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<img src=http://www.worldgratitude.com/wgday10.jpg>
ArtPeace by <a href=http://rassouli.com/>Rassouli</a>

<b>Make a right-handed fist ... now cup this curled grip with
your left fist and voila!
Gratitude in the palm of your hands.<</b>

<img src=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3038/2926417286_8033aff3db_o.jpg>

Both give and receive, our hands serve to support, create,
soothe and administrate Life. Energetically - our left is
Receive and our right, Give. Now that you've got Gratitude
in your grasp, let's expand this Gratitude and connect
with others' hands ...
Open your left hand, palm facing up.
Open your right hand, palm facing down.
Imagine Love and Light flowing through you, in through
the left -out through the right. Lifting your hands to heart
level, feel a shift as you imagine others on each side of you,
hands connected in a growing circle of Gratitude. Allow
this energetic river to pulse, play and wind its way,
encircling the Earth as we all say,
<b>"Thank you for being YOU. In Love and Gratitude, Me."


Go Gratitude!


Just imagine what our world might BE
as we gather in Gratitude for eternity!


With folded hands, Gratitude, Love

~ and in the breath we all share ~

We honor the light that is YOU

in that place within your Heart

at the center of your being

where we are all One

and where the whole of this Universe

of vibratory Creation abides.
~ author unknown
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World Gratitude Gathering ~

~ Aligning with the Heart's calling and Embracing the
Great*full*ness of Life! ~
<a href=http://worldgratitude.com/wg-gathering.html>*Members Page</a> *<a href=http://staceyrobyn.typepad.com/worldgratitude/2008/10/day-1---wake-to.html> Comment the Blog!</a>  <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/donate.html>*Donate</a> <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>* Contact</a>

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at World Gratitude?  Feel free to join us HERE, or pass this along
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World Gratitude Gathering is a project of Go Gratitude - a global
service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, One-ness
and a Great-full heart!

Questions, comments, inspired ideas? Contact us <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>here</a>.

<img src=http://www.worldgratitude.com/wgday9-1.jpg>
*Eye of God* ~ courtesy NASA

In order to gain a peaceful perspective
of current happynings and present possibilities,
Gracefully guide the Self to a State of Gratitude
by focusing attention on what IS ~
giving thanks for the large and small, the gift of it all
by using this powerfully-simple, ever-so-present tool
for creating NOW as it feels good to YOU.

Remember - See(k) the world through Gratitude
and (k)new views will open for you.
Just for today ...
Look around ~ what (k)new views may be gained
by using Gratitude to transform:

challenge to gift,
chore to chance,
detour and delay to a Divinely timed dance.


Go Gratitude!


Naikan is the art of inner observation, or seeing one's Self
through the inner eye. Enjoy this quick interview with
Gregg Ketch, director of the To Do institute, author and
wild fan of Gratitude!    <a href=http://www.todoinstitute.com/library/public/attention_obstacles_and_gratitude.php#more>Click here to GO!</a>

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World Gratitude Gathering ~

~ Aligning with the Heart's calling and Embracing the
Great*full*ness of Life! ~
<a href=http://worldgratitude.com/wg-gathering.html>*Members Page</a> *<a href=http://staceyrobyn.typepad.com/worldgratitude/2008/10/day-1---wake-to.html> Comment the Blog!</a>  <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/donate.html>*Donate</a> <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>* Contact</a>

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at World Gratitude?  Feel free to join us HERE, or pass this along
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World Gratitude Gathering is a project of Go Gratitude - a global
service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, One-ness
and a Great-full heart!

Questions, comments, inspired ideas? Contact us <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>here</a>.


<img src=http://www.worldgratitude.com/wgday8.jpg>
Open your arms ever so wide.

Then lovingly wrap them round your front side

and HUG, HUG, HUG yourself.
Gently sway from left to right,

caressing the body with adoring pride,

squeezing, pleasing, and joyfully teasing

this earth suit holding YOU.

