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Men and women are becoming increasingly conscious about their body weight. There are lots of ways to lose excessive fat from your body. Dieting and exercise were always the important parts to keep your body in shape but these are sometimes not and so people start going through surgical or non surgical treatments to accomplish the look they desire.

There are different Fat Removal Surgeries for different areas of the body like face or stomach in London.

Liposuction, an invasive type of treatment is one of the oldest and most popular treatments for fat removal. But after the treatment is done it takes long time to recover as it involves sucking fat out of your body where there is a lot of fat deposit with the help of a long tube called a cannula. As you need to insert some kind of device in your body for Fat Removal, these treatments are usually lengthy. But now after several advancements in liposuctions, a new treatment has been developed called Laser Lipo. This treatment is less invasive, safe and takes lesser time as compared to the traditional Liposuction Treatment.

Another procedure is Lap band procedure which is a safe and effective treatment for those men and women who are looking for significant weight loss in their body. This is the most popular treatment in which all you require to do is to place a band around your stomach so that the intake of your food is restricted. When the amount of food intake is controlled, the weight is automatically controlled and so significant weight loss is achieved by the body.

Gastric Bypass Surgery is another common surgical treatment which alters the digestive technique so that the food they intake bypasses the stomach and goes straight in to the tiny intestine. By doing this the calories intake of our body reduces and thus the weight reduces. So the undesirable fat is removed from our body.

Buccal Fat Removal is a treatment for removal of undesirable fat from your cheeks thereby making you look more stylish and fashionable. In this treatment the excess fat from your chin is removed and then it gives your face a pleasant oval shape which will make you look more stylish.

Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty is a well-liked cosmetic treatment for removal of excessive skin and fat from around your stomach area in London. Usually women after pregnancy go in for this treatment as the excess skin and fat after pregnancy is difficult to tighten.

About Skin Clinic: Harley Street Skin Clinic offers you best Fat Reduction Surgery in London. To know more about the procedures of Fat Removal, reviews and cost contact us at 020 7436 4441.

For More Details Please Visit Our Website: http://harleystreetskinclinic.com/

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Forget wrinkles and breasts, it seems tummies are now a top priority for Brits, and the fastest emerging trend in cosmetic surgery.

 According to the latest statistics enquiries for a Tummy Tuck – called abdominoplasty, - have escalated by 264% over the last six months.

 Despite a hefty price tags of around £5k. The surgery, which involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen, often means a recovery period of up to six months.

 Enquiries for Lipoaddominoplasty - which combines liposuction and abdominoplasty to remove the excess fat and loose skin of the abdomen and costs an average of £6,321, are also up 172% across the same period.

 One of the reasons for this huge increase can be attributed to the fact that figures for bariatric surgery in the UK – which can leave patients with excess skin after drastic weight loss – are also up by over 50 cent over the last 12 months.

 Most women never regain a completely flat stomach after pregnancy either. During pregnancy the abdominals have to stretch and lengthen and in some women they separate completely leaving a pouch of loose skin after birth which is resistant to diet and exercise.

 The stomach is also one area where time takes its toll and, and the older you are when either of these events happen, the more likely it is that collagen and elastic in the skin have also experienced some damage meaning the skin won’t snap back.   As we age the size of our stomachs also changes, particularly during our middle ages when oestrogen levels fall and fat is rerouted towards the midriff area.

We always prefer the non-surgical route but when the stomach is laden with lots of loose skin only surgery will do the trick and a great result can be life changing for many women with increased confidence, improved health, firmer muscles and am improved outline

 Here’ what you need to consider if you are thinking about surgery


 *Depending on how much fat and loose skin, the procedure involves two to three hour surgery and requires a general anaesthetic and one or two overnight stays in hospital.

 *Be warned, abdominal surgery is no walk in the park and comes with risks and an often-uncomfortable recovery. You’ll need at least a month to six weeks at home and full recovery can take from three to six months.

 *There will be considerable bruising and swelling after the operation which will fade after six weeks.

 *A compression garment will need to be worn for 24/7 for six weeks after the operation

 *Be aware there could be extensive scarring though this is often hidden near the pubic bone so hidden by underwear.

 *There are limitations as to what you can lift (including kids shopping and housework), so if you are considering surgery you need to make sure you’ll have adequate help around the house.

 *It is an expensive procedure but we advise not going abroad for cut price deals .The procedures abroad may be cheaper, but there is a huge price to pay if you get it wrong and aftercare is crucial with this type of surgery.

