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rip emily j garcia

the need answer for their brutal murder and rape of their daughter who was 3 months pregnant . it has been 16 years without any answers..........Now we get to the serious questions...about Emily's baby Emilio.

When we asked about the fetus and if it had been buried with Emily, we found out it wasn't. This is the first time I have ever heard of a pregnant woman being murdered and not burying them and their baby together. I was outraged and still am over this. You can bet that if it was their daughter, this wouldn't have turned out this way. So Emily was buried in a potter's grave and the fetus was kept in a jar for a year and then cremated. This is bullshit!!! How would you feel if the man that did the autopsy on your daughter told you that she was buried alone and your grand baby was put in a jar for a year and then cremated. It honestly makes me want to throw up I get so upset, and this is one question I will get answered even if I have to go to the media with it or to the governor again. Dr. Baryardo was very nice and helpful with us until I asked this question. He then replied that it was a law in Texas to keep the fetus for a year and then cremate it if there is no family that showed interest in it. Well, you already read where Sheila didn't even find out that the Jane Doe(NA) was her daughter Emily, so she just figured the baby was buried with her.NO!!!! Every time I think about it I can see this big glass jug with Emilio in it and Emily having to be buried alone. "A Jug" That sounds more like a class assignment instead of a "Human Being" That was totally disrespectful to Emily but it also was against their religion. I thought Sheila would just break when she heard this, instead it was me who just about broke down. We have read every law book we can find and there "IsNot" even the mention of a fetus being saved for a year and then cremated. We have asked guestions with several lawyers in several areas and none of them had even heard ofEmily's Murder Case Or This Texas Law that says that a fetus is kept in a jar for a year and then creamate ans just throw the ashes wherever. Just wait.....there's a lot more to this.Once Sheila and I calmed down a little bit, we asked if the baby's ashes had been kept where we could at least put them on Emily's grave. No!! They were just thrown out. Can you believe someone can be that crude in telling a grandmother that her first grandson was just cremated and thrown out???? Then we asked if they ran DNA on the ashes before throwing them away? No!! Dr. Bayardo said that he only does that if the police ask him to and they didn't. They also didn't ask for scrapings under the fingernails.Now we will never know for sure who the baby's father really was or if he may have had something to do with her murder.Not only did they Not run DNA, but there are no records showing that the fetus had been saved for a year or that the baby had been cremated. Now come on....we all know that you have to keep records of everything especially something as serious as murder, but there is None!!!! The only place that even mentions Emily's baby's name is on the autopsy report. Such disrespect and cruelty to tell a family all of this right after finding out that their daughter had been murdered.

We need your help in finding who murdered Emily Jeanette Garcia and her unborn son Emilio on February 25, 1993 in Canyon Lake, Texas. Emily was only 15 years old at the time of her murder and pregnant with a little boy. Emily had been reported missing from San Antonio, Texas on February 12, 1993, which was 13 days before she had been murdered and her body found. If anyone has any information about Emily, about the 13 days that she was missing before she was murdered, or about her murder,
Justice As A Journey
By Elizabeth Garcia
Published: August 10, 2011