Now, imagine looking down from above ...
Yes! It's you hugging you in Gratitude with Love!


Go Gratitude!

Now that you've wrapped yourself in Gratitude,
extend this gift to others, too! Next time you do -
open your heart, creating a portal for your Love
and Gratitude to flow through, intentionally
sending gentle waves to warm, comfort and
connect on every level.

You will feel the difference - and others will, too!
Beware! You might find others getting in line
as Word gets round you are the best hugger in town!

"Inside my heart I visualize ever increasing waves of
light which eventually come closer and closer together
until it is a mass of white light energy. When I am ready
I open my arms and aim the energies that have built up
to my beloved Twin Flame. As I open my arms I then
draw them back to me as if embracing her in a HUG.

How it expanded!
This time as I did it I was asked to slow the image down
so that I could observe what was happening before it
gets to her. This time I repeated the ritual and I watched
the waves of energy as they left my heart. I saw them
moving out into the universe and what I then saw
surprised and amazed me at the same time. I could see
multitudes of beings absorbing these waves, this loving
embrace and it was being received in joy and magnified/
multiplied before it was being sent out.
First of all it was being sent to Mother Earth and as she
absorbed it she sent it out to her surface, offering it to
all beings upon her. It then reflected back out into a
multitude of universes. I was dumbstruck at the beauty
of what was unfolding in my hearts eye. I had tears of
Love and Gratitude rolling down my face as the enormity
and the results of this simple little hug had created."

Ian ~<a href= http://www.twinflames-twinsouls.net/wwhday-history.htm>www.twinflames-twinsouls.net/wwhday-history.htm</a>


Check out this inspiring story about Juan Mann, who follows
his bliss, aligns with the Heart's calling, and embraces the
Great*Full*ness of Life!  *Free Hugs for ALL!*


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World Gratitude Gathering ~

~ Aligning with the Heart's calling and Embracing the
Great*full*ness of Life! ~
<a href=http://worldgratitude.com/wg-gathering.html>*Members Page</a> *<a href=http://staceyrobyn.typepad.com/worldgratitude/2008/10/day-1---wake-to.html> Comment the Blog!</a>  <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/donate.html>*Donate</a> <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>* Contact</a>

Did you receive this as a gift?  Are you ready to join the gathering
at World Gratitude?  Feel free to join us HERE, or pass this along
to someone (k)new!   Come on in ... we're waiting for *YOU*!


World Gratitude Gathering is a project of Go Gratitude - a global
service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, One-ness
and a Great-full heart!

Questions, comments, inspired ideas? Contact us <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>here</a>.


<img src=http://www.worldgratitude.com/grat-crystal.jpg>

Daily Self-Love, Self-Respect and Self-Gratitude will re-arrange
watery worlds within ... opening space for peace to BE,
intentions to manifest and abundance to freely flow.

Consider using this simple method of blessing bodily waters,
as suggested by Dr. Emoto:

<b>Water, I Love You.

Water, I Thank You.

Water, I Respect You.
Now, consider replacing "water" with your name to enhance
the exchange of Love, Respect and Gratitude.

Remember ... as you clear waters within, prepare for a rush
of old junk, gunk and out-of-resonance materials to be released.
The best method for gracefully moving through past time to
clearly appreciate the (k)new?

Love, Respect, and Gratitude!

Always and all ways!


Go Gratitude!

Highly inspiring, sacred and evocative, especially when sung to
a melody received by Shanti Shivani, is this water blessing, a
Daidangen, originally offered by Dr. Masuro Emoto's mentor.
We were blessed to sing this with Dr. Emoto in Seattle, WA and
are Now honored to share it with you.   Enjoy!

*u chuu no*  *mugen no*  *chikara ga*   *korikotte* 

(universe)      (eternal)      (energy)    (crystallized)

*makoto no*   *daiwa no*    *miyo ga*     *narinatta*

  (true)     (great harmony)    ( era)     (has come) ...