 *It is vital that you are also aware of the risks. If you are fully informed about things that could possibly go wrong you can be better prepared. 

 *Never be rushed into making a decision. Take your time and don't let yourself be pressured by offers or price.

 *Make sure your practitioner is not only qualified, but also well experienced. Ideally you want a surgeon who has performed the same treatment many, many times, and is happy to answer any question you might have



 Just as not all bodies are the same so a tuck is not a one type fits all procedure. Depending on the extent of the problem there are many types of Tummy Tucks, from a mini-tummy tuck that just focuses on the lower tummy with a small incision, to a traditional tummy tuck that requires a larger scar across the front of the body (but below the bikini line). Some tummy tuck procedures can also address love handles or excess skin and fat on the upper abdomen

 1. Standard Tummy Tuck:

 Your surgeon will make a long incision on the abdomen (just above the pubic area). In some cases there will be another cut which involves the belly button being removed from the surrounding skin – but you will be clear of this upon consultation. The surgeon will then tuck and tighten your muscles and stitch them into place. From here, any excess fat will be removed, skin will be pulled down and your belly button will be repositioned correctly.

Incisions are closed with stitches and your lower abdomen is strapped with bandages. There is likely to be scarring on your abdomen, above your pubic area, after the operation, hopefully underwear conceals the scar – although this isn’t always possible.

 2. Mini Tummy Tuck:

 Any excess skin and fat from below your belly button is removed. Your belly button is not removed from surrounding skin, but you are likely to be left with scarring on the abdomen above the pubic area.

 3. Extended Tummy Tuck:

 This method involves excess skin and fat being removed from your lower back, as well as the abdomen. Again, there is likely to be scarring on the abdomen above your pubic area and on your lower back

 4. Lipoaddominoplasty

 Developed in Brazil, lipo abdominoplasty targets all the major problems: extra skin, fat and loose muscle. This variation of the tummy tuck uses more liposuction and less skin lifting.

 About Skin Clinic: Harley Street Skin Clinic provides many skin, face and body related treatments in London. Contact us at 020 7436 4441.

 For More Details Please Visit Our Website: http://harleystreetskinclinic.com/

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Obesity is one of the most common health hazard seen by UK. Blame it on wayward lifestyle, bad food habits, lack of time to cook food at home or overwhelming options of fast food at every step, weight gain has become common these days. It’s given rise to numerous health clubs, gymnasiums, different companies offering weight loss pills, gels etc. But all these options have temporary effects. There are conditions where a fat person is left with no choice other than going under the knife. This means that losing weight by surgeries. These procedures are collectively called Bariatric Surgery. With all leading hospitals dedicating a complete department for it, bariatric surgery in India has become a popular medical field.

In Bariatric Surgery London, gastronomical tract is modified so that it does not absorb or take nutrients to its full capacity. Removing layers of fat is not a permanent solution of obesity. Special care is taken for people because various related diseases and disorders can come with it. However, good sign is people are now exposed to its ill effects and its burning example is increasingly people opting for Bariatric Surgery in London itself.

The infrastructure of the clinics in London is so good that patients come from different parts of the world to cure their morbid obesity. The consultants as well as related specialists of obesity and metabolic surgery procedures of these institutes are so well trained that they yield better results than their international counterparts. This is the reason that medical tourism is increasing which in turn is enhancing London's position in world's health map and simultaneously, contributing to country's foreign exchange.

About Skin Clinic: Harley Street Skin Clinic offers you best Bariatric Surgery in London for fat reduction. To know more about the procedures of Bariatric Surgery Treatment, reviews and cost contact us at 020 7436 4441.