The biggest question anyone in any difficult situation can ever ask themselves is, “Do I persevere against all odds, or do I cut my losses while I still have something to lose?” This question becomes magnified when it pertains to the death of a loved one, especially a child. Losing someone close to you is traumatic enough without having to calculate how long is long enough? How long is long enough to wait, to know, to hope? Recently, I had the misfortune of watching another family go through this and I began to realize how very long my family had been asking, and answering, that same question.
On July 27, 2011, my younger sister, Emily Jeanette Garcia, would have celebrated her 34th birthday. Her son, Emilio Garcia, would have been 17, the same age as my own son. However, they were both murdered on February 25, 1993, by assailants who have never been identified or apprehended. Emily was 15 years old. So instead of choosing just the right gift, or the right thing to wear for this anniversary, the choice is instead what to say? How to respond when faced with that ever-present question, “How long will Emily’s family have to wait, wonder, and hope for justice for Emily and her unborn child?”
For most who have never gone through such a thing, it may seem like nothing in this world could keep you from obtaining justice, or at least keeping the search going, for your child or loved one. However, this world is full of a great many things that will not only test your resolve, but flat out change your mind. There is a price to be paid for justice. It comes not only in the form of travel expenses and materials, but your very life. There is no way to calculate the amount of time I have not spent with my own son and husband because I was busy trying to locate the next foothold to propel me on my quest. I can never get back those hours spent searching for loopholes, evidence, and witnesses. In the pursuit of justice, your friends and relatives don’t want to be around you because you can’t stop talking about it. Your work suffers as you become angry and disillusioned. Your sex life suffers because you can never look at sex the same again. Every bit of joy is sucked from life as you come to see the mechanisms behind not just this one incident, but the entire systematic act of aggression against humanity itself: the senseless sale and slaughter of our human family for the purpose of financial gain. It is a slower process, but to walk this path, you must walk with the dead and in a sense die yourself.
After 18 years of walking that path I can say that I have indeed died, and been reborn. In this new incarnation I have come to see Emily’s murder, and indeed the rest of the world, from an esoteric perspective. I have been patronized, ignored, and accused by the police. I have been manipulated, misrepresented, and lied to by the media. I have been disappointed, confused, and horrified by the psychics. More than anything, though, I have been surprised, amazed, and awed by how pursuing my sister’s case has made me the person I have become.
On the Fourth of July my aunt posted the following to her FB feed: “Liberty and Justice for all? Liberty for murders, but no justice for victims?” To which I replied:
Liberty and justice are illusions, of the self and our separation from each other, when really none exists. There is no separation between murderers and their victims. They both share the malady that is our inherited culture. To heal the murderer is to vindicate the sacrifice of the victim.
And I meant every word of it. Justice is about punishment and prevention. I don’t need Emily’s murderers to be punished. I have lost all desire for retribution. Her death was not an isolated incident of violence. It was a very predictable conclusion to a life of suffering and humiliation at the hands of others. Therefore, if I continue to pursue justice it will not be punishment I seek, but prevention. Not for just that which ended her life, but for the very conditions of this world that made her life and death possible. I do not accept that this cycle of violence is an inevitable aspect of who we are. It is a byproduct of a misaligned society. From all that I have seen, I know it is preventable through the ways we choose to live, how we treat each other, especially our children, the media that we support, and the things we choose to fear. Emily’s case is a reflection of who we are and the world that we have built. It is something to learn from, to remember, and to prevent. So although Emily’s killers may never be caught, we will have justice as long as we keep pursuing it.
  This site is dedicated to the memory of Emily Jeanette Garcia and her unborn son Emilio. Here you will be able to read about Emily's life and her abduction, rape, and murder, along with the murder of her unborn son. Please take the time to check out all of the information on this site and see how one family is coping with the unsolved murder of their loved ones for 16 years with no answers and no justice. Hopefully by making Emily's story more public, we may finally get answers to the questions we have and maybe one day bring Emily's killer(s) to justice:Donna Besso Jan 1, 2008, 9:33pm EST It's been 14 years, Danny!! If anything, the show helped bring her murder back into the public eye. What I don't understand though, is how she went unidentified for a year in the same State she was missing from. Even in 1993 someone should have put things together. Her Mother reported her missing on 02/12/1993, the day she disappeared. Less than two weeks later a female shows up dead and no one thought to compare the two?? Why not?Law enforcement needs to relook at a man they questioned once. He is about two years older, dark hair and brown eyes. He is about 5'7" or 8", brawny to stocky. He thinks of himself as a tough guy warrior who talks about joining the military, but he doesn't have the guts to follow through. He has two tattoos. A military insigna on a shoulder or upper arm. There is also a dagger dripping blood piercing a heart in the middle of his lower back. He was questioned as an alibi wittness to the primiary suspect. He lied to cover himself, but the suspect thought he was being a good friend. The original suspect was cheating on his girlfriend. He went to school with the suspect and sometiimes work together. They are also cousins. I'm getting one of his names starts with "D". He has a violent flash temper that he tries to cover with humor. He attacked Emily to take from his cousin, because he is jealous. He feels that the cousin is taking his family thunder or pride. He also carries a knife in his left bootThe Unsolved Murder Of Emily J Garcia In TexasEmily J Garcia was pregnant when she was raped and killed on 02 12 1993 and they still have not caught her killer .http://theresayeary.tripod.com /
Memorial site in memory of Emily Jeanette Garcia and her unborn son who were murdered in Canyon Lake, Texas in 1993 and their killer has never been caught
This site is dedicated to the memory of Emily Jeanette Garcia and her unborn son Emilio. Here you will be able to read about Emily's life and her abduction, rape, and murder, along with the murder of her unborn son. Please take the time to check out all of the information on this site and see how one family is coping with the unsolved murder of their loved ones for 16 years with no answers and no justice. Hopefully by making Emily's story more public, we may finally get answers to the questions we have and maybe one day bring Emily's killer(s) to justice