"In the New Earth, you will ... develop that sense of gratitude
and commitment to your creations, for the need to keep
creating and re-creating does not allow you the time to enjoy
your creations and reflect on who you are through your

Indeed, time is of the essence in the New Earth. Time to "be"
and enjoy. Time to be still and to reflect. For the stiller
and calmer you are, the more gratitude and respect
you show, the higher your internal vibrations will
be, and the more at ease you will feel in the New Earth.
And so, the expression of gratitude is the key to the
Flows of Time. Not only expressing, but also feeling that
gratitude, as you stand at your point of power within Infinity,
the Master of both Past and Future. But the point of Mastery is
Gratitude and Joy!

And if you are deeply unhappy with your creations, then you
will need to see where you have created from ideas and desires
that no longer align with who you are. And when you find that
point, just let go and release. Forgive yourself and then express
gratitude for that point of learning and what it gave you - and
then be ready to align with perceptions that are more aligned
with how you sense yourself to be!

Remember, dearest souls, that wherever you are, you have
created this from your desires in the past. Express gratitude
for the past, and then allow yourself to begin dreaming
yourself in a new and more powerful way. Take the best
and the most powerful from your past, and dream
according to that."

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

<a href=http://www.starchildglobal.com/starchild/june2006.html>http://www.starchildglobal.com/starchild/june2006.html</a>

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World Gratitude Gathering ~

~ Aligning with the Heart's calling and Embracing the
Great*full*ness of Life! ~
<a href=http://worldgratitude.com/wg-gathering.html>*Members Page</a> *<a href=http://staceyrobyn.typepad.com/worldgratitude/2008/10/day-1---wake-to.html> Comment the Blog!</a>  <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/donate.html>*Donate</a> <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>* Contact</a>

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to someone (k)new!   Come on in ... we're waiting for *YOU*!


World Gratitude Gathering is a project of Go Gratitude - a global
service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, One-ness
and a Great-full heart!

Questions, comments, inspired ideas? Contact us <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>here</a>.


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image source: D. Freeman, 'The Puzzle Pieces'
Life is a series of streaming koan's.

So, once and for all, let's settle this one:

Whether it be half empty or full ...

<b>Let's always give thanks for the CUP.</b>

As for the ebb and flow - the rise and fall -

The come and go that affects us all, consider this:

Without spilling, drinking, tipping or sipping,

there is no room for NOW to fill you UP. C?


<b>Go Gratitude!

Remember ~ the cup is YOU
~ Gratitude is the give and receive,

the drink and the pour, a space for Love to be less IS more.

Ahhhhh ... refreshing, indeed</b>!

Inside or outside yourself, you never have to change what you
see, only the way you see it.
~ Thaddeus Golas

Here are a few suggestions on ways to imbue your
daily beverages with Gratitude:
1) Write 'Love and Gratitude', with a permanent marker
on your favorite cup, mug, or glass. Each time you fill
it, feel your energy flowing through, re-arranging the
waters to serve your highest good. You may also choose
to do this with your hot water heater, coffee pots, water
jugs, your car battery (!) ... any container!

2) Print out the Chi energy accumulator image, laminate it,
(or some other form of water-protection) and place
beverage containers on it. You see,water's natural crystal
pattern forms a hexagon, accumulating life force energy
when placed on top of a hexagonal matrix based on the law of
sympathetic resonance and harmonic vibration. (source:
D. Freeman, 'The Puzzle Pieces')

3) Share your method of blessing water with Love and
Gratitude: _________________________________

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World Gratitude Gathering ~

~ Aligning with the Heart's calling and Embracing the
Great*full*ness of Life! ~
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at World Gratitude?  Feel free to join us HERE, or pass this along
to someone (k)new!   Come on in ... we're waiting for *YOU*!


World Gratitude Gathering is a project of Go Gratitude - a global
service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, One-ness
and a Great-full heart!

Questions, comments, inspired ideas? Contact us <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>here</a>.


<img src=http://www.worldgratitude.com/wgday11.jpg>

Ready to create ecstatic change,
blissfully spinning into a trance-like state?

