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Just Need To Vent

So apparently my so called brother's side chick was bitchin about shit I was playing at the club over the weekend. Instead of coming to me or my brother she bitches to the owners who then yell at us. Seriously? If you cant keep your side chick under control she needs to not come to the club and everything cause im sorry i was playing what I was told to fucking play. And if you have a problem with the damn music go to the DJ not the owners. The owners have no say on what songs are played. She only wants to bitch when Im playing music because shes got beef with me. So guess what bitch, you're number's up sweetheart.

Dare I Say Someday?

Someday I`ll Sleep eternal sleep 
Someday I`ll live a dream 
Someday the night surround me 
And in my mind`s eye gleam 
Someday I`ll sink into his arms 
Someday he`ll hold me true 
Someday I`ll walk in colored lands 
Where all the skies are blue 
Someday he`ll pluck me from this world 
Someday he`ll take me home 
Someday the cost of living 
Will be worth the road I roam 
Someday he`ll set me free 
And he`ll wrap me tight in his embrace 
Then all there`ll be is me

Silence Rings

Silence rings within my ears. 
A hollow echoing in four chambers, 
of my weary heart. 
A fiery chill invades my soul. 
Numbs my spine and frosted skull. 
My hold loose grasped upon this world. 
My grip even now 
begins to lose its strength. 
All the world is changing. 
I watch through tearless eyes, 
As I abide the rising tide. 
Ever struggling not to get wet. 
I with careful scrutiny, 
survey the coming change. 
Disinterested in the change itself. 
I only watch the progress, 
looking for an open spot, 
that I may use to jump back in again. 
I cannot hide forever.

Shattered Dreams

Looking back on what lies behind 

 Answers I looked for but never did find 

Dreams I pursued only to lose my glory 

Yes my life became a different story 

All through my past I have known sorrow 

Always fought a way towards tomorrow 

Never gave up the legacy I did uphold 

No matter how many lies they told 

Always was there to do my part 

And oh yes I did work hard 

To become the person I wished to be 

Just an illusion I now can see 

Because I was there when they needed a friend 

May they now wonder where I went 

No longer there to wipe away their tears 

Cause now I face my very own fears 

And as I reach out, no one's there 

I'm searching my smile, but don't know where 

After all those years, now it seems 

I stand alone.....with shattered dreams

My Life

I sit here and think

why do i have to sink

always seen as the disgraced

my mind is just misplaced.

I sit here and stare

the blood is dripping so beware

my heart is pounding fast

as i think about the past

Blood is surrounding me

how can this be?

I blink and look

Was it all just in the book?

No blood

emotions are a flood.

I'd like to welcome you to my life.

Another Poem

Heres another poem i wrote a few years ago:


Everyday I scream 
I scream because you leave 

Everyday I cry 
I cry because of the pain he caused 

Everyday I dream 
Dream of what? 
I dream everything is nothing but an illusion 

Everyday I die 
I die because of my hunger for your love


So i've been thinking about starting back up with my poetry....dunno if i should or not though because it shows a more indepth sight of me and my mind. Not all of my poems Rhyme. heres a little example of one of my poems: 

Not Really Me

Those who see me stop and stare 
'Who is she' they think and ponder 
They only see the outside me not inside 
I'm not the innocent girl they think me to be 
I've changed over the years 
I'm not the little girl who used to be scared 
I've become stronger, physically and mentally 
I'm not really me 
I've been hurt; Ive become stronger 
I've been in fights; I've become tougher 
I've been loved; L've become happier 
I've been lonely; I've become independant 
I've been on my own; I've become a survivor 
So now you see 
I'm a totally new me 

Crazy week ahead.

So yesterday we started little one on her growth hormone injections. We are looking at her being on these injections until she is around 18..... School is hectic.....life is just hectic in general.......

In Love or am I?

Ok so i am dating this guy who is about to go into the navy. I live with him and everything. I feel as if im floating on the clouds when im around him. I mean, he is a good guy and all but i dont know if i can handle him being gone all the time. I've told him i loved him and he said it back. but what if things change while he is gone over seas and everything with the navy? We also talked about getting married and everything but what if when he gets back or while he is gone things are totally different between us? What am I to do? He is only 19 years old and i am 20. is this a big mistake or is it meant to be?

Hate this shit

I hate being sick. Everyone has the flu and now im getting it. I rarely get sick and when i do im usually down with it for a week or more. How fun is this shit? I hate it
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9 years ago
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