The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty of the living to do so for themIn Loving Memory Of
Our Angels
Emily & Emilio Garcia
Forever loved, Never Forgotten

im sad for her family because she and her son wont ever get to live life , her and her sons lifes were taken away from them . her family has being waitng 16 years for answers

Pregnant Woman Found Dead


By: Gary P. Carroll

and Greg Mefford

Herald Zeitung


CANYON LAKE--Comal County law enforcement officers are trying to determine the identity of a pregnant woman whose nude body was found here Thursday.

The dark-haired woman, estimated to be approximately 19 to 25 years of age, was discovered at about 11:05 a.m. on north Cranes Mill Road, according to Detective Sgt. David Ott of the Comal County Sheriff's Office.

A county road crew dumping brush in the area found the body "laying up about 50 or 75 feet from the roadway",

Ott said.

The woman was tied up and a rope was found around her neck, Ott said.

The body was transported by Zoeller's Funeral Home to the Travis County Medical Examiner's Office for an autopsy.

Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace Howard "Curly" Smith said Friday the autopsy report revealed the cause of death as strangulation, but that the woman was tied up after her death.

Smith also said the autopsy revealed that the woman was three months pregnant.

Officials aren't certain how long the body had been at the site because of recent rains, but Chief Deputy Elwood Hoherz said investigators don't believe the homicide occurred at the scene. "It looked like overnight, but it probably had been within 48 hours," Ott said.

Ott said officials had no suspects in the case Thursday afternoon.

"At this point, we are still looking for the identity," Ott said.

Hoherz said officials were alerting other law enforcement departments of the details of the case.

"We've got an all-points teletype out to all departments to see if they've got a missing person. And we're taking fingerprints to see if she's been handled before," Hoherz said.

A special request will be made to the FBI for assistance in speeding up the identification process, Hoherz said.

"We don't have a lot to go on," Hoherz said.


Article in Canyon Lake Times Guardian Newspaper on Emily's Murder

The above article was from the Canyon Lake Times Guardian newspaper on Emily Garcia's Murder in 1993. This is what it says:

Canyon Lake

Times Guardian


Detectives Seek Lead To Identify Body

Found On Cranes Mill


Robert Stewart

Managing Editor

Wednesday, March 3, 1993


Investigators of the Comal County Sheriff's Office are looking for leads regarding the identity of a girl whose dead body was found nake Thursday on Cranes Mill Road, north, approximately 1 mile north of Farm to Market Road # 386, according to Chief Deputy Elwood Hoherz.

The body was found at 11:00 a.m. Thursday by a Comal County Road Department crew dumping brush at the location for future burial. The site is regularly used by the Road Department.

An autopsy ordered by Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace Howard "Curly" Smith was performed in Austin by the Travis County Medical Examiner Dr. Robert Byardo.

The autopsy revealed that the girl, originally believed to be about 25 years old, may be as young as 15 and that the cause of death was strangulation. She was three months pregnant at the time of her death, Smith said.

When discovered, the victims hands and feet were bound with 1/2 inch sash chord which was also around her neck, Smith said, meaning that she was apparantly bound after her death.

A dark bruise was visible on the girl's throat and scratches were found on her cheek and chin. She had dark brown hair and what appeared to be a small tattoo, possibly of the numeral "4" in the webbing of her left hand. The autopsy also revealed that she had been sexually assaulted, Smith said.

Smith estimated that the victim may have only been dead for eight hours when the body was discovered lying face-up under trees just a few feet from the roadway.

Evidence at the scene was minimal because of heavy rains, officials said.

