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New Pot Blessing

To bless a new pot and promote a healthy growth of plants therein, light your favorite incense. Draw a pentagram on the inside and outside bottom of the pot with a wooden spoon, saying: Blessings of earth for abundance. Pass the pot through the incense, saying: Blessings of air for fragrance. Turn on the burner of your stove and place the pot on the flame carefully, saying: Blessings of fire for purity in preparation. Stir in a little water, saying: Blessings of water for love. Prepare a favorite food and share it.
A Alfalfa - Prosperity, Money, Anti-hunger All Spice - Money, Luck, Prosperity, Healing Almond - Wisdom, Prosperity, Money Anise - Luck, Heighten Psychic Powers, Protection Apple - Love, Healing, Garden Magic, Immortality Apricot - Love, Soothes Weary Spirit Avocado - Beauty, Love, Lust B Bamboo - Wishes, Luck, Prosperity, Protection, Hex-breaking Banana - Potency, Fertility, Prosperity, Money Basil - Love, Wealth, Protection, Flying, Travel Bay - Protection, Healing, Strength, Energy, Purification Bean - Protection, Potency, Love, Purification, Exorcism Beet - Love, Lust, Ritual Blackberry - Healing, Prosperity, Money, Protection Blueberry - Protection, Banishment, Psychic Powers, Cleansing, Purification Brazil Nut - Love, Lust C Cabbage - Luck, Prosperity Caper - Potency, Lust, Love, Luck Caraway - Protection, Purification, Health, Anti-theft, Lust, Psychic Powers Cardamom - Lust, Love, Potency Carob - Protection, Health Carrot - Fertility, Lust, Love, Potency Cashew - Money, Prosperity Celery - Psychic Powers, Lust, Love Chamomile - Purification, Sleep, Money, Love, Rest Cherry - Love, Lust, Divination Chestnut - Love, Lust Chicory - Favors, Invisibility, Removing Obstructions Chili Pepper - Love, Lust, Fidelity, Hex Breaking Cinnamon - Success, Psychic Power, Strength, Energy, Protection, Lust, Love, Spirituality Citron - Healing, Psychic Powers Cloves - Money, Prosperity, Protection, Healing Coconut - Protection, Purification, Love Coriander - Healing, Love Corn - Protection, Banishment, Keep away unwanted influences, Luck, Divination Cucumber - Healing, Fertility, and Potency Curry - Protection, Banish unwanted energies D Dandelion Greens - Calling Upon Spirits, Divination, Wishes Dill - Luck, Love, Lust, Protection, Money E Endive - Love, Lust, Fertility F Fennel - Cleansing, Protection, Purification, Healing Fig - Love, Lust, Potency, Fertility, Divination Flax Seed - Protection, Healing, Money, Psychic Powers, Beauty G Garlic - Protection, Banishment, Healing, Lust Ginger - Personal Power, Love, Lust, Money, Wealth, Success Ginseng - Protection, Lust, Love, Healing, Wishes Gourds – Protection Grape - Prosperity, Money Grain - Protection, Prosperity H Hops - Sleep, Healing Huckleberry - Protection, Luck, Hex-breaking, Dream Magic L Leek - Protection, Love, Banish unwanted influences Lemon - Purification, Love, Friendship, Longevity Lettuce - Protection, Divination, Love, Sleep, Fidelity Licorice - Love, Lust, Fidelity, Health Lime - Protection, Healing, Love M Maple Syrup / flavoring - Love, Money, Longevity Mesquite Smoke / flavoring - Healing, Health Mint - Protection, Strength Mustard - Protection, Mental Powers, Fertility N Nutmeg - Love, Health, Fidelity, Prosperity Nuts - Prosperity, Fertility, Love, Luck O Oats - Money, Wealth, Prosperity Olive - Healing, Health, Protection, Peace, Lust, Fertility, Potency Onion - Protection, Healing, Money, Lust, Divination, Exorcism Orange - Love, Luck, Money, Divination P Papaya - Protection, Love Parsley - Protection, Purification, Love Peas - Love, Money, Luck, Prosperity Peach - Love, Wishes, Longevity, Fertility Pear - Love, Lust Pecan - Money, Success, Employment Pepper - Protection, Banish Peppermint - Purification, Sleep, Love, Healing, Psychic Powers Pimento – Love Pineapple - Money, Luck, Chastity Pistachio - Breaking Love Spells Plantain - Protection, Healing, Strength, Snake Repelling Plum - Healing, Health, Protection Pomegranate - Wealth, Luck, Wishes, Fertility, Divination Potato - Healing, Health, Image Magick, Banish negativity Q Quince - Protection, Love, Happiness, Harmony R Radish - Protection, Lust Raspberry - Protection, Love Rhubarb - Protection, Fidelity Rice - Protection, Money, Wealth, Fertility, Rain Roots - Protection, Divination, Personal Power Rosemary - Protection, Purification, Sleep, Healing, Mental Powers, Youth Rye - Fidelity, Love S Saffron - Healing, Happiness, Lust, Love, Strength, Psychic Powers, Wind Raising Sage - Protection, Wisdom, Wishes, Longevity, Cleansing, Banish negativity, Purification Sarsaparilla - Money, Love Sassafras (Root) - Health, Money Savory (Summer) - Heighten Mental Powers Sesame - Lust, Money Shallot - Purification Spearmint - Healing, Mental Powers, Love Strawberry - Love, Lust, Luck Sugar Cane - Love, Lust Sunflower seeds - Health, Wisdom, Wishes, Fertility T Tea - Strength, Courage, Wealth Tomato - Protection, Luck, Prosperity Turmeric – Purification V Vanilla - Love, Lust, Heighten Mental Awareness W Walnut - Health, Wishes, Heighten Mental Powers, Strength, Infertility, Purification Wheat - Money, Fertility, Projection Wintergreen - Protection, Healing, Hex-breaking Blessed Be!