Simply focus on Gratitude.

You see ...

spirals, circles, dots and grids
are all geometric signals of a happyning shift
~ as seen by the minds eye~
entopic forms transporting us beyond the norm
to worlds of wonder, bliss, ecstasy and JOY
all present within YOU
opening through this symbol of Gratitude.

Go Gratitude!


Remember ~
our heavens dance in circles and spirals,
from the smallest atoms to the grandest galaxies.

So it is, too, with you as Gratitude.


"At one time alphabets were based and related to
"shape-forms." Some of the earliest examples of linear
symbols in Europe were found in Magdalenian cave sites
(12,000-17,000 years before the present time).

There is also a skull discovered at Mezhirich in the Ukraine,
painted with tiver (red ochre) that dates from 14,000
years ago. These identifiable symbols are still
recognizable today. They include the runes, the cross,
the swastika and many religious and magical sigils.

Why the need for these symbols? You see, they were
based on the notion of entopic forms. Entopic forms are
those forms seen when the eyes are shut. Theories abound,
but one thing is clear. Neurophysiology has identified
phosphenes, geometric shapes and images
embedded in our subconscious. These are lodged
within our visual cortex and neural system. When
one's consciousness has been altered, these forms
are produced. They are universal in nature so it matters
not from what country, educational background or
supposed religious elitism one finds themselves believing
in. These entopic forms used in meditation are for
one thing only ... They were used to induce trance
to help us find our way home."
~ source:  sci-forums

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World Gratitude Gathering ~

~ Aligning with the Heart's calling and Embracing the
Great*full*ness of Life! ~
<a href=http://worldgratitude.com/wg-gathering.html>*Members Page</a> *<a href=http://staceyrobyn.typepad.com/worldgratitude/2008/10/day-1---wake-to.html> Comment the Blog!</a>  <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/donate.html>*Donate</a> <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>* Contact</a>

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at World Gratitude?  Feel free to join us HERE, or pass this along
to someone (k)new!   Come on in ... we're waiting for *YOU*!


World Gratitude Gathering is a project of Go Gratitude - a global
service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, One-ness
and a Great-full heart!

Questions, comments, inspired ideas? Contact us <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>here</a>.

Allow Gratitude to guide you through NOW to the
moment of your conception, your earthly Being-ness.
As you journey through to the beginning of YOU let Gratitude
be your guide, remembering a state of perfection, purity, and
one-ness with Source.
One might be surprised to realize how many times the physical
body re-creates itself through Gratitude. So it IS with our
energetic, intellectual, and spiritual Selves, too.
<img src=http://www.worldgratitude.com/wgday4.jpg>
You're beautiful, baby!
Go Gratitude!
Imagine this Beloved Union happyning within YOU - one beating
true with Love and Gratitude. Feel this pure state of emerging Life
bridging here with NOW, re~birthing *you*, US, everyone
into a state of Grace through the power of Gratitude.

Conception: Two cells merge, form a 'vesica piscis' - a deeply
sacred shape where the centres of two spheres or circles bisect
each other. Next sperm and ova pass right through each other
to become a single cell or zygote. Then: mitosis and the
chromosomes join, then migrate to North and South poles.

Then a tube forms pole to pole and the chromosomes split and
migrate to alternate poles. This is the complete prototype new
human. The zygote then splits into four cells and
forms a tetrahedron inside a sphere. The next division yields
a star tetrahedron/cube in a shape called 'the egg of life'.

These eight cells reside at the perineum - our centre
(geometrically) and literally where we grow from. And an
important esoteric plexus, besides, on which our energy field
fixates. Anyway, eight cells divide into eight more, form a cube
within a cube. After this, divisions become asymmetrical as we
differentiate in all the tiny special little ways that make us, well,
special! At sixty-four cells the embryo becomes hollow and the
poles grown together and form a tube torus, one end of which
will be the mouth, the other, the anus.
So, to sum up: life begins as an ovum or sphere, becomes a
tetrahedron, then a star tetrahedron, a cube, another sphere,
and finally, a torus.