For More Details Please Visit Our Website: http://harleystreetskinclinic.com/

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If you are currently looking toimprove your body and remove cellulitefrom your body safely, you should think about undergoing a Cellulite Treatment in London. Such treatments are offered by licensed dermatologists and health professionals, with most procedures completed in different stages at a safe registered clinic. There are several ways to get rid of cellulite. You do have choices as to what Cellulite Treatment in London you would like to undergo. You can select from Mesotherapy, Lipo Dissolve or liposuction, among others. These are the categories of cellulite treatments that are popular today in London. And all of them are known to be effective. Liposuction is regarded as a Surgical Cellulite Treatment. You will be placed under either local or general anaestheticduring the whole procedure. Fats cells will be drained off your body with the use of a long, narrow tube. Liposuction is one of the first anti cellulite treatment procedures ever created. However, newer and safer methods have been developed soon. One good example of a much safer Cellulite Treatment method is Mesotherapy. This procedure is being practiced all over the world now and is currently enjoying the reputation of being one of the best Cellulite Treatments in London. It is because this procedure is not as intrusive as liposuction but is equally effective. In a Mesotherapy session, cellulite-dissolving substances are injected in the areas affected. They work by melting all the fat cells away. The cellulite and unsightly area would shrink down and you'll have an amazingly toned body. Lipo Dissolve is a new cellulite treatment procedure in London. It is similar to Mesotherapy, as it also requires substances to be injected into the affected areas of the body. However, Lipo Dissolve works much deeper inside the skin than Mesotherapy. The substances used are also more potent. Now if you need to eliminate all the cellulite away, think about these recommended treatment methods. At least one would be affordable and could work for you. Think about which cellulite treatment you would like to undergo and ask your dermatologist about it. Once you become confident with the procedure you can continue. Looking slimmer and better is much simpler now, with the right therapy. Cellulite can be eradicated in a few sessions. So if you want to improve your look, then go ahead and schedule a visit with a licensed practitioner offering cellulite treatment options. And you can forget about your cellulite forever. About Skin Clinic: Harley Street Skin Clinic offers you best Cellulite Treatments in London. To know more about the procedures of cellulite treatments, reviews and cost contact us at 020 7436 4441. For More Details Please Visit Our Website: http://harleystreetskinclinic.com/ Follow: Twitter | Facebook | Google+
Every woman desires slim and shapely arms. Sometimes, dieting and exercise fail to offer the results you are looking for, when the issue is excessive skin, and that is when you ought to think about liposuction. The advancements in cosmetic surgery expertise now offer lots of options that are safe, effective, minimally-invasive and superior to conventional liposuction methods. Knowing how Arm Liposuction is performed using different technologies is important before you go in for the surgery in London. Advanced Technology for Performing Upper Arm Liposuction Arm Liposuction London eliminates excessive fat and skin to give you slim, shapely and smooth arms. The plastic surgeon makes a small incision near the elbow or armpit crease. A cannula delivering laser, radio frequency or ultrasound energy is inserted into the area to liquefy the excess fat which is then suctioned out. Your surgeon will choose one of the minimally invasive techniques obtainable will work best for you. • SmartLipo Triplex: Featuring three laser wavelengths − 1064nm, 1320nm and 1440nm − in one workstation, the use of this device ensures fast and relatively pain-free fat extraction. The laser energy liquefies the fat, coagulates the blood vessels and tightens the skin. • BodyTite: Utilizing radio frequency technology, BodyTite London targets only the unwanted fat cells through an incision in an inconspicuous location, while leaving other tissues unharmed. It is gentle, safe and precise. • VASER Lipo: VASER uses ultrasound technology to liquefy the excessive fat in your upper arms. A technique called Liposuction allows the surgeon to target specific areas and so it works well for liposuction of the arms. This third-generation ultrasound-assisted liposuction technology offers a choice of probes, diameters and groove patterns to effectively tackle both small and large amounts of fat. Moreover, energy delivery can be controlled to treat soft, fibrous, or medium tissue. All these novel Cosmetic Surgery techniques are office procedures that can be performed under local anaesthesia. They are safe andensure fast treatment, minimal tissue trauma and bleeding and fast recovery. They enable high-definition upper arm contouring with the least side-effects. Schedule an Arm Lipo Consultation Now that you know the way arm liposuction is performed, the next step is to locate the right plastic surgeon. Make sure the physician is qualified and experienced in this type of Liposuction in London. A reliable surgeon will examine you and recommend the process that will offer the best leads to your case. Stunning arms are within your reach - make the right decision! Contact us for Liposuction Treatment at 020 7436 4441. For More Details Please Visit Our Website: http://harleystreetskinclinic.com/ Follow: Twitter | Facebook | Google+

The surgical removal of fat with the help of radio-frequency is not something new, but there has been a breakthrough in this sort of surgery and the result of which is BodyTite, which is a new Skin Tightening Procedure. This can and will help many people in London. UK is a moderately rich country depending on the angle you require to make use of but UK is the fattest country in the world.