Little Magicks

A bowl of thistles placed in a room brings strength. Keep a frog in or around your home to attract new friends. String whole nutmegs alternating with star anises. Wear as a necklace for clairvoyance. Carry a buckeye (horse chestnut) for VERY good luck. A lucky hand root is said to protect you against all harm that a hand can do. Burn garlic skins for money. (purple skins are best) Hang bittersweet over your doors for house protection. Make a wish on 2 tonka beans, then toss them into running water. A bowl full of pennyroyal kept in the bedroom will help bring peace between a husband and wife. Don't trample on rye grass or ragwort...the fairies use these for makeshift horses. Put some sage leaves with your tarot cards or runes to protect them and keep them clean. Hang up a fresh wreath of rosemary for your home’s protection (smells great!) Put some blueberys under your front door mat to protect the home from unwanted visitors Use a sprig of rue to sprinkle holy water/salt in your circles. St. John’s wort was worn in battle by Celtic druids for invincibility. Fairies like to wear foxglove petals as hats or gloves. Chamomile buds can be used as a relaxing incense for meditation. Grow angelica in your garden for protection. Put a pinch of basil in the 4 corners of your home for prosperity. Dry a large catnip leaf for a great magickal book marker. If you burn fern indoors it will erect a powerful wall of protection, but burned outdoors it may bring rain. Hazel can be used to enlist the aid of plant fairies. On Litha, sacrifice lavender to the ancient Gods (throw it in the fire), and on Samhain burn wormwood to ward off night roaming spirits. If you have a business, hang juniper berries on the front door to bring customers. Give a couple some yarrow flowers as a wedding gift, and they will be happy together for at least 7 years. Wrap celandine in red flannel and wear it next to your skin to prevent wrongful imprisonment. To eliminate a problem: write it on parchment, burn, mix the ashes with mullein and bury in a graveyard. Use a mugwort wash (3T in ½ gal water) to strengthen magic mirrors & crystal balls. Scatter wood betony about as a shield from evil.
Tie a bunch of these good herbs; basil, savory, mint, and dill. Drench them in water drawn from the tap, and sprinkle the kitchen - window and sill. shelf and canister. Table and stove. Cupboard and wall and floor. Crockery, cutlery, napery, all... with a few drops from the stalks, delicious and pure. Then crush the bouquet in both hands, breath its scent and whisper this spell; Sweeten the oven, Sweeten the pot, And sweeten the hot. Summon thy virtues, Into this place, To teach me patience, And skill and grace. make from the leaves a strengthening tea. Drink it and keep your kitchen well. Creating A Ritual Sprinkling Bundle Items needed: Sage, rosemary, mint blue yarn, knife. Start by gathering fresh herbs, of about twelve to fifteen inches long. Gently shake of any dust. If they must be washed do it gently and dry carefully. Bundle the leafy stems together. Hold your left hand and lay a hanging loop of yarn, extending a few inches above the ends of the herbs. Start wrapping a few inches above the ends of the herbs. Start wrapping the long end around the herb bundle and hanging loop end. Focus on your use for this herb bundle. (for room purification ritual). Continue winding the yarn around, being sure that the yarns lie falt against each other. Do this until you have gone up the bundle three or four inches. Next wrap the yarn around the herb doesil, about one inch between the yarns. Keep it taut. When you get to the top; reverse the herb and do the same process back to the handle. (this forms a criss cross pattern.) Make a slip knot over the top portion of the handle to secure it. Continue to wrap the handle portion. Cut off the free yarn, leaving a three inch tail. Tie the end of the yarn aroung the hanging loop. Tuck the free end under the handle. To use; Dip the bundle into a chalice of ritual water. Sprinkle the area by shaking the bundle at it. Be sure to extend your arm out fully to allow the powers to flow freely.
Smooth as silk sliding over skin For feelings to show without as within Stirring clockwise, the juices flow Sated, happy, in love’s glow. Tempered widdershins, balance set The food will help, aid and abet Passions rising, banked and ready Pulses beating, quite unsteady, Eat well, but leave some room for dessert As you make love, kiss and flirt, All with eyes and energy and senses As love lowers all defenses.
To promote prosperity from the kitchen, keep a good countenance whenever you cook food and transfer good wishes to the food. Your stove is the sacred hearth. Your wooden spoon is a magical wand. Be careful never to cook in anger. Always stir the pot with a clockwise motion, and wish health, wealth, and joy upon all will will eat the food. You may say this from time to time as you cook: The gods do bless you, when you give with love. This is the greatest spell, which encompasses all.
In a small, clean, blue or pink bottle assemble the following items: 9 cloves, 9 dried peas, a dried orange peel, one dried or fresh rose, and a TBS or so of lavender flowers. Also have a small piece of parchment, a pen, lavender and rose essential oils, and a blue stone. Be sure the bottle is cleansed both physically and spiritually before using it! On the night of a waxing moon, assemble all the neccesary items and on the parchment inscribe the Love Rune. Visualize your home as peaceful and harmonouse. Place the parchment in the bottle. Now add the stone and herbs and visualizing as you do. Finally add the oils and say: “The spell is cast By herbs and stone So Mote it Be!” Leave the bottle uncorked some place where you will catch the scent now and then.