Hoherz said that law enforcement agencies throughout the state had been notified by teletype to see if they have any missing persons. Fingerprint records have also been distributed.

Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 for information leading to arrests and grand jury indictments in felony cases. Call 800-648-3422 or 210-620-TIPS.




This banner was made by Teraisa Rogers of True Crime Fanatics about Emily's murder. Teraisa not only features Emily's case on her web site(True Crime Fanatics), but is also in the process of writing a book on Emily's murder, called "Once Upon A Jane Doe.", Justice For Emilly

The email address of tdontrich@socket.net has been changed to tdontrich@centurylink.net. To contact Emily's family, please send your email to the new email address.


This is the cover of the TV Guide in San Antonio, TX in November 2003 where they featured Emily's story. You can read the full story by clicking the link below:

Page 12-Kens 5 News Article On Emily Garcia

Below is the April issue of The Unsolved Crimes Billboard which featured Emily and her murder. You can read the full story by clicking on the link below.

Page 13-Unsolved Crimes Story That Featured Emily Garcia

This article was in the San Antonio Express News on February 26, 1993 concerning Emily Garcia's murder.

The article below is the article written a year after Emily Garcia's murder when her mother' friend got in touch with Sheila and told her that they had shown a tattoo and other things on this Jane Doe and she thought Sheila should check it out....and she was correct...It was Emily.

We need your help in finding who murdered Emily Jeanette Garcia and her unborn son Emilio on February 25, 1993 in Canyon Lake, Texas. Emily was only 15 years old at the time of her murder and pregnant with a little boy. Emily had been reported missing from San Antonio, Texas on February 12, 1993, which was 13 days before she had been murdered and her body found. If anyone has any information about Emily, about the 13 days that she was missing before she was murdered, or about her murder, please contact:

Comal County Sheriff's Office

Criminal Investigations Dept.

Det. Sgt. Tommy Ward

Phone # 830-620-3400


Case# 93-00164


Texas Rangers Unsolved Crimes Team

Sgt. Trampas Gooding

Phone # 830-303-4189


% Trampas Gooding


Emily's Family


Theresa Yeary-Dontrich(Emily's Aunt)

Phone # 573-762-2327

Email Address:




Sheila Smith-Ramirez(Emily's Mother)

Phone # 210-425-5536

Email Address:




Elizabeth Garcia(Emily's Sister)

Phone # 210-303-6379

Email Address:



Jake Garcia(Emily's Nephew)

Phone # 210-303-6379

Email Address:



Please help us find who murdered Emily Jeanette Garcia and her unborn son Emilio. It has been 17 years for our family since their murder and we need answers and justice.


The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty of the living to do so for them.



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Robert Stewart
Managing Editor
Wednesday, March 3, 1993

Investigators of the Comal County Sheriff's Office are looking for leads regarding the identity of a girl whose dead body was found nake Thursday on Cranes Mill Road, north, approximately 1 mile north of Farm to Market Road # 386, according to Chief Deputy Elwood Hoherz.
The body was found at 11:00 a.m. Thursday by a Comal County Road Department crew dumping brush at the location for future burial. The site is regularly used by the Road Department.
An autopsy ordered by Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace Howard "Curly" Smith was performed in Austin by the Travis County Medical Examiner Dr. Robert Byardo.
The autopsy revealed that the girl, originally believed to be about 25 years old, may be as young as 15 and that the cause of death was strangulation. She was three months pregnant at the time of her death, Smith said.
When discovered, the victims hands and feet were bound with 1/2 inch sash chord which was also around her neck, Smith said, meaning that she was apparantly bound after her death.
A dark bruise was visible on the girl's throat and scratches were found on her cheek and chin. She had dark brown hair and what appeared to be a small tattoo, possibly of the numeral "4" in the webbing of her left hand. The autopsy also revealed that she had been sexually assaulted, Smith said.
Smith estimated that the victim may have only been dead for eight hours when the body was discovered lying face-up under trees just a few feet from the roadway.
Evidence at the scene was minimal because of heavy rains, officials said.
Hoherz said that law enforcement agencies throughout the state had been notified by teletype to see if they have any missing persons. Fingerprint records have also been distributed.
Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 for information leading to arrests and grand jury indictments in felony cases. Call 800-648-3422 or 210-620-TIPS.

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