BodyTite is Spectacular for Skin Tightening

BodyTite is based on radio-frequency assistance that has progressed through these years. BodyTite is compatible for both men and women. BodyTite combines Body Sculpting & Skin Tightening, since when fat is removed from the body then the skin tends to become loose in those places. BodyTite ends in less patient downtime and offers the surgeons more control over the surgery in London.

All the Bases are covered

Radio-frequency is of the non-invasive Skin Tightening and Liposuction techniques that have been used for a few years now. Any other kind of liposuction would permit the skin stay loose in those places from where the fat has been removed, but this liposuction method takes care of those bumps, wrinkles and loose skin. The high frequency energy used in this method has a dual function in rupturing the fat cells and stimulating the collagen production in the skin to increase skin tightening. The body temperature is always monitored in these kinds of procedures so that they do not lead to any kind of side effects or accidents like burning or scarring.

Virtually any part of the body can be treated with BodyTite. The procedure can be performed under local anaesthesia in the surgical facility on an outpatient basis. It is safe, quick and virtually painless. An expert and experienced plastic surgeon in London can give you brilliant and lasting results.

 About Skin Clinic: Harley Street Skin Clinic can offer you with lots of health benefits. Before thinking about surgical procedure, it is better to know about liposuction treatment in Harley Street London. Undergoing each method will deliver lots of benefits. Contact us for BodyTite Treatment at 020 7436 4441.

For More Details Please Visit Our Website: http://harleystreetskinclinic.com/

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Choosing the best Doctor for a Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery is an important part of good decision making when you have selected to pursue this cosmetic surgery in London. There are doctors that are highly expert and trained in Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery and have many years of experience perfecting their skills. You definitely want to have a doctor that has performed buttocks augmentation with consistently good results for his patients. A good doctor will provide a consultation where you will be examined and will discuss the procedure with you. Also he or she will explain the aftercare and the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.

 Everyone dreams of having a naturally stunning and pretty body. Due to the advancement of technology, this desperate desire can now be achieved faster and safely with the help of cosmetic surgery. Buttocks Augmentation London is one of the body sculpting procedures that is popular among many females. The most effective way this is accomplished is through the Brazilian Butt Lift. And like any medical operation or treatment, you must have the best doctor available to you so as to be definite risk free and ideal buttocks augmentation.

 You must look for a doctor who is a professional in this surgery and has experience. As the Brazilian Butt Lift employs a transfer of fat from a part of your body to your buttocks, your attending physician should be a professional, otherwise the fat will only be flushed out of your body if wrongly administered, or it may become a cause of other health issues.

 Furthermore, you must do some research regarding the procedure and read some of the reviews that former clients have given for each of the doctors you have decided to put on your list. Try to take out some time to make an appointment and meeting the doctor can help you feel at ease. This will also make you aware of the things that you would require to do and expect before and after the procedure is done. This will help in answering most of your queries regarding the operation.

 About Skin Clinic: Harley Street Skin Clinic provides Brazilian Butt Lift which results in youthful, prominent, perky buttocks and a more sensual body profile. Contact us at 020 7436 4441.

 For More Details Please Visit Our Website: http://harleystreetskinclinic.com/

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Often, getting rid of excess skin and fat and maintaining a shapely body contour seems impossible, even with a healthy and active lifestyle, as well as a balanced diet. While traditional liposuction can remove additional body fat, it does not tighten the loose skin that might be the result of weight loss, pregnancy or the loss of skin elasticity with age. It is here that BodyTite can work wonders, eliminating excess fat and tightening skin simultaneously as its advanced RFAL, or Radio Frequency Assisted Liposuction know-how. BodyTite Skin Tightening is achieving increased popularity in UK, and there are reputable plastic surgeons offering the procedure throughout important locations, including London.

 A New and Advanced Liposuction Procedure

BodyTite Skin Tightening procedure is known for its instant and long-lasting effects. It is the first liposuction tool to make use of radio frequency energy to emulsify fat. The technique does not involve much pain, which accounts for its popularity. The tool has a sensor that provides a correct skin temperature reading; this aids the clinicians to maintain an ideal temperature and provide uniform treatment.

 BodyTite Liposuction Ensures an Improved Body Contour

Better than traditional liposuction, BodyTite RFAL tool gives you an improved body contour. Abdomen, inner & outer thighs, upper arms, buttocks, hips and neck virtually any area can be treated with this tool. The procedure can last one to two hours but it is also depended on the area treated, and it can perform under local anaesthesia. Normal activities can be resumed soon after the treatment. BodyTite Liposuction can eliminate the necessity for a tummy tuck in some cases.