(note: the symbol of Gratitude is a tube torus, too! wow!)

<a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/wgday4.jpg>http://www.baliadvertiser.biz/articles/spiritual/2003/metatrons.html</a>

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World Gratitude Gathering ~

~ Aligning with the Heart's calling and Embracing the
Great*full*ness of Life! ~
<a href=http://worldgratitude.com/wg-gathering.html>*Members Page</a> *<a href=http://staceyrobyn.typepad.com/worldgratitude/2008/10/day-1---wake-to.html> Comment the Blog!</a>  <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/donate.html>*Donate</a> <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>* Contact</a>

Did you receive this as a gift?  Are you ready to join the gathering
at World Gratitude?  Feel free to join us HERE, or pass this along
to someone (k)new!   Come on in ... we're waiting for *YOU*!


World Gratitude Gathering is a project of Go Gratitude - a global
service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, One-ness
and a Great-full heart!

Questions, comments, inspired ideas? Contact us <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>here</a>.

Allow Gratitude to guide you through NOW to the
moment of your conception, your earthly Being-ness.
As you journey through to the beginning of YOU let Gratitude
be your guide, remembering a state of perfection, purity, and
one-ness with Source.
One might be surprised to realize how many times the physical
body re-creates itself through Gratitude. So it IS with our
energetic, intellectual, and spiritual Selves, too.
<img src=http://www.worldgratitude.com/wgday4.jpg>
You're beautiful, baby!
Go Gratitude!
Imagine this Beloved Union happyning within YOU - one beating
true with Love and Gratitude. Feel this pure state of emerging Life
bridging here with NOW, re~birthing *you*, US, everyone
into a state of Grace through the power of Gratitude.

Conception: Two cells merge, form a 'vesica piscis' - a deeply
sacred shape where the centres of two spheres or circles bisect
each other. Next sperm and ova pass right through each other
to become a single cell or zygote. Then: mitosis and the
chromosomes join, then migrate to North and South poles.

Then a tube forms pole to pole and the chromosomes split and
migrate to alternate poles. This is the complete prototype new
human. The zygote then splits into four cells and
forms a tetrahedron inside a sphere. The next division yields
a star tetrahedron/cube in a shape called 'the egg of life'.

These eight cells reside at the perineum - our centre
(geometrically) and literally where we grow from. And an
important esoteric plexus, besides, on which our energy field
fixates. Anyway, eight cells divide into eight more, form a cube
within a cube. After this, divisions become asymmetrical as we
differentiate in all the tiny special little ways that make us, well,
special! At sixty-four cells the embryo becomes hollow and the
poles grown together and form a tube torus, one end of which
will be the mouth, the other, the anus.
So, to sum up: life begins as an ovum or sphere, becomes a
tetrahedron, then a star tetrahedron, a cube, another sphere,
and finally, a torus.

(note: the symbol of Gratitude is a tube torus, too! wow!)

<a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/wgday4.jpg>http://www.baliadvertiser.biz/articles/spiritual/2003/metatrons.html</a>

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World Gratitude Gathering ~

~ Aligning with the Heart's calling and Embracing the
Great*full*ness of Life! ~
<a href=http://worldgratitude.com/wg-gathering.html>*Members Page</a> *<a href=http://staceyrobyn.typepad.com/worldgratitude/2008/10/day-1---wake-to.html> Comment the Blog!</a>  <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/donate.html>*Donate</a> <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>* Contact</a>

Did you receive this as a gift?  Are you ready to join the gathering
at World Gratitude?  Feel free to join us HERE, or pass this along
to someone (k)new!   Come on in ... we're waiting for *YOU*!


World Gratitude Gathering is a project of Go Gratitude - a global
service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, One-ness
and a Great-full heart!

Questions, comments, inspired ideas? Contact us <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>here</a>.

