... what happened to privacy people?????!!!) at that point, I sort of knuckled down and got into my school work and such stuff... I was big in the music stuff playing clarinet, tuba, euphonium in the school band, and singing in the multiple choirs and choral societys I was part of... this actually lasted 3 years, until I quit school at the start of year 12 (silly I know) and set out to experience the big bad world... I move to canberra a year after I quit school and lasted there a year (6 months longer than when I had lived there with mum) working odd jobs in maccers, an italian resteraunt as a waitress and even door to door sales (don't ask, I prefer never to remeber that part of my life) then in a fit of pique I moved to Melbourne.... I got off the bus knowing maybe two people in person in the entire city, and maybe another 5 from the net... I had a bit of trouble when I first moved down here, but suprisingly it was my internet friends who helped me with a place to stay and help finding somewhere more perminant... which turned out to be a boarding house... a quaint little two story town house with 6 girls (including myself) so needless to say that led to 6 months of partying and drunken soiree's (leaning over the balcony yelling *two dollar sucky sucky* at the turks across the road during our pimp and prostitute party... probably not the best idea lol) then one of my new found girlfriends and I took a dislike to one of our other housemates (who happened to be a prostitute... wierd... and no thats not the reason we took a dislike to her) and we moved out to yet another bording house...this one not so good... mostly druggies and single parents.... wasn't the best place... nothing against single parents mind you) and lasted there another 6 months before she moved out into a flat and I followed short after... at that point in time I was working in Traffic control, (great money, horrible job) and met my current partner after we had been living there for almost 8 months... mike and I moved into a house together almost 2 years ago, and have been steadily filling it up with junk because we're both shopaholics (our last list of christmas presents for each other should assert that fact... sad really) and my girlfriend moved in with us after finally getting out of the flat (we almost fell hrough the bathroom floor countless times, and she ended up hooking a hose system to the laundry sink just to have a shower... horrible place.. but at least there wern't any cockroaches) and we were living as a big happy family here for a few months... along with my two cats and the resident ghost who goes running up and down the hallway in the middle of the night.... until she moved back to perth.. now its just us the cats and the ghost :) I work in aged care which I love.. just recently finished my traineeship for my cert 3... planning on going onto division 2 nursing, and eventually doing a pregrad midwifery course :) so... there ends the current saga and extremely reduced version of my lifes story... maybe one day I'll write it... believe me, it would almost make fiction... but at least its never been boring... :D so if you have actually read this far... congradulations... you must be extremely bored :D

Weird facts about me

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and we were talking about the weird things we do that make us unique... so I thought Id make a list of my faults and greatness for anyone who's interested... I snore.. sometimes loudly, expecially when Im drunk... and thats when Im not talking or even (I've been told) *singing* in my sleep... not to mention once I woke up kicking an ex in the leg because I thought he was a bulldog that was attacking me (this was after a happy hour night with friends) I used to play the clarinet... the euphonium... and *yes* the tuba in highschool... also piano out of it... and I used to be in the colour guard (flag waving) group in the marching band I've done two many musicals in my life to remeber... I love ancient history, specially archaeology... I actually had plans to do it when I was younger but they never worked out... I secretly harbour a hero worship for romance writers I definitely want to go back to the past if a way is ever available I tend to have a try sarcastic, almost insulting sense of humour I love horses... Id own one if it was legal to keep it inside... 13 is my lucky number I was in a catwalk competition when I was 13 and I was number 13. and I got into the finals (coinkidenk? I think not...) I've got a weird psuedo american/english/aussie accent, but I've never left australia Im am both a country gal and a city gal... I have a major tendency towards stubborness and pigheadedness... but at least I can admit it... ummm... Im obsessed with the colour purple... and faux fur... specially mink... I have a bad tendancy to get into drinking contests with friends/family/complete strangers (even tho I don't drink that much anymore) I've kissed more girls than some of the lesbians I know, yet Im completely hetero... I also have a ten track attention span... and the short term memory capacity of little more than a goldfish... I... am a shopoholic... not in shops mind you where I actually see the money dissapearing... but I am a new fan of internet shopping... its bad... I know it... but its just so fun... and besides christmas is just around the corner I am a spiritualist... (thats such a cool word...) its a personal belief system that combines the best of wicca, pagan, and native american... I hate sundays... to me... a stranger is just another drinking buddy I have yet to meet I tend to quote in my everyday conversations driving everyone mad because they don't want to know the latest statistics on how many people in australia are drunk at every second of the day (at least 30 percent... weird hey) I have cleaning frenzys... usually when I don't have any smokes, or when I finally open my eyes long enough to realise that the house is a pigsty and I've been procrastinating to long I am a coffeeaholic I like vegimite and salt'n'vinigar chip sandwiches I once ate a whole jar of pickled gerhkins and a whole jar of pickled onions (both about 500 grams or bigger... its been too long) in one sitting along with a cup of coffee and then preceded to throw it all up again (I was about 4 months pregnant at the time) I have a fantasy about buying and doing up and old corvette stingray I dream of retiring on a farmstead in the mountains and raising mini horses I was once in a car accident when a car flipped over and everyone got hurt but the dog in the backseat that caused it... I am a self proclaimed typical aquarian... I believe in reincarnation hmmm.... well... thats all I can think of at the moment... if anyone else has noticed a weird habit of mine... feel free to add to the list... but for now... ciao ciao Teags

Flyboy fun

"Squawks" are problems noted by the U.S Airforce pilots and left for maintenance crews to fix before the next flight. Here are some actual complaints logged by air force pilots and the replies from the maintenance crew: (c) = Complaint (s) = solution (c) Left inside main tire almost need replacement. (s) Almost replaced left inside main tyre. (c) Test flight OK, except auto land very rough. (s) auto land not installed on this aircraft. (c) No. 2 Propeller seeping Prop fluid. (s) No. 2 propeller seepage normal - No. 1, 3 and 4 propellers lacking normal seepage. (c) something loose in cockpit. (s) something tightened in cockpit. (c) evidence of leak in right main landing gear. (s) evidence removed. (c) DME volume unbelievably loud. (s) Volume set to a believable level. (c) Dead bugs on winshield. (s) Live bugs ordered. (c) Autopilot in altitude hold mode produces a 200 fpm descent. (s) cannot reproduce this problem on ground. (c) IFF inoperative. (s) IFF always inoperative in OFF mode. (c) Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick. (s) Thats what they're there for. (c) No. 3 engine missing. (s) engine found on right wing after brief search. (c) Aircraft handles funny. (s) Warned aircraft to "fly properly and be serious". (c) Target radar hums. (s) reprogrammed target radar with proper words.
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