The Herbal Kitchen

Below are a list of herbs commonly found in most homes, and their magickal uses. (Resources: Gerina Dunwich and Scott Cunningham's books.) African Violet-Used as a protection amulet and to promote spirituality in the home. It is burned as a traditional herbal incense of the Spring Equinox Sabbat. Allspice-Burned as an incense to attract money or luck. It is also used to promote healing. Aloe-A popular houseplant. Used for protection against evil influences and prevents household accidents. Angelica-One of the traditional ritual herbs of the Candlemas and Beltane Sabbats. Angelica is both a culinary and medicinal herb. Sprinkle around the house to ward off evil. Added to the bath, it removes curses or spells that may have been cast against you. Anise-The leaves are used for protection. The seeds are burned as a meditation incense. Filling a small pillowcase with anise seeds and sleeping on it will ensure that you have no nightmares. Basil-Brings wealth to those who carry it in their pockets. Basil given as a gift brings good luck to a new home. It is one of the traditional ritual herbs of the Candlemas Sabbat. Bay-Wishes are written on bay leaves which are then burned to make them come true, and a bay leaf held in the mouth wards off bad luck. Bay is one of the traditional ritual herbs of the Candlemas and Winter Solstice Sabbats. Buckwheat-Sprinkle the flour to form magic circles on the floor around you while performing magic. Catnip-Grown near the home, it attracts good spirits and great luck. Catnip is used in spells designed to enhance beauty and happiness. Large Catnip leaves are pressed and used as bookmarks in magickal texts. Cinnamon-Used in healing rituals and spells to attract money. It stimulates clairvoyant abilities and raises both protective and spiritual vibrations. The oil of the cinnamon plant is used to anoint candles for love goddess invocations, love magick, and spells of passion. It is also used in sachets and infusions. Clove-Burned as an incense, cloves attract riches, drive away negative forces, and purify the area. Burn them to stop others from gossiping about you. Wear them or carry them to attract the opposite sex. Corn-Place an ear of corn in a baby's crib to protect it against negative forces. A necklace made of dried red corn kernels prevents nosebleed. Cumin-Used in love spells. When carried, it gives peace of mind. Dill-This is an herb of protection. When hung over the front door, it will keep your home safe from enemies. Dill has a magickal ability to attract money and good fortune. Garlic-Extremely protective in new homes. Worn, it guards against foul weather. Grape-Eating grapes or raisins increases fertility, as well as strengthens mental powers. Place grapes on the altar during money spells. Hazel-String the nuts and hang in the house for luck. The nuts are often eaten prior to divination and give wisdom and increase fertility. Twigs of hazel are placed in window frames to guard the house against lightning. Hazel wood can be used to make all-purpose magickal wands. Lemon-Lemon juice is mixed with water and is used to wash amulets, jewelry and other magickal objects which have been obtained second-hand. This wash ensures that all negative vibrations are cleansed from the object. Keep one of the seeds from a lemon that you have consumed. Plant it in early spring, and nurture it in a warm place. When it grows, give it to a loved one, to keep your love fresh and true. Also, Take a slice of fresh lemon and put it under the chair of a visiting friend, to ensure your friendship will last.
“Bless this meal I cook, Dear Goddess! Enchant it with Love, harmony, and Health. So mote it be.”
“Goddess of the hearth and home Habondia, Hertha, Hestia Warm my hearth with your love! Bless my meals That they may be Nutritious, enchanting, and Sumtuose. Blessed Be!”
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