 <img src=http://www.worldgratitude.com/wgday3-masters.jpg>
artwork source:  spiritus sanctus

Greetings Gratitude Masters,
Today, consider twelve people who have profoundly
influenced and inspired you ... be these friends, family,
authors, explorers, artists or leaders ... remember, these may
be any number of INFINITE possibilities.
Call to them with your heart, giving thanks for their presence
in your life, sending a wave of energetic appreciation their way.
Now, emotionally invite these Masters to guide you through
these 42 days of World Gratitude - energetically connecting to
their widsom, example and experience - in order to form a
circle of support, intimately familiar to YOU, that will
ultimately serve everyone at World Gratitude.
By giving thanks to, connecting with and inviting in these
powerfully influential beings, our gathering exponentially shifts,
our affinity range expands, and our collective field of consciousness
is flooded as we re-awaken to the power of full-spectrum
living - Univeral Humans, infinitely connected to One Source,
One Love, One NOW.
As you choose ... spend some time reflecting on the
Wheel of Transformation asking:

      What areas are represented by their influence?
      What are your current areas of strength?
      Where might you choose to grow, expand, and integrate
      (k)new areas of awareness?
      Who will arrive to assist in this process?
      When might you be called to do this for another, too?

 <img src=http://www.worldgratitude.com/wgday3.jpg>

* Concept by Barbara Marx Hubbard *
* Artwork by Carol H. Grey *
Congratulations - our three days of preparation are complete.
Remember, throughout the 42 days of World Gratitude (and
beyond!), intentionally focus on Gratitude as you Wake to Dream
and Drift to Sleep, continually holding a silent prayer in your
heart, blessings all bodies of water with your Love and Gratitude.
Just imagine where we will be when we reach Day 43!
26 Gemini, The Angels of . . . Spiritual Families
"Ye must be born again."
We teach and inspire those who have experienced rebirth into
spiritual awareness, the "second birth".
In utero and infancy, the Delta brainwave state of pure being
and oneness with Divine Consciousness and Life and unity with
all Creation is natural, effortless, and dominant. Spriritual
awareness requires regaining this deep brainwave state of 0 to
4 oscillations per second, so that pure being and unity with
Divine Consciousness and Creation is experienced as the
ground of being in everyday life.
In this deep brainwave state, complete safety and timelessness
are experienced, the body is alkaline, and omnipresence,
omnipotence, and omniscience are accessable.
We keep these spiritual families (in Gratitude) so that a state of
complete safety is maintained, allowing the deep delta
brainwave state to continue without interruption.
Therefore we guide them to form ... societies or
families for the purpose of  co-creating, knowing,
feeling, and manifesting in form, the splendor and
majesty of Divine Life together.
"Build your house upon a rock."
The other brainwave patterns are built upon this delta brainwave
foundation and flow from it. These are deep inner divine thought
or Theta brainwaves, pure flowing divine feelings or Alpha
brainwaves, and divine logic, memory, and sensation of the Beta
brainwave state.
We carefully guide Children of Light and Love who have been
reborn in this way into spiritual families and communities that
nurture the Divine Kingdom.
"On Earth as it is in Heaven."
Through resonance and art, these individuals and families guide
others into full awakening.
Divine Patterns are recursive embedded fractals.  This
means that every Divine Pattern is repeated over and over again,
in ever larger sizes, into infinity, according to precise mathematical
It is for this reason that an atom looks like a solar system and that
it has been written that each Child of Light is made in the image
and likeness of The Divine.
"As above, so below."
However, even though fractals are similar, each one has unique
features. Everything in Creation that is an expression of Divine
Consciousness and Feeling is therefore individual and one of a
kind. This is a most important polarity: sameness and uniqueness.
Therefore, the ONE BEING expresses through Universal Life which
is made up of many continuums that express polarities.
~  spiritus sanctus,<a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html> www.spiritussanctus.com</a>
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World Gratitude Gathering ~

~ Aligning with the Heart's calling and Embracing the
Great*full*ness of Life! ~
<a href=http://worldgratitude.com/wg-gathering.html>*Members Page</a> *<a href=http://staceyrobyn.typepad.com/worldgratitude/2008/10/day-1---wake-to.html> Comment the Blog!</a>  <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/donate.html>*Donate</a> <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>* Contact</a>

Did you receive this as a gift?  Are you ready to join the gathering
at World Gratitude?  Feel free to join us HERE, or pass this along
to someone (k)new!   Come on in ... we're waiting for *YOU*!