 Approach Only a Qualified Plastic Surgeon

Scheduling your consultation with the surgeon could be the most important step when deciding to undergo this procedure. Find established cosmetic surgery centres offering BodyTite Skin Tightening London; more importantly, find a plastic surgeon that is board certified and has adequate experience in this procedure. Plastic surgeons in London will work closely with you to generate the desired results. Taking in to consideration your concerns and goals, the surgeon will personalize a treatment plan. After your surgery, the doctor will provide detailed instructions on post-surgery care.

About Skin Clinic: Harley Street Skin Clinic provides BodyTite Surgery can help you remove fat, tighten skin and remove cellulite. Contact us at 020 7436 4441.

For More Details Please Visit Our Website: http://harleystreetskinclinic.com/

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There are several procedures that work effective in reducing acne scars. Every technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. Various treatments need to be combined for generating smooth looking skin. Among those dermal fillers is the most popular. There are several types of dermal fillers for treating acne scars and individuals who need to think about this process should know about its fundamentals.

 For Acne Scarring Treatment, Injectable Dermal Fillers are probably injected into the areas where your acne scars appear to raise the surface area of the skin. The parts in the filler help to raise the depressed portion of the skin surface. It can be non-surgical and a basic procedure that can help to improve your skin texture. Injectable Dermal Fillers is effective for individuals who are affected with acne breakouts that can lead to scarring. Some filler injections contain anti-acne parts that restrict your body from future acne breakouts.

 Before undergoing the procedure, it is common for people to know what these dermal filler are made up of. The first kind of dermal fillers is named bovine fillers containing collagen. These fillers are not that much popular these days. Bovine fillers work effective for fine wrinkles and little lines, but they cannot give long-term benefits and additionally they cause allergic reaction for plenty of people.

 Nowadays, bovine fillers are made up of hyaluronic acid, which produces naturally in human bodies and it can basically combines with water. The results of the filler are much effective and continue for much longer period. Individuals who get dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid receive a softer and far more natural look after the treatment. This type of injections appeals to both doctor and patient as they can be basically corrected or adjusted.

 The disadvantage of Injectable Dermal Filler is as the time passes, the parts in the fillers will be dissolved in our body technique and it needs repeated injections from time to time. Also you will notice some redness and swelling at the treated area for few days after the treatment.

 Prior to deciding to undergo dermal fillers to reduce acne scarring, you should consult a reliable Dermatologist in London. Not all types of scars and skin can benefit from this treatment. So it is better to make sure together with your doctor before undergoing.

 About Skin Clinic: Harley Street Skin Clinic provides instantly rejuvenated with Dermal Filler Treatments. Enhance and improve your confidence today. Contact us at 020 7436 4441.

 For More Details Please Visit Our Website: http://harleystreetskinclinic.com/

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If you would like to feel better about yourself and always had the desire for perkier, fuller breasts then you should think about having a breast enlargement. No matter the type of occupation you may currently have, it is possible for you to improve your self-confidence so that you can feel better about yourself and hold your head up high.

 Psychological Improvements

 Many women are born with naturally ideal breasts - large cup size and much firmness. However, many of us need Breast Enlargement in order to look and feel normal.

 Larger breasts not only enhance your physical appearance, but can eliminate any self-esteem issues that you may be experiencing. Whether your clothes don't fit right or you are constantly avoiding the acquisition of plunging necklines and body-hugging shirts, it is possible for you to improve your psychological well-being.

 Physical Improvements

 After a Breast Enlargement in London, a woman will experience several positive benefits which include:


  • Elimination of expensive undergarments- There will be no need for wire and push-up bras which is an expense that can be quickly eliminated. You also won't have to deal with the unnatural look of these types of undergarments.


  • Elimination of expensive procedures- Breast enlargement in London will let you avoid the use of ineffective lotions, exercises and other processes that basically do not work. Spending your money on fruitless endeavours is seldom a good suggestion.


  • Elimination of intimate deficiencies- One of the most essential physical improvements that women will experience is enhanced physical intimacy with their partner; since a woman no longer has to feel inadequate about her appearance and can fully enjoy intimate relationships.

About Company: Harley Street Skin Clinic provides Breast Reduction Surgery in London by removing some of the breast tissue. Contact us at 020 7436 4441.

For More Details Please Visit Our Website: http://harleystreetskinclinic.com/ 

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