World Gratitude Gathering is a project of Go Gratitude - a global
service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, One-ness
and a Great-full heart!

Questions, comments, inspired ideas? Contact us <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>here</a>.

<img src=http://www.worldgratitude.com/wgday2.jpg>
*artwork gifted by Elizabeth Yelland*
Welcome Beloved One-ness,
Today, let's begin within and bless all the waters in our
body.  You see, as our blessed Heart beats true with Love
and Gratitude, waters Will begin to mirror divinity within,
creating ripples of time expressing Life sublime while
thoughts projecting inner reflectings serve to
create NOW.

So just imagine ...

By flooding our bodily waters with Love and Gratitude
graceful waves will ripple into all of Creation, e-motionally
projecting a super-charged vibration, allowing intended
manifestations to BE.

Give thanks, for it IS so!

As you feel complete within, imagine this blessed beat
flowing lovingly through others, and on to all the waters
of Earth.

Feel grateful knowing Yes! you are this powerful,
connected, and Divine.
NOW, as a co-creator of World Gratitude, it's time to
set an intention ~ one you wish to see come into
being ... uniquely suited to serve your highest good, and
that of others, too.

Create a vivid image of this with your imagination.
Feel its presence, hear its gift, taste its treasure and see
its depth and magnificence. Love this intention as it IS

Give thanks, in advance, for its manifestation while
allowing the Law of Attraction to deliver this intended
creation with Grace, style and ease.
Perhaps you will wish to share this in the FORUM,
allowing others to magnify and accelerate the arrival this

You may also choose to record it in a journal, online or
written. Or ... simply close your eyes and breathe in the
intention, breathe out the manifestation.
Be true to what feels right for you and all Will
manifest through Love and Gratitude!


Go Gratitude!


"What happens if you ... allow this charged water
(intention) to constantly evaporate (breathe) into the
atmosphere where it will interact and proliferate with all
the other water molecules? Now, people and other life
forms, would be breathing in air which, of course, contains
moisture or water molecules that have been energetically
charged with our positive concepts, which in turn would
affect all the water within their bodies and so on - thus
affecting the entire planet.
If we (are yet) to achieve the "no mind" state of being
attributed to the enlightened few, why not bypass the
whole thought process altogether and let the water do
much of this work for us, while we continue to work on
ourselves? This would allow us to work on ourselves from
both the inside out and the outside in while simultaneously
slowly influencing progress in the masses".
- The Puzzle Pieces, submitted by D. Freeman.

It is during our time, through managing our
choices, that we are  invited to create an outer
world that mirrors our innermost prayers and
dreams. -- Gregg Braden, The Isaiah Effect

<img src=http://www.gogratitude.com/email-symbol.gif>
World Gratitude Gathering ~

~ Aligning with the Heart's calling and Embracing the
Great*full*ness of Life! ~
<a href=http://worldgratitude.com/wg-gathering.html>*Members Page</a> *<a href=http://staceyrobyn.typepad.com/worldgratitude/2008/10/day-1---wake-to.html> Comment the Blog!</a>  <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/donate.html>*Donate</a> <a href=http://www.worldgratitude.com/contact.html>* Contact</a>

Did you receive this as a gift?  Are you ready to join the gathering
at World Gratitude?  Feel free to join us HERE, or pass this along
to someone (k)new!   Come on in ... we're waiting for *YOU*!


World Gratitude Gathering is a project of Go Gratitude - a global
service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, One-ness
and a Great-full heart!

Questions, comments, inspired ideas? Contact